Epsiode 200

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Meck was on the Straw hat ship.
Worker G: Did you hear? That long-nosed guy who was snooping around here is a crewmember of the Straw Hats.
Worker E: I wonder what hw
E was doing nośin around this dock? Yeah, there's an entire harbor here full of this that is way better than this sad little hunk of junk. He could've hoped in any of these ships and sailed away.
Worker G: pirates are dumber than I thought.
Worker E: Me too, and I already thought they were pretty dumb to be with!
Worker F: Hey already calling it quits for the Mechao?
Mec: Cut this old geezer some slack, will ya?
Sanji, Stella, and Luffy were walking around.
Sanji: You numbskull! At least try to be careful!
Luffy: Oh, sorry.
Sanji: This fortress is really starting to drive me nuts!
Luffy: Hey, Sanji, Stella where are Zoro and Usopp?
They walked around
Sanji: Well, detective since they were captured, they're probably in the brig.
Luffy: Awesome! To the brig!
Sanji: Do you know where the brig is, or the fearless leader?
Luffy: No, I thought you two would know.
Sanji: How would we know?
Luffy: That big belly button island with the guns looks suspicious.
Stella: yeah? Why's that?
Luffy: I dunno.
Stella: You're unbelievable you know that. In any case, you might just be on to something. It's surrounded by the sea. And the only way to get there is to cross that bridge. It won't be easy but we gotta try.
Luffy: All right!
There was a light
All: Hm?
Sanji: Damn. This plan is already a pain in the neck
A marine checked the hallway
Trsnaponder snail ringing
Marine: sir! I'm in section 4 of block F. Nothing unusual to report.
Offiecer D: Good work! Keep searching!
Marine A: Yes, sir!
Spicy time. Jk
Stella was Sanji back in the vent
Sanji: The patrols are using mini-transponder snails to communicate. This'll be tough.
Luffy: Hey sanji
Sanji: Hm?
Luffy: Secret missions are fun, huh? [Giggle]
Sanji: Get a move on, Monkey Boy!
Stella: It is getting a little tight
Sanji: Oh Stella stay a little longer i feel a lot warmer with you on top
Stella: Get moving Chef boy.
Shepherd was caught by the Marines, not in uniform.
Robib: This is strange. There are times when no ship enters or leaves. Why is that?
The Marines were watching over here.
I'm being watched.
Shep: what do you think you're doing, soldier? Do you peons know who I am?
He was locked up in the same cage as Usopp and Zoro.
Mar P: Hah. Oh yeah, you made sure to tell us over and over. You're special inspector Maijor Shepherd from HQ, right?
Shep: If you know who I am and your value your job, then get me out of here! I have to speak to Commander Jonathan immediately!
Usopp:Mind  Major Shepherd, this must be the Marines bigwig that Robin was pretending to be! Those guards think he's one of us! In that case
That's enough! You're embarrassing yourself! A man gotta know when he's done. Struggling will only make it worse. Good to see you, Condoriano.
Shep: Condorian? Who is that?
What are you talking about?
Usopp: Hey stop kidding around old buddy. Don't tell me you've already forgotten your own name and my beautiful face
Shep: Get away! I'm not your buddy!
Soldier! I don't know this man!
Usopp: What happned to you. Did the fall damage your fragile brain? Oh, no say it ain't so! How sad! I'm begging you please let this wretch with the broken mind out out of here! He's not the same Condorian that I once knew!
Mar p: There is no point in integratting him
Shep: What do you lemmings mean "that settles it"?
The Marines walked away
Wait! Where are you going? Come back. I'll have you all Cout-martialed!
Zoro: Condorian
Shep: Huh?
Zoro bangs his head on the gate
I think we've had just about enough of that crap.
Usopp: Nice move zoro!
Giggling it worked you owe me big time, Robin!
Zoro: Stop it Usopp you're creeping me out.
The three were outside.
Drake: Commander we haven't received a single report! On the whereabouts of Luffy, Stella, and the other Straw Hats.
Jon: Hmmm... he had the chess pieces as the Straw hats
Drake: Have you decided on a course of action yet?
Jon: My guess is they're having a hard time finding the brig. Maybe we should guide them to it. Take your men to the brig and wait for them there but be careful not to spring the trap too soon.
Drake: Uh-Sir.
Jon: This is a battle of wits, Luffy, and you are simply out of your league.
They were going up the stairs
Luffy: what are you waiting for, Sanji?
Sanji: Hush. Damnit. We're gonna have to fight our way through
Stella: Sanji look down
They saw the bridge.
Sanji: Hello. The underside of the bridge is completely untended. Come, Luffy! That's our way in!
Sail riging
This is commader  Jonathon.
Mar F: Reporting in sir! The suspect we took into custody earlier was identified by the long-nose man as a straw hat Namrd Cindoriano.
Jon: Condoriano?
Mar F: Yes sir. He has repeatedly claimed that he is Special Inspector Shepherd. But we now know that he was lying.
Jon: Very good. Keep me updated.  There are two shepherds, huh? Your move. Luffy!
They fought God Enel and think they are scared of you oh I can't wait to see how this plays out.
Usopp: Hey Zoro. You got the feeling something is not right here?
Zoro: There's tension in the air. I feel it.
Mec came down and was ambushed
Mar G: Huh? Mechao,
Mar T: Yeah. The guy from the docks!
Drake: What? Are you doing here crazy old fart?
Mec: I came down here to ask some questions
. There is no one for those swords!
Zoro: Hump. It's a trap.
Drake: So. The question.
Mec: The question is not for you. I need to talk to Long-nose in the cell over there.
Drake: You can't just walk in here and start talking to the prisoners!
Mec: It won't take long. I'll be gone before you know it. 
Usopp: uh, you're that guy from-- Did anything happen to the Merry? Is she a right?
Mec: Don't worry. She's in good hands for the time being, I promise. Your ship is okay. You're the one who does the repairs on the ship, right?
Usopp: Uh? Yeah. Well... you gotta do something about that mast plates.
If you nail steel plates down without applying a proper splice, the mast will snap like a twig at the first sign of a strong wind.
Usopp: A splice?
Mec: Really? You don't know what a splice is?
Usopp: Actually, I have to admit I'm not really a bonified mechanic.  The one who fixed the ship uh...
Mec: Did he do all the repairs in just one night?
Usopp: Yeah! It happened in a place called Sky Island that's miles and miles above the ocean!
Mec: Miles above the ocean?
Usopp: Yeah it's okay if you don't believe me, I mean who would?
Mec: Hmmm... well come to think of it, your ship did fall out of the sky didn't it?
Usopp: What? You're not gonna call me a liar?
Mec: I might've thought you were pulling my leg if I didn't see it with my own eyes. But consider the angle at which it came down, it looks like your ship is from a considerable height.
Usopp: It was crazy. There were Gods and angels! We saw things up there I never even dreamed of
Mec: Gods and angles? Ha ha ha. Sounds to me like you died and came back to life!
Usopp: There were close calls, but I don't think I actually died.
Both laughing
Mec: Oh right about what you were saying earlier. Think back to the night that the mystery man repaired your ship. Tell me, did they appear from the mist late in the night?
Usopp: Wait how did you? How in the world did you know that?  Hold on do you know who this guys is?
Mec: I think I knew what you saw that night. He was dragged away
Huh? Hey, what's going on?
Drake: Times up old man! We've got business to attend to here. Show him the way out.
Usopp: Wait! Mechao, tell me what it was I saw that night! Please tell me!
Mec: I didn't get a chance to tell you the most important thing of all! When you make repairs to the ship, always pay special attention to the parts that you normally wouldn't bother with! Those are the areas that need it most! if you treasure that ship half as much as I think you do, you'll do well never to forget that! Did you get all that?
Usopp: Yeah! I got it, old man!
Luffy: Looks like someone came out
Sanji: I don't like it. Something defintely seems fiahy about this place.
Luffy: Well let's do it.
Stella: Hold on. Let's think about this. The path we took to get here was completely unguarded. It's like they're showing us where to go. That can only mean one thing.
Luffy: I know. The boss of this fortress is a nice guy!
Stella hits him
They're planning to ambush us. If anything, it saves time for those jerks. We'd literally be walking into a jail cell.
Luffy: what are we waiting for? It's a trap, a big deal. We won't get any rescuing down if we don't go in there. Sanji:Are you saying you want us to run headlong into a trap? Barging into a Marine brig is never a good idea, but it's better than doing nothing at all. I'm also worried about Nami and Robin.
Luffy: Sanji. It's not such a bad idea.
Sanji: Yes it is.
Luffy: But you like it, huh?
Sanji: No, I don't! They ran inside
Luffy: Um, there's nothing in here.
Sanji: just get moving
Luffy: can do
They all ran into the hallway
Luffy: Hey! Zoro! Usopp!
Usopp: Wai that's the sound of Luffy's voice! Hey Luffy down here
Zoro: Usopp. The guards can hear him coming, too
Usopp: No turn back, but then who's gonna come rescue us? I'm confused tell me what to do.
Zoro: I don't know. They can rescue us if they want to.
Usopp: Resue us if you want to!
Sanji: I heard someone
Stella: This way!
Usopp: uh-oh, they're here now. Please be careful, Luffy!
Luffy: Hold on we'll get you out of here. He touches the bar only to fall down.
Usopp: Be careful No! These bars they're sae Prism Stone!
Drake: We've been waiting for you! Surrender peacefully and I might let you live!
Sanji: Heh. You're kidding me, right? Do you seriously think that's enough to stop us?
Sergent: Is this enough.
They were surrounded oh both side
Sanji: Heh. Now I'm shaking in my boots.[ Mind] Okay, now what do I do? I don't want Stella fighting after what she been through
First thing first. He kicks the bars What the?
Sergent: Oh, this is good. It would take nothing short of a cannon to break these bars down.
Sanji: Oh man, that's one tough cage
Usopp: A cannon. Sanji! Stella! I know what will do the trick! Reach into my pocket!
Sanji: What for?
Usopp: I have an impact dail in there.  You can use it to blow up these bars!
Sanji: Hold on, an impact dial? Isn't that supposed to hurt whoever sets it off?
Usopp: Yeah, no time to be wimp though. Hurry up and get it
Drake: What could those straw Hats Pirates be up to now? This is your last warning?
Stella: Oh yeah like that is supposed to scare us.
Sanji went into his pocket
Sanji: Shut up, gorilla man. I'm gonna show you something you might find interesting. That might not be the best place to stand.
Usopp: Oh, right, right
Sanji: Here goes
Usopp: Who? This well-mannered snake?
Drake: Hm?
The Marines were confused
Stella laughed
Which made Sanji face red
Zoro: You moron!
Sergent: Was that your super awesome secret weapon? Cause it's kinda lame.
Stella: if you keep talking I won't hesitate to lay all your people on the ground in under 5 minutes.  Her eye went into a slit
Sergent: I believe her. I'll shut up
Usopp: Oh, uh sorry, Sanji, I forgot it's on the other side. Sorry. It's ah, this side here.
Sanji gave him an eye as he took it out
He pressed it only a smell to came out
Drake: Ahhh! This smells like--!
Usopp: What kind of juvenile barbarian would store a fart in my odor dial
Luffy: I thought it would be funny.
Usopp: why did I even ask?
The smell was affecting the light
Sanji: Watch out! It's gonna blow! Get down!
All the light made the cage blow up.
[Siren blaring]
Stella: Hey! You guys okay?
Usopp: Mission...accomplished?
Zoro: Yeah, I guess you could say that
Sanji steps on Usopp wooden cuffs
Luffy: Help me...
Zoro: Well, there's no point in standing around lets get out of here
He gave usopp his bag
Uh thanks!
Stella: Let's go, Luffy!
Luffy: Right! Everyone run!
Usopp: Hey! Wait a second! Don't let zoro lead he'll get us lost!
Zoro: Oh would you just shut up,
Darke: We're going after the Straw hats. The reinforcements are already waiting for them outside. We'll catch them again and execute them on the spot!
They went outside only to see the marines was waiting for the Pirates
Usopp: I told you! Now we're lost!
Sanji: Yeah where are we.
Usopp: Ho do you get lost going to the front door?  That's almost impossible!
Zoro: I said shut up!
Drake: commander I failed. Straw hats has managed to escape the trap!
Jon: What about his crewmembers Roaronoa and the others with him?
Drake: Yes sir! I mean, no sir! Well, uh witnesses reported that they didn't see Condoriano with them.
Jon: Well, Lt. Commander, the bridge is still guarded is it not?
Drake: Uh, yes sir!
Jon: Very good. Then don't panic. We still have opportunities to capture them.
Robin: Well. Sounds like the boy made their move.
only episode it was for yesterday
A little fun fact about Stella. I was going to make her a boy but we nedded more woman on the Straw Hats. And if you guys want I will show you guys Stella favortite Crew member from best to lest and their reason.

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