Episode 89

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When Wapol went to look around he found Nami. Nami tried to say that she was just visiting and on her way out. She almost got away when Wapol remembered that she was the girl that Luffy was holding. And went to attack her. He had a harder time doing so he used his Devil fruit to eat himself and turn skinny. he was able to tackle Nami as she tried to run away
I'll eat you first.
Luffy: I found you! He then kicked Wapol. Hun! Was he that skinny before?
Nami: Ahhh. She punches him. Luffy.. Why is my favorite jacket all beaten up How much do you think I paid for this jacket? 28,800 berries! And that was the price after I talked them down!
Luffy: I'm sorry, but that's guys short a time at me! I couldn't help it!
Nami: Geez...but well. I'll forgive you. I didn't expect it to come back in good shape when I let you borrow it. As payment for the damages, you owe triple about plus some. The total is 100,000 berries. Consider it a loan.
Luffy: Don't tell me you expect this to happen! Maybe I should have borrowed Stella's jacket
A/n 28,800 3 times, that is 86,400 right? So she had the final price of 10,000 I started thinking. She did not just add 13,600 berries. For a damn Jacket. I don't want hate but that's one thing I don't like about Nami. Luffy risked his life to save yours and you ask for money just because he massed your jacket. He wouldn't be in the situation if she didn't notice that damn bug. Just my opinion. She would not be asking for money in the first place if she wasn't alive because of him.
Wapol: That's it, you damn bastard
Luffy: Darn! His body is made tough.
Wapol: look! Believe it or not, this is the arsenal! I'm the only one who has the key to that room. Naturally, there are a wide variety of weapons in here.  When I eat them up and make them part of my body ain't Munch Mumch Shock, you'll witness a horrific human weapon! Laugh. Now, be prepared. The door will open! It'll be scary! The key to that horrific door is... Gone.
They looked at each other. No, this isn't over yet. He ran away.
Luffy: Ah! He's running away! Wait!
Wpaol: I've got another trump card.
Stella: Oh, it's just the key to the arsenal. Nami looked to see Stella holding The key.
Nami: How did you?
Stella: I had a life before meeting Luffy you know that right?
Nami: It would have been nice if it were a key to a treasure room. How disappointing...
Sanji: Nami-san! Stella-sama! He was crawling to them Good! You are safe!
Nami went to check on him. What happens? Why're crawling like that Sanji-kun? Are you all right?
Sanji: Nami-san, you're concerned about me? He looked at her chest. If I get enveloped in the warmth...
Name: Don't. She smacked his head on the snowy ground.
Stella laughs
Wapol: Damn! The upper leaves are filled with snow, too! I won't let them get away with this...! I won't I'll make them all experience how great the king is! The power is the Drum is my power. I'll use the ultimate weapon of the Drum Kingdom. The Tin Totan Royal crown seven Barrel Cannon! Laugh.
Luffy: I've now cited you! Be prepared
Wapol: Humph! It's you who's corned, Straw Hat! Time to be blown away! He pulled the lever. Nothing happens
He tried it a few more times.
There were small little birds I was there.
A bird's nest...!
Luffy: Snow Birds! Laughs.
Wapol: How dare you make fun of me!
The people of the town were able to find a rope that was attached to Kureha's old house and have Dalton, Zoro Usopp, and Viv with other people.
Wapol: I am the king! I am the king of the Drum Kingdom! I'm the king! They went to eat the bird. Luffy stopped him.  This is for you. It doesn't matter...if you're king or God. It doesn't matter who a great or who's not great! After all, I'm a pirate.
Wapol: it or matter Straw Hat! The drum Kingdome is a member of the world government.  Now listen. This is a world-class offense!
Luffy: Ioe I said, that doesn't matter, either! This is my own fight!
Wapol: You damn Straw idiot...!  I'll digest you! He opened his mouth to eat him.
Luffy: Try and eat me.
Wapol: Not yet! Munch Munch Shock Tongue Cannon!
Luffy: Ah! His tongue becomes a cannon! Ahhh! He shot at Luffy.
Dalton was badly injured but he remembered what Wapol did to a lot of doctors who weren't the MDs and he was willing to risk his life for the two people so he had dynamite to blow himself up and Wapol along with him.
Kureha: Are you worried about him?
Chopper: I'm not worried about him at all! He's a pirate!
Wapolv Wjat an idiot! He let his guard down! Laughs
Luffy was behind him.
Luffy: Actually, that's you. One, two... He began to spin his body around. And he his foot in him. Gum-Gum... Bowgun! He had Wapol thrown into the top of the castle.
Right where he looked to see Hriluk's flag still standing.
Copper: Doctorrine
Kureha: Yeah... It seems that it's finally come... The end is that long nightmare...
Chopper: End. He remember the time he had with Hriluk.
Luffy crawled up to Wapol. You'd better be prepared if you're gonna meddle with someone else skull flag! Gum-Gum.
Wapol: Hold on a second. I'll give you a status and a medal!
Man: Look! There is someone on top of the castle!
Chopper: Doctor. The kingdom is...
Wapol: Then... I'll make you vice-king....
About to fall!
Luffy: Bazooka he hits him into the air. Chuckles
The people made it.
Usopp: Allrihjt, then! I'll go check. Don't worry. You can come later. Ahhh, Zoro's go ahead of me again serious power, activated! They ran up the staircase
Zoro: Hey, let go!
Usupp Alright! I got you back.
Zoro:Hey, if you're scared, you can come later!
Usopp: I'm not scared! Because I'm...
Luffy went to tackle the
Both: Luffy!
Luffy: Zoro! Uasopp. He landed on them.
Zoro: what'd you do that for you jerk?
Luffy: Oh, it's you guys! Laugsjm since I recognized the clothes you're wearing, I thought you were one of them. So you guys came up, too. Usopp are you the day you couldn't come up?
Usopp: Don't be silly! I see a mutant in me, I climb it, I'm that kind of guy. But comic up that cliff was quite an adventure.
Vi: We came up my ropeway, Luffy-sam, Are Nmai-san Sanji-san okay? And where is Stella-sama?
Luffy: Yeah, they're fine now. Now, get it together...
Vi: Ahjj, I'm glad to hear that!
Usopp: We were also attacked by a huge conder on our way! Man, I was surprised. But then I was like, I'm glad...or maybe I should say, just what you'd expect from me...
Zoro: So. What were you doing on tip is the castle.
Dalton came up
Luffy: I was beating the crap out of the king.
Dalton: then as I suspected the one who fled far into the sky was Waopl!
Did you beat him?
Luffy: Yep! Why?
Daton: so what about his two top me?
Luffy: The Reindeer beat them up.
Dalton: Those two... A reindeer did..?
Luffy: Oh hey Usopp. Listen I found a new friend!
Dalton: Reindeer...?
They all saw Chopper trying to hide but he did it wrong again.
Blue nose...
Chopper and Dalton remember each other.
Dalton: you are that reindeer... I see you've been fighting all the time since then! He bowed. Thank you. Drum will definitely... Definitely be reborn...
Man: What's that strange creature?
Man: A Reimdeerm takes a monster
Usopp: Ahhh! It's a monster!
Chopper ran away
Stella hit Usopp on the head.
Don't call him a monster! He's the new friend Luffy was talking about
Usopp: What? That's the thing.
Stella: He got shocked and ran away!
Luffy ran after him. Hey monster
Stella: Luffy.
Luffy: Hey Reindeer. Hey, wait. You're my friend! Hey! Reindeer! You're definitely my friend!
Chopper: Doctor. This is the best right? This is...
No way I'd wait! 

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