Episode 96

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Vivi's father was worried about her and hoped that where she was she was safe. But not having an idea that's she coming back
Sanji: Tea's ready. Come on up to the kitchen.
Vi: Thank you, sanji-san! Luffy had his finger in a rice ball.
Heya! I'm Captain Rice Ball Usopp! Oh! And who are you?
I'm a riceman!
Sanji used pots and pans to bang Sanji and Usopp's head
Quite playing with our food! If you have free time, wash dishes or something
Ace and Stella. Geez! I need to fish our packed meals before we cross the river!
Ace: Need a hand?
Sanji: No, no. You are a guest on board. Just sit back a relax. You spend time with Stella.
Ace smiles
Luffy and Usopp were washing the sides in the mop water.
Don't wash the dishes in the Mop bucket!
Chopped: What a nice breeze!
Zoro was working out and the air gave chopper the breeze.
Vi' Nami-san. I'd like to land the ship for a moment...
Nami: Eh? What for
Vi: I have an important task for Karoo
The ship landed.
Sanji, Nmai, Luffy, us opp, shopper vivid, and Karoo we're on the ground
Vi: Karoo. I want you to go to Alubarna palace on your own and deliver this letter to my father. I've written down everything Igram and I learned about the crocodile and Barque works' schemes. And that I've returned to Alabasta alive with supportive friends. Can you do it? You'll have to cross the desert on your own. Karoo had his hands up.
Vivi put the letter in his jacket. Listen you have to drink your water with care in the desert.
Luffy: Karoo! Good luck!
Vi: Now let my father know this kingdom can be saved!
Karoo ran off drinking his water a little.
Drink your water with care! Karoo! Thank you...
Ace: I knew Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords, was in this country... But a pirate trying to steal a kingdom? That sounds like a bad joke. A pirate dropping anchor in one sop and settling down? Don't tell me trying to usurp the throne.
Luffy: Okay let's set sail
Ace: There could be another side to this takeover thing.
Zoro: Another side.
Ace: Some sort of deeper goal.
Stella: Well whatever goal he as won't happen.
Ace: And why not
Stella: Because I'm going to stop him before he can do... She walked away.
Ace: What does she mean
Zoro: Stella's dream is to fight all seven warlords of the Seven Seas. So I guess Croodlie will be the first to go down.
Ace: I see.
A/n Ace is worried for Stella.
Crocodile: Alabsata, the kingdom of sand... Even if you build it stop the sandy earth and exist for thousands of years, the desert will always be filled with the stench of death. For its very inception, this land has embraced the shadow of death
Miss Sunday: I've just received word that the Billion's ship stationed in Nanohana has all been wiped out by someone... I'm having this verified as we speak.
Crocodile: There are more replacements for the billions than we need. A single drop of water spikes in the desert is no obstacle to my plan. But if anyone who would dare defy me has appeared...crush them.
Miss Sunday: Understood. I've already sent the Lizard Runners contact the others. She walks away
Luffy: We are finally here!
Chopped: We're finally going to the desert! I bet it'll be hot.
Nami: It gets over 50c in the daytime!
Chopper: It doesn't
Sanji: What happened, Nmai-san? Where did your dander outfit go?
Ash! Not you too, Vivi-chan! Why are you dressed like that?
Vi: In the desert, any exposed skin will wind up terribly sunburned.
Sanji: This is terrible... My dancer girls... I didn't even get to see Stella-sama I'm here.
Vi gave some covering to Luffy
Nami gave some to Stella
Zoro: Let's get ready to disembark.
As Zoro was putting the Anchor down he saw something move in the water.
A seal came up. There was a whole pack
Zoro: Turtles
Luffy: Aren't those seals
Vi: Kung Fu Dugongs
Chopper was repeating what they were saying to him for the other.
" if you want to come on shore you'll have to beat me first!" " or else go back to the other shore, cowards!" is what he said.
Uospp: I can't wait quietly by when someone calls me a coward! Let's do it. He jumps off the boat.
After the fight, Usopp was badly injured and lost.
Vi: Kung Fu Dugons are strong
Luffy was able to beat one.
One is winning over there! Winning is bad, too!
The seal bows to Luffy
Vi: It's a Kung Fu Dugong rule that if someone loses, they become the winner's pupil
Zoro: That's very martial Art-ish.
All the seals loved Luffy
Vi: The number of Pupils just went up!
Luffy: Alright, everyone! After me! Stance! He taught them how to fight.
Alright! Kwt set out for Yuba!
Zoro: Hold on now. Are you bringing them with you? The seals were behind Luffy
Nmai: You can't, Luffy
Vi: The Dugongs can't cross the desert
Stella: It would be too dangerous for them.
The seals were cuddling up to Luffy's leg
Girls: So cute. They huddled up.
Stella: I don't know why, but I feel like we've found something very sad
Vi: Us, too. What should we do?
Chopper: I know. He started to sniff the bags. He took out meat
You can have this! So stay here, okay?
The seals took The meat and Chopper with them
Stella: Chopper.
She went to get him.
The seals had some of their food.
They were off.
Nami: Hey, now Luffy! So you understand the current situation!
Luffy: They said they were coming with me, so why couldn't we let them
Nami: We couldn't go to any city with such a big group! You're so dumb. We could have been in big trouble had Chopper not persuaded them
Chopper: Yeah they kept saying. We'll accompany you! They really would have come if we hadn't given them food!?
Sanji: sheesh. Thanks to you, our food supply got a lot smaller! He knows how to cause trouble that's for sure!
They all stopped when they came to see a town destroyed.
Luffy: What's this? Is this the town in Yuba?
Vi: No! This is Erumalu. It used to be known as the city of green. The sight is this town explains everything. What the Barque Wors organizations have done to this country. What the people of Alabasta are going through.
Luffy: Wow! There's nothing at all.
Vi: Yes. It's a ghost town now. But up until recently, it was a thriving city full of greenery!
Zoro: This place was.
Vi: Rain was always scarce but even the city was able to manage by saving every last drop of rainwater it could. But for three years now, not a single drop of rain has fallen in any of this county.
Sanji: Three years. That long.
Zoro: But even without rain, what about the rover we just crossed?
Usopp: Yeah! Couldn't they just pipe water from the big river?
Vi: The answer to that is up ahead. They continue to walk. Never in the thousands of years of Alabasta's history has the rain stopped completely. But there was one place where the rain felt more than usual... Alubrnaz the capital. The city with the king places... The people called it the king's miracle. Until what happens that day, at least...
The King was framed for using dance powder.
Nami: Dance powder
Luffy: You heard of that.
Nami: yes,. It's also known as Rain-Summing powder
Chopper: I'd only heard stories about it.
Nami: But a researcher in a country where it doesn't rain created it. By creating a misty smoker from it and letting rise into the sky. You can artificially cause it to rain. That's what dance
Buffy: I ate some a while back! It tastes really bad!
Nami: it isn't food it's for making rain
Luffy: What? You think I'm lying, don't you? Hey you!
Uospp:Hold on! Wouldn't something like that be perfect for this country?
Nami: As the name suggests, the court that developed Dance Powder was almost happy enough to dance at first. But there was the big catch: the neighboring country has a drought. Understand!
Stella: Dance powder quickly and artificially matures clouds that would normally grow in rain clouds further downwind that cause them to rain.
Usopp: Oh I get it. It steals that would normally don't to a neighboring country!
Vi: Eventually, war broke out between the two countries, and many lives were lost as a result. Ever since the world government has put a worldwide ban on the production and possession of Dance powder that can bring both happiness and dread when used. When all that Dance powder was brought into the port town, Alabasat was in the middle of a strange weather phenomenon where rain fell nowhere but in the town where the king lived.
The people were mad and blaming the king.
Buffy: Hold on, Vivi! That's men and your dad is the bad guy here! Sanji kicked him
You idiot he was framed. Vivi-chan's father would never do any such thing! Vi: Of course, my feather had nothing to do with it, but at the same time a massive amount is Dance power was found inside the palace.... They even had people working inside the palace?
Sanji: What's this road, vivi-chan?
Vi: This was a canal that used to bring weather from then the Pandora River.  Someone destroyed this canal, too..m with it was gone the city of Green could no longer secure water. As it prayed, the people counties to wait, but the rain never came.
Nami: Ever since the dance powder incident distrust in the King's gross daily. And it's all his Crocodile planned, huh? And then the fighting finally began. It escapes the fighting, the exhaust gas people abandoned the city and left for these oases in such if water. And then... They all stopped the city if green wither away. The air started getting stranger. There was worried sounds.
Nami: Huh? Is that someone's voice
Vi: Is it the rebel army?
Usopp: Don't tell me Baroque Works has been following us!
Stella: No. It's just wind.
Buffy: it has to be someone's voice!
Usopp: it's coming from all directions! What is we do we do, Big Brother?
Ace: There's no danger. It's just winds blowing across the town and echoing off old buildings.
Vi: It's as if... It's as if the city of Erumalu is crying... There was a tornado storm
Here it comes.
They all tried to block the storm from going into their eyes. It past.
Luffy and Stella saw something
Usopp: Whoa, what was with that wind!.
Nami: Someone collapsed!
Vi: There are still people in this city luffy ran to the person.
They all saw it was a skeleton.
Vi: What did my father do? What did the citizens of this country ever do? These people have worked so hard to live, being natives of desert land who are forced to fight with nature. Yet he's destroyed their lives! What gives him the right to do that?
All the while, as one of the seven Warlods, he presented to be a very of the people! No one realizes he's deceiving the entire county!
They put there thy ha down to look at a building.
I can't let him get away with this!
Buffy punches down a building
Zoro: Geez, you're all such kids.
Ace and Stella are digging a hole.
Vivi places the skull inside.
Ace used a stick
Stella: Let's get moving. I can't wait to fight this so-called hero.
Nmai: Let's go to Yuba
Zoro: That's where the rebel army is, right?
Vi: yes. I'm gonna persuade their leader to stop the rebellion.
Zoro: Persaud.
Vi: All of Alabasta's calamities are crocodile's doing! I'm going to tell him the truth and have him stop the pointless shedding of blood!
Zoro: Got it.
They all counter to walk.

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