Epsisode 148

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Usopp: I can't believe our luck. Seriously... That darn orangutan almost sank us! And now it's up to me to fix it l and keep this thing afloat. Zoro:This ship has started d to fall apart maybe it's time to replace it?
Usopp: How dare you even consider replacing this boat?
Chopper: How dare you?
Usopp: you're aware of the origins of this ship aren't you? You do know what she's capable of, don't you?
Chopper: Don't you?
Luffy: We all know, us opp. Try not to be so defensive. Going Merry's a big part of a team.
Chopper: You know exactly
Luffy: We all know we have to take care is her.
Usopp: You're right, I'm sorry!
Luffy hammered too hard and broke the ship even more
What are you doing? We're trying to save the ships, not sink it!
Luffy: Here, I'll fix it... He broke it more. Well, that didn't work.
All: Luffy!
Nami: We left Mock Town an ms head east by circling around the island. Our destination is here. We're supposed to meet that man... What's his name again?
Robin: Mont Blanc Cricket.
Stella: And you're sure that he'll be able to help us out, right?
Both: Amazing!
Nami: That's his house? That's a palace!
Usopp: Os that Mont Blanc Cricket hit mega-rich?
Zoro: Idoits! Look closely.
Sanji: A dreamer, huh? He does seem to be vain.
Chopper: Why. Luffy jumped down
What? Is it just a board?
Both: What?
Stella: The actual house is only half of it. The rest is just a veneer. He's even gained more than I thought.
Nami; What exactly did Cricket decide to leave his home and live here?
Robin: I don't know all the details, but I think it's because he believes that a huge amount of good rests in Jaya.
Nami: Is he looking for some sort of buried treasure?
Robin: Well, I don't know.
Nami: Gold! Try over here, Chopper, dig this spot!
Chopper: I'll be right there, Nami. He was digging up the ground.
Sanji: It must be hard to line one in such a report area.
Luffy: Hello. I'm coming in. He went inside the house.
Usopp: Don't just barge in there!
Luffy: Looks like nobody is home. Anybody here? I guess he's gone
Usopp: Get out of here, you idiot! This guy could be dangerous!
Luffy: Hey, everyone. No one's home!
Nami sees a book.
What this? A picture book. It looks pretty old. It's titled Nolanf the Liar.
Usopp: Wow, that's a cool title! Nice idea for a book!
Sanji: Noland the Liar?
Nami: You know it, Sanji? It says it was originally published in the North Bule.
Sanji: It was. I was born in the North Bulr Territory. I'm sure I must have told you guys.
Usopp: That's new to me. I always thought you were from the East, too.
Sanji: I few up there
Stella: Man Sanji So cool.
Sanji: Setlla-sama I'm glad to tell you all about it.
Nami: Quiet, Chopper! What are you doing?
Chopper: What?
Sanji: Norand the liar. This is a famous story in the North. It's a fairy tale supposedly based on this Noland guy who existed long ago.
Nami reads it. It was about Noland who told the king about the city of gold and the king went to check with the men but not only did he lose his men he didn't see it and was executed. His last words were That's right! The mountain of gold sank into the sea! But no one believed him
Bellamy: Most Blanc Cricket is a descendant of the Mont Blan Noland? I heard that fairy tale a lot when I was a kid. There isn't anyone in the North Bule go didn't know the tale.
Sarquiss: Were all from the North Bule so we often got told that if we lost a lot, we'd be sent to death like Noland.
Bellamy: This is getting more and more interesting!  I never would've imagined that Jaya was the island of that fairy tale.
Man: And after four hundred years of descent of Noland the liar is looking for the goal on this Island. In an offer to clear the name of his ancestor, who was called a big lair and laughed at until he died...
Bellamy: Laughs. The family cracks me up! Does he really think that he can clear the name of his 400-year-old ancestor by bringing back a few pieces of gold? Sounds like he's weak in the head!
Luffy saw bubbles in the water so he went closer.
Nami: Alas, the lair died... before he could even become a brave warrior on the sea. She looks at Usopp
Usopp: Don't look at me! And don't give in a heartbreaking sentence on your own!
Luffy fell in what?
Nami: Luffy fell in the sea
Usopp: What are you doing? He went to get him only for a man to come out
Man: Who the hell are you? You've got guys relaxing in someone's house without permission! The sea in this area is my turf?
Sanji: Hey, usopp! Go grab Luffy!
Usopp: Got it!
They both ran
Man: You're after the gold, aren't you? Due! He went to kick Sanji but missed.  Sanji went to kick him but was blocked by the man. The man shot him
Chopper: Sanji
Stella: Sanji!
Sanji: Don't worry it didn't hit me.  The man kept shooting at him
Zoro: Idiot... You shouldn't underestimate your opponents. More! I'll handle this!
The man then fell down before Zoro could attack.
Usopp: Hey, what were you doing?
Luffy: I saw bubbles coming out of the water. So I was looking in the water when suddenly a chestnut appeared. The chestnut was actually a guy, and he pulled me into the water. Hey, who's the old Guy?
They were inside the house
Chopper: Bring more cold towels! Open up the windows!
Zoro: Caisson Disease? So this guy is really sick huh?
Chopper: Yeah, it's a sickness that sometimes affects divers. Though it's called a disease, it isn't actually a chronic condition.  Due to the lack of decompression when surfacing from seaded, the nitrogen dissolved in the blood gets released quickly and forms gas bubbles in the circulatory system. Since the gas bubbles expand inside and outside of good vessels, they can cause damage to muscles and joints and decrease blood flow.
Luffy: So it's a mystery disease.  Can you help him?
Chopper: I'm not sure, he probably kept diving without giving his body time to recover, and now it's caught up with him. That's why he passed out during the fight.
Nami: Why in the world did he do that?
Chopper: I don't know, but he was taking a risk. In some cases, caisson disease can...cause death.
There was a picture of him with the two monkey brothers behind Nami.
The two were bow Coming to see what the noise was.
Both: Old-timer! Are you alright?
The craw turns around to see them
Usopp and Chopper scream.
Jou: What are you guys doing here?
Luffy: We are trying to help him., so either lend us a hand or find someone else to bother.
Usopp: Don't antagonize them, Luffy! Don't you know what they're capable of? They're savages, you know. Everyone, evacuate through the windows!
The two started to cry.
Both: You guys are so nice!
Usopp: What did they say?
Stella: Quitly. They're lucky we need answers.
Luffy: So you guys live here, too?
Marisa: Well, the old-timer's house is the headquarters of the saruyama Alliance.
Jou: But we see on our ship most of the time because this house is too small for us.
Luffy: It's because you guys are too big. Well, to those giants you guys look like a ball of ear wax, though. Laughs
Usopp: Why are they getting along so well?
Zoro: They can probably relate to each other.
Jou: But, amazingly, you guys kicked him off when you're so small!
Luffy: Really? You can do it, too.
Jou: Oh really?
Luffy: Yeah, you can because you're a monkey.
Chopper: Luffy, he's coming around!
Luffy: He's awake.
Jou kicks his brother.
Hey, he's right, I can kick Masira...
Luffy: Hey Dimaond-head I wanna ask you something!
Man: Sorry I cause you trouble. I thought you were just more idiots after the gold.
Nami: What? Do you have gold bullion?
Usopp: Don't go after it!
Stella: Don't use the G-Word around Nami.
Man: What is it that you ran a ask me?
Luffy: Old guy, we wanna go to the Sky Island! Please tell us how to get there!
Man: Sky Island? Laughs. Do you guys believe in the sky island?
Nami went to attack
Usopp: Hey, stop it! He's a sick person!
Luffy: There's no Sky Island, old guy?
Man: No one knows. I know someone who said there is. But people call him a legendary big Liar! His family become a laughing stock forever
Luffy looked at Usopp
Usopp: It's not me!
Man: there's an old story that most North Bule people know. Noland the Lair is the one.
Luffy looks at Usopp.
Usopp: Like is said, it's not me! He's got a different name, right?
Sanji: Come to think of it, Noland's name is, if I'm or mistaken, Montblanc Noland. Could it be that you're Noland's--
Nami: A descendent! Could this place be the island in that story?
Man: He's my great-grandfather
3 time. He's my distal ancestor. What a nuisance. I doubt there's a drop of his Blood in my body... The Mont Blanc Family was driven out of the country then and has kept a low profile, but people continue to denounce our family to this is day.
But no one in this family hats him. Because Noland was an extraordinarily honest
Nami:person. But in that picture book...
Cricket: Noland's last excuse in the picture book is like this. " That's right! The mountain of gold sank into the sea! A stupid-looking face is drawing face is drawn in this book. But he shed many tears and died a vegetable death. He was sure that the island he reached was Jaya, where he found the wreckage of the city of gold.  He felt that there was no way it was just an illusion. Nolan's insisted that the ruins had submerged due to the crustal movement, but everyone thought he was making excuses out of desperation. Noland was executed in front of the laughing onlookers, and only the name " Lair" remained...
Usopp: Oh, I see! You're looking for the city of gold on the seabed to clear the Mont Blanc Family name!
Cricket; Don't be silly! He shot at Usopp but Usopp ducked. I don't really care if the ancient City of Gol exists or not, the actions of my ancestor's head have nothing to do with me or my life. You can't begin to imagine how a kid would feel being laughed at by strangers. Just because he's the decedent of that idiot Noland. That's what I felt with my whole life.
Stella: I would've been lucky for people to even look at me as a kid I consider your life an upgrade.
Chopper: Mind Oh yeah because of her 15 million bounty at a young age. And the devil Fruit she ate.
Cricket: Anyways over the past four hundred years, many in my family have set sail to find the city of Gold and prove Noland right to restore the Mont Blanc Good name
But every one of them went missing. I was ashamed to be a member of such a family. I ran away from home and became a pirate.
Luffy: So you're a pirate too?
Cricket: I didn't really want to become a pirate. I just wanted to escape from Noland's shadow. To be my own man. But over time, I came to assemble my own pirate crew. At long last, I entered the grand Line as a leader, and I spent all my time on adventures. But ten years ago my crew and I sailed the calm saw and reached this island purely by chance. Ironically, of all my family members who sought out this place, and who lost their lives doing so, it was I who found it. It was I, who despised the Mont Blanc Name, who came ashore and found no trace of the city of Gold. As I stood on a cape of the island, I felt that it was destiny. There was no place to escape to
Cricket: I'll settle this, Noland once, and for all.
Man: You're on your own, we don't want anything to do with this! We're setting sail and leaving!
Man 2: If you insist on searching long for goals that don't exist, do it alone!
They were on the can't.
So long, Captain.
Cricket: I don't care if the city exists or not. I don't need to prove Noland right or wrong.  I'm not looking to rewrite history. All I'm following is what I believe is my destiny. This is between Noland and me. I want to set the record straight before I die.
Usopp was crying. This is indeed a man's...
Luffy: Then, what about them? Why are those money here?
Usopp: There must've been an exciting drama spoken with the fists of men committed to exploring the seabed
Cricket: Those guys are fans of the picture book.
Usopp: Fans?
Nami: How did they find you?
Cricket; I think it was five or six years ago. They heard a rumor and ate out to find me. These two truly believe that the City of Gold exists somewhere.  And they're helping me find it.
The two were fighting.
The sea surrounding this island is very deep. In the dark, cold sea you're surrounded by a profound sense of solitude. When I arrived here, I just dived and reached the seabed alone. They came into my life and became my new without my permission, and they do nothing but fight all the time. Having those idiots around puts me at ease and truthfully, I enjoy their company. Do you understand
Usopp: True Friends lift each other up and give each other strength in times of need.
Luffy: Have you finished telling your life story?
Usopp: Shut your mouth, you ungrateful brat! He punched him. Luffy picked him up and threw him.
Like I said... All I want to know about is Sky Island!
Cricket: You are a nasty one! Like is said the only person to have ever seen the sky island was Noland. Nobody knows if he was telling the truth or if it was just another tall tale.
Stella: Is there any record of his trip to this island?
Cricket: Officially, no, but he does mention it in here. He looks through a book.
Nami: What's that? This isn't Noland's Logbook, is it?
Cricket: Yeah it is. He gave it to her
Read from the bottom.
Nami: Amazing. This logbook is over 400 years old. " sea Ephemeris year 1120, June 21st, sunny." "upon departing from the jolly villa, following the log compass, we head east-by-northeast from the harbor.  At midday, we came across a by-boat carrying a rear item. It's a single-person contraption called a sky waver.  The boys were interested and went closer. Chopper went on Usopp's back.
And a small at great speed even on a still day. But the ski-like ship isn't easily maneuvered. I couldn't control it although my cre has taken quite a liking to it. I she to get one of these things!
Three: Don't stop reading!
Nami: We were told the vessel had been manufactured on the sky island and that many more interesting devices can be found there. Speaks of the sky Island, and another explorer shows me a live skyfish. I was surprised at how the fish looked. This island remains out only an unexplored domain, but as a sailor and adventurer, I feel that it's my destiny to reach the sea in the sky. Do you know what this means
Luffy: The Sky Island but really exists!
Usopp: Just like Robin and Stella said we just need to figure out how to get there!
Chopper: So it tea does exist!
Cricket told the brothers they were going to help them get to Sky Island
Mihawk was in the sea he held the three wanted posters of them and smiled

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