Episode 164

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Wiper: Gan Fall, the former God went into Upper Yard. I doubt Enel will leave him alone.
Man: Is Gan Fall trying to fight Enel?
Man 2: No way... it's hard to think that he'd be that determined.
Aisa runs in scared.
Laki: What's the matter Aisa?
Aisa: Two voices disappeared.
Laki: What'd you say?
Wiper: is that your mantra?
Aisa: Yeah... Just now...
He looks at her
Your mantra is saying so, Aisa? You can't hear two Voices anymore... Is that true?
She nods.
Laki: There's no mistake about it. You all know that since she was born, she could use her mantra, a mysterious power, which enables her to sense people from even far away. So you can't hear two people's voices anymore?
Aisa: Yes, they disappeared around the same time... I think Gan Fall and one of those priests...
Man: Killed each other simultaneously? Well done, old man.
Man 2: Now there are three priests left.
Wiper: This works in my favor. Looks like Heaven has answered our prayers. This is our chance to crush the priests. He walks.
Man: Yeah!
Wiper: We'll launch a full-scale attack on Upper Yard immediately!
All: Yeah
Aisa held onto Laki
Laki: You've never been comfortable around Wiper, have you? Now out of my way.  She walks away.
Aisa: Hey, Laki,wait
Laki: What is it?
Asia: The priest wasn't defeated by Gan Fall. There were other people there, and they did it.
Laki: Other people. You mean people who entered Skypiea?
Aisa: I don't know, but they're definitely scary So... be careful.
Laki: Okay.... Aisa, give me your bag
Aisa: What? No! This is my secret bag and I have my treasure in it!
Laki: I know. I'll get some more for you, too.
Aisa: Really?
Laki: Yeah.
Sanji: He's finally stopped his blabbering. Bastard! Mockin' us with a bunch of stupid tricks...
Luffy: What's with these guys? How did he know our attacks and stuff?
Usopp: Luffy! Sanji! Stella! I found the boat! Hurry up! Or it'll leave the forest!
Stella: Hey Usopp okay. He was running to them
Luffy: Hey, he's saying the boat's leaving!
Usopp: Oh, crap! It's almost on the route that exits the forest!
Hey! Hold on to my body!
Stella: To your body. You sound like Sanji.
Usopp: Here goes! Usopp Aaaaaa! The grappling hook goes on the neck of the crow.
All right! I got it!
Luffy: You're the man, Usopp.
Sanji and Luffy knockdown usopp
That hurt! Are you trying to kill me?
Luffy: Just got a little carried away
Usopp: Man, you threw my back out!
Luffy: You can fix it that easy?
Usopp: Nothing is impossible for me
Sanji: You can be pretty cool sometimes!
Usopp: Yeah! You underestimated me, didn't you? The boat started to pull them
Sanji:Hold on a second! What're you doing? Hey, let me go!
Usopp: Oh, Sanji. If we're gonna die, let's go together.
Sanji: I would die with my beloved Stella.
They started to scream as they were pulled by the boat. And hit many trees along the way
They were on the boat knocked out.
Usopp: No biggie...
Sanji: I'll get you for this!
Luffy: It would've been better if I stretched myself.
Stella: Oh if I used my whip and y'all could have held on to me.
Sanji: I would've liked that. In any case, we're now getting out of the illusion forest.
Chopper: Oh, yeah... I can't swim.
Sky Knight! That weird bird too. Oh yeah, he has a devil fruit power, just like I do. Damnit! I couldn't save them. Oh, no...I feel...faint.
Man: so, Satori has fallen. What a novice, disturbing his mantra! If I'm not mistaken, the illegal entrance this time is Blue Sea people. It seems they're no ordinary people. The sacrifices are moving about freely as well. However, even if we leave them alone for now, they probably won't find a way off of this island. More importantly, we have to...
Man: Do you sense the voice of a sorrowful warrior, Holy? No matter how many times we fight, the result is always the same. Shura defeated Gan Fall but the "Ordeal of Balls" was broken. What a turbulent day today is! I won't let them through here. It's insolent for them to even try to see God. Although the sun will soon set, it seems that Upper Yard will now become...
a little rattled.
I don't care about the escapees anymore it seems some opponents who should face my anger have appeared.
Wiper and his group were riding to Upper Yard.
Listen up, everyone! Upper Yard is rattled right now! This is the opportunity of a lifetime! No matter what, head for God's time! Don't fear Enel! The great warrior Kalgara is our one and only preserver!
All: Yea
Wiper: Braham!
Braham: yeah!
Genbou: yeah!
Laki: Yeah!
Come back safely! We're splitting up here. He blows a cannon
We vow to the great Warrior Kalgara to light the fire of Shandora!
All: Yeah.
Three: So you've come,shandians!
Nami: Don't tell me...this island is...? She starts to walk.
There was an explosion
What was that?
Zoro: It's an explosion.
Robin: I heard some earlier but this one seems different.
Nami: More importantly, we have to move on!
Zoro: What's the big rush Nami
Robin: You've been acting strange. What did you see?
Zoro: Do you see God or something
Nami: No, that's not it! Even if I explain you probably can't understand... she almost fell.
Damnit! I keep slipping! Why is it so hard to walk around here?
Robin: you're the one who said this way would be faster.
Zoro: Just spit it out already! Just what did you see?
Nami: No questions. Just follow me! We have to get to the seashore somehow. Hey! Give me a hand!
Zoro: Shouldn't you be the one in front if you want us to follow you?
Robin: Seashore?
Nami: That's right. In any case, we have to get close to it to check it out...because I still can't believe my own eyes. I
Robin had Hands help Nami up.
Robin: I too, have something that's been bugging me...although I don't have any proof. If this theory I dreamed up turned out to be true...it'd be interesting. It'd be interesting
Maybe my goal in life is still attainable. It's only a theory, though. She smiles
Chopper was saved by South Birds and went to help Gan Fall
Robin: We're close to the sea. I can hear waves now. Listen
Nami: You're right! We're almost there! Now, let's go! Hurry up!
Zoro: Like I said, what's there?
Nami laughs
Have you lost it?
Robin: I hear noises mixed in with the waves as well.
Zoro: Yeah, it sounds just like a battle. 
The sound of many people charging... I heard enough of that in Alabasta
Robin: I wonder if things are all right.
Zoro: If you mean chopper, don't worry about him. When push comes to shove, he can take care of himself
Robin; No, I mean our captains and the others.
Zoro: Luffy? Stella? I doubt they'll just sit by after we get kidnapped
Robin: Yeah, they wanted to come to this island to begin with.
Zoro: I don't know what this God person is up to, but they probably wouldn't just let them through. And now a totally different fight is going The situation has gotten a bit complicated.
Robin: Yeah, it certainly has.
Zoro: But, well, they're probably okay, since they're used to being in all sorts of trouble. Getting worked up over little stuff like this gets us nowhere.
Robin: You're right.
Nami sees something.
Zoro: Hey, Nami! Hey!
Luffy: This is how you gotta do it, Usopp.
Usopp: Alright. Acts like Nami
Hey! It's about time you woke up!
Luffy acts like Zoro.
Is it morning already? He then falls asleep
Usopp laughs.
That's just like Zoro!
Sanji: Pay attention, you idoits! Also, Stella is sleeping so Shut up.
We don't even know what's going on with Nami and Robin. And Zoro and Chopper...? There are three more priests. There may be other ordeals waiting for us.
Luffy acts liks Sanji
This is.... an ordeal of love.
Usppp laughs
Sanji: In any case, we have no choice but to get to the altar quickly.
What do you say?
Usopp and Luffy were covered in Bumps from Sanji
Botn: Yes! We're sorry.
Zoro: I wonder what made her suddenly take off... Geez, she got all energetic as soon as she saw the sea.
Nami: So I really did see it!
Zoro: This is...!  Hey Nami! Thats enough. It's about time to tell us...
Nami: There's no need to explain is there? Look at this. It's not actually even a matter of recognizing it... since we were looking at it until this morning.
Nami was able to figure out that the island of Gold never sank it floated that part of the island was part of Jaya. And in the air for over 400 years.
Sandora started to attack.
Luffy: Take my hand...
Sanji: Don't sing.

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