eoisode 186

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Enel had to fix the problem that Sanji had caused and that there were air dials that could lift them up.
Usopp was able to get back up.
He's gone. He ran to Sanji. Don't you worry? Nami fell safely into some island clouds. So high Not the jungle. Not the ruins. Fouse on falling into the island clouds. He went on the railing with spring boots.
Usopp...Hopping!  He jumps down
Oh no, I jumped too far. Oh no! We're gonna crash! And then we're gonna die! Yelling. They were swinging
How could I have forgotten to unhook it?  It came down and they fell
Nami: Usopp, Sanji.
Usopp: Nami, is that you? Sounds like you made it down all right. What a relief.
Nami: Sanji! Are you okay? Oh, you got burnt to a crisp for us. I'm so sorry! I promise I'll make it up to you somehow!
Usopp: Nami hurry! Pull me out I can't breathe!
Nami: All right sorry. She held his legs under her arms. Let's get the heck out here! Yells. Why won't you come out?
Enel: This land will fall
Nami" Okay guys check out that huge vine. If it's the same one I saw when I was down in the ruins, then it stands to reason we're on the island Clouds right above them.
Usopp: Ruins? Oh, The city of Gold! It's real
Nami: It's real. But Enel took all the gold for himself. If the ruins are beneath us Zoro and the others should be down there.
Usopp: I may or may not know the lay of the land... But I do know one thing: staying here is dangerous
Nami: You got that right. Hope on! Let's find everyone and get off this island.
Usopp: That's the plan
Nami: There are no safe places left in skypeia
Stella, Luffy, and Aisa were running
Aisa was holding Pierre
Aisa: Luffy look out.
Luffy: Huh? He started rolling with the ball.
So fast.
Aisa: no wait Luffy your going the wrong way! Go left!
Stella: There's no way he can turn going on how fast he's going.
Gum-Gum Hook. He tries turning but fails and ends up crashing into more buildings.
Enel: Hmph. The thunderclouds are gushing out nicely now. So the rats have scurried off. They're shrewd but so restless. Ah, no matter. The festivities are close at hand.
Luffy: Oh man. Robin and the others are gone.
Stella: Zoro and Chopper.
Aisa: And wiper and Gan fall. 
Luffy: Well where the heck did they go?
Aisa: I'm guessing they must have climbed up already.
Stella: Yeah, Robin must have helped them. Let's go.
They walked.
Luffy: Hey, Aisa.
Aias whimpers
Robin: Aisa Listen carefully. If we don't do something skype...will disappear.
Luffy: What? Will it disappear?
Aisa: My homeland will be completely gone?
Robin: Everything will fall. He said this nation in the sky was unnatural.  He said he'd send it crashing to the ground.
Aisa: Hey. Luffy! Stella!
Luffy: What's up?
Aisa: Will the sky island really be destroyed?
Aisa was crying as she looked at them.
Luffy and Stella were running up the beanstalk
Stella carries Aisa and Pierre.
Where are the others?
Stella: They're right through here
Robin: I suspect the ship moving toward the grand Belfry. Wonder what happened to Miss Navigator and the boys. If they're on that sip it could mean they're...
Luffy: Were through.
Aisa: Luffy! Stella! Down there
Luffy: Robin!
Aisa: What're you doing?
Stella: Look after these two for us will. You.
Aisa screams
Robin grew more hands to catch her.
Luffy was falling off.
Both: Luffy.
Aisa screams. You grew extra hands!
Robin: What have you got on your arm?
Luffy: Robin. The golden bell is at the top of this vine, right? And Enel is trying to get his hand on it, isn't he?
Robin: That's right. If the Grand Belfy exists, then the bell would be there.
But he already.
Stella: Good. Thanks please take extra care of Zoro and Chopper for me.
They ran off.
Robin: Off like that. Stella wants extra care of Zoro and Chopper. Why
So, young lady. Have you seen our navigator? A woman with orange hair?
Aisa: You mean Nami? She's on the ship. I only hear one voice coming from the sky.
Nami: There they are.
Usopp: Whoa! Robin!
Robin: Miss Naviagtor. With Long Nose. And the cook too.
Nami: Aisa. Thank goodness! Are you all right?
Aisa: Nami
Usopp: Zoro! Chopper! Weird old guy! And a guerilla! Everyone has been taken down!  Oh! Only I had been here!
Nami: Wait, Aisa, where's Luffy and Stella?
Aisa: wasn't he with you? Luffy climbed up the vine to rescue you. But since everyone's here, Luffy and Stella have to face Enel on their own
Nami: we missed him didn't we?
Robin: Just now. I tried to stop them, but they wouldn't listen.
Usopp: Damnit, Luffy. They know we're running short on time.  We gotta go now!
Nami: Go on without me, I'll take the waver and find them. Just try to get to the merry somehow!
Luffy and Stella were running
Stella: Damnit. The ship's moving fast!
Enel. You will pay for what you did and will be in excruciating pain.
The skypiea was escaping
Conis: This wind has stopped.
Lighting burned a tree.
Crowd yelling
Enel: Now then. Let us begin the festivities. The time for the ending has come. Mamaragan. 
Lightning was everywhere.
One came next to them
Usopp: Man, those lightning bolts are huge! We're gonna end up sky dust if we stay here!
[Engine revving]
Go now. Once I find Luffy and Stella we'll be right behind you!
Usopp: Uh yeah, right! I gotcha!
Usopp: Hurry Robin. We gotta find a way to carry these guys to the ship!
Aisa: Wiper!
He was standing there.
Zoro coughs
Robin: Swordman
Usopp: weird old guy!  Oh good, you're awake now!  There's not a moment to lose!  Do you think you can walk?
Gan: So...enel has begun.
Robin: We must hurry. There truly is nothing we can do here.
Nami: I have to get there. Not even Luffy or Stella can handle an enemy who can fly! I have to get to him before this island is obliterated!
Enel: Magnificant!
Luffy: You better not think for a second that we're gonna let you get away with this enel!

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