Episode 240/241

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Ice: I'll say it again let me see Nico Robin.
Stella: That's not possible. We don't know where she is.
The group came through.
Man: You okay?
Ice: Yeah. I bet on a silly hope to get closer to the truth. Capture all the Straw Hats!
Nami: Hey Luffy! Stella, were you able to talk to Iceberg by any chance?
Luffy: Yeah. He said he really saw Robin.
Nami: Can't be...why would Robin do something like that?
Luffy: I refuse to believe it!
Kokoro and Chimmey go to the bar where Franky and they talk about Icebergs and the government. I'm not doing that.
Nami: I'm falling! I'm falling!
Luffy swings them to a roof.
All right! We've landed. Boy, I'm exhausted.
Stella and Nami puch him
Nami: "We've landed"? I thought I was gonna die!
Stella: You gotta learn how to handle things
Luffy: What else was I supposed to do? It was Nami who said we couldn't use the elevator we didn't want them to find us!
Nami: Even so, you didn't have to jump off! We're not the shipwright with the square nose!
Luffy: I'm sorry.
Nami: Well, fine. At least it did get us down.
Luffy: if it was okay, then don't hit me!
Stella: We might not be safe for long
Luffy: What Why?
Nami: This island's topography and the weather. With this much wind blowing if the atmospheric pressure drops a typhoon might come through here tonight. This town is called the City of Water.
Stella:In other words, it can be weak points that could easily lead to flood damage
Luffy: So, what about it?
Nami: Well... it bothers me a little so I'll check into it later. Anyway, let's go back to the inn.
Man: Thanks. Well done, Nico Robin...
Robin: That was a piece of cake.
Man: Although naturally you're now being pursued by the whole town.
Robin: Indeed.
Man:But that's just a temporary setback. What's important is...tonight.  we'll infiltrate Iceberg's residence one more time. If worst comes to worst it's okay to eliminate all the evidence. Among the disciples of this Tom guy who originally had it, iceberg is the only one currently alive. No matter how much he plays innocent, in the name of CP9, we'll take it away tonight for sure. Bear in mind that this is a mission for justice.
Zoro: What the hell is going on? Why am I being chased after? I don't get it!  A newspaper flew in his face he was in the alleyway.
So this is what they've been chasing after me! Assassination culprits? This blows. I can't even go back to the inn like this.
Man: Ah...Who is it over there?
Man 2: Are you sure, landlord?
Landlord: Yes. Those pirates have been at this inn since last night. They were there till just a bit ago
Man 2: They were here?
Landlord: Yes. Since they've still got a lot of luggage in their room, they might come back.
Man: Okay then! You guys stay here. The rest of you, let's go search this area together! Listen, make sure you leave no stone unturned to find them!
Some checked the ship. But usopp wasn't there.
Usopp: Who were they? I something happening in town?
Nami: Hey Luffy.
Luffy: What is it, Nami?
Nami: Do you think everyone's okay? Craftsmen are everywhere in town. Sanji and Chopper are probably okay since no one knows their faces yet, but...
Stella: We need to hurry.
Sanji and Chopper met Robin and she told them what she did and that she was leaving and to pass the message to the other as she left them
Chopper: I lost sight of her
Sanji: Yeah. Chopper... You go join Stella and the others and tell them everything that just happened..without leaving a single word out.
Chopper: What are you going to do
Sanji: We'll part wats here for a bit. Don't worry. I won't do anything reckless.
Nami: What's wrong with you?
Zoro meets up with the three only to lead people to them
Zoro: It was gonna happen eventually! With this many people, it'd be strange if they didn't find us!
Stella: This way! They all turned right while Zoro went straight. Luffy had to use his arms to grab him
The group turned only not to find the Straw Hat.
Luffy had his body stretched out under the bridge as the three of them were on top of him.
Chopper in his human form came down and scared Luffy dropping them all in the water.
Usopp brought more wood and was able to get a meal. Franky went to go after Straw Hat again.
The group was on a roof
Zoro: Things finally calmed down
Nami: "Finally calmed down"  You had all those shipwrights chasing after you! That's why we ended yo getting dragged into, it too!
Zoro: I said it was unavoidable, didn't I?
Luffy: Anyways, Chopper, I'm surprised you found out where we were.
Chopper: You're sent.
Luffy: Oh yeah. Come to think of it, where's Sanji?
Chopper: Well...
Everyone listened to what he had to say.
Luffy: Did Robin really say that
Zoro: We all were prepared for it, right? Even though it was for a short time we let Robin, who showed up as our enemy, come on board. It'd be embarrassing if we ran away because we got scared. Isn't it about time for us to settle this matter... as to whether that woman is friend or Foe?
Luffy: Are you sure that Robin said thay Chopper?
Chopper nods.
Zoro: She said she wouldn't see us after today. It also sounds like she's declaring that she'll do something that could worsen the situation before the day is over look how big a fuss this is the attempted assassination of the Mayor caused in this town. If it's possible to make the situation worse, there's only one thing she can do.
Stella: This time for sure...Assassinate the Mayor...
Zoro: It's natural to think that way. But we know that she's pinning her crime on us on purpose, so it's possible that this could be a trap to lure us out to the scene of the crime.
Chopper: A trap...
Zoro: If we're at the spot of the assassination carried out tonight, the crime will easily be pinned on us.
Nami: Hey! You already sound like Robin is really our foe!
Zoro: I'm talking about the possibility. it's not that I've decided on either. If I already decide whether to believe her or not, if the truth turns out to be the opposite of that...it'll slow down my reaction. If something is to happen, it'll be tonight. Are we going?
Stella: We are.
Nami: I don't mind going...but there's a problem. Sanji saw Robin walking with someone, right? Iceberg said the same thing. She was with someone with a mask on. But it wasn't any of us. He must be the reason why Robin Suddenly changed.
Chopper: Isn't he making Robin do bad things?
Zoro: That would be a fortune. If this guy is Robin's real friend, then that would be misfortunate
Nami: But"someone with a mask on"
Can't be a clue. That's the problem. What's our goal
Stella: Capture Robin. Otherwise, we won't know anything.
Zoro: Ture. Thinking about it is a waste of time. Come to think of it. The world Government has been trying to capture that woman for twenty years, and yet. It still hasn't happened
Stella: Oh please. The Government has been trying to capture me for 14 years
Nami: But If we wanna know the truth, that's the only way
Chopper: Okay, I'll do my best, too!
Luffy: Well them let's go. Galley-La.
Franky was looking for Stella and Luffg but his bros were able to find Usopp. So Franky planned to lure the Straw hats with of their Crewmember.
The Whole city was in a budding to stay away from Agua Lgunan and the other part of the town was protecting the Iceberg from the Straw Hats
The main Five sat by the door.
Lulu: I was told they weren't on the sea train.
Kaku: Then they're still somewhere on this island, huh? But they're fools if they come with all those guards around.
Paulie: I heard that an idiot plunged in here in the middle of the day today. We have to be ready for anything.
Ice: Well. They don't have to go that far.
Kalifa: They're doing it voluntarily.
Ice: They're treating me like a king
Kalifa: by the way, why did you put up
Nico Robin Poster in your room?
Ice: Are you serious
Kalifa: A little.
Iec: it's better if you don't know. She is a devil.
The group made it to Galley-La. And was on a tree
Chopper: Tons of people are guarding the place.
Luffy: It's a little far.
Name: Can't you just stretch your arms and go flying there? But after the commotion starts, okay?
Zoro: If we cause a commotion before they do they'll just take advantage of it.
Nico Robin and the strange man were on a building

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