Episode 11

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Oh and before this starts I just want to say That Stella keeps her hair hidden from the rest so her hair is in a bandana.

The kids and Zoro and Nami see Usopp running
Zoro: Huh? Why aren't Luffy, and Stella with him
Usopp ran past them
Nami: Where's Luffy and Stella? Wasn't he at shore with... Is he still mad about his dad being insulted?
Carrot: No, that look was different!
Pepper: Yeah, something must've happened!
Onion: Why do you suppose he looked so desperate?
Zoro: Hey, how do we get to this shore of yours?
The kids were talking
Alright,  already! How do we get there?!
Usopp was trying to tell the villagers but no one believed him because of the lies he's been telling before.
Pepper: here it is. Our captain always heals his emotional pain here!
They looked around.
The straw hat guy isn't here. And the Pretty Lady isn't either.
Nami looks over the edge. It's pretty fragile here...
Zoro: Nami: Don't fall now.
Nami looks down to see Luffy but in the air.
While Stella lay on her back.
A/n Remember Stella didn't fall she just waited for Luffy to get back up so she went down there
Look there.
Zoro: What the?
Pepper: It's the straw hat guy
Carrot: And his butt.
Zoro: Mind Is Stella okay?
Nami: Luffy, Stella! How did this happen?!
Pepper: They fell. So that's why our captain...
Zoro: Quiet! This guy... He used his sword on Luffy Butt to wake him up.
Luffy wakes up. Morning!
Zoro went to use his sword on Stella.
Stella grabbed it before it could touch.
Stella: even if the sheath is still on that sword is not touching me.
Zoro smiled.
Usopp tried to warn Kaya but she didn't believe him either.
Pepper: Eh?! They're going to kill Kaya-san?! Are they really going to attack the village?
Luffy: Yeah, that's what they said. No question about it.
The kids got scared
Zoro: So what were you two sleeping down here for?
Luffy: That's the thing! I thought I was up on the cliff... So how did I get down here?
The kids were talking about Kuro
Nami: That's great. Now they'll know and can run away beforehand! Talk about stupid bad guys!
The kids talked and then ran away.
Luffy: Oh no.
Zoro: What is it
Luffy: We need to stock up on food before the meT guy runs away!
Stella smacked the back of his head.
Stella: The village is in danger and you are worried about meat.
Usopp tried his best to get Kaya to believe him but she didn't and ended up Slapping his face.
And the mary ended up shooting him.
Usoop ended up leaving while the village went after him.
Usopp remembers the time he used to tell her stories. But got sad remembering what's happening.
Tomorrow morning can go attack the village at daybreak! We walked away and was up seeing young Boys.
He wiped away his tears and covered up Hit. Oh, Hey, guys
Luffy- Yo
Usopp went to him
Usopp: You're still alive?
Luffy: Alive? Yeah, I just woke up!
Pepper: This guy was asleep the whole time!
Carrot: Anyways, Captain! We heard everything!
Onion: Let's hurry up and tell everyone about the pirates!
Usopp: Tell everyone? He remembered what Kaya said to him
Kaya: You're pathetic.
The villagers said
Man: Shut up! All you ever don't spot huge lies!
Woman: If you were as honest as Klahadore-san then we'd believe you!
Usopp: laughs. I'm lying like usual, obviously! That damn butler pissed me off, so I decided to claim he's a pirate!
The kids laughed too.
Pepper: So you put the straw hat guy up to it, too!
Stella got mad that he was lying to the little boys.
The boys walked away.
Usopp: Hey? What wrong?
Carrot: I think less of you now.
Onion: Me too. Even if that butter is a jerk, I never thought you'd lie to hurt someone!
Pepper: We respected you too! I was all wrong about him!
Onion: Same here! Let's go home!
Carrot: Yeah! It's super time! Wonder what we're having...
Stella was patching his shot up. After that
Stella went up to uossp and slapped his face.
A/n Poor Usopp
Usopp: what was that for?
Stella: The hell did you tell them that?
Usopp: Because I'm a liar. I was trying to protect those kids
Stella: Oh and lying to them is going to do that.
Usopp: The villagers were never going to believe what I had to say.
Stella: I knew they would never believe you.
All: What.
Usopp: If you knew why did you let me go.
Stella: Because the truth is still the truth you had to say it or that's what would have been on your mind if you just sat there and did nothing. Why do you think that Kuro let you go?
Usopp: I don't know
Stella: Because he knew nothing you said would affect his plan you are known as the village Liar.
Usopp: What am I going to do?
Stella had her hand on his head.
Stella: We are going to protect this village from Kuro.
Usopp: Why would you do that for me?
Stella: Because that's what we do. Protect things that our friends care about.
Usopp started to cry

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