Epsiode 158

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Usopp: Hey Luffy! Wait up! Where are you wandering off to, all of a sudden?
Luffy: You heard Nami. We'll only burden Conis and her dad if we stay here
Sanji: Yeah, but where are we doing?
Luffy: Isn't obvious? The sacrificial alter
Stella: How are you planning to get there?
Luffy stands still
You have to think about it.
Luffy: We just need to swipe one of these boats and head up the milky road
Sanji: Do you see any boats we can swipe? Stop trying to think!
Usopp: A boat wouldn't do us much good anyway. Not if all we have is this map, I can't even tell where we are here! And, look, the Milky Road isn't even here at all
Luffy: Man, what a pain...
They saw conis behind them
Sanji: Conis! Did you come all this way to see us off?
Conis: My father asked me to help you on your way to the sacrificial altar...
Usopp: Pagaya did?
Conis: I'll accompany you to the Angel Island docks. There, I'll prepare an appropriate boat for you
Usopp: Wow! You're too perfect! Nothing like a certain scatterbrain I know!
Luffy: That's for sure
Usopp: I was referring to you!
Sanji: We'd be delighted to have you accompany us, conis! Right, Luffy Stella!
Luffy: sure, we'll take you up on your offer!
Stella didn't say anything
Conis: Great! They all walk back up.
Mcik was hiding
I won't let you escape! I'm going to send all of you to Upper Yard to receive Heaven's Judgment!
What he didn't know was that Stella heard it all.
Luffy: What's that?
Conis: That's Lovely street. You can have a closer look, we have to pass through it to reach the docks.
Mcik and his men were following them from afar.
Man: Aren't they already headed for Upper Yard? Do we really need to be sneaking around?
Mcik: Fools! You know how these Blue Sea people are. At first, they are all cool about dreams and adventures, but once they're in danger, they suddenly cry and beg for their lives!
A/n I'm sorry Zoro did fight a warlord. He lost but still, he did fight him you could never.
Luffy: I'm so excited to go to the upper yard!
Conis: You could die, you know...
Luffy: Yeah. Everyone's got to go sometimes.
Conis: You're not concerned?
Luffy: Are you serious? I'm excited!
Conis looked back to see Usopp and Sanji beating Luffy
Usopp: What is your problem?
Sanji: Our friends could be in serious trouble! Stop laughing and think about somebody else for a change!
Luffy: Sorry...
They continued to walk.
Both: Wow! This place is great!
Conis: Lovely Street is the only downtown area on Angel Island.
Luffy: Check it out! The stores are floating!
Conis: They've been built using the qualities of island cloud
Luffy: Wow! Are there any floating restaurants?
People started to back away from them.
Sanji and Stella looked at them
Man: They're here!
Man 2: Please,  just go straight there... just get out here
Usopp: Is it just me, or is everyone avoiding us
Stella: Can't blame them. Words have probably already gotten out that we're criminals
Luffy: This feels great! All of downtown to ourselves
Sanji: All the angles are avoiding me...
Luffy: There sure is a lot of weird stuff for sale! He pokes a fruit only for it to open
If only I had money! Is a treasure payment plan okay?
Man: No, no!
Luffy walks back to the others...
He pulls a rope to pull up to a cloud store.
This must be a dial shop! I wonder if the Going Merry could speed along like a waiver if it had two thes big breath dials? He pushed the dials only to be blown back from the air. And fall down.
Sanji: Luffy! This ain't time to be fooling around! Name and the others are gonna be sacrificed! Are you even serious about saving them?
Luffy: Save them? They're gonna be fine! Zoro was caught with them!
Sanji: Like we can count on him!
Usopp: I just hope the ship isn't any more damaged, but things have been so crazy lately...
Luffy: There's something in the middle of the street!
They all saw a big statue.
What a weird face! What is this? A seal? 
Look like a weird mud figure, but it's probably a religious statue.
Sanji: Morons! This is art! I can tell
Conis: It's vearth. The people of the sky have forever admired it.
Sanji: Vearth?
Luffy: You guys admire this thing you must be crazy...
Conis: Yes, I'm sure it must be difficult for Blue Sea people to understand.
Conis: Oh, the docks are this way!
Luffy: We're already leaving town?
Usopp: What are you talking about? This isn't our destination!
Luffy: come on, can't we hang around a little more?
They all walked off.
Man: Looks like it worked... They went straight to the docks... we're saved!
Luffy: So many boats!
Conis: There are all kinds of boats anchored here. From luxurious hotel ships where you can stay the night, to speed-oriented boats loaded with giant dials. There are many other kinds that...
Luffy: Check out this gondola! It's perfect! It's so cool! Let's take it! Look behind it! I bet those dials can make this baby move quicker than lighting! This could be a whole lot of fun! Come on, let's go for a spin!
Sanji: You idiot! We're rescuing Nami and Robin! Get serious
Conis: Your boat is over here.
Luffy: Great! Oh, boy! What kind of gondola is it? I can't wait to see it!
Mcik was right behind them
Conis: The crow!
Luffy: You can't be serious!
Sanji: Crows don't eveswimms.
Conis: I used it until just recently when I learned how to rife wavers. It's not flat like a waver, but it has two breath dials and is quite reliable! Please feel free to use it!
Luffy: Wait, I'm not going.
Mcik is on the side of a boat.
A/n This man is stupid.
Mcik: Just as I expected! He shows his true colors at the last minute. No one in their mind doesn't value their own life.
Luffy: Unlesa I can take that.
Mcik: He was just being selfish?
Conis: You don't like it? I'm sorry. But...
Sanji: You damn ingrate, apologizes! You're the one who should be sorry. He kicks Luffy. She gets us a boat and all yoh do is complain? Do better! Pay no aftention to his selfishnes!
Luffy: Sorry!
Conis: No problem...
People were looking at them.
She stops
Your exit is gate number two. It will lead you to the giant Milky Road, which connects to Upper Yard. You simply need to take that.
Stella: Hey. Conis.
Conis: Yes?
Stella: Why have you been shaking ever since we left your house?
Mcik: What the hell is she saying?
Conis: Does it seem that way?
Stella: It's like you're afraid of something.
Mcik: No! She wouldn't!
Sanji: Conis, you're worried about us! That's so touching!
Usopp: Still, are you guys gonna be alright? Everyone in town is plainly avoiding us, yet you're leaving us your boat and even giving us directions... Doesn't that make you our accomplices?
Stella: Say, you're looking pale, too...
Luffy: You should have told us if youe scared. We would've come on our own..
Conis: No. I'm... It's not what you think!
Man: She wouldn't
Mcik: Don't say anything you shouldn't
Cons: It's strange, isn't it? Explain the route to your "ordeal", guiding you here myself. It's like I want to lead you there, despite saying how terrifying it is...
Mcki: Stop it! Don't say anything foolish!
Usopp: What was that?
Sanji: Don't tell they're all...
Conis: Why? There's no need for that! They're different... Why do I need to guide them? They're already headed for Upper Yard...
Pagaya: Yes, if that were the case, I wouldn't force this horrible job on you... But most of the people we've seen haven't been that way. Once the initial excitement wears off, everyone values their own life more than dreams and adventures... we must lead them to Upper Yard.
Forgive me, conis... It's our citizen's duty. You know what happens if we don't follow Almighty Emel's will.
Conis drops to her knees.
Conis: Just run away, please. I'm sorry! I was the one who called the super-express Lobster.
Sanji: The things that took Nami and the others? You called it?;
Stella: Chopper, Zoro, Robin, Nami are all in danger because of you.
Conis: while you were inside talking to my father,  I lied to them about a current that leads to cloud End and had them rasie the anchor. That was the signal that summoned Almight Enel's super-Express Lobster...
Mcik: Foolish girl! Do you want to die? This ia our duty!
Conis: Once we know someone's a criminal. We must lead them upper Yard or the death penalty is death.
Man: Stop it! You're going to bring his wrath down upon us all!  You're blaspheming against! God
Man 2: Somebody stops her!
Conis was crying. This is our citizen's duty... I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner.
Luffy: Are you saying they forced you to bring us here? If that's true...
They all had serious faces
All: Why are you telling us?
Luffy goes to her.
Your life is in danger!
Man: Stay away from the girl! The judgment is coming!
There was a light. The beam goes down. Luffy picks Conis up to get her away from the beam.
It's too big!
Sanji: What was that? What did that?
There was a giant hole.
Stella: Luffy!
Sanji: Conis! Where'd you go?
Usopp: Luffy! Conis!
Man: It's no use... That's what happens to those who defy the almighty God Enel.
Man: Do not fear. They are both safe.
They look up to see Gan.
Man: It's Gan Fall!
Usopp: That weird old man! 
Gan: Weird? No, I am Sky Knight! This one is on the house! He throws Luffy
Sanji: Thank goodness! Conis.
Gan: I will keep her safe you my word. I shan't allow Enel to harm her.
Luffy: Thanks.
Gan: Now that you've seen the scope of Enel's powers and anger, what will you do next?
Stella: The same thing we were going to do from the start. Go to Upper Yard and rescue our friends.
Gan: I see... May Luck be with you. He flies away.
Conis: What about them
Gan: They have chosen their course. Do not blame yourself, child.
Conis: I know who you are.
Gan: It'a no seceart,  I am the sky Knight. 
Conis: No, we all know. Please come back to us... God.
Usopp: Get on! I'll give you a string push-out!
Sanji: You're coming too!
Luffy drives
Alright, Upper Yard here we come!
Mcik: They actually left... without fear or hesitation.
Stella and Luffy were smiling
Usopp was crying Snaji had a small smile.

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