Episode 190

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Usopp: Oh crap! He's not holding back! We gotta move. He held Sanji.
Enel: So, that's where those detestable Shandorian warriors have hidden their village. They're originally from the Blue Sea. Surely they would love to go home! laughing. Now, fall to the world below! He destroyed the Shandorian's home.
Aisa: Wiper! Wiper.
Chief: Your distant ancestor had many reasons for wanting to take back our homeland.
Wiper: He had another reason?
Cheif: Yes. It would become his greatest regret. Now listen Great Warrior Kalgara had a very close friend.
Wiper: Kalgara had a friend?
Chief: That's right. He came to know Kalagara 400 years ago.  His name... Montblanc Noland!
Back skipped will come back to it.
[Narrator] Meanwhile Robin and Usopp's group wait at the base of Giant Jack.
Robin: He's far above now. It's only a matter of time until his ship reaches the top of the vine.
Usopp: I don't get it. What is it that Enel wants there?
Robin: I believe he's trying to get to the Golden Bell.
Usopp: A bell
Enel: The little angels will scurry like ants they are! Return to where you belong, Skypiea! There is only one thing in this land that I want. The gold belfry!
[Narrator] and Luffy charge up Giant Jack on a mission to rescue Nami.
Luffy: Hold on Nami. We'll take care of this. We promise!
Enel! We'll never let you have the golden bell!
Wiper: A golden bell. Tell me. That's what you said, isn't it
Aisa: Wiper
Robin: Yes.
Usopp: Uh...uh... who talking about the golden bell
Wiper: Just before you were struck by that lightning bolt, you were speaking of a golden bell which Enel desires.  Now that we know what Enel's going for, you have to tell me where it is.
Usopp: Hmm...Hold on, could we just think about this for one second you saw that thunderbolt! We're as good as dead if we don't get out of here!
Robin: it's up this beanstalk. Somewhere close to the top.
Wiper: You're sure? How do you know this? 
Usopp: Wait. We promised Nami that we'd wait back on the ship! She's gonna be back with Luffy any time now!
Robin: I'm sure
Aisa: The coward's right this time!
Robin The ruins of Shandora are in the layer directly beneath us. The giant beanstalk pierces the very center of this city.
Usopp: Oh man. These ruins or whatever they are got blasted to dust! And if we don't get outta here right now, we're gonna be next!
Robin: In the ruins, I discovered a map that revealed the location of the grand belfry that holds the golden bell. It indicated that it could be found in the heart of the ancient city.
Usopp: Hey! Why are you ignoring me?
Robin: To put it simply the force of the impact with the vine mist has sent the bell hurling skyward to its present location
Wiper: Then it's directly above us.
Gan: The singing voice of the island.
Luffy: Hey. The city of Gold's got a really big bell in it, right?
Enel: Finally. I'm above Giant Jack. Virgin sky. I certainly never had reason to come up here and I doubt anyone else has either--now where is it? After 400 years...it will be found. The golden bell.
Stella and Luffy finally made it to God's Shrine
What is this place?
Hmm. It would appear that I underestimated that little rat.
The girl is interesting
Luffy: Found you. Stay right there! Enel.
They ran up.
Enel shoots electricity at them
Which makes the stalk fall.
Stella holds onto Luffy as they fall.
Luffy yells as they fall.
Aisa: Wiper what're you planning to do?  Don't tell me you're gonna climb the beanstalk!
Usopp: Everyone! Get away from the Beanstalk! Something falling
They all got out of the way
Robin: The top of the beanstalk what's happening up there?
Usopp: Oh no don't tell me that Nami, Stella, and Luffy fell with it! I just don't think I could take it!
Aisa: No! You can't go! Not in this condition! Look at yourself you're a wreck! You'd never make it. And even if you did, there's no way to reach Enel while he's flying on the ship!
Wiper: The bell is directly above us.
Wiper: Great Warrior Kalgra longed to hear its sound.
Aisa: Great Warrior Kalagra
Wiper: Yes. That is our true goal. Enel. I swear you will never take the bell!
Stella was holding Luffy up.
Enel: This little predicament will make it very difficult.
Indeed for you to reach me won't it?
Stella: Just you wait!
Enel: laughing. Hang around a little bit longer... and I'll show you something miraculous. Especially you Stella.
Luffy: Show you...something...? What the hell do you mean by that with Stella?
They looked to see a light.
Luffy: What's that? I guess should get you off this while he's not around.
Stella: shall we do something a little fun?
Luffy: Sure. We only got one shot at this.
Yo-yo. They swung
Nami: What are they doing?
They land a little higher
Luffy: My plan totally worked. All right, now is our chance to get bored with that ark. Nami then ran over Luffy.
Nmai: Luffy! Stella
Luffy: What are you doing here, Nami? We haven't reassured you yet.
Nami: I came to rescue you two you idiot. Sanji and Usopp saved me so I was safe down below this whole time.
Stella: Really you were? That's great.  We were worried.
Nami:Most importantly...  Rumble
What was that?  The thunderclouds. They're changing shape.
There was a great circle coming down on Angel Island
Stella: I have got a bad feeling about this.
Nami: The ball coming through the clouds over there is a massive thunderhead. And it's bursting at the seams with hurricane winds and deadly lightning bolts
Aisa: It's right above Angle Island!
Robin: A thundercloud shape like a spare.
Usopp: Unreal. This has got to be a nightmare.
Gan: What is this? What new horrors could he unleash next?
Enel: Now everyone will know that the skies are mine! With the power of the ark Maxim and myself, I am unstoppable!
Raigo. The spear blew up.
Everyone was shocked
The People of Angle were safe because of the White berets.
The whole Island was gone
Enel: What a glorious sight to behold!  Now this is what the sky should look like
Usopp: What kind of explosion was that? Not to mention the terrible lightning is still falling down like rain!  I don't think any of us stand a chance of getting out of here alive!
Gan: Angel Isalnd's gone. How could you enel? What monstrous cruelty!
Conis: What was that rumbling? We'll wait. We have to take them back safely to the Blue Sea.
Nami: Luffy! Stella! Get on so we can get back down there! Everyone else is headed for the ship a and we should be too!
Stella: We can't
Nami: can't why not? What are you saying? Yeah, you can.
Luffy: We don't have to save you anymore, but... we still have some unfinished business!
Nami: Unfinished business? What's left to do here? Are you trying to get back to Enel?
Luffy: That golden bell is somewhere up there in the sky!
Nami: You're after the bell? Luffy! Stella! Your guy's lives are more important than gold. Look at that. Even if the lightning doesn't hurt you two he can still destroy you a thousand ways! If it's gold you want you have a load of it on your arm! So give up the bell, Luffy, Stella, for your own sakes!
Stella: We won't die.
Nami: Will you quit it, already? You know that he--
Luffy: You saw it right?
Nami: Saw what?
Stella: The city of gold. You know for a fact it exists, right? Then it wasn't a lie! Cricket ancestor.
Cricket: I don't care if I find the city or not. I'm not here to prove Noland right or wrong.  I have no interest in rewriting history. All I'm doing is following what I believe in my destiny.  This is between me and Noland. 
Luffy: He wasn't a liar. I have to let Old Timer and the others down below know... that the city of gold is up in the sky! If we ring the bell then they should be able to hear it. Otherwise, old Timer and his monkey pals will keep searching the ocean floor until the day they die!
Stella: If we can prevent his death it's a win for me. I can't be the reason someone dies because of me.
A/n What does she mean?
Nami: Luffy! Stella!
Luffy:Enel won't take the golden bell. The sound of a bell that huge will be heard far and wide by people everywhere. So we're not stopping until I hear the sound of the golden bell!
Luffy: The city of gold's got a really big bell in it, right?
Robin: Noland did mention that in his logbook, yes. A great bell in the circle of gold. Why do you ask, Luffy?
Luffy: I got a really good idea.
Chopper: Well, tell me!
Luffy: If we give that ginormous bell a good rining, I bet that Oldtimer and this Monkets down below would hear it. Don't you think? [Chuckles]
Yeah I bet it will
Zoro: When he says that he's gonna do something, he does it.
Usopp: Wait He's gonna...
Robin: But given the situation...
Wiper: Ring He's gonna ring the bell?
Zoro: That's right. No matter how hard Nami tries, Luffy won't leave u till he rings that bell. You see, Luffy is after the same things as Enel. And Stella won't leave his side no matter what.
Luffy: swings on the boat.
Enel laughs.
I do not give you permission to board.
Luffy: Enel.
He kicks Luffy's hand off.
Luffy lands back on the ground
Both: see. We told you that was a bad idea!
Luffy: Damn him
Enel: wasn't it beautiful? Did you get to see that pathetic little island vanish from the sky? I can only assume that you are acquainted with how forgiving I am especially to those who would deceive me. Girl, would you still like to trip to Endless vearth?
Namie: Never.
Enel: What about you Stella? I can give you the special God treatment.
Nmai holds Stella seeing how uncomfortable she is.
Enel:Once I have finally found the treasured relic I've been searching for, I will use another devastating Raigo to annihilate the rest of this abominable island in the sky! Every inhabitant of Skypiea will suffer terrible wrath!  All will perish including the voices directly beneath you.
Nami: Beneath us
Enel: I will eradicate this unnatural land in the sky once and for all! I will change everything back to the way it was intended! That...is my sacred duty as Enel Almighty!
Stella: We won't let you get away with this! He ran back uo
You time to end Rubber boy Die with dignity!
Both: Luffy!
He ran back only for lighning to bring him down.
Face it. It's beyond anyone's powers to stop me now.
Luffy: Enel.
Cricket: Listen, everything will be all right. I promise. We will send you to the sky.
Luffy: we're gonna ring that bell!

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