Episode 246

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Nami: A devil fruit!
Luffy: Which one?
Paulie: Lucci, what the...?
Lucci was a giant leopard
Stela: The Cat-Cat fruit. Leopard model.
For the first time, The Cp9 was surprised.
Kaku: Mind how does she know
Zoro: A leopard-human hybrid.
Mind Just like Stella instead she was a cheater.
Paulie: What's with the appearance? What the hell are you?
The fire started has started to spread.
Paulie: I don't know. If you're a leopard human or what, but...I won't let you lay a finger on iceberg!
Stella: Carnivore Zoan Types are known to become more brutal! Logia types, Zoan and pareecia types...Many unique powers exist. Genuine physical augmentation is a trait of Zoan types. The more they train the stronger they get.
Chopper: Mind Just like Stella.
Stella: The Zoan type is the strongest species when it comes to a close attack.
Paulie: So what you're saying is it's monster stuff
Stella: I guess you can say that.
Lucci: How the hell do you know all about this are you a Zoan type?
Stella: she calmly says. No. My friends used talked all about the different types of devil fruit every day. I guess some information stuck with me over time.
Of course, Stella is going to lie like the hell she going to tell the them the truth well it is Ava did talked about it all the time to her and Ryō
Lucci: Since we have to take care of you guys before we get wrapped up in flames
Kalifa: Lucci, the craftsmen are coming upstairs.
Lucci: Don't worry. They can't make it far. Tempest Kick! He breaks the whole top building.
Chopper: Nami! He pushes her out of the way. As the ceiling
Nami: Chopper.
Paulie went to get Iceberg.
Ice: Paulie. What're you doing
Paulie: I'm talking you out of this place no matter what!
Ice: It's not possible! Your injuries are too severe! How can you...
Kalifa: Stop it Paulie
Paulie: Don't call my name...as if we're friends! Get...out of our way! Damn you. Why did it have to be you guys? I at least... I consider you guys my friends all this time!
Lucci: It was just you. He went to punch him.
Luffy punched him instead
Pigeon jerk!
Lucci: Finger Pistol
Zoro: Luffy! His claw went through his chest.
Have a nice flight off the island! He threw him through the wall.
Zoro: You bastard!
Lucci: Iron Body. Zoro went to cut his arm only to be kicked through the wall.
Name: Zoro.
Lucci: You too.
Damn, what happened to Stella.
The fire was getting bigger.
Lucci was back to himself.
What pirates say cannot be evidence. This incident will now be shrouded in darkness. Iceberg, no matter how good of a shipbuilding engineer you are, or even if you're the Mayor of a big city... you a mere citizen, shouldn't have disobeyed the powerful World Government.
"I watch the world burn"
Let's go. We'll find Tom another disciple Franky...or Cutty Flam, and take the blueprints from him.
Nami was outside
Man: That woman. She's one of the Straw Hats. There's no mistake! Did she just jump out a window?
Man 2: She was probably surrounded by the flames and had trouble escaping. What do we do with her?
Man 3: Seriously...what a terrible thing they've done. We'll make her tell us where the others are! We'll capture all of them and hand them over to the Marine!
Lucci: Blueno... So Franku was at your bar?
Bluno: Yeah. But he rushed out to find Straw Hat. Bandana scarf.
Lucci: I see. They were jumping from building to building to get to Franky.
Seems like he doesn't stay in one place for long.
Kaku: But people with bad timing really exist. Look.
Man: Listen, Straw Hat! Bandana Scarf! We've got Long-nose with us!
Man 2: That's right, we do! If you don't want him to sing in the key of C...
Man1: Do you really mean it? That's "if you don't want him to sink in the sea"!
Man 2: The key of c
Man 1: what were toys listening to?
Man 2: What's important is to get the message to Straw Hat, and Bandana Scarf right?
Man 3: we're saying that message ain't gonna work!
Man 4: Bro is gonna beat you up.
Man 5: You say it like," of you don't want him to sink into the sea, come to the warehouse under the bridge! Franky sends his regards! Got that?
Man 3: Mins you, even if they come, Bro ks gonna beat the crap out of them, though. Maybe he got a little easier on the day.
Lucci: Who did you say is waiting for whom, where?
Man 5: Who the hell are you? We're bust right now! Get lost!
Lucci was wearing a mask.
If you don't wanna die, answer my question in three seconds.
Man 2: This guy is talking nonsense.
Man 3: Do you know what family we're in?
Lucci: Which place do you mean by the warehouse under the bridge? Franky is there, isn't he?
Man 5: What business do you have with Bro? If you wanna talk to him then talk to us first! They all went to attack.
I don't feel like doing the small talk that Usopp and Franky have. They were in the warehouse Franky bros was talking about and they were all crying talking about how he left his crewmembers for the Merry that he was still working on and Franky talked a little about Tom the same man that the Cp9 was talking about how he saved him when he was younger and Franky even asked Uospp to join his bros seeing how he was committed to his the Merry so dearly.
Lucci got done beating up the bros
I'll hello to your bro for you. We now know the location. Let's go. They all jumped into the air to get to the warehouse.
Yes, I will do them talking the whole episode in the next one. I won't skip it.

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