Episode 172

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Robin: A memorial for the very city itself. Descendants built this after the city fell. Shandora... That was this ancient city's name. 402 in the sea calendar. The city flourished over 1,100 years ago, and it was 800 years ago when it fell. That matches the "Void Century" that missing throughout the world. This island might know the "unspoken history" that's gone from the world below. This is a complete map of Shandora. Perhaps I'll find more clues about the "unspeakable history" in the center of the city.
Branch Snap
Who's there?
Yama: Why, hello there, cute-pie.
Robin: Are you another of God's henchmen?
Yama: Henchmen? Watch your mouth. I am Yamq, Divine Commander for God Enel!
Robin: So, what brings you here, Divibe Commander?
Yama: Enough Talk! Yells.
Ged: Where did you disappear to? A concealment technique?
Chopper: Oh! His eyes are rolled back in his head! That's so scary!
Goat: Gestsu! You cannot see the enemy with your eyes rolled back!
Ged: How careless of me!
Chopper: Is this guy an idiot? An enemy? I guess so, huh? Are you... a priest?
Ged: Mind Indeed, I am! Heso! My name is Sky Punk Gedatsu! Priest of the almighty God Enel! I am in charge of Upper Yard's Swamp Ordeal!
Chopper: Say something, you jerk!
Goat: Gedatsu! He cannot hear you unless you speak out loud!
Ged: How careless of me!
I can't stand this man
Chopper: Is that something you normally forget?
Ged: You had best watch your step! This area is already my territory! We are surrounded by Swamp Clouds. Once you're caught by one, there is no way to escape on your own!  The survival rate here is 50%. How careless of me!
Oh yeah, he's weak. Like How Is Satoir was 10% and he was new. Like Donma and Akaza.
Chopper: Swamp.
Ged: The "swamp Ordeal"!
Chopper: You're sinking?
Ged: Fool! It does not affect me!  Swamp Cloud... Milky Dials! He goes up.
Chopper: Wow! Awesome! He's shooting stuff out of his feet to fly! So cool!
Smoke started to come out of his hands.
Something came out of his hands, too...
Ged: A single raccoon dog will be no trouble at all. Take this! Swamp Cloud Burger! With the weight of a cloud, and the properties of a swamp! Once you touch it, there is no hope for survival!
Goat: Gedatsu! No! I'm not the one you're--! He gets caught.
Chopper: He can't get it off! I see! It is a cloud! If you try to lift, your hands will go through! The more you struggle to get it off, the deeper you're dragged inside... I have to help him!
Ged: There you are, raccoon dog!  Swamp Cloud Burger! Chopper runs away.
Yikes! If one of them hits me I'm Dead! He goes to the Goat man.
Hey! Are you all right? Hang in there! He pulls him out.
Hey! Breathe he grows in size.
Don't die! He presses on his chest
He goes back small.
Thank Goodness! You're alive!
Goat: I owe you my life...
Ged: Being saved by an enemy... Pathetic! And you call yourself one of the 50 Skypiean Divine Soldiers who serve God?
Goat: How dare you speak that way? You'll pay! I'll never serve you again! I'll make you prey for my axe dial!
Chopper: Alright! We can do it! Let's fight together! Hey, you! You don't scare us!
Ged: Very well. Jet punch! He punches the Goat man into a broken piece of building.
The destructive jet dial! If you accelerate your punch with it, your opponent doesn't even have time to feel his own defeat. Through the fact that it rips clothing is a problem.
Chopper: This is a priest?  I have to run with everything I've got... or I'll die! He runs away. No, stay off the clouds! There are swamp cloud traps! I got to go on top of the ruins and into the forest!
Ged was already in front of him.
Ged: Where do you think you're going, Raccoon dog? Jet punch!
Chopper: Rumble! Jumping point! He jumps just in time from Ged Punch.
Rumble Balls last for three minutes! If I don't escape within three minutes I will be killed!
Ged: So you have Zoan-type powers! Chopper looked and saw Ged behind him.
Ged: it's no use! Jet Punch!
Chopper: Heavy point! He has his upper body get bigger and bends back to doge the punk.
Swamp Cloud Burger!
Chopper: Not again! Guard Point! He became a fluffy ball.
Ged: Yoy insolent little!
Brain point! Scope! A weak point! Some sort of weak point! Anything at all! I got to find an opening and escape!
Ged: Jet punch! Chopper blocks the punch only to get blown back into the building.
Chopper: I even had my guard up...
Oh Stella would have also Killed him in less than 1 second
Yama punched a piece of historical history.
Robin: what do you think this place is? Don't destroy the ruins!
Yama: Why don't you worry about yourself instead of some ruins, Missy?  He steps on more ruins.
Punch Mountain!. Robin Dodged it. She had her back on some ruins
He ends up punching Robin through it.
Robin: You simpleton...
Stella and Luffy were walking.
Luffy: How far does this cave go? I can't find any exist, No matter how much We walk...
His stomach growls
Man, I'm hungry... But I don't have anything edible at all... I wonder what Chopper and the rest are up to right now... Are thet actually heading for the city of gold? Stella, do you have any food?
Stella: If I did you wouldn't get any you would just eat it all up and leave none for later. But no. And I don't honestly think it's a cave.
Luffy: Boo!. I need meat.
Stella: And I need a less whiny little brother. She messes up his hat. Come let's find a way out.
Chopper:His feet... I see... a weak spot... he gets up.
Walk Point! He turned into a dear.
Can I escape? I can't see straight...
Ged: you can still move?
Chopper: My legs are unsteady and the Ruble Ball is about to wear off... He falls over.
He turns big and starts to climb.
Yea. It's time to stop running... he grabs onto Ged foot. I can beat him!
Ged: You little...! What do you think you're doing? He kicks Chopper off of him.
Swamp Clour Burger!
Chopper: Evetone protects me because I always run away! That's why they don't rely on me! I'm going to raise a pirate flag right here!
Ged threw it at him only for Chopper to jump
Ged:  Sore loser. Even the air is my realm! Do you still not get it?
Chopper: Come!
Ged did. All to lose control. Oh! He removed my shoe just now!
Damn you and your insolence, raccoon dog!
Choppee: I'm a monster! I'm strong!
Ged: The weakest beast howls the most! Jet punch! He punches Chopper only a little.
I lost my confidence and Control of my mantra!
Chopper: He grazed me! That was close! Arm point! I'm alive! Coven Cross! His arms are big and uses both to attack Ged. And then goes small and falls. Now I'm a pirate too!
Ged goes Head first in the Cloud.
It looks like he fell right into a swamp! Thank Goodness! Don't come back up! Please, just keep sinking!
He's moving! He's still alive!
Ged: How stupid of me! I can't believe that Raccoon Dog overpowered me! How careless of me! I'm sinking into a swamp! I must escape
Chopper: Don't come back up! Sink! Sink!
Ged: Escape, Milky dial! He went deeper.
Chopper: He reallu sank!
Ged: How careless of me!
Chopper: Yes! I beat him! I wonder if Stella would give me those so-called kisses on my head.
And aisa just find by Coins and Pagaya and they took her with them to Upper yard and she told them the Blue Sea People were trying to escape and they asked her to bring them to The Blue Sea People. Aisa told them what she could hear and how she was sad to hear different people's voices out.
Chopper: Was drinking water.
I'm finally a pirate! I think I'll look for the gold instead of the others! I'm going to surprise them all! That place seems suspicious to me... Who knows? Maybe Everyone is already up there.

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