Episode 70

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Luffy: I wonder if it's going to snow anymore.
Zoro: There is no way it would.
Luffy: Does too. You don't know since you slept through it last time.
Hey, do you think it'll snow again?
Vi: It could snow, but the sea we were in first is special...since the seven magnetic forces form reverse Mountain mess everything up. That doesn't mean you can relax your attention here, though. It'd be raw for this sea to be wild like the first journey, she walked to the edge. But it's still true that this sea is a lot more difficult than ordinary ones. Never underestimate this sea. That's the ironclad rule.
Sanji: Hey guys. He had drinks. Can't have my special drink?
All the boys jumped down to get a drink.
Luffy: say, Usopp. Make a fish in tackle for me.
Zoro: Fishing, huh? That's a good idea!
Usopp: Okay. Then I'll make an artist fish-in rod for you.
Sanji was teaching Karoo how to drink with a straw. Karoo was going to drink after drink
Vi: Is this okay?
Nami: Here, this is for you... I think it's fine. They'll work hard in it storms. since they don't wanna die.
Vi: That's true, but it makes me feel. Like he works up over nothing.
Nami: This ship makes you feel like you don't have to work about anything, right?
Vi looked at the boy having fun but Stella was alone.
Do you think Stella is mad at me?
Nami: whole you say that.
Vi: She seems distant to me.
Nami: Well do you do something to her?
Vi: Not that I can think of.
Nmai: Well if you think of it tell Zoro he might be able to help. He seems a lot closer to her than I am.
Vi: Okay.
There was a dolphin and it went over the ship it was huge. It made a splash
Luffy: out of here
Everyone ran to do something to steady the boat
Usopp: Take that side.
Sanji: Got it!
vi: Everyone
Luffy: Complet unfurl the sails!
The boat was going faster. The Dolphin was chasing the.
Luffy: Okay! Ride the wave and shake him off!
The Dolphin made a splash creating a wave. Which they were able to dodge
Stella: Nmai! Which direction should the ship take?
Nami: Hold on a sec. Let me check. Turn to port, full!
All: Okay!
The ship got closer to an Island.
Luffy: whoa
Nmai: There's no mistake.  That island and Cactus Island are pulling against each other. Our next stop is. That island she points ahead.
Luffy: So that's the one! Our second island in the Grand Line?
A man was pouring tea.
Girl: Mr.3...
Mr. 3: What is it? Hold on...  There's just nothing like Earl Grey.
Girl: I'm bored.
Mr 3: You say you're bored, but you don',t like working, right?
Kid: Right.
Mr 3: Then, why don't you try enjoying this joyous free time a little?
Being able to take a long vacation like this is a privilege for officer agents.
And....stop calling me by my code name in public like this. People will find out that I'm Mr. 3.
With his hair saying 3.
Kid: You think?
Mr 3: By the way, you be been looking at the piece of paper for the past few days. What on earth is it?
Kid: An oser from Boss.
Mr 3: You should've told me sooner. He took the paper. And reads it
Apparently, Mr. 5 has been taken down. Humph! If someone had to get taken down I wish it was someone like Mr. 2.
Kid: Then you could get a promotion.
Mr 3: Mr. 5 being taken down isn't worth making a big deal over. After all, that man is just an " idiot with devil fruit powers" who was overconfident in his own position. No matter hi much the devil's power one gains, if he can't fully utilize it, his existence is a total waste.  He drinks his tea. Superb criminals execute their crimes using their superb brains let's teach whoever beat Mr. 5...the terrors of making a criminal organization their enemy.
Luffy: So this is Little Garden!
Zoro: What's little about it?
Nami: This place honestly quite fits its cute name...
Usopp: Ahh... It's like a terra incognita it's a thick jungle!
Vi: We have to be careful. I'm worried about what Miss S was saying.
Miss S: But what's even unluckier is the course your Log Pose indicates. The name of the next Island is...Little Garden. We don't even need to do anything; you'll be wiped out long before you can reach Alabasta.
Usopp: Are you saying a monster may appear?
Luffy: Who knows?
Usopp: Let's go to our next destination without going ashore on this one!
Nami: But the Log can't be stored so quickly.
Sanji: Also, we have to stock up on food soon. We didn't get anything in the last town we were in.
Stella: I wonder why. She looked at Vi
Zoro: There's a river mouth there.
They all looked.
Luffy: I hope it has a BBQ restaurant in here
Sanji: As if there would be one
Luffy: But you said we were going to stock up on food.
Stella: We'll collect food to cook later! Geez what're you thinking!
Nami: But it's dangerous to go ashore. Just take a look at the planar here to start with. I've never seen anything like them even in encyclopedias.
Nami and Stella hold their ears.
Sanji: How cute!
Usopp: You mean me?
Sanji: Obviously! I meant Nami-san and Stella-san!
Stella: What was it I just heard?
A big bird was coming at Sanji.
Sanji: It's all right. It's just a bird.
And this is just a jungle. Don't worry.
Nami and Uospp ran away
What's the matter?
Sanji was able to duck just in time before the bit could catch him
What was that for, you damn bird?
Luffy: A lizard... I wonder if it was good.
The boat stops
Nami: Is that a kind of noise you hear from just any jungle?
Usopp: That sounded like a volcano erupted!
There was a tiger.
Nami: A tiger?
Usopp: It's too huge! They ran back
The tiger followed the ship on land
Stella: Huh
The tiger then just falls down and dies.
Nnai: What? What happened? This isn't normal! This is definitely not normal! Why does a tiger, King of the jungle, fall covered in blood?
Stella: Well technical Lions are king of the jungle.
Usopp: Ah! It described that we're not going to go ashore on this island! 
Nami: We'll quietly wait on the ship until the Log is stored and...leave this island as soon as possible. We have to go to Alabasta quickly...
Zoro dropped the Anchor
Luffy: Sanji! Made some lunch for me and Stella!
Sanji: Lunch?
Stella: Yeah! For replenishing energy
Luffy: A "pirate lunch" with lots of meat and no veggies! We can smell adventure in the air!
Nmai: wait a second! Where you going
Luffy: Adventure. Wanna come along
Nami: Mind It's useless... I can't stop him. He's too enthusiastic...
Usopp: Mind. Is he crazy? There's a monster that beat up a to get in here!
Luffy: Sanji make lunch for us!
Sanji: Okay. Hold on a bit.
Vi: Say, can I come with you two?
Luffy: Sure! Come, come!
Nmai: Not you too!
Vi: Yeah... If I just sit around here, I may start to think about all sorts of things. I'll go out to take my mind off things until the Log is stored.
Nami: No way! It may be okay for Luffy and Stella, but it's too dangerous for you!
Vi: I'll be fine nice Karoo will be with me. Karoo screams
Nami: Hea too shocked to say a word, though.
Sanji: Then, I'll make a lunch with a bunch of love for both Stella-san and Vivi-Chan.
Vi: Could you prepare something to drink for Karoo
Sanji: Of course! Please leave it to me!
Sanji helps them
Now you are all set. The pirate's lunches and a special drink for Karoo.
Luffy: Okay.
He goes off.
Vi goes after
Stella: Thank you Sanji.
She goes off to
Sanji: Anything for you
Stella: We'll be back in a little while!
They ran off
Usopp: Miss W sure is brave.
Nmai: As may be expected from someone who infiltrates an enemy. Organization.
Zoro: Well, I'm bored too, so I'll go take a walk.
Usopp: Take a walk.
Zoro gets off
Sanji:Ah! Hey zoro! Wait
Zoro: Huh
Sanji: Werw short on food. If you see animals that appear edible, bring them back.
Zoro: Okay I got it. I'll bring one back that you can't possibly capture.
Sanji: Wait, you bastard! He put his foot up I can't let that remark go unchallenged! You can capture a bigger one than I can, you say?
Zoro: Oh course.
They make eye contact.
Sanji: Then, it's a hunting match. He gets off. Look! We'll compete over how many kilos of meat we get.
Zoro: Don't you mean to say how many tons?
Sanji: You can talk cocky once you've brought back some prey.
Zoro: Humph! I'll take you up on that!
They each go their separate ways
Nami: I wonder why they're all like that?
Usopp: I understand how you feel. Don't cry. I'm on your side.
They sat down
Usopp: We're sitting ducks...
Nami: That's my line!
Nami: But wait a sec... She gets up
Usopp: What the matter? Nami he follows her.
Nami: This isn't it, either. She was going threw books
Usopp: Ouch! Ow... Hey Nami! Nami!
Hey what the heck are you looking for
Nami: I remember about it in a book. 
Little Garden she looks through a book
Luffy stopped running in
They all stop
Vi: What's the matter?
Luffy: Here, pool at this! There is a shellfish like a squid. He picked it up.
A squid shellfish!
They look at it.
Stella: It looks a lot like an ammonite
Luffy: It's a squid shellfish, right?
There was a stomp.
They lookup
Sanji: I feel like someone has been following me for a while. Well, it must be my imagination.
There was a Dinosaur
Sanji looked up
The Dinosaur went to bite him but Sanji moved out of the way.
Sanji: How dare you mess with me? Collier Shoot! He did an upper kick.
The Dinosaur falls back
Zoro was face-to-face with a Triceratops.
Zoro: What the hell is this? Is it edible?
Nami: Let me see... Which one was it?  I think I ref it recently, but it slipped my mind.
Luffy Stella and Vi ran
Luffy: oh? Why is there a sea King on the land?
They see a Brachiosaurus.
Vi: A dinosaur! Scared
Luffy&Stella: A dinosaur excited
Vi: Then, this is an ancient island. The land here is stuck in the time of the dinosaurs! Since there were no exchanges among islands in the Grand Line. Due to the difficulties with sea travel, each one established its unique culture. Some islands have an extremely sophisticated culture...and some others remain in the same form without progressing for several thousands or tens of thousands of years... The random climate in the Grand Line makes it possible. That's why this isalfb exist in the dinosaur time. 
Luffy stretches his arms Stella is on his back
Vi: Luffy! Stella!
They were on a dinosaur.
Vi: Don't jump on it
Nami: Usopp!
Usopp: What? What's the matter? Did you find the book?
Nmai: Yeah.
Sanji and Zoro are both able to defeat their Beast.
Nmai: this is bad. On this Island
Usopp: On this island
A giant was coming to the boat.
They looked to see the giant
Sanji: What? It feels like Nami-san just called me...
Nami drops the book
To these residents, this island is a "Little garden.' Little Garden... That's what'll call this place. Louis Arnot, explore.

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