Epispde 71

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Giant: So. What's the answer?
Nami: what was that? Could you repeat that?
Giant: I asked you if you have any alcohol.
Nami: we got a little...
Giant: So you've got some?
Nami:: But it's not for drinking. It's for cooking and disinfecting. But if you like, we'll give it all to you.
The giant yells. He looks back to see a Dinsaour trying to eat him
Nami;): Dinosaur?
The giant took out its weapon
The two got scared. The giant took off the Dinosaur's head. The two started to cry
Giant: I'm Broggy, the Elbaf's strongest warrior! Laughs. Now I've got meat, too. I'll treat you, my guest.
Nami and Usopp both Fanited
Broggy: Hey
Usopp: Pretend we're dead... No matter what happens...
Nami: Doesn't pretend to be dad only work for bears?
Luffy: Whoa! What a great view. I can't have lunch here.
Vi: This isn't the time for idle chatter.
They turned
Stella: Ahh. Oh? So there really are volcanos. And there's a mountain with huge holes as well... They both smile
Vi: It's dangerous! Come down already!
Luffy: Huh.
Vi: Even if it's well-behaved it's still a dinosaur.
Luffy: This guy's no trouble! More importantly. There are huge holes over there! That's one weird landscape!
Vi: Forget about the Landscape! Just come down!
Stella holds Luffy's legs while he goes to talk to the Dinosaur.
Luffy: Hey! Have a favor to ask. Will you take me over there? The dinosaur just continues to eat.
Luffy: Hey, stop being so mean to me take us there. Stella pulls him up.
Over that way. That way! The Dinosaur goes for another bite.
Luffy used his arms to go around the Dinosaur head. No, this way... Here! This way!
Vi: who'd do something like that?
The ground starts to shake.
The dinosaur had tears in his eyes.
Luffy: Oh...sorry. But,uhm...
There were other dinosaurs like the ones Luffy on but taller.
Vi: Luffy-san! Stella-sama! Like I said it's dangerous! Come down already!
Luffy: And these dinosaurs are taller, so it looks like we'll have a better view.
Vi: That's not the point.
Stella: I question myself sometimes.
Luffy held on to Stella as he did to a taller dinosaur.
Luffy: As I thought, I can see the hole better. The dinosaur tried to eat Luffy and Stella but they jumped before they could. Luffy and Stella were now sliding down one.
Luffy: Vi! Wanna come over here? It's fun! Luffy then goes on an even taller dinosaur with Stella.
Stella: The view from up here is especially good!
The dinosaur lifts his head and eats them.
Vi: They have been eaten!
Luffy: Where are we?
Stella: You're not seriously asking that question are you?
The Dinosaur swallows them
Stella hung on to Luffy.
There was another Giant that cut the neck of the Dinosaur.
The Siblings fly out. And the Gaint caught them.
Both: Whoa.
Giant laughs
Giant; I was watching. What two lively humans, grappling with long necks in this jungle. You're the first guest in a long time.
Luffy: You're huge! Are you a human?
Giant: You're asking if I'm human? Laughs
Giant; I'm sorry, the Eldaf's strongest warrior!
Vi falls to her ones. Giant! I've heard of them, but this is my first time seeing one...
Luffy: I'm Luffy. And This is my sister Stella. We're pirates!
Dorry: Pirates? Good for you two!
Vi: Karoo; wake up! We're getting out of here while we can!
Luffy: Oh yeah, the ones over there are Vivi and Karoo.
Vi: Nice to meet you. Mind Luffy-san had to open his big mouth...!
Dorry: I'll invite you guys to my home!
Stella: Sounds great.
Broggy was making them dinner. It looks yummy.
Usopp: How long do we have to pretend to be dead?
Nami: After all, this strategy doesn't seem to work against giants.
Usopp looks to the left to see skulls
Sorry, look at them to see they are still not moving.
Hmmm. I guess it was my imagination.
Nami: why did you make noise?
Usopp: I couldn't help it since there are tons of skulls lying around.
Nami:  I know
Usopp: I wonder if we'll be eaten like that soon.
Nami: Don't give up!
Nami gets up.
We don't have to wait here like just to be eaten.
Broggy: It's yummy. It's yummy! Dinosaur meat! Grill it with red flame and take a big bite! The two were trying to escape.
The two can get away
Until they stop.
Nami: In any case...we were able to escape...
Usopp: At least we got far away from the giant's stomach! There was a drop on Usopp's back
They look up to see A Saber Tooth Tiger
Nami: But it might've only gotten us closer to a sabertooth's stomach. They ran Back.
Both: No! No! No! No. And then all there were running from a dinosaur.
They all stop when they say Broggy.
The Animal ran
Usopp: In this Jungle, no matter what we do, our fate is always the same! It's just a matter of whose stomach we end up in.
Nami: We did everything we could. Let's accept our fate...
Broggy: Oh, you guys are awake? That meat is done. Have some. It's in return for the Alcohol.
They were in front of giant dinosaur meat.
Broggy: Now, eat? Dinosaur meat taste good.
Nami: I have no appetite.
Broggy: Don't hold back!
Both: I don't want to eat.
Broggy: Dinosaur meat tastes good I'm telling you. 
Usopp: Is he trying to get us to eat the dinosaur meat first...
Nami: To fatten us up a little.
Usopp: Than eat us?
Nami: Yeah, he's acting like a giant all right!
Usopp: When we're still young...
Nami: Maybe we taste better when we're younger...
Broggy; What a waste. It's good I'm telling you.
Nami: If we somehow keep fast in until the Log is stored and don't get fat, we may be able to survive.
Usopp: But how long will it grant for the Log to be stored? If we don't stare in three days. I'm sure I'll get tempted by this smell of meat and eat it.
Nami: Broggy-san! Can I ask you a question?
Broggy: Hmm? What's the matter, young lady?
Nami: How long will it take for the Log of this Island to be stored?
Broggy: One year
Both: What. They fall down.
Nami: Oh no. There is no way! We can fast for a year!
Usopp: I definitely can't help eating.
Broggy: Well, make yourself at home! Laughs.
The three were laughing.
Luffy: This is Yummy, giant old guy!
Dorry: Your pirate's lunch tease is good too although it's a little too small for me. Laughs
Luffy while Biting meat. Of course, it is good! That's a special lunch the chief on our pirate ship made. If you say it's bad, I'll have to beat you up!
Dorry: Beat me up, you said? Vi and Karoo got scared. Laughs. What a funny squirt you are!
Vi: they're becoming awfully friendly
Luffy: By the way, why living here alone, old guy? Isn't there a village or something?
Dorry: Hmm? This is a village. It's a warrior village called Elbaf. It's somewhere in the Grand Line. But there are rules in this village.
Stella: Rules? What kind?
Dorry: For example, if we start a fight in the village, and both sides can't back off, we are judged by Elbaf's God. Elbaf's God always gives divine protection to the righteous one. and lets the righteous one survive.
Luffy: I see... Elbaf's God, huh?
Dorry: I caused a disturbance, and the island is currently the site for a duel between a certain man and myself. The righteous one will win the duel and survive. Laughs. But we haven't been able to settle this for about 100 years. Laughs.
Luffy: You guys've been fighting for 100 years?
Dorry: It is not g surprising, since our love span is at least three times longer than yours. Laughs
Vi: Even if ist there times. Your interest in fighting would wane in 100 years, would it? Is there any point in continuing to fight? It's a duel to the death, right?
Sanji: well, I shouldn't be outdone by Zoro with this one. It's decided that I'm the winner of the competition to obtain kilos of meat.
Zoro: I'm the winner of this competition to obtain tons of meat. They are about to meet by the conner
Sanji: Zoro
Zoro: Sanji
A/n Is that the first time he didn't call him Mosshead?
Both: I win. You lose.
They put their prey side-by-side.
Sanji: you see my is bigger.
Zoro: What? This competition is about how many tons of meat we can get,  right? Mine is obviously huskier than yours!
Sanji: Ha! It is all a maternity we can use it for cooking.  Your prey looks full of bones. It has no more than 5 grams of meat for cooking!
Zoro: There's no way we can eat meat full of sines like that!
Sanji: Tsk! There is no use in competing with such small prey. I'll go capture a big one that'll silence you.
Zoro: Okay then. I'll go capture a super big one but you can't even touch it this time. The Volcano erupted.
Sanji: Okay. The next eruption the single to end the competition. Bring back your prey to the going very by then.
Zoro: I'll take you io on that.
Luffy: whia. That's a huge volcanic eruption.
Dorry: Well time to go...
Stella: huh.
Dorry gets up and his eye glows.
Stella understood
Nmai: What's going on
Usopp: San eruption...
Broggy through his meat in the fire
Usopp: His face suddenly got tense.
Broggy: Sorry... I have to head out for a bit.
Nami: Head out?
Broggy: Yeah. That was a signal for the duel that I've been in for 100 years.
Nami: A duel.
Usopp: With whom? Where and for what reason?
Broggy: Resson? I don't remember. Laughs
Dorry: it becomes our routine before we realize it. The eruption of the Central Mountain is the signal for the duel.
Vi: What? To have such hatred that you'd try killing each other for 100 years... What on earth vised this fight?
Stella: Stop it. It is not like that.
Dorry: Right. It's because of our pride.
Dorry and Broggy clashed their weapon. It's causing a huge wave.
Luffy falls down
Vi: What's wrong?
Luffy: Oh, boy. What a huge duel!
A dinosaur tried to eat a waxed Ice boy.
Mr 5: Hey big lizard. You're in our way.
Miss V: Let me take care of it. The dinosaur went to eat them
10,000-kilogram press?
The dinosaur was done
The two walked in
Mr 3: Oh he'll. Mr 5
Mr 5: Ha! What an extravagant power you have building an impressive house in the jungle. Let me tell you something, though. This mission is still ours. I don't want you to meddle in it
Miss V: We'll never goof up like that again.
Mr 3: Goof up. That's not it! You are still weak Mr 5, Miss Valentine. He drinks his tea. Well, don't look so stern. Look at this.  He takes out a instead poster For Broggy and Dorry. I'd like to thank you for allowing me to come to this island.
Mr 5: Dorry the Blue orge and Borggy the Rec Oger of the Gainat Warriors Pirates.
Miss V: I've heard of them in an old tale. This is a wanted poster from 100 years ago!
Mr 3: Yeah, but these guys now live on this island. Their bounty was 100 million berries per head. 200 million berries for Two of them.
Mr 5: 200 million berry bounty head? But they're giants.
Mr 3: Superb scumails executed their crimes by using their superb bains. All you have to do is follow my instructions. If we give a little thought, we can cut through any mountain.

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