Episode 13

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Kuro was mad that this crew wasn't there on time. A d went to them.
Usopp: You guys are that strong?
Stella: You expected us to be weak.
Nami: What tool have you guys so long?
Zoro: You're the one who got me stuck back there!
Nmai: That was an accident! It couldn't be helped! It's better to save one person the for two to stay down there...
Zoro: Then you should've stayed!
Luffy: Seriously! How am I supposed to know which way is north and isn't?
Usopp: You the one who ran off fist of confidence. How did you get here anyway if you didn't know the way?
Nami: Yeah.
Both: Stella.
Jango: Night is long gone. He-- Captain Kuro-- has. Short temper... Hey men! Don't tell me these three brats did you all in?
They began to get up.
Listen! We don't have time to be dilly-dallying here! If our enemy is strong, we just need to be stronger!
Now watch this ring closely! On" One Two, Jango," you guys grow strong.  You women will be completely healed, and you will grow stronger and stronger! 
Luffy: What're they doing?
Nami: It's Hypnosis! He's trying convince them to be stronger! How ridiculous!
Jango: Stronger... Stronger!
Luffy & Stella looked.
One! Two! Jango.
Nami: No way!
A man did a punch making a chuck of hill to come down.
Zoro: He gouged out the cliff! What power!
Nmai: They really did get hypnotized!
Usopp: With that many people that strong...
Jango: Go! Crush anyone who gets in the way!
The men ran back up.
Zoro: You guys get back! We'll handle this! Hey, Luffy! Stella! He looks at them. Luffy, Stella!
Both: Scaremed.
Zoro: You got hypnotized too?
They both ran down to the men that we're running
Nami: What a simple-minded person Luffy is.
Luffy: Gum-Gum Gatling
While Luffy was punching the.
Stella was kicking them.
Jango: Damn you, Captin Kuro... You were completely wrong to think he'd have no effect! These guys are no ordinary brats!
They two look at the men
Luffy then runs after them while Stella stays back
Luffy runs to the ship
Zoro' Whers is he going
Luffy then takes the Cat head part of the ship off.
Stella: Go Luffy
Man: Hea going to destroy the ship
Luffy looks at the men
Man: He's don't crush with that! They ran away
Please do something, Captain!
Jango: Crap! Crap! This is no time to be gawking! On " One two, Jango", you'll get sleepy! One Two, Jangom he covers his eyes
Luffy falls asleep and the Cat hears fall on him leaving his body out and their other under it
Luffy was sleeping.
Kaya found out about Kuro when Mary told her all about him. The kids watch as Kaya leave
Nami held onto Usopp
Nami: Looks like they're just wiped out!
Zoro: I guess so.
Usopp: Hey! Never mind that, Luffy trapped under there!
Stella: Hw won't die. You need to worry about your own injuries.
Jango: Damn brat! Now the plan really screwed up! If Captain Kuro caught sight of this, he'd slaughter all of us, too!
Man: Hey Butchie! Come look this is bad stuff!
But how: What the hell?!
Jango: We still have a Tramp card! Come forth, Meowban Brothers! The  Two brothers jumped out.
Man: You called Captain Jango?
But how: You called?
And Butchie!
But how: Together, we are the Meowban brothers!
They all looked at them
Stella: Man I miss my brother.
Jango: Butchie! Siam! We absolutely must get past this hill, but as you can see, an obstacle is in the way! Get rid of it.
The brothers looked at Zoro's eye
Siam: We can't possibly do that! Right Butchie?
But how: Yeah, he looks strong!
Zoro: Huh?
Siam: Ans besides, we're just supposed to guard the ship!
Usopp: What? They not their trump card?!
Jango: Siam! Get going already!
Siam: Okay, okay I'll go!
Nami: Hea in tears! What he's trying to do?! Why's he making him fight?
Siam: Hwy you! Get ready! I'm gonna watch you good with these claws!
Zoro: What am I supposed to do? Hey you! Stop or I'll kill you!
Siam: Screams. If you can! He attacked Zoro.
Zoro: What the hell?!
Siam: You just underestimated me didn't you?!  I'm impressed you could block that after my innocent cat act! You seem to have a little skill, but I wouldn't underestimate I am of the Meowban Brothers!
Zoro looked to see he was missing his two swords.
Missing something? Don't look at me, though...
Zoro: Give those swords back!
Siam: Give it back? But you already have a sword. These are just in the way. He throws them. Alright! Now I'm much lighter!
Zoro ran to him. Yiure supposed to take good care of other people's things! He made a cut on his side.
Bastard! Siam juked on his back
Siam:What did you cut? I can bend like a cat! He had Zoro head in the dirt you're up, Butchie! Get him.
But how jumped in the air to stomp on Zoro head? Zoro was able to get out of the way.
Siam: Damn! He got away!
Butchie: Hwy! Hold him down, Siam!
Siam: My bad. The bastitd's way stringer then I thought!
Zoro:  Mind What the hell. One hit from that'd turn every bone In my body to powder!
Siam: he's not getting aaay this time!
Zoro: I'm not the great ate One-swords style, but...
Both: Pussy Willow March. They went to use their Claws on zoro
Zoro blocked eveye attack with his swords.
Nami: Oh no! They got Zoro on the defensive! Usopp went to attack
What're you doing?
Usopp: He's not gonna get a way where just blocking two guess attacks!  I'm gonna help him out! Take this! Lead start.
Zoro saw this and went to stop it but Stella kick the Ball away from zoro.
Stella: Usopp, you dumbass! Do you want to die? Stella stepped back
The brothers went back attacking zoro.
Nami: You don't think we're the one who just got saved? Had you hit them with that slingshot, those two probably would've come after us instead!
Usopp: But this is no time for that!
Zoro: Damn it! If I just had another sword!
Nmai: I'm gonna get his swords! I'd give them back to work, 'll win for sure!
Usopp: In that case, I'll do it!
Nmai: Don't push yourself! You can barely even stand!
Nami junos off the cliff
She runs after Zoro's swords
Jango sees this and Attacks Nmai with his weapon.
Both: Nami
Jnago: What do you need swords for? He looks up to see Kuro at the top of the Hill.
They all see him.
All the men were scared.
Usopp: This can't get any worse!
Kuro: Yells What is all this?!

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