Episode 213

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The next game is The Round and Race Roller Race. Seeing how there are seven of them Luffy does not need to go twice and Stella will take his place.
[Concerned neighing]
Tonjit: Shelly don't worry, girl our friends will be just fine. All we have to do is cheer them on. He got some food.
The people were making the ramp.
The girls were getting ready in a locker
Robin: This next game sounds like fun, don't you think?
Nami: Fun? That's kind of insensitive. Put yourself in Chopper's shoes for a second. Poor little guy.
Robin: I didn't think of that. My apologies.
Stella: No need to apologize Robin it is best to think of the positive things than the negative things
Nami: well, no big deal. It's these idiots that could use some sensitivity training.
Sanji: Aaaahhh! Hello! You're both so lovely!
Luffy: You two ready for the match?
Nami smacks Sanji
What're you eating now, Luffy?
Luffy: It's a long kiwi. That old horse guy gave it to me. Actually, tastes pretty good! You can't have it
Nami: I don't want it.
Tom: It's time for Round 3, the "Run Roller Round "roller skating race! Say that three times fast. At any rate, it's a head-to-head race. On an outdoor track. As always, the rules are simple.
I don't say the rules you less writing for me
Now, it's time for our two talented teams to take to the tracks!
Nami: All right guys, no matter how badly they cheat, we gotta get Chopper back this time! You ready
[Straw Hat Pirates] Yeah!
Tom: And here comes the Straw Hat Dangers making a grand entrance with a roaring battle cry!
They all had their hands in the air.
And on this end, their all-powerful opponents, the indomitable Foxy Devils! First up is the Team's playmaker, Porche! Next is the stunningly speedy chiqicheetah, the defensive dynamo Masshikaku, and the fighting Fishman Jube and Girarin! And we have Foxy as the head coach and Ham as the team manager! That's a mighty lineup if I've ever seen one!
Forgive me if I don't remember their names one I don't like them and it is a lot to remember.
Chiqi went to smell Luffy.
Luffy: Hey, what're you doing?
Tom: Whoa! What is Chiqi up to? Is he intimidating Luffy before the start of the match?
Usopp: What's with the weirdo? He's kinda creeping me out
Sanji paid close attention to that.
Foxy: His feet are indeed a thing of wonder, but his nose is impressive too! You ate something pungent, didn't you?
Usopp: Hahah! Uh-oh, Luffy looks like he's onto you! That's what you get for eating that old man's cheese!
Luffy: Oh is that why.
Usopp: That was a joke!
Luffy: Jeez, learn some manners, will ya? Shoo shoo!
Tom goes back to the rules.
Luffy: Alright! Let's get Chopper back!
All: Yeah
Sanji: Hhhh... All right, since we've got five rounds, our best is to put our strongest scorers in Rounds, 1,3 and 5. The question is, who do we want to start out with?
Luffy: Put me in two rounds.
Sanji: There's no need for that. Since you're full of energy I'll put Luffy as the getter in round one.
Luffy: Yeah!
Sanji: Mind. I probably shouldn't expect much from Nami and Usopp
Hey, Robin Looks like it's best to put you in round 3. Is that okay?
Robin: Sure. You seem to understand this better than anyone else.
Sanji: Thanks and Stella would it be okay if you go last? Your speed would come in handy.
Stella: fine by me.
Sanji: Ah, but wait what if the other teams have the same idea? Okay. New plan.
Luffy: Okay, come on! Hurry up!
Sanji: All right, I'm done! Luffy had Round 1. Nami has 2, Usopp has 3, and Robin has been moved to 4. And Stella has round 5.
Zoro: Hold on a second. Why do you get to make all these big decisions without asking me?
Sanji: Huh? Cause the coach makes all the decisions, not the manager. And I'm the coach
Zoro: And why do you get to have the awesome job, while I get stuck following your stupid orders?
Sanji: Obviously because I'm a genius and your brain is so rotten you're growing mold on you're head
Zoro: You think you're a genius then your ego is as twisted as your eyebrows
Sanji: What.
Tom was talking about an important rule
Sanji and Zoro were fighting.
Nami: Knock it off! I can't hear him!
Tom: Okay, looks like everything is finally set! In the first round... oh! Coming on strong from the start!  It's straw Hat Luffy versus our own Porche!
Foxy: The anticipation is killing me. So without further ado. Let's get things started! 
Man: Hey look
Nami: You're kidding me.
Usopp: No way.
Luffy: Whoa, this is kinda hard
Sanji: Please, Somebody tell me I'm seeing things!
Usopp: Don't make me look. I'm scared! Make it go away!
Luffy falls on his back.
Crowd laughs.
Tom: Now this is unexpected! Straw Hat doesn't know how to skate, and according to the roster, He and his Sister are scheduled to play point in the last round! Is it game over before it's even started? Does that mean the Sister is just as bad
Foxy: You can race as many times as you like, kid! And your sister two.
Zoro: Now what're we gonna do?
Usopp: Wait a second if we can't count on Luffy or Stella then that means everyone's gonna expect me to win the third round!
Stella: Mind why the hell are they saying name I didn't even get on the track.
Chopper was sacred.
Tom: Both teams have finally made it to the starting line but I'm beginning to wonder if this is going to be much of a race. At any rate, let's see what happens, shall we?
Usopp: Why'd you ask to be in two rounds if you don't even know how to skate?
Luffy: It's not my fault, that was before  I found out that skating is the hardest thing in the world. He almost fell but Usopp caught him.
Usopp: Good thing that you're not going twice and Stella is.
Ref: Come on guys point Getters to the track!
Sanji: What? Not you again! If you pull any more stunts you're getting a boot to the face!
Foxy: We don't need"stunts "this time. We could beat you with both hands tied behind our backs!
Tom: It's time for the third game! The Run Roller Round! Will Porcje breeze through to an easy victory,  or will the rookie Skater Straw Hat make a miraculous improvement?
On your marks! Get set.
[Whistle Blows]
Tom: and she off!
Luffy was flat on his face while Porche was in the lead.
Luffy: You, stupid shoes!
Tom: Whoa, now! Removing your skates will result in instant disqualification!
Luffy:c Crapm if I make it over there I can grab the railing! He gets up only to fall.
Porche: Well! Not much of a race!
Whistle blows
Tom: Twenty Seconds have passed! It's time to let the defenders loose!
Mass: Mass. He was going to fall on Luffy
Sanji: Hey he's about to get smashed somebody. Help him!
Usopp: Not me.
Luffy was smashed. Only to for Mas to get back up
Mass: Huh! That's weird.
Luffy: Gum-Gum Balloon?
Name: That's it! Let go, Uospp!
They go on the track.
Nami kicks him
Nami: Listen Luffy, you have to keep holding your breath! We're gonna Roll you all the way around the track. I'll make it up to you after this.
Usopp: Whatever works.
Robin: Cien Fleurs! Delphinium!  She has hands all the tack to keep him steady
Nami: Wow thanks, Robin.
Porche: Oh no! Flower Shuriken!
Robin moves him out of the way of the spikes
Mass: I am a wall.
Robin pushes Luffy over him.
Sanji: Way to go Robin
Gir: Not so fast. He jumps in the air killer Sword Festival! He uses his sword Arm to push Luffy into the crowd.
Tom: What a turn of events! Straw Hat Luffy has soared his way out of bounds!
Nami: Was that a sword?
Stella: Luffy, are you okay?
Gir: These things? Don't worry.  Here, look. It's fine. They're nothing but show!
Luffy: I don't feel so good.
Usopp: You can come down now.
Luffy lets out the air in him
Porche won.
That means one point for the Foxy Devils.
Luffy: I hate skating!!
He was on a tree
Zoro: Shut up and get down here!
Tom: let's move along shall we? In the second round match-up, the Syraw Hat's point-getter is Nami's nefarious navigator! She'll be up against the king of defense. Masshikau is everyone's favorite human wall!
Stella: Don't worry about losing just focus on the match!
[Whostle blows]
And they're off! Or at least Nami is Mass on the other hand. Well, to put it nicely let's say he's taking his time.
Usopp: Am I missing something? Why's he so slow?
Nami: Mind. It's too quiet what's going on? Is this some kind of trick?
Usopp: Forget about him, Nami! Just keep moving!
[Whistle blows]
Usopp: let's see what we can do.
Wait. Why aren't they moving?
Jube:f you think you can get past us, then be my guest!
Gir: You wanna step up to these babies?
Sanji: Little late to be making a roadblock We're the ones in the lead this time.
Luffy: If you guys don't move, then I will! He falls.
Usopp: Take it easy we got this one! Look how slow he is. There's no way Nami gonna lose to that guy!
Jube: Is that what you think?
Porche: Flower Hypnosis! The straw Har gets blasted
Nami: What happened?
Usopp: We didn't just fall asleep on the track, did we?
Luffy! Guys! Wake up!
Nami: But they're in the same place as before, right?
Chopper: Nami! Hurry! You're about to lose the race! You gotta get moving now!
Tom: five, four, three, two, one
[Whistle blow]
Nami: I can't be. He's in the same spot, Sanji:but that's only cause he did the whole lap.
Porche: Snooze you lose! It sucks to be you, huh?
Foxy: Can't believe we beat them with Mass.
Tom: Unless the Straw Hats can pull it together fast, things could be over for them in a flash with a two-point deficit, everything is riding on the next round! Will Usopp's aerodynamic nose give him the edge he needs to bear Cbiqicheetah?
Usopp: But I'm
Usopp: Mind. How can I be a guy with "cheetah" in his name?  Heck, he might even be a cheetah, now that I look at him.
There is no need for Zoro to teach Luffy roller skating seeing how Stella is taking his place. But sure Zpro does teaches him
Usopp: Seeing how Stella and Luffy are siblings they probably both can't skate so I can't rely on them. I need a strategy.
[Whistle blows]
Ref: on your marks! Get set.
Usopp: I got nothing! Well, whatever! I can go faster than a cheetah if I try really hard, right?
They were off.
Usopp: Ah ha! I'm in the lead! It worked! He saw him In front
So fast!
Porche: You're little friend might as well give up now and save himself the effort. Chiqi doesn't even need our helo, ya know.
Usopp: This is hopeless what I supposed to do?
Nmai: No way! He already finished a whole lap?
Porche: Maybe you guys should just sit back and relax too!
Stella: It's not over til it's over, okay?
Tom: Twenty seconds.
It's time for the defense to go!
Nami: Come on Robin
Usopp: Here he comes! I gotta do something he's gonna lap me. How do you like that. He went for the swing. Only to miss.
Luffy was able to stand up.
Yeah! Usopp, you're gonna win this!  Hang on Chopper we'll get you back.

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