Episode 81

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Luffy: Nami.
Sanji: Nami-san.
Nmai: We have to hurry to Alabsata.
Stella: Never mind that just rest. Don't worry about anything right now.
Sanji: When her own life is at risk. Nami-san, hang in there just a little longer. We have to go to that Castale where the doctor lives. Get out of the way you damn Bunnies!
Luffy: They're coming!
Stella: Listen to me Luffy. Don't you dear fight.
Luffy: Why not?
Stella: You forget easily. Whether you attack or get struck Nami will feel the whole impact too! She'll die.
Luffy: What? Okay! I won't fight. But what do I do? A bunny went to attack Luffy but Luffy dodged the attack.
Sanji: Just dodg! Doge! Doge and run! But don't retreat.
Luffy: That's hard! He ran Forward.
Sanji: Flachet Shoot! He kicked the bunny.
Sanji: Damnit in this snow I can't kick properly! The bunnies were sounding them. And they went to attack them.
Luffy: They're all attacking at once.
Stella: Go into the forest we'll cover your back.
Luffy ran and Sanji and Stella ran after him.
Sanji: Go left! We'll head to the mountains
Luffy: Oaky
Sanji: We'll shake them off somehow? It'd take us until night to finish fighting them! These snow mountain animals really are tough! We're at a disadvantage.
A rabbit came after Luffy. Luffy went to hit it until Stella protected him.
Stella: Idoit! I told you not to attack! Just leave it to us!
Luffy: Sorry
Stella: This isn't a joke
Luffy: Sanji! Stella! We can go from here!
Sanji: Goog! Go on ahead.
A rabbit went to attack. But Luffy sees it head to jump over it. And so did Sanji and Stella.
They looked down. Luffy stocked his tongue out at them. The rabbits jumped
Sanji: They're coming! You don't need to egg them on! Anyway unto the top of the mountains!
Dalton Takes Vi and Usopp up the mountains when a woman tells him that she showed the doctor down there helping someone.
All: What they passed her already
A boy was crying.
Man: Hey, owner. We heard enough already! Your kid's voice is so loud that I can't stand it!
Dad: Ah, I'm sorry. Hey, Tamachibi, what's wrong? Does it hurt somewhere? Tama continues to cry.
If you just keep crying I won't know what's wrong. You're disturbing the customers. Tama say something? If you don't stop crying. I'll lock you out!
A/n First of all this child cruelty to say you'll lock your child out. What the hell is wrong with him? Like, forget what your customer thinks your family comes first.
There was a woman out front.
Man: It's the witch!
Man 2: Shh! She can hear you! She's with that creepy monster again...
Dad: Hey! That's enough!
Woman: Well well. What a mean father... If a child keeps crying, he's signaling that something's wrong with his body. Laughs.
There was a reindeer. Stay there, chopper. She punches the door.
She walks inside. Sorry to interrupt. Are your kids happy? Chuck's
Dad: Dr. kureha!
The people got scared.
Kureha: My secret to staying young!
All: No! We didn't ask that.
A/n Stella would love to know go tell her when you meet.
Mn: I still can't believe she's a 140-year-old hag.
She throws something just passed his head I'm still 139!
Tama still cry
Kureha: Shall I make it better?
Dad: Hm? Make what better? He isn't sick or anything.
Kurena: Are you a doctor? Well then, shall we go, chopper!
Dad: Wait.
Dalton apologized to Usopp and Vi he said he saw her come down the other day but didn't say anything to them
Tama: My hands...hurt...
Kurena: Your hands huh...? I see... Then how about Now? He pushes down on his leg.
Tama: My leg hurts.
Kurena: See you forgot you hand hurt?
Dad: What'd you do?
Kurena: Are you happy? You're happy? Good be good and quiet.
Dad: HEY
Kurena: Don't tell. I just touched his leg lightly. He takes a look at the boy's legs
I heard a terrible noise. He's got pain in his hands and legs. He doesn't seem to have a fever, but the swelling on his leg is due to purulent inflammation. It's pretty bad. The bone has been infected. Chopper, give me antibiotics.
Chopper nods his head.
Dad: Doctor... Will my son be...
Kurena: The key to cueing this disease is the initial treatment. Don't worry. He'll be cured...although he almost died... She held a small knife
Man: Almaot died.
Kurena: I'm going to do a little operation on you, so be patient.
Dad: Hey, can't you at least use anesthesia?
Kurena: Here is the shot. Chopper used his head to knock the kid out.
Dad: Don't be reckless!
Kurena: Well then... since my medicine works well. This is it for the treatment. All you have to do is make sure he rests and keeps his leg banged tight. She gives him medicine. Once you immobilized his legs, coll them well. Got that? About my fee, well. I'm almost out of trash bags and toilet paper. Also, all the plum wine and food you have... And... I'll take 50% of this restaurant's assets. Chopper...take them to our sled.
Man: What? Heat, that's outrageous! Half of the assets!
Man: Hey Owner. Don't be fooled that's a rip-off!
Man 2: Het almost died! Wasn't he? really just crying because he fell?
Man 3: How dare you use your position as a doctor! You're a terrible person!
All: Don't take advantage of people's weakness, you witch!
Chopper was mad.
Kurena: Stop it chopper. It's just blabbering of a bunch of kids.
Tama: Old lady. I feel a lot better. He smiles. Thank you!
Kurena: Oh..? I got a tip. I'll reduce the fee to 49%. She and Chopper leaves
Dad: I'll pay you. Thank you.
Kurena: Hey kid. Don't forget the happiness you feel right now, okay?
Tama: Okay?
Zoro got off the ship to go swimming in the Ice water for training
Luff: Are they following us?
Sanji: No. They aren't.
Luffy: All right looks like we lost them
Sanji and Stella turned around.
Stella: No not yet.
Luffy: they're persistent
The Rabbits started to jump up and down.
Luffy: What are they doing? Are they irritated because they're hunger
Stella: No hold on a second. Don't tell me....they're...!
Dalton told them how Wapol used to run the kingdom. What they didn't know was that Kurena was passing then on the other side of the snow.
That's where She meets Zoro shirtless.
Zoro: Ahhh...damnit! I got carried away and swam too long. Where am I? Where is the ship? Geez... I can't tell where I am with all this snow! He looked and saw Kurena
Ahhhh I'm saved! Hey old lady! Sorry to bother you, but will you take me I the nearby village! He looked at her. Huh. What, are you doing showing your belly in this damn cold weather! What a weird old lady. She used her fingers to tell her to come here.
Kurena: Be careful what you say. She then kicks him. I'm still in my youthful 130s' let's go chopper. We don't have time to bother with a weirdo.
Zoro: Wait you old Hag. What the hell was that stupid old hag problem? Whoa, it's cold. Damn! I'll be in trouble if I don't do anything... I guess I'll do some muscle training or something to warm my body up for now.
Wapol came back Dalton Usopp and Vi made it to a restaurant where they were told that Kurena just left and they had been beaten up a little by Wapol people. Dalton used his debut fruit powers to turn into a bison and went after Wapol.
Sanji: Those damn bunnies have really done it...! This can't be happening.
Luffy: Hey Sanji! Stella! What's the matter? What the heck is going on?
Sanji:Hey, we're going to have to run, Stella-sma and Luffy.
Lefty: What? Run? Where to?
Stella: Donest matter where! Someplace far. An Avalance Is Coming

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