Episode 77

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Brogy was crying
luffy: Whoa! Look behind him! A rainbow! There's a rainbow.
Usopp: Even the way he does is big.
Zoro: It's practically like a waterfall.
Usopp: I understand how you feel. Master Brogy!
Dory got up. Brody stops crying
All screaming
Brody: Dory! How are you...
Dory: It seems I blacked out...
Sanji: Mr 0 The name of the enamt boss Vivi-chan is worried about? This means the guy on the other end of this transponder snail... Is one of the seven Warlords of the sea! The one of Which Stalla-sama wants to fight.
Mr 9: It's been many days since I issued your orders. What's going on?
Sanji; Mr 3... So he's the owner of this Transponder Snail? Ah, I think I got It figured by now... This is an enemy hideout...and a guy named Mr. 3 came to this island to take Vivi-chan's life... Damn... This was no time for me to hunting! I hope they're all okay!
Mr 0: Why the silent treatment I asked you a question. Have your elevated princess Vivi, Straw Hat, and Bandana Scarf!
Sanji: Yeah, mission completed! Get rid of everyone who found out about your secrets. So there is no need to go after them anymore.
Mr 0: I seem well done. As we speak the unluckiest are headed your way to confirm your mission is complete and to deliver a certain package.
Sanji: Unluckiest? Packeage?
Mr 0: An Eternal Pose that points to the Albasta Kingdom. You and Miss Golden Week will head to Alabasta. The time has come. We're about to begin our most important operation. Details will come after you reach Alabasta. Wait for my order
The Otter and vulture were there
Sanji: What are these things?
The Vulture and otter took out their weapons to kill Sanji.
Mr 0: Hey, what's going on?
Sanji: Oh it's nothing
The vulture started to shoot at Sanji
Sanji: What the hell?
The otter went to use his clam weapon on him only for Sanji to dodge him.
Sanni: you trying to kill me? Bring it on you damn Monkey! He kicked it. I'm telling you... He was shot at. He used his foot to grab onto the vulture to stop that. You jumbo-size chicken! She twisted the Vulatre's neck
You heard they Crack though
Mr 0: What was that? What happened?
Sanji: Oh, uh, no! It's ain't-- I mean it's nothing! That damn Staw Hat was still alive. It's okay, though. I finished him off! No need worry
Mr 0: Still alive you just said your mission was completed... Did you not?
Samji: Yeah well. I thought It was completed. But he was tougher than you believe.
Mr 0: In other words, the report you gave me was a lie.
Sanji: Well I supposed when you put it that way.... But I've gotten rid of him for sure now. So no need to send any more after them. Okay?
Mr 0: very well. Just head straight to Alabsta from there!
Dotry: It's probably... because of the weapons.
Usopp: Weapons! Oh yeah. Not even Elbaf weapons could keep up with two giants fighting to the death for 100 years straight. Talk about crazy... It's a huge miracle. Broggy was hugging Dorry.
Dorry: Hey, Broggy! Don't hold on to me! It hurts to wounds
Broggy: I'm so glad you're alive.
Zoro: Mircule my ass. It's only natural
The fact those weapons are still intact after 100 years. Of constant Bashing and Clanging is even crazier. Seeing their owner
Broggy: What a wonderful day today is. Thank the God of Elbaf!
Dorry: Oh Broggy. Was chopping me down and knocking me out that happy to you? 
Broggy: Yiu dimwit! That's what I'm saying! He punched him
Dorry: Oww! Don't touch my wounds. He punched him back. They punched each other back and forth.
Dorry: You same of this!
Broggy: Yeah I'll wipe the floor with ya.
Buffy: Cool! Cool! Cool!
Stella: Yells your back to fighting after that Heartfilled Moments.
Mr 0: And no further radio contact from now on. We don't want the Navy to catch a whiff of us. All further orders will be sent via Letterz as usual. That's is all. Good Luck, Mr 3. He hangs up. He gets up. Miss All Sunday.
Miss A: Yes.
Mr 9: Send Mr 2, to the little Garden. Climate Mr. 3 is on his direct course to Alabasta From Little Garden.
Miss A: That's quite aggressive, Mr. 0, Crocodile, Sir.
Mr 0: We have enough manpower as it is. Are you arguing with me?
Miss S: No. I'll do as you wish. I'll make the arrangements at once.
Sanji: Well, he's hung up. So let's see. What were these anyway? He grabs the Log. What do we have here?
Dorry was Bandaged up.
Dorry: We had completely forgotten about the bounties on our heads!
Vivi: But I was the reason they came to the island in the first place. The boys are eating.
Stella: well that is true. To not mention putting us in danger as well
Nami: Stella.
Stella: What. Oh fine. It may be true but no need to beat yourself up for it.
A/n stella is trying to be nice to Vivi but to fully be nice to her vivid just needs to apologize the her.
Luffy: want a rice cracker
Nami: Hey where did you get those?
Luffy: Alright! For now, let's have a rice Cracker party!
Usopp: Rice crackers aren't very exciting.
Buffy: Really? We can even make toast with them!
Nmai: See? Does anyone blame you? Besides Stella but you need to find out what you did to her.
Luffy wanted the last Cracker so he fought usopp for it.
Nami made a noise. There was a red dot on her side
Stella: What's wrong
Nami: Nothing. Just a bug.
Zoro: Still waiting a year for the Log to point to the next island is pretty serious stuff...
Stella: Yeah! It's definitely no laughing matter.
Broggy: You saved us. We would like to thank you in some way.
Luffy: Oh. In that case, you old guys can do something about our Log!
Dorry: I'm afraid Logs are the only thing we can't help you with! Sanji had smoked Hearts
Sanji: Nmai-san Vivi-Chan, Stalla-sama. And you other bums!
Luffy: Hey! Sanji
Sanji: You're okay! Thank goodness!
The three girls looked at him
Usopp and Karoo we're man
Usopp: The jerk suddenly shows up only after we needed help?
Sanji: What in the hell? Are you Mr 3?
Nami: Hey! How do you know about Mr 3?
Stella: yeah it wasn't like you were here the whole time.
Sanji looked at the two girls and saw them in bras
A/n The last episode has the bra that Stella had on.
Sanji: Nmai-San! Stella-sama. You guys are so titillating!
Nami: Feel like getting slugged?
Sanji; Now, now, Nami-san. You'll catch a cold dressed like that. He takes off his jacket. Here you are.
Nami: Thanks.
Sanji went to take off his shirt for Stella
Stella: Oh no I'm fine really.
Sanji sat down
All that aside. I just finished talking with Mr 0. Via Transponder snaji.
Vi: You talked to the boss?
Sanji: Yeah. I found this weird holdout in the jungle, you see. He seemed to think I was Mr 3 so I told him I eliminated everyone.
Vi: So that means he thinks we're dead?
Stella: He must be a terrible boss if he thought Sanji was Mr 3. I mean he can't even notice his own people's voice
Usopp: So we're finally free of people. Chasing us but we can't go anywhere.
Sanji: Can't go anywhere? Do we still have business on this island? Just after I managed to get a hold of this, too. he holds Alabasta Log Pose Everyone's mouths fly open
Buffy: It's an Entrnal Pose to Alabasta!
Everyone was celebrating
Vi huge Sanji
Thank you, Sanji-san! I was so worried for a moment there!
Sanji: No, no! It was my pleasure! I'm glad I could make you happy! 
Buffy: Alright, everyone. Let's have a Rice Cracker party!
Usopp: We only have three left! We can't have a rice Cracker party
Nami: You know this is not the time for that! Let's go, Captains, we don't have time to be lounging around!
Stella takes a cracker while Luffy eats the other two
Zoro walked past Sanji
Sanji: Zoro. You haven't forgotten our hunting contest, I hope!
Zoro: Nope! But I win! I caught a rhino this huge!
Sanji: A rhino? I assume you can eat that?
Zoro: Of course!
Buffy: Alright, round old guy and giant old guy! We're gonna go now!
Broggy: Oh, I see. Well, you do some in a hurry.
Dorry: Tgats too bad, but we won't stop you. I hope your homeland is okay.
Vi: Thank you
Buffy: See ya! Don't die anymore.
Usopp: Master! I will visit Elbaf someday!
Sanji, Stella, and Zoro were walking together
Sanji: You see. Mine was bigger than yours.
Zoro: you wish.
Stella: Would you both stop taking which one of your Prey is bigger than the others? Please. Maybe this will calm you down.
The two looked at the half-rice Cracker
Sanji: you save this for me. Stella-sama. Thank you
Zoro: Thanks
Usopp: I'm going be a brave warrior of the seas.
Broggy: Our friends are sailing off.
Dorry: Yes. We can't just sit here. There's a monster in the western sea.
Broggy: Dorry! How are your wounds
Broggy: these won't kill me.
Broggy: This Axe and that sword are just about done with
Dorry: Do you have any regrets?
Broggy: I do. This axe drought alongside for 100 years. But if it's for them, it's worth it!
Dorry: Them it's decided.
They stand up.
Zoro: see! Mine's fat hunger than yours.
Sanji: Look closer! My lizard bigger
Zoro: Are you? Blind or something. My rhino's way bigger!
Buffy: It doesn't matter! They both look yummy!
Both: You Shut up!
They went back to arguing
Nami: How long are you gonna keep at that?
Stella: I got this. We don't need all of that so cut it up what we do need so we can set sail!
Sanji: Yes, Stella-sama!
Zoro: Hey Usopp! I'm clearly the winner, right?
Usopp: I don't really care.
Vi: Can you call it a tie?
Zoro: There are no ties in a challenge.
Stella: Hurry up. The boys were scared
Both: Right. They rushed to cut the meat they needed.
Stella: You know it's fun to be a captain.
Luffy: Set sail.
Nami: They said going straight will take us to the western end of the island.
Luffy: Hey, couldn't you have gotten more meat on board
Sanji: Yeah, right don't be stupid! We can't pervasive more than that. 
Nami: Do you want to sink the ship?
Luffy: Look, it's the old guys! They came to see us set sail!
Beoggy: Ahead is a great obstacle...
Dorry: That prevents people who come to the island from reaching the next... You drought desperately to protect our pride.
Broggy: As such, no matter what manner of enemy there may be...
Dorry: We will not let them destroy your pride, friends.
Broggy: Have faith in us a continue ahead! Straight ahead, no matter what happens
Luffy: Got it.
Zoro: What's this about
Usopp: What do you get
Buffy: We'll go right ahead, no matter what!
Dorry: This is goodbye. Let's meet again someday.
Broggy: Without a doubt
Nmai: Look! Up ahead!
Dorry: There you are, island-Eater
Broggy: You will open the path in the name of Elbaf! They held their weapons.
There Was a giant fish
Usopp: Something appeared
Buffy: What's this guy? A giant Goldfish?
Usopp: A giant Goldfish? Why does that sound familiar?
Nmai: work like rubber! Hurry! We're gonna get eaten! Hurry Usopp
Usopp: I can't! Go sight ahead Right Luffy?
Luffy: yeah! Oh course
Nami: Don't be stupid! This won't be like what happens with Laboon
Luffy: I know. Calm down. Here, I'll let you have the last Rive Cracker. He gave her the cracker
Nami: I don't want it if we don't then the ship, we're gonna be--
Zoro: Just give it up, Nami.
Nami took a bite
Sanji: Luffy! We can trust those guys, I hope!
Luffy: Yeah
Vi: Are you crazy! Are we really going straight into that beasts?
Stella: Not like it's the first time this happened
Nmai: No! We're too late now!
Dorry:You've grown a lot, island-Eater! You filthy monster goldfish!
Broggy: His size isn't his only surprise. There is also the size length of the dung he produces. After devoting any Island nearby.
Dorry: I recall a giant of dung named nothing at All Island... And that's why we landed on it long ago thinking it was actual land.
Broggy: This is the nostalgic day of adventure! As look at them, I'm reminded of the old days!
The Giant Goldfish closed his mouth
Usopp: Stright ahead!
Nami; what are you talking about? We've already been eaten!
Luffy: Straight Ahead!
Broggy and Dorry used their weapons to make a powerful blast in the water.  Making an opening for them.

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