Epsiodes 204

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Nami: All right! Enough waiting! Let's get our gold back
All: Yeah. They started walking away
Usopp: Wait.
Luffy: Huh? What's wrong, Uopp?
Usopp: We can't just rush off like this shouldn't we come up with some sorta plan first?
All: Hm?
Usopp: oh, great... we're off to a successful start. Don't you think those Marines will notice eight people sneaking around their fortress?
Zoro: You got a point there
Usopp: I'm still worried about The Merry, too, even though we did disguise her pretty well.
Sanji: It won't fool them for long, though.
Chopper: Wait, you don't think so? Why not.
Luffy: Yeah, don't worry! It looks real!
Zoro: That hunk of junk? Please.
Usopp: Don't you dare call it junk. And besides that not the issue here. Honestly, am I the only member of the crew that thinks about the important things?
Stella: Yes and also the only one who thinks about running away when you come across any enemy. 
The crew laughs.
Usopp: Like for instance coming up with a plan to recover what's rightfully ours. That reminds me! You!
Nami: Uh. Me?
Usopp: what happened to the waver?
Nami: Oh, crap! I hid in some tall grass! I forgot!
Usopp: Do you see what I mean?
Nami: Sorey.
Sanji: Nami, you're so cute when you forget!
Usopp: Well, all stupidity aside. I think it's about time I explained my plan to all of you guys. Okay, listen up! He took out the map. All right! Here is the scoop, people!  We're gonna have to split up into two teams! First is the Gold Recovery Team!  It consists of Luffy...Zoro...Robin...Stella....
Robin... and me Capatin Usopp! Team two will be the Waver Recovery Team!  It consists of Nami, and her partner will be... Sanji!
Chopper whines
Sanji: What an incredible plan, Usopp! Laug. Can't wait to work with you, partner!
Nami: Yeah.
Zoro: What a dumbass.
Sanji: You jerk.
Chopper: So, Usopp? You're just gonna leave me alone with the ship again?
Usopp: Hey, don't worry!  The merry is disguised so well, I'm pretty sure you won't be discovered. And what will happen if we get hurt? We need you here to tend to our injuries...
Super Doctor!
Chopper: Hey! You're just trying to suck up to me! It won't work jerk!
Usopp: All right guys. The dial represents where we are right now. The Gold Recovery Ream will need to avoid the heavily guarded routes and take the shortest path along the coast to the strong vault. Now Nami, do you happen to remember the spot where you hid the waver?
Nami: Yes, on the easter side of the island. Along this bay here, just at the base of these cliffs.
Usopp: Allmost Opposite of us. Hm. It'll take you guys too long to get there if you go by land. Huh....uh! Ah... yes! That'll do it!
Nami, that boat should get you and Sanji across the bay in a jiffy!
All right team. Let's complete our missions and then we'll meet back here ay the Merry got it?
All: Yeah!
Chopper was on the boat griding something
I hope they get back soon cause I'm so lonely!
Aww my baby
Sanji: The moon, The stars! And bathed in the glows are Nami and me in a Cozy boat! This is so unbelievable it's a dream come true!
Nami: Those warships are moving out!  I've got a bad feeling about this! Sanji, we've gotta hurry and Row faster.
Sanji: Oh! Anything for you, captain Nami!
Nami: Just do it quietly, okay?
Usopp: Clear to the left and clear to the right.
They were in barrels
Move out! If we can keep this up, we'll be able to sneak into Fortress unnoticed!
Zoro: At this rate, we're going, that'll be next year!
Robin: The cost is clear. There are no guards in the area
Usopp: Then why didn't you say so sooner Hm? Ugh.  How can he sleep at a time like this? Ag! Get it f
Together would you ya, Luffy?!
Robin: Dose he evre sreess out. Miss Captain, he is your brother.
Stella: of course he does. You should have seen how he was when Nami Got sick he was as worried for her. Or even if any og will seriously injured just so you know you'll have two very worried Captain.
Robin: That's interesting information
Stella: He may be an idiot sometimes and you guys may get mad at him for something he will do. But Luffy was always protective of me when we were younger. I wouldn't have Luffy any other way.
They were all running.
Usopp: What's wrong Zoro can't keep up
Zoro: Shut your trap, you'll shut it for you, Usopp!
Luffy: Hey, Robin? We there yet?
Robin: Just a little further. They were at the edge of a cliff.
Usopp: Is this really the place?
Zoro: Behind that door?
Robin: If the Map is correct, yes.
Usopp: And the vault's pretty close, huh?
Robin: Yes, so breaking in through that spot should be a shortened route.
Luffy: Then it's decided! That's where we're going
Usopp: All right! Let's do it, guys!
Usopp--[yelling]. He used his hook.
Oh, yeah.
Luffy tries the other side of a tree.
He then gets on Usopp to swing down.
They all made it
Zoro: What's wrong? Ya can't keep up?
Luffy: Let's do that again!
Usopp: Forget it! You're nuts! They went past the light. Into the vault
Usopp: We're in luck! Not a Marine in sight!  Coming through!
Sanji: Careful watch your step.
Nami: Thanks. Now comes the tricky part. Looks like our only choice is to cut through the side of the base and hope those Marines don't spot us. With the way they're searching the bay, we'd better hurry!  Sanji! We gotta move!
Sanji: Right!
Usopp: We're almost there! Sweet, sweet gold, here I come!
Robin: Stright ahead. Through that doorway, guys
Usopp: I bet it's at the end of this corridor!
Luffy: Yay, gold!
Stella: Mind Making it here was too easy. Something's not right.
The Marines were slowly flowing behind them.
Nami: clear.
[Door closes]
Mar T: Uh! Pirates! Freeze don't move another inch! I mean it!
Sanji: Just stay calm, we're not here to blow up the Fortress or kill you and your friends, so why don't you point that pig tick somewhere else, kay
Mar: Quite! I will not let any pirates Sabaotge G8!
Nami: Didn't you hear him? We're not going to do that
Mar: Like I could trust the word of a pirate!
Sanji walks
Stay back! I'm warning you! I've been trained to do whatever it takes to defend this base. 
Sanji: So then, in other words, you're willing to risk your life?
Mar: Of course.
He went to use his sword only for Sanji to kick him
How noble. It's just too bad your training obviously didn't teach you how to dodge a kick.
Usopp: wow! That thing's awesome!
Robin: Some serious security
Usopp: And you know what that means this gotta be the place where they took our treasure!
Luffy:Hey maybe we'll find lots of good stuff in there besides our gold
Zoro: So, now what
Luffy: Gum-Gum Pistol! The punch goes back and punches Zorom
Oh! Um, sorry!
Zoro: Sorry.
Luffy: That's what I said.
Usopp: You can't open a vault like that! It requires a more delicate tough! What you gotta do is turn these dials to the correct combination first! When you do that the gears above turn, the bolt comes undone, and the voilá! The door opens as easy as pie! Got it now? Well?
There was a light on them.
There were marines behind them.
Stella: So they were waiting for us
Robin: It would seem so.
Serg: Just give you're trapped like rats! There's no chance of escape! Surrender and we--[grunts]
Usopp shot at him
And what gave up our gold?  No way! We'll take on each on every one of you! He was hiding
Okay, take it from here, guys!
Officer: Stop that scum!
Ser: You all heard the officer! Stop them! Gunfire
Luffy: Usopp! You get that vault open!
Usopp: Will do.
The bullets get blown back at them. Breaking the lights.
Zoro steps on Luffy to get higger to use the back side of his sword to attack.
Robin: All right, Long Nose can you handle it?
Usopp: Can I? He took out a stethoscope. Breaking in is really, Nami's and Stella's specialty, but don't worry! This lock should be a piece of cake for Usopp, the Master safecracker! Hm yes, one down.
One the gear came off almost landing on Usopp for it to get pulled By Stella's whip...
Robin: You'd be dead if that hit you. I Guess Captain really saved you there.
Uospp: They fall off? One slip-up and my head'll get squashed like a grape!
Luffy: Gum-Gum pistol! He punched one man.
Serg: Now man. They went to cut him.
Stella: Luffy! Be careful! If you stretch your arms out too much, they'll cut them off!
Luffy: Right
Usopp: Yeah! That's two down!
Drake was waiting for a certain time.
Usopp: Don't shoot!
Robin was on a gear and hit the Marines
Yeah, good Job.
Robin: Looks like I'm surrounded! One man went to attack. Only for Robin to dodge him and get behind them Treinta Fleurs!
All the Marines had hands on their neck
Zoro: I'm getting sick of these guys! Can we go,
Stella: Uospp! Is it open yet? She was punching Marines back to back.
It is now.
They all looked to see the Vault fall
Luffy: Wow! This vault really is neat!
Usopp and Luffy were in the Hole of the Vaultm
Guh! Guys,look! The gold it isn't here!
Jon: You didn't think I'd let you escape from Navrone that easily, did you?

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