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Man: The fin has been smashed!
Stella & Luffy smiles
Don: How are that brat doing such a thing? Is he trying to destroy the ship? Ghin blows Zeff's brains out! Do it already!
Ghin: But he saved our lives by giving us 100 meals
Don: Ghin you son of a bitch
Luffy: Hey I didn't really attack you guys or anything. I only broke the fin because Stella told me to.
Sanji: What. Chore boy, what did you you?
Luffy: Sink the ship
Snaji: What
Luffy: I'll sink the ship.
Sanji went up to him and grabbed his shirt
I was wondering how you'd explain that. Are you crazy, you damn bastard
Luffy: If I destroy the ship, there'll be no reason for them to attack
Sanji: What do you know? The significance of the kindness I received. What do you know about this restaurant?
Luffy: So you're going to die for the restaurant are you stupid or something
Sanji: What
Leo: Dying isn't... He grabbed Sanji's shirt. Something you should do to replay kindness. That's not what he saved you for! Being given life and yet dying is something that a weakling would do!
Sanji: Then is there any other way to settle this matter? They were in each other faces.
Pearl: Now, now, you guys... Stop fighting. It's simply disgraceful for you to fight among yourselves after all This. You can't do any more reckless things while the hostages are with us anyway. It was unfortunate for you guys to have the Krieg pirates as your opponents. Laughs. Burn to death with my furae pearls he ran after them. But Ghin came in and broke his shield
Ghin: sorry peral out of the way...
Don: Ghin! Are you going to betray us?
Ghin: I'm sorry Don he saved our lives. I don't want him to die this way. At least. Please let me bury him with my hands.
Don: Have you lost your mind, pirate fleet chief battle commander
Sanji: Chief commander?
Luffy: See it worked great. My plan  to teach him out
Sanji: Lair! You really going to break the ship, weren't you?
Stella: Stop yelling at him
Sanji: Okay Stella-sama
Ghin: Sanji. I wanted you to leave the ship unhurt but it looks like camshafts not going to happen
Sanji: You got that right. I can't let you leave this restaurant, even if it means risking my life.
Ghin: Then, at least burning you with my own hands is... My way of setting this matter.
Sanji: Hmp. Thanks. To hell with you!
Ghin: And to you two.
Luffy: I won't lose to a weakling like you.
Stella: And losing to a weakling like you will only make my dream go slower.
Ghin: you bastards
D Man: What did you say to our chief commander?
D Man 2: To he'll with you two.
How dare you talk with a mouth like that.
Luffy: Wasn't it just because you had the biggest number of pirates?
Sanji: Oh, boy you're stuck at the heart of the matter.
Stella: So he was right.
Man: I'm going to kill you!
Don: Back off! If you get upset when called weak that just proves that you are weak. The results will decide if you're strong or weak. You've got me. Don't get so worked up!
Men: Yes sir
Don: Ghin. Finishing off that cook is your responsibility. I'll take care of the naive idiot over there.
Ghin: Understood, Don Krieg
Don: Hey brat.
Don: I'll make you fully experience the true power of East Blue. I'll teach you that your devil fruit or whatever it is means nothing.
Luffy: Sorry that won't happen because I'm not fighting you.
Stella: I will be kicking your ass without devil fruit powers. Luffy deserves a break. I'll be coming over so you don't have move at all.
Don: What imprudence
A/n Sorry for skipping Sanji's fight I'm focusing on Stella's fight. You guys will see the weapon that she uses seeing how she doesn't use her devil fruit power.
Stella: Hm? What is he doing? Is this any time to be paying attention to others? I guess I'll kick his ass while I have an opening. She runs to him using the log
Don: Don't over-exert yourself. He throws a bomb in the water causing her to move back
Don laughs
Stella: Bastort! Do you really intend to fight me?
Don: intend to fight you? I don't need such a thing what's needed is a means to kill. That's all. And that is the force that humans have to remember, you damn girl!
Stella: What. You think because I'm a girl you can easily take me. Not going to happen. She looks back to see Sanji on the ground.
I'm the end Ghin spared Sanji's life
And Don didn't like that so we decided to punish him with poisonous gas. The cooks went inside and others went into the water
Stella used three three-man masks to protect the three and not herself.
She was ready to sacrifice herself when a mask to her feet.
Stella used it.
The gas cleared up
Sanji: Ghin get off.
Stella:Where is your mask? Did you give me your mask?
Ghin fallout.
Don: What an idiot. You're in pain right now because you feel indebted just because someone gave you food. Well, I guess idiots don't learn until they die... Laughs
Sanji was holding Ghin. Ghin... It seems it seems that you picked the wrong man to follow...
Don: An idiot who loses sight of our goal and can't follow my orders. No longer has value to me. There's no guarantee that he won't betray me again?
Patty: How evil
Sanji: Patty! We have an antidote, don't we?
Patty: yeah, we do... But that's for food poisoning.
Sanji: It doesn't matter what it is just bring it over here!
Zeff: Idoit! You want to save him, put the mask on him right away! It should have some sort of detoxification effect to bring him to the second floor and let him breathe well. If there's a chance to save him, that's the only way. Hurry Patty, Carne
Don: Ha! It's no use. Even if he stays alive, it'll be an hour at most...
Stella: Don't you dare die, Ghin. They all look at her. Don't let someone like him kill you! Cling to life! Got that? I'll kick his ass for you!
Ghin: Don't. You can't defeat him...
Sanji holds her arm
Cool down! Attacking head-on would be playing right into his hands. You'll die!
Stella looks at him. I won't die. She runs off. Go ahead and shoot as much as you want.
Don: such a fool. The easiest enemy to kill is one who's in a frenzy. The sea is your hell, anchor, girl. You're heading towards... Your graveyard! He threw bombs into the water.
Man: here it goes.
The water comes up. And he shot thrown bullets at her threw the water.
Some Went on her but she was able to block them with her weapon
Stella: Never thought I would use this.

Some Went on her but she was able to block them with her weaponStella: Never thought I would use this

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A/n Before you ask it's spike in the weapon, not gems. The only gem is the handle which us a diamond. Stella has one of the most expensive weapons that she won't get rid of.
The Chioctewhip from Steven's universe.
She continues to run to him. Don used his Spike shield to protect his face. But Stella still punched him threw the shield
Everyone was surprised
D man: Don Krieg got beaten. What the hell is she?
Z man: She hit him along with the porcupine
Stella took a Porcupine out of her shoulder
Is this...my graveyard? Or yours. She took the rest out of her. Don't think... You send me to my grave with stuff like this. I'm not going to die here.
Sanji: she is amazing. Has heart eyes.
Zeff: You only see a woman like that every once in a while.
Sanji: Fight to the death.
Zeff: You're in trouble if someone like that becomes your enemy. But you know, win or lose, I like a woman like her.
Luffy: Me too. She's the best.
Stella: Was smiling
Patty and Care was able to bring this back.
Don: I'm not going due here," you said!
If you won't die here...then...who the hell will? He put his Shield on her and shot. Stella was able to jump up first and use her whip to make him fall back
D man: Don got beat again! What the hell am I going on?
D man: What the hell is that brat?
As the wind so a do her dress with the wind.
Patty: She's really good!
Z man: She can do it
D Man: Don is supposed to be the best.
Don: Stop taking nonsense. He turns his shield into a sword. And attack Stella jumped away.
D Man: Finally, Don Kreig's strongest weapon... The mighty Battle Spare!
Stella: Oh nice
Don: Now, I'll see how long you can keep avoiding this. It'll be a sight,  anchors girl. That punny spar from earlier still lets you stand after a few attacks but the Mighty Battle spare is different. As soon as you touch, it you'll be blown to pieces. He uses it on the boat.
Stella was blown away.
She uses the whip to hold on to the boat piece.
Seems like every time he strikes it explodes. Man, I need something like that. She tries to get up but her knees don't let her
Sanji: A long battle will be trouble... She's logging too much blood... She's not gonna last long...
Luffy: I believe in her. She can do this.
Don: Your overdoing it has taken a toll on you. You must be reaching your limit
Stella: Not even close. I'm not losing to you or anybody.
Don was attacking with is weapon Stella was jumping and dodging them.
A/n Mind you she wearing a dress with slits so it for now a little wild. If you know what I mean. I mean like the boys in the water are getting a peek. Sorry back to the fighting
Don attacks making her go hit in the sky.
Don: Die he when to attack I'm the air. But Stella grabbed onto his weapon.
You damnn caterpillar! He hit the boat making her go into that air once again. Stella grabbed the weapon as it exploded on her.
Both: Stella
Stella drops down. But get back up
Don: I'm not done with you. You made me angry. I won't let you die so easily laughs.
Zeff: Damnit! That bastard Krieg brings out weapons one after another.
Sanji: Can she do it
Zeeff: Even if hundreds of weapons are built, she won't be defeated by someone with a spare of blind determination.
Don attacks her again
Don: Hmp!  How easy... Stella got up slowly.
Now that makes you worth crushing
Zeff: Life or death... In a pirate, if fear death for even amount, you'll fall to pieces
Sanji: what are you talking about
Zeff: At least.
Don attacks while still punching the weapon
That kid doesn't have any hesitation.
Don attacks again
Is it a survival instinct? Or does she not die because she has faith in herself?
Luffy: Pop is right
Sanji: Faith.
Don: You son of a bitch!
Stella looked at him and smiled
D men were cheering for her.
Don: I told you... That this is where you die! He attacked. I am the strongest man!
Zeff: Yep fleet krieg gathered. His hundreds of weapons and positions. If they're all forced... Then that kid's spare is also forced. The spare held in her heart...
She had her foot up I know a woman who holding back that spar for a stupid reason.
Stella put her foot down.
Don spare broke
Don: My mighty Battle Spare is. What the hell did you do?
Stella: The same thing you did to my dress. Ruined it. Guest that means the end for your spare
Stella's was ripped and exposed her skin a little.
Prepare yourself.

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