Episode 217

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A/N This is one of the longest epiodes in this stoty.
Usopp Nmai: We won! We won!
Chopper: I'm begging you please pick me this time!
Sanji: Looks like it all worked out.
Zoro: Seems so.
Tom: So what do you want Straw Har Luffy? Bandana Scarf Stella?
Stella: Come one Chopper, get over here!
[Sobbing husetrically] he hugs Stella tight.
Porche: I'll miss you, Choppy!
Chopper: I was so scared! I'm so happy you guys won!
Stella: Are you kidding? Buncha Suckers like that could never beat our crew!
Tom: I'd say this match ends in a draw!
Foxy: Hold it! Any captain worth his/her weight in seaweed knows. That there are no "draws" in the pirate world! It's plunder or be plundered! You won't let it end like this, will you?
Stell and Luffy stand up
Usopp: Wait is he saying what I think he is?
Foxy: Come how about another three-coin game to decide which one of us is really the best?
Usopp: Yeah. Like we'd agree to that. After all the cheating,
Nmai: You'd have to be an idiot to go for another round
[Gunshot bang]
Both: Oh, no. Oh no
Luffy was the one who did it.
Luffy: You're on, Split Head! Hahaha!
Nami, Usopp, and Stella hit him that time.
Three: What if we lose Chopper again or worse yet? They all beat him hard he was busted up.
Luffy: Okay, this is the last time. I won't do it again, I promise.
Chopper: You're kidding. I don't know if I have any tears left to cry.
Zoro: He already agreed, so it's not like we can back out now.
Robin: I doubt he would go to the trouble if he didn't have something in mind.
Sanji: Eh, I wouldn't be so sure about that. Well, unless he's thinking he can nab us a shipwright from Foxy's crew.
The two games that are being skipped are Dodgeball and Redlight. They lost both Robin and Chopper this time because Luffy lost the Dogeball game and Zoro helped the Foxy crew by accident while playing ReLightht Green Light.
Stella: let's make this interesting. Seeing how I'll be fighting you in the last game. If you win the first two games I wear whatever you want me to while fighting you.
Straw Hat: What!!!
Sanji: Stella-sama you can't mean that
Foxy: Deal.
Damn, I wonder what Outfit would she be wearing.
Zoro: what happened? Is it over? Is it over?
Nami: You're the one who ended it, you idiot!
Chopper: And you totally ruined everything for us!
Usopp: This is all your fault, Zoro!
Stella: That's all right. It doesn't matter. I'm up next. One of your captains is gonna win their crew back, no problem.
Foxy: laughs. Haven't you forgotten an important little fact, Bandaamna Scarf? That was your second loss in addition to Nico Robin, you are about to lose one more member of your crew! On top of that, you can only win back one crew member per event! Therefore, even in the slimmest, most inconvenient chance that you win the next round.
Luffy: Come on. Get on the point, Split-Head.
He falls down
Robin: What he's trying to say, Captain, is that there is only one more remaining. So even if Stella wins it, you guys can only take one person.
Luffy: Huh
Foxy: so no matter what does or doesn't happen in the next round, the fact remains, you've already lost one of your crewmates forever! Laughs
Tom: Tha battle has ended and you know what that means! Time to choose your bounty!
Foxy chose Chopper. Tough luck, but you should have seen this one coming.
Porche: I missed you, Choppy! Don't you ever leave me again!
Chopper jumps to Robin's arms.
Wah! Robin!
Robin: We'll work something out, Doctor. Don't cry. She smiles at Porche. She turns
Usopp: Hey, we're kind of running out of options here.
Nmai; How are you gonna get us out of this?
Luffy: I got this under control. We'll have a third Davy Fightn and win all three rounds
Foxy: Now you wanna go for three? I don't think so, let me ask you a question, boy. Do you know why the Foxy Pirates are the strongest of the strong, the best of the beat?
Zoro: You really think you're the best, huh?
Usopp: Then why did you lose to us twice?
Foxy: You're splitting hairs here. Come on...Listen... You're asking for a third fight in a row, but we had five three-coin games with the Fang Frog Pirates Today before we even ran into your saps. Now, I don't like to back down from a challenge, but my crew is spent. They're tired. They're injured. They've been giving it their best all day long. Beg us for a third match all you want, but I'd be a fool to put my crew at risk like that. Being the best there is takes more than just strength. You have to know when it's time to keep fighting and when it's time to quit and call it a day! Laughs.
All: Uh.
Foxy: Uh...What? So impressed you don't know what to say?
Zoro: You gotta be kidding me. First, you brag about how strong you are, then we're supposed to feel sorry for you.
Sanji: Poor Foxy! He's so strong he had to cheat to win!
Stella: That was the dumbest thing I heard from you all day. You don't think we're tired but you're the one who begged us to fight against you even after we won fair and square.
Usopp: It's not his fault he challenged us! Even if we end up winning the final round, what should we do? It's not like we can get Chopper and Robin back! How can we choose? And what if we have to leave both of them with those losers?
Stella: We're not leaving anyone behind! We'll make it happen somehow!
Sanji: "Somehow" isn't good enough. We need a plan.
Zoro: I'm getting sick of dealing with those guys. How about I just chop them up instead?
Usopp: I don't like them either, but let's try to keep the bloodshed to a minimum, okay?
Nami: Hey, Boss, I have a little Proposition for you.
Foxy: Huh?
Nami: Instead of one person let's bet six this time.
Usopp: Are you crazy, we've already lost two.
Sanji: Wait it's all right, let her handle this.
Foxy: Go on, I'm all ears.
Nami: The point of the game is to take the crew members you want from the other teams, right? Well, we want Robin and Chopper and if we can't have them both then there's no point in us helping a crew at all.
Foxy: Huh?
Nami: In fact, you don't even need to risk six of your crewmates we'll put everything on the line just for those two. In other words, if you beat us you get the rest of your crew, all Six members, in one shot. What do you say? Sounds like a pretty good deal if you ask me.
Foxy Mind: This girl has some serious guts to try and bargain with me. She might make a good crew member. And those two are some of the strongest fighters I've seen. Even their sniper seems to have some useful tools at his disposal. And their captain, well, his 100 million Berry bounty speaks for itself. And His Sister I definitely wouldn't mind having her by my side closer than They can imagine. Yes! You have a deal! But what's the fun in betting only two crewmates? Make it Five hundred. That's right. Five hundred of my men. In addition to the two asked for.
Nmai: Uh, you sure about that?
Tom: Our boss is throwing down the gauntlet with his "Dreaded 500 Men Bet"! Well, Straw Hat Luffy, what do you say?
Luffy: What would we do with 500 people? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!
[Sanji and Usopp] Shut up!
Usopp: Don't ruin this for us when he always agreed to the important part
Luffy: But we couldn't fit 500 people on the Merry if we tried!
Sanji: It doesn't matter if it's 5 people or 500 people as long as we're able to get Robin and Chopper back!
Luffy: Oh right.
Foxy: So, do you accept?
Luffy: Yeah, you bet I do
Tom: By the way, since your team doesn't actually have 500 members to bet, you will have to pay us with your descendants if you lose the match. In other words, not only you but your Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and whatever else it takes to make up 500 people will swear their loyalty to the Foxy Pirates and join our crew!
Stella: Our Children, too!?
Child with orange hair who looks like Nami
Hi, Daddy!
Sanji: Aw! Come here. Sweetie!
Usopp: I dunno about this, you guys it's kind of a weird deal, don't you think?
Nami: It's too late to be getting cold feet now. And besides, it doesn't matter as long as we win! Give it a hundred percent, Stella!
Stella: Yeah! Leave it to me!
Foxy: Laughs. I hate to burst your bubble there rubber boy, but just a fair warning. Nobody had ever been able to beat me in the combat round. You may be captain now, but you'll be swabbing my decks soon!
Stella: Oh you don't think you can beat me in a fight?
Foxy: Maybe so, and maybe not. But
You'll be wearing something I'll find interesting.
Stella and Foxy span a Cannoan. To select their fighting place.
The cannon went to Foxy's ship
Usopp: The match hasn't even started yet and you guys are cheating already?
Tom says the rules.
They were a festival
Chopper was scared that Stella wasn't going to win and they were all going to be with Foxy Bur Robin reassured him that Stella would win.
A man led Stella and Usopp to a dressing room.
Stella: What's all that stuff?
Foxy Crew A: This is the dressing room. You gotta wear boxing gloves, but pretty much anything else goes.
Stella: This is okay.
Usopp: Ah... This place seems more like a costume shop than a dressing room y'know?
Foxy Crew A: Foxy has already picked your outfit in the closet.
Usopp: I'll wait outside and come back when you're done
Stella: Thank you Usopp.
Tom: That cannon means the preparations are complete, For the opening entertainment could please leave the stage? Thank you. And now it's time for the main event! The fighters are in place and the bell is ready to sound! [Crowd cheeras]
Robin: Now that's odd. It's cloudy all of a sudden.
The Cloud had The wanted Poster Of Stella and Foxy
Sanji: Nami! I'm back! Where are you? Zoro puts his foot out
Zoro: Only got one bucket of popcorn? Hope you plan to share.
Tom: Today we have a real treat, ladies and gentlemen. A Captain Versus Captain showdown!
[Crowd cheers]
Sanji: You did that on purpose!
Zoro: Better get your eyes checked!
Tom: First, in the left corner, we have our reigning Davy Back Champion. A man among men who never turns down a challenge and boasts a legendary combat record of 920 wins and zero losses! Our one and only boss the sliver Fox, Foxy!
He was shirtless.
A loud scream cand be heard from the boat.
Chopper: Who was that.
Sanji: Didn't you hear it in the voice it was my beloved Stella. I hope she is okay.
Usopp was the first one in the room
Usopp: Where is the danger. He saw Stella in a towel.
Are you okay.
Stlella: I'm not. He doesn't expect me to wear that does he.
Usopp looks at the outfit his face was red.
Foxy Crew A: What's going on.
Stella: Tell your stpuid captain that I'm not wearing that
Usopp: Yes what is wrong with you.
Foxy Crew A: it was her words that she would wear anything if you don't wear that then you will automtically lose the fight. He leaves.
Stella fell to her knees.
Everyone going to be looking at me.
Usopp: Hey. I's going to be okay. Look at me.
Stella does
Usopp: If I could I would take your place. Stella it doesn't matter what outfit as long as you have the right people supporting you. Which is us. You're only going to fight him once and then it will be over.
Stella: I guess. One fight and We'll have Robin and Chopper back.
Usopp: Yes. So are you ready to fight against the worst captain.
Stella: Thank you Usopp. I think I am
Usopp leaves for her to change
Stella had her chosen Outfit.
They were walking. Stella had a clock on her
Usopp: Diso Voice You listen up, Stella. And you listen up good. Your ain't your old self no more. You put that boy to bed. And now you've gone and woken up a man, just like that outfit you woken up your wild side. Snice the dawn of time man has wondered if the champion maks the outfit, or if the outfit makes tge champion. But that's a question even moder science can't answer. Now listen... with that outfit on your body, your fist are weapons of nass destruction.
Man: Bandana Scarf too scared to come out! I bet she ran away!
Stella: All right Usopp. Let's rock.
Both: Oh yeah!
Tom: And in the right corner, our challenger Hailing from the East Blue
With a tiny crew of only eight and a massive 105 million berry bounty.
The mestory Wonder they call Bandana Scarf, "Stella!
Foxy was smiling
Stella took off her cloak revealing her outfit

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