Episode 212

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Tom: They're up again! Against all odds, the straw Hats are back on their feet! Even after a demoralizing beat down the swordsman without his swords and the savage chef stands tall in the face of adversity once again!
Usopp: You guys! Why you gotta scare me like that?
Stella: laughs. I'm going to kill you guys for that.
Tom: The question is even if they can stand, do they have enough strength left to fight?!
Foxy: I have a little request.
Groggy Team: Huh?
Foxy: One monster burger, please! Laughs.
Nami: Huh? Now what could that mean?
Luffy: huh? Did someone say burgers 'cause I could go for one?
Usopp: Is that all you ever think about?
[Croed cheers]
Pickles and Hamburger pulled out weapons from their pants.
Nami: I get that you guys are cheaters and all but you can at least try to hide it!
Stella: What the point it's not like the stupid Ref is going say anything about it.
The ref blows a whistle at herm
Stella gave him a death stare with her eye slit.
The ref turns around. He was Sacred
Ham: Grind 'em' all up like some burger meat.
Pickle: Slice them' like pickles sour or sweet.
Crowd: What the toppings
Both: A head of green lettuce. And some fine yellow cheese.
Pan: Smashed between some big Pans, what do I see?
All: A monster burger for me to eat!
The ref was doing stretches
Luffy: I'm gonna make you turn around
Usopp: Luffy no
Luffy: Why
Usopp: Cause they want you to get mad. So you'll butt in and do something stupid!
Nami: We just gotta grin and bear it, Luffy!
Ham went to use his weapon to bang up the two while Pickles went to slice them up. And Pan had his pan to smash them.
Sanji: All right one. If you want a cooking battle you got one. Though I gotta warn you,  I've never cooked scumbags before, so I can't say how it'll turn out. You are mincemeat! He flips to him
Ttoisième...Haché! He then does multiple kicks to his face. As he fell down one on his chest and as he did so Hma went up and Sanji Kicked him in the back. And then jumps up and kicks him in his head
Bouquetiere...shoot! He then kicks him once again making him fly into Pan's pan and get smashed.
Pickle: No Ham! You're gonna pay for that! He spins around with his swords. To attack Sanji.
Zoro went in front of him
Hold up fatty. Forget about me?
Pickle: Outta my way, small-fry! I'll cut you!
Zoro: No sword style... Tatsu...maki!  He punches Pickles to Pan in which he ends up cutting him.
Tom: Oh no! Say it isn't so! Big Pan has fallen victim to Pickle's spinning blade attack! Pan was falling down
Sanji: Bad Manner... he kicks Pan back. Kick Course!
Pan was standing up kind of.
Zoro was running to Pan
Pickles: You're not getting past me!
Sanji kicks Pickles out of the way and hits the ref.
I've had enough of your crap and that goes for the ref, too.
Tom: Did Sanji have an ulterior motive, perhaps?
Ref: You did that... on... purpose, didn't you? He pulled out a red card. Only for Sanji's face to be on it.
Huh? Wait a sec my whistle and my cards they're gone.
Robin: You're such a naughty captain.
Stella: What can I say make a fool out of my crew I can't guarantee your safety. She had the whistle and took the cards from her shirt.
Zoro was running to Sanji.
Sanji kicks out his leg
Armèe de I'Air...power shoot! He kicks  Zoro to Pan.
Zoro grabes pan mouth. And lifts him up into the air
Straw Hats: All right.
Zoro pushes Pan so hard it breaks the goal.
[Crowd gasps]
Tom: Goal! Incredible! Big Pan...is airborne.
Stella: Whoo! Yeah! Way to go!
Luffy: yeah! All right! We won! Ha! We won!
Usopp: I'm so happy!
Chopper: Wah! You won!
Porche: Aww..! No fair...! He's mine! You can't have him!
Chopper: Zoro! Sanji! Thank you!
The crowd was even voting for them.
Foxy: I can't believe this. Nobody's ever beaten the Groggy Monsters!
Stella: Oh, hi, Ref. Wakey-Wakey. Hey! You better make your call! Go ahead! Here!
Ref: Oh, thank you. Yeah, that last move was a flagrant foul if I've seen one. He's outta the game!
Tom: And that's the final Whistle there you have it the Groggy Fing Match is officially over!
Chopper: Yeah! They did it!
Stella: Sucker. She walks off as the Ref is confused
Tom: it's the end of an era!  The groggy Momster has finally been dethroned as the king of the ring! Our new champions and winners of the second round, are Zoro and Sanji of Straw Hat Pirates!
Luffy: Hhahahah. What did you think would happen? Like our guys would ever lose to you!
Sanji: Hey, Nami! Hey, Robin! Hey Stella! Was I great? Huh? Was I?
Robin: You were great
Usopp: You're nothing but a jerk! Don't scare me like that! He was hitting Zoro
Zoro: Hey! Hey! Stop
Usopp: I'm so glad you followed my plans after all!
Zoro: You really think you had something to do with this?
Tom: Now, as I'm sure you all know at the end of our fight our winner the Straw Hat Pirates can claim their hard-earned prize! Will they take a member of Foxy's crew or will they take his jolly Roger? Either way. It's up to their captains and their captains alone! Now drumroll, please!
Luffy: Well the choice is obvious, isn't it?
Some of the foxy crew thought they were getting picked.
Stella: Mind. Do they honestly think we're going to pick any of them
Chopper: [Mind]Come on Luffy, Stella, please
Luffy: Okay I chose
Nami: Hold on a sec!
Luffy: What up Nmai
Nami: Think about it their boss is probably gonna take part in the next round, right?
Both: Yeah
Nami: We've already seen what his slow-slow Beam can do. If he fights, we won't stand a chance in any game no matter what the rules are! So the answer is obvious. If Foxy is gonna be our biggest threat in round 3, then we should recruit him so we have the advantage. Sure, we'd all like to get Chopper back. But if we end up losing the next round, then they'll probably take him right back and our win would go to waste. And since his crew will be dumbstruck when they lose their precious boss, we'll stamp them with no problem and claim Chopper no time. Then we're guaranteed to keep him for good. Get it?
Tom: No...! Say it isn't so...! Are they really gonna take our Captain away?
The Foxy crew got mad at Nami.
Tom: Although there's no rule against this strategy,  it certainly seems a bit underhanded...! A little cheating is expected of pirates but suddenly taking a crew Captain away in the middle of a game is no different than running from a fight! Shame on you Straw Hats and shame on the Heartless devil Of a woman who came up with this plan! You're truly a nefarious navigator, Nami! 
Sanji:How dare you talk trash about Nami! I oughta field you punks!
Tom was just talking.
Nami was crying on Stella
Why are they so mean?
Stella: It's okay I won't let them get away with this. She pats Nami's head.
Robin: Well even if it doesn't go against the rule, it does seem to go against some of their pirate's sensibilities.
Crowd: Peanuts! Peanuts!
Luffy: Shut up! You guys are making me mad.
Usoppp: I'm with Nami on this one!!
Zoro: I dunno. I think they're right. Nami, why don't you grow a backbone?
Nami knocks Zoro out
You're just making a big fuss because you lost.  How about you shut up and deal with it?
Foxy: Yes. Ma'am, we're sorry!
Tom: The girl is right. Monkey D. Luffy and Stella are the captains of the winning team, so it's up to them to decide how this battle will unfold! That is to say, they're free to choose anyone they like including Foxy himself.
The crew went back to saying they were going to be picked
Foxy: Straw Hat you little punk.
Mind. You guys really gonna choose me, aren't you gonna choose me, aren't you? Yes, it's obvious. That was probably your plan all along.  Farwell, Foxy Pirates.
This man really thought they wanted him on. Poster. Hell no.
Robin: Say, just a quick thought. That plan of yours although it would us a big advantage you realize it would also make Foxy a part of our crew.
All: Yeah, I think I'll pass.
Man: Oh, our sweet Captain's heart had been crushed under the weight of those cruel words!
Man, 2:It's one thing to turn him down, but did they have to do it like that?
Porche: Aww. It's okay. Even if they don't want you. We still do!  You're always welcome here!
Foxy: Do you mean it?
Man; Nobody makes fun of our boss and gets away with it!
Man 2: Yeah, you'll see we'll get them in the next round!
Foxy: Thank you guys. I promise I'll never leave!  You're the only crew for me! He gets up
Sanji: Cut the Crap will ya!
Stella: I'll say.
He falls back down
Tom: Now that the straw Hats are done emotionally abusing our boss, it's time for them to make their decision! Come on! Don't leave us in suspense any longer!
Luffy looks at Stella for her agreeance
Stella nods her head.
Luffy: Fine. In that case, there's someone I wanna tame back. Shelly
Tonjit: Huh.
Nami and Usopp's mouths fell open.
Tom: What a turn of events! The captain of the Straw has chosen Shelly, a horse that Captain Foxy picked up on a whim after coming off this island! Is this pure genius or just plain idiocy?
Usopp: Do you have any idea what you did, you sorry excuse for a captain? He pulled Luffy's face.
Luffy: Yeah of course.
Nami: Listen, I know you don't like my Foxy plan, but this is seriously a bajillion time worse!
Luffy: Okay, but could you stop pulling my face like that? Please?
Porche: Did you hear that Chopper?
Looks like you get to stay with us after all!
Nami: I know I told you not to pick Chopper, but I wouldn't have said that if I thought you'd pick some horse!
Luffy: Seriously stop pulling my face.
Stella: There you go Tonjit now you have your horse back once and for all.
Tonjit: How can I thank you
Stella: Seeing you together is thanks enough.
Tonjit: Hey. Your friend doesn't look so good. The last match was a real doozy you sure they are okay?
Zoro: I blame it all on that loser with the crazy eyebrows.
Sanji: Huh.
Tonjit: They certainly are lively, aren't they?
Sanji and Stella were fighting
Luffy laughs.
This means so much Really, thank you.
Stella: I told you it's fine! Don't sweat it.
Shelly goes to Tonjit
Good girl.
Nami: Well, I guess I can't blame them.
Usopp: Yeah. That is totally what I would've done.
Tonjit: Let me repay your kindness by treating you to some cheese back at my house.
Usopp: Not in a million years!
Tonjit: It's your loss. Suit yourself,
Shelly says"thanks,"too,
Luffy: Just keep off the stilts, okay?
Tonjit: Are you sure about this. What about your little reindeer friend?
Nami: Yeah you jerk. How do you think he feels being left with those weirdoes?
Chopper: sniffles
Luffy. Stella.
Nami: Poor little guy.
Luffy: Chopper, we're sorry. I know it's hard on you but no matter what I promise we'll win the next game and get you back! So hang on a little longer, okay?  I know you can take it.
Chopper: Sniffs.
Stella: After all you are a brave Pirates  right?
Chopper: You bet I am!
Nami: That's our chopper.
Usopp: Leave it to me little pal, you'll be just fine.
Sanji: If you're Chopper's last hope. He screwed.
Robin: I wonder what the next game is going to be.
Zoro: Hmph! Whatever it ia. I'm ready for it.
Luffy: We're gonna have Choppet back on our crew in no time!

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