Epsiode 202

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I'm skipping to the part where Kobato, Nami, and Chopper met the others no point in a small fight scene
Luffy got caught in a sea prism net after the small little interaction they had.
Drake: Stay right where you are!  It says Dead or alive on your wanted posters. Here at G8, we lean towards "alive". However, if you instead of meeting us with further resistance, I'll be forced to amend that policy
Usopp: Luffy, you've gotta try harder!  We're in real trouble here
Luffy: I'm trying, but it's no use. I'm trying it won't budge and I'm all worn out.
Stella feels guilty she knows she can use Gum Gum to help but she still hates using any of her Devil Fruit powers.
Stella: Sea prism stone?
Mind and I'm the only person in the world who's not affected by it.
More info on about soon.
Drake: Precisely! A specially designed prison Net Bomb. So straw Hat. What do you think?
Mec: How'd I know he'd be here?
Marine h: What are you doing this isn't a drill get to your station
Mec: Blow it out of your rifle
Sanji: Look at this! There's a sea of the
Left after all the ones we took out!
Drake: Make this easy and give up. Escaping here alive is impossible! Positions!
Zoro: Damn, we've got no choice!
Drake: Attack
Kobato and Nami yelling
Usopp gets blown back.
Nami: What the hell?
Chopper: Usopp
Usopp: Somebody call a doctor.
Chopper grows big
Look what they've done to him!  He's injured He could die, people! It's all because of the soldiers!
Sanji, Zoro: Stelle down, Chopper.
Mec: Huh? Kabato?
Man: Lieutenant Commander?;
Drake: Identify yourself.
Kabot screams
Everyone seemed to be affected but Stella.
Nami: what's the matter with you
Kobato: we've been taken hostage! We're gonna die. Please save us! It wasn't our fault! We are foresed here against our will!
Chopper: Kobato
Nami: This giant is one of the pirates!
Both screaming.
Zoro: Did I miss something?
Sanji: Uh, who's that other girl?
Zoro: How should I know?
Chopper: Stop it! Stop yelling!
Man: We can't afford to go in blasting. Not with the hostage there!
Drake: Curse those cowardly vermin!  This is precisely why I hate pirates!
Man 2: Sir, this means that the beast must be the fake doctor. He has to be! Look he's carrying his crewmate!
Chopper growls. That'a right!  I'm a rough and tough member of the Straw Hats! Crying babies even shut their traps when they get a load of me!
Zoro was clapping
Stella smiled
Better do exactly as I say or these hostages are dead!
Both screams
Alright. Order your buffoons to stand down and let us board our ship!
Zoro: Now I get it.
Sanji: Interesting
Stella: Way to go chopper.
Chopper: Do it. Double-time or I'll snap these girls' necks like twigs!  And their blood will be on your hands!
Zoro: I'd do as he says, guys.  He is serious. If you haven't seen the neck snap thing,
it gets pretty messy.
Stella: It's so scary that even I as a captain get scared
Sanju: How would it look if you the right arm of justice, let two women die
Luffy: Chopper. What are you doing? That's not helping
Nami: Plug it you idoit
Chopper yells
Kobato: He's gonna kill us!
Nami: Please do what he said. I can't die before I get married!
Jessica was struggling to get her men not to cook like Sanji and Stella even the two chefs who were bragging about how good they were were terrible.
Drake: Fine. You win. Lower your weapons and withdraw! Stand down, now!
Man: Please sir
Drake:we can't risk it.
Sanji: Wow. They actually complied
Zoro: let's hope so.
Zoro cuts the net
Luffy: Thanks Zoro. I owe you one.
Man: call me crazy but I think I just heard Kobato's voice
Man: Mechao! What's going on there?
Mec: Kobato's being held hostage.
Man: Are you kidding me? Oh, Mechao, that's terrible news!
Mec: Eh, there's nothing to worry about. I can tell when my daughter's really upset! What makes me nervous... us all those sword-wielding grunts.
Drake: We have complied with your demands. Now, release the hostages!
Nami: It worked! We did it! Chopper! Speak!
Chopper: Listen! You don't give orders here! This woman will be released only after we've escaped!
Drake: Yoy spineless..!
Man: It's done sir unit 17 is on standby and awaiting orders.
Drake: Good, stay alert and wait for my signal. We won't try to stop you! You're free to go!
Zoro: Very accommodating.
Stella: But, is it true?
Stella and Zoro were holding Luffy.
Zoro: Hey would you hold it together?
They began to walk.
Stella saw someone walking and signed to Zoro so he could see
Zoro: Nami. Chopper. Lover Boy. Run to the ship on Stella's signal.
Stella: Luffy, We need your help to get us out of this. You gotta stretch your arms and get everybody on board.
Sanji: I get it.
Mar I: Lieutenent Commander?
Drake" Easy, soldier. The situation is dire. If it doesn't work, the responsibility is mine alone.
Mec was letting the ship go.
A gun dropped
Mar L: Whoops, how clumsy of me.
Nami: Pay attention you scared us half to death
A marine took Kobato
One went to get Nami only for her to punch him
Drake: Stupid girl! What'd you do?
Sanji: Crap! Nami!
Stella: Make a run to the ship
You're one brother.
Drake: Fire on men bring me those pirates!
Mec: I knew he'd try something!
Marines: Come on this is it.
The going merry was going down
All: Huh.
Mec: Go kid.
Luffy: Okay, all aboard! He stretched his arms for Nami, Sanji, chopper, and Uospp onto the ship
Zoro: Are they still alive
Luffy: Good question. Let's find out!
Stella lets go as Luffy brings Zoro to the ship only to hit their head
Stella used her whip to get on board.
The boat was in the waters.
Drake: Don't let them escape. All units open fire!
Mar q: Sir, they're still holding a hostage!
Drake: Warining shot.
Luffy: It worked! We did it!
Nami used her weapon and Sanji used his feet to hit Luffy
Sanji: You'll have to forgive me, Captain, my gratitude's lacking now.
Nami: Give a girl some warning next time, huh! All right, everyone! Look alive!
Kobato: Daddym
Mec: Now this is how I like to see my baby girl. Safe and sound.
Drake: You released the ship, didn't you old man?  You've caused a real mess this time! And I can assure you, you will be punished.
Mec: What father in his right mind would sit idly by and watch his daughter fall in harm's way when he can stop it?
Drake: A plan was underway Kobato had been reassured! We had it under control.
Mec: And the other girl you completely botched her rescue! I wasn't willing to risk my daughter as collateral damage! You could learn and thing or two from Commander Jonathan!
Man: Sir, I have some more information about the hostage! Intell suggests the hostage may actually be a crew member of the Straw Hat pirates!
Drake: She what?
Robin was able to get a map
Mar M: Halt inspector. What's your destination? I'm under orders to investigate all passersby.
Robin:  I don't believe I'm required to report my actions.
Mar: M yes, but we are.
Some more came with guns.
Robin: Fine. Tell the commander I had fun playing him. He was an easy mark. Heh.
Mar M: Screw you!
Robin used her extra hands to crack his neck
I guess I won't be needing this disguise any longer.
Zoro: Why are we hugging to the edge of the cliff?
Nami: Protection! We'd have cannons blasting us from both sides if we went through the middle!
Usopp:where am i
Luffy: Oh, he's awake!
Usopp: This is merry how did we get back
Luffy: With a hostage and a quick flight!
Usopp: I see! Nami was the hostage! Nice touch
Nami: Wasn't it though?
Usopp: You are good at tricking people.
Zoro: Still, Nami didn't the ship start moving on its own? How'd that happen?
Usopp: If I had to guess, I'd say it was the old maintenance guy.
Zoro: Why's that?
Usopp: Just a feeling
Luffy and Stella smiled At Jon
Sanji: Nami dressed as a nurse is pure magic!
Nami: Well we escaped, but what's good are without maps or charts? We were way better off with you guys in jail! What'll we do now?
Sanji: Robin! Now there's a girl with style!
Jon found out Robin was faking and called her pretty. My guy aren't you married
Nami: A map of the fortress!
Robin: I thought you might find it useful.
Nami: It's amazing! Wow, you just gave us a way to escape here!
Robin: Good
Cannon fire
Luffy: They're shooting at us
Usopp:I thought they weren't going to attack us because we had a hostage?
Stella: We knew it was only gonna be a matter of time!
Usopp:Did we so realize they'd send a warship after us?
Drake:There is no hostage on board! Open fire! All cannons are free to fire at will!
Nami: Look! There's our exit.  The sea gate.
Stella Usopp prepare the bow cannon! Chopper! Make extra certain you follow my orders!
Chopper: No problem!
Stella: This is the base only way out! We'll have to break through that gate!
Nami: But the shoal marking can't be right the water is just way too shallow. So why put a port here, it's wrong. Something doesn't make sense.
Jon: Checkmate. You're time is up, Straw Hat. Bandana scarf. And inevitably... you both will lose.
Nami: are you kidding me? We don't have a single cannonball? 
Usopp:Not a one! No explosive of any kind. Not even the boxes they came in!
Robin: Well. That's hardly surprising,
Given that they confiscated the Going Merry.
Usopp: what will we do
We can't bust through that gate without some serious firepower!
Zoro: We can, but we have to be smart about it.
Sanji: All we gotta do is gain control of the gatehouse
Usopp: Don't talk like it's going to be easy!
Luffy: It is! Cause I have a great Idea!
The men shot cannons at them.
Gum-Gum Balloon! He was able to catch them all and throw them at the gate
Nami: It worked. That's one way to do it! Good job Luffy!
Stella Now let's sail out here!
Both: Wait, if they took all the cannonballs--
Both scream.
Stella and Nami ran downstairs.
Usopp: what's wrong?
Nami! Stella
Nmai: We've been had! Our treasure!
you guys will find out the reason Stella likes gold as much as Nami maybe even more but she won't show that much Like Nami would.

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