Epsiode 149

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Usopp: What did you need to tell us?
Cricket; Listen up carefully: I'll tell you everything I know about the sky island. Most of it is hearsay or remote, it's up to you to believe it or not!
Luffy: Yeah! We believe you
Stella: He didn't even say anything about it
Crikiet: There's a strange phenomenon that occurs in this part of this ocean, sometimes it'll turn black as the night right in the middle of the brightest day.
Luffy: Yeah! We saw that! Right?
Usopp: Yeah, it was like the sun fashioned and these enormous monsters showed up!
Cricket: So you saw the Giants? There's a tale about where they come from but forget about them For now. This sudden nightfall... Is caused by the shadows of extremely dense clouds...
Nami: you mean cumulonimbus clods? But it was too dark for it to be clouds...
Luffy: Yes, it was more of an eclipse. It gets cloudy on days when there are lots of clouds!
Usopp: Yeah Clody
Cricket: Shut up and listen! There are clouds known as cumuloreclis clouds. If forms high in the sky, it does have an internal current and never turns to rain. No light can reach the ground, so a sunny afternoon turns black as pitch. It's like some giant hand reaches up a a snuffed up the sun like a candle. One theory is it's the cumulofegalis clouds are fossils. Fossilized clouds that hang in the sky for thousands of years.
Nami: That's ridiculous! A fossilized cloud that drifts around for centuries?
Cricket; I'm just telling you what I've been told. Whether you believe it or not it's entirely up to you.
Luffy. They're mystery clouds then?
Cricket: Pretty much. I guess that sums it up.
Chopper: This is so awesome!
Cricket: Listen. If a sky Isanf really does exist...that'd be the only possible place!
Luffy: Okay! Gotcha! Let's go up to the clouds! Get up Zoro! Usoppa and Lufty we're dancing
Zoro: is it morning already?
Luffy: Get ready, everyone! Cloud rudder full!
Usopp:Thanks for filling us in, old-timer
Both: How many times do we have to say we don't know his to get there?
Nami and Stella punch Usopp and Luffy. They end up with bruised faces.
Cricket: Now comes the real problem. You'll have to put your lives on the line! The Knock up Stream is a current that shoots into the air... You can theatrically take it into the sky understand?
Stella: it's a current that can send ships flying? Right?
Luffy: oh! Then it just needs to send us above the clouds!
Chopper was happy
Nami: An ocean current. Wouldn't we end up falling back into the ocean and getting smashed into pieces?
Cricket: Normally, yeah. Unless you hey the timing just right. It's easy to talk about riding the knock-up steam, but if you think this trip is going to be some kind of pleasure cruise, think again. The knock-up steam is as dangerous as any hurricane. It should be avoided at all costs.
Nami: How exactly does a water current rise up in the air in the first place? We've never hers of anything like that before...
Both: Yeah!
Cricket: I've heard many explanations, for the knock-up steam, but only one of them made sense to me. No one's dumb enough to jump in and find out, after all. It does lip this... Deep beneath the sea floor, there are lard cavities filled with air, and temperate seawater seeps into them. The heat from the start below true eater into steam, and the resulting pressure causes an explosion on the sea floor. One big enough to send the sea flying and create a current into the sky!
All but Zoro, Luffy, and Stella are scared. It lasts for about one minute connecting the ocean to the sky.
Nami: One minute? Do you realize how enormous that explosion would have to be?
Cricket: The explosion changes location each time, and occurs five times a month.
Usopp: We'd be blown unto fish food if we tried that old-timer.
Cricket: But, you know, you can't really explain something like this with words and theories, it's one of the great mysteries of creation.
Usopp: So basically, we don't rife this current that only appears five times a month into the air to reach some Island in the sky and hope the sky shows up?
Cricket: That sums it up pretty well.
Stella, Why not give us the short version first?
Cricket; And if you miss, you'll fall down and slam into the ocean... and then you'll end up all end the bottom of the sea.
Stella and Luffy were smiling.
Usopp: Alright! Let's give up the Sky Island!
The three laughs
It's impossible! You gotta have the luckiest luck that's ever lucked to make it there!
Both: We'll be fine! Let's go!
Usopp: I knew it? We'll be fine? How can you say such groundless stuff so easily...? I mean just look at the Going Merry now. It's so pitiful! It can't stand up to a gigantic disaster like that!
Cricket; That's true. Even in mint condition that ship wouldn't stand a chance. Speed, weight, strength... That boat would be blasted alty in the explosion.
Usopp: But...see! It's really is impossible!
Cricket: But don't worry about that. I'll have Masira and Shojo help take you there. Only after we strengthen your ship of course.
Marisa; Yeah? Just leave it to us!
Luffy: Thanks guys
Both: Didnt even ask us...
Nami: Do you even understand
Luffy: Understand what?
Nami: For starters... Yeah! The most we can stay on this island is one more day! After that, the log compass will start pointing to the next island!
Usopp: Yeah! We won't make it in time! Seriously, old man! You're not a psychic! I doubt you know but how many days will it be until the knock uo Stream and the cumuloregalis clouds line up? No! How many months Or even years?
Cricket: Tomorrow afternoon. If you're going to, you better get ready!
Usopp: We can't make it at that time!
Cricket: oh? If you don't like it, then just quit!
Usopp: You're lying! This isn't right! We just met you today! Aren't you being too nice? Plus.
Luffy: Hold on Usopp
Usopp: Shut up, you! Tomorrow just happens to be the perfect chance to go to their legendary unknown "Sky Island"?
Cricket turns to him
And you'll help strengthen our ship and take us there? That's way too convenient! What exactly are you scheming? Plus you're Nolanf the Lair descendant! We can trust you!
Both: old-timers! Dinner ready!/
Sanji: Move; Nami! Stella! Dinners'--
Usopp: What? Are you gonna fight?
Cricket: whenever "midday night" is confirmed on Masira's turf, he walks cumulorgalis clouds apparel in the southern skies the next day. And judging from its five-per-month rate, the knock-up Stream will probably be active tomorrow. It'll happen somewhere south of here. It's not 100℅ certain, but there is a good chance it'll be tomorrow! I'm glad to have met fools like you. Now, let's go and have some food! Take eats at my place today...comrades!
Luffy: Come on Usopp, it's chow time!
Come in you guys
Sanji: Chopper! Go get Robin
Chopper: you bet!
Usops is on his knees
Nami: Looks like we're going to this sky island whether we're ready or not. Let's just hope our luck continues to hold
Usopp: Nami. Am I a spineless little Coward?
Nami: You forgot to mention idiot. I know how you feel. Now go apologize
Usopp went to give Cricket a hug it didn't work out..
Everyone was inside drinking and eating
Cricket: Keep it coming! That really hits the spot.
Sanji: Eat up! I'm just getting started, there's plenty more on the way
Usopp gave Masira food but it was hot sauce!
Come here, you long-nose! He chased him around
Cricket: Hey good looking! Come sit next to me.
Sanji kicks his head
You're about a hundred years too old to be hitting on Nami.
Stella: Hey Sanji are there any more
Sanji: Coming right up, dear.
Shojo: Whoa that's a lot of plates you got there.
Stella: Oh this nah. It's just my 15th plate this is nothing.
Four: 15th
Stella: Something wrong
Robin was reading the logbook. The last page was messed up
Cricket: The skull right eye, that's where I saw the gold.
Everyone stopped to look at him.
That tear-soaked sentence was the last thing Noland wrote. The Skull's right eye, that's where I saw the Gold. Can't was executed that same day. Even after coming to Jaya, I still don't know what he went by that. The skull's right eye...
Robin: Is it referring to the name is a city or landmark on this island?
Cricket: Was it just a poetic allusion to his own impending death? The blank page that follows gives us no clue... That is why we keep diving to the bottom of the sea! We have a dream! On the seafloor! He drinks
Luffy: we're going to go flying! He stuffs his face
Sanji; Not of you keep eating like that we won't!
All Laughs
Man: It's gotten quite late but I see it, Bellamy.
Bellamy: prepare to go ashore. Dream-chasing fools deserve more than del lumps!
They were on a ship.
Cricket: The day I arrived on Jaya. Entry for May 21, 1122." Noland! Landing on this island we heard strange birdcalls and the sound of a very large bell coming from the forest. The sound from that huge gold bell resonated far and wide, almost as if showing off the prosperity of the city's long past" We thought we knew everything after living for few decades...
Everyone was drinking
But experiencing the transience of this civilization that flourished. For a long time on the wide open sea left up speechless! The sounds of the bell had us stopped in our tracks!
Both: Wow! A giant gold bell!
Usopp: Wait a minute, old guy! You like Noland after all!
Cricket: Look at this!
Stella: Wow! Gold bells!
Stella loves gold and treasure as well. Her name self is showing.
Usopp: So, how exactly are those giants"?
Nami and Stella hold the gold
Cricket: These aren't that bell. They're bell-shaped ingots. We found these three on the sea floor.
Luffy: Oh! So there is a city of gold
Shojo: they don't prove that. You could find the much goal is any old ruins
Robin: But it does prove that there was a civilization in this area ingots are made to her standard weights. Which means they were used for trade.
Cricket: Yes. And the strange bird calls mentioned before that... Hey, Masira!
He revealed a Gols Bird.
Sanji: Gold bells and birds... Do you suppose they were symbols of old Jaya?
Cricket: Dunno, but I think they were parts of some sort of model. This here called a south bird and they still exist on this island!
Luffy: Do they have particular calls
Cricket: Yep, just like the long book says!
Masrisa; sailors have long used south birds to... They looked at each other scared
Three: Ok, crap!
All: What is it? What's wrong?
Cricket; This is bad! You guys! Go into the forest! The southern forest!
Luffy: Huh! What are you talking about old guy?
Cricket: Go catch this bit! Right now
Usopp: Why? What for?
Sanji: Why do we need that bird?
Cricket: Listen closely! The knock-up steam you're heading for tomorrow is located directly south of this cape. How are you going to get there?
Luffy: Just sail straight, right?
Cricket: This is the Grand Line, you know! Once you're in the open sea, there's no way to get Your bearing!
Nami: That's right. We're heading for Ocane, not an island so we have no guide to felt on! Then his do we go straight south?
Cricket: You use that bird's behavior! Some types of animals have accurate internal magnets. As if they are born with a natural compass.
Luffy: That makes Zoro dumber the animals.
Zoro: Like you're one to talk!
Cricket: The south bird is a perfect example of this kind of creature. In the middle of the vast barren plain or a reckless ocean, their bodies always point in the same direction. Always without one of those birds, you're going nowhere! You'll have to kiss your only chance to the Sky Island goodbye!
All: Why are you telling us this now?
Cricket: There's no time for that now! Hurry! Move it or Lose it! They all ran outside.
Usopp: You want us to into the forest in the middle of the night?
Cricket: You forgot these! They threw net at them. The three of us are going to get started in your beat-up ship. No matter that I think about it, there was no time for partying!
Zoro: Surez now you tell us
Cricket: The clock is ticking you have until dawn to catch one or you can forget about the whole thing.
They all went in
Usopp: It's pitch dark!
Sanji: Let go of me, you idiot.
Usopp: It's not my fault! My hands are moving on their own!
Chopper: My stomach so suffer from that dinner... I couldn't catch a bird if I saw one.
Luffy: Where are the weird birds?
Zoro: Let's just catch one so we can get back to drinking!
Nami: How did we end up in this mess?
Usopp: Couldn't he have told us during the day?
Luffy: Hey where are the birds?
Zoro: If we knew where they were we wouldn't be out looking for them?
Luffy: Our ain't a clue is that they have a peculiar call...
Sanji: and they look just like the gold statue he showed us.
Zoro: it's hard for me to believe any bird could look that dumb in real life.
Usopp: A peculiar call, isn't it was too vague? How are we supposed to identify it?
Sanji: He didn't seem to think we'd have trouble finding one.
All: They sounded peculiar
Nami: That it
Luffy: Alright!
Zoro: Well, we're here, let's do it and get it over with.
Sanji: we have three nets. Let's split into teams and bag that bird!
Three: Right!
Luffy: Let's go! Best up those weird birds!
Usopp: You mean catch!
Luffy, Chopper, and Stella went together
Zoro and Robin went together.
Nami, Usopp, and Sanji we're together.
Sanji: Don't worry! Whatever we run into I'll protect you, Nami!
Usopp: Sanji what about me
Sanji: Hell if I care! Quite being insecure!
Nami: In any case, let's catch a bird also we can get out of this forest.
Sanji: let's start by listing closely for that bird we heard earlier.
Nami: There it is! Come on out
It was Usopp
Sanji traps him
Usopp: What are you catching me for? He turns around. Nice accessorizing, Nami! Where'd you get that thing?
Nami: what thing? She looked to see a spider on her backside
Spider she runs away.
Usopp: What? It's just a spider! You poor thing... Come here! He picks up the spider
Nami: Spiders are yucky, you moron! Toss it away somewhere!
Sanji: Get rid of it, us opp! I bet it's poisonous! More started to fall.
They both scream.
Usopp: It's probably a special of tarantula! It's alright! They won't bite us as long as we don't do anything to them! I used to fight spiders like those a the time!
Sanji: are your damn mind? Hair bugs like they totally dream me out!
Nami: Same, they make my flesh crawl! Hurry and throw it far away!
Usopp: Really? But those moths and centipedes behind you don't bother you?
Their eyes turn to them
They both scream. And ran away.
Scream ing
Robin: Wait, I hear screams...
Zoro cuts a centipede.
A centipede? It's pretty damn big.
Robin: You don't need to kill every single thing it's kind of rude
Zoro: That's why he gets for sneaking up on me. He walks away
Robin: Wait.
Zoro: Now what?
Robin: You're going back the way we came.
There it is again... This way. Watch out for the quicksand
Zoro: hey wait. What. He walked right into it
Stella: Oh look a snake. She went down a picked it up
Chopper was scared. Put it down it can bite you.
Stella: They don't bite unless they feel threatened. Here feel.
Chopper was scared but felt the snake's head.
It's smooth
Stella: I wonder if there's more.
She pus the snake down
They went to catch some more. The bird was on a trunk and dropped a nest.
Luffy: A beehive! Run!
They a ran
The three of them were covered in stings.
They were walking
The same bird drops another one
They ran back
Luffy: What's wrong with this forest?
Chopper: Luffy! Stella! Look there! It's the bird! He dropped the bee hives!
The bird squawks.
Stella: What did he say?
Chopper: He said, I'll kill anyone who disturbs This forest!
Bellamy crew was where Cricket and The Monkey Brothers were.

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