Episode 236/237

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Chopper: Shouldn't we stop this? Usopp's injuries are pretty bad!
Zoro: If you can't stand to watch, then go inside.
Stella: Make no mistake, I'm not like any opponent you've faced before. Usopp:We've been friends a long time, I know all your powers all your strengths, all your weaknesses! But there's something you don't know about me. I have 8 thousand men on my side! If you don't surrender now, I'll order them to attack!
Chopper: What?! Why didn't he tell me?
Zoro: Seriously, just go inside.
Stella: If you're gonna fight then at least take this seriously!
Usppp: Usopp voodoo!  You have razor-sharp needles stuck between all your teeth!
Chopper: Ahh! It hurts just to imagine that!
Zoro: I'm telling you, go inside.
Usopp: You've got prickly cactus spines. Under your fingers.
Like I said The fighting style doesn't work for me so after the smoke part is when Ot happens.
Uospp: Damnit why didn't anything I do work on her? She fights just like Luffy. The only thing that worked was the explosion.
Name: I can't see any with all this smoke
Stella: I told you already I'm someone you never faced before.
Usopp heard her behind him and went yo use his slingshoot on her only to miss her.
Stella was able to land some hits on him
Usopp fell down.
Sanji: Wait look.
Chopper: Stella! Usopp!
Nami: What is that?
Stella standing there as a cheetah
All: A cheetah. A Zone type.
Luffy: She used it.
Sanji: Stella-sama you look so cute.
Stella: Stand up and fight.
Usopp does so and goes to use his slingshoot only to keep missing her.
Stella knocks him down again this time on his back and goes over him.
Stella: Well since you're speaking your mind why don't you tell me what else is wrong with me?
Yells for all to hear.
A terrible Captain for not doing what was best for my crew.
A terrible sister for leaving her own brother to help another pursue their dreams.
A terrible Daughter for leaving the woman who took care of me to go after a stupid dream.
A terrible friend for fighting her own crewmate to prove a point.
If you think none of that is true say something Usopp. Anything.
Sanji: Say something you idiot
Stella: If our friendship meant anything to you say something if my doubts are wrong
Usopp had too much pride to say anything
Stella: Fine that's all I need to hear she held her hand up as claws came up
Stella's hand went into the ground.
She had tears. I am glad to know
My doubts were right. She gets up and starts to walk away. The last thing Usopp felt was her tail.
Zoro: At least it's over now.
Stella: you didn't think about the outcome of fighting me. You assumed I would be like Luffy and that was your downfall. She stands back and walks away in her cheetah form.
Nami: Why did this have to happen?
Stella held her necklaces.
Do whatever you want with the Merry. I won't let anything happen to my crew if the ships are not safe for us to travel on. We're getting a new shop and sailing forward. Thank you for your honesty in my thoughts now I know everything I have doubts about was true and you proved that with your answer to me.
So long, Usopp. It was fun while it lasted. I'm glad you thought the Merry as a human wanting to risk your life for her. But not the same the other way around. She walks to the ship
Sanji: Chopper! Leave him alone!
Chopper:What are you saying? He was already hurt before the fight! If I don't help him who knows what'll happen!
Sanji: He isn't part of our crew anymore!
Chopper: So what?! I'm a doctor! It's my job to treat him. He grew big and knocked Sanji off of him only for Sanji to pin him to the ground.
It's bad enough that he lost the duel; if you pity him at a time like this, you'll end up hurting him more than any of those injuries. I'm sure you have good intentions. But all we can do now is give him dignity in defeat. He knew that when he challenged Stella to a duel, this was how it might end.
Stella: It's too much.
Zoro: This is what it means to be captain. You can't doubt yourself. In times like these if you lose your confidence then who can we have faith In? Let's pack our things and go. You know as well as me that after tonight we can never return to this ship again.
Stella: I have no more doubts. Not anymore. She transferred back to herself.
Luffy went to her and held her.
I'm sorry.
Stella: It's fine
Sanji: So this is where you've been. We thought all the trouble of renting a room, and no one's using it. I guess nobody could sleep, huh? And where's Luffy? Stella!
Chopper: Up there. So where were you?
Sanji: I kept around the rocky cape all night. I wanted to be there in case Robin came back.
Sanji: She never said anything about leaving. I wonder where she went.
Chopper: Ever since we got to this island it's been one bad thing after another. Our money was stolen and then there's everything that happened to poor Usopp. He's injured
He could barely even stand up and by now, on top of everything else he's probably got a fever!
Sanji: You can't forget Stella you can't imagine how she feels right now.
Zoro: Chopper! That's enough, okay don't talk about him anymore.
Sanji: I think I'll try looking around for her in town today.
Chopper: Do you think we're gonna find her?
Sanji: Who knows? It's not I have any place specific in mind to check out. I just feel certain that she's still out there. If anything should happen, we should use this inn as our meet-up point.
Chopper: I wanna help! I'm gonna come, too!
Sanji: Alright then come on
Name: Luffy! Stella
Sanji: Nami! What's wrong?
Nami: It's all the whole city talking about it! Stella! Luffy, listen to me. Last night, something terrible happened to Iceberg!
Paulie: What? Iceberg was shot in his home? Stop screwing around! Is this some kind of joke?
Lulu: No joke.
Paulir: Is he alive? Who would do such a thing? Everyone loves him!
Lulu: Yes, he's alive! Clam down, palie! Listen to me for a second, okay?  He was discovered in his room earlier this morning lying in a pool of his blood. He's alive but he's been unconscious since he was found. You need to come to the main office immediately!
Kaku: Lulu! Where's paulie?
Lulu: I just called him. He'll be here soon.
Kaku:Good. Reporters are all over the place. It's mass hysteria out there. We're the ones who'd like to know what happened. The office has been torn apart but there's no trace of anything being stolen. No money, no valuables, nothing. If this wasn't a robbery then the question is: who would try to kill Iceberg and why?
Lulu: At any rate, we're in big trouble here. The city was in total panic. If anything should happen to Iceberg, then it's not only the end for the Galley-La company, but the entire city of Water 7, as well.
Some parts are being skipped like the fight with Luffy and the Shipwrights he doesn't lose he just runs away. And we found out Franky is part Cyborg and he uses wind and fire even though he's never eaten a Devil Fruit everyone assumed it was The Straw Hat pirates but it was truly just Robin with a strange man in a mask. Franky went to get revenge on Luffy and Stella for his bros and his home. Sanji went with Chopper to find Robin and they did and found out the truth and that she was leaving the Straw hats
Luffy: Ice pops from the shipyard?
Nami: Yes. I've heard he's still unconscious
Stella: I thought everybody in this entire city loved that guy. Why him
Sanji: Who're you talking about?
Nmai; He's the nice man who helped us out so much yesterday. The president of the shipbuilding company as well as the mayor of Water 7. 
Sanji: Sounds like an important guy.
Nami: Yeah, it's pretty much the worst thing that could've happened to this town.
Luffy: We'll go check on him.
Nami: Luffy! Stella! Wait up! I'm coming, too!
Sanji: On that note let's go look for Robin. Come on Chopper. what about you?
Zoro: Well, I think I'll just wait awhile. See how things turn out.
Stella and Luffy were running to get to Iceberg
Nami, Luffy, and Stella were on a Yagara!
Nami: Take a look. It's all about Iceberg.
Luffy: So I guess the rumors are true. He was attacked.
Stella: Yeah. So if we go to the Shipyard, it's likely we won't be able to meet with him.
Luffy: Then let's just go to his house.
Name: I believe he lives inside the main office.
Kokoro and Chimmy were going to water 7. Aqua Lagunna was coming to Water 7 and dangerous tsunami at 12:30 and Sanji and Chopper found it.
Luffy: we can't go that way. Man we're never gonna find out what's going on unless we find some way to get to Ice pops
Nami: Um excuse me can you tell me where the entrance to the main office is?
Man: Yeah, it's at Dock 1. But I don't think you're gonna have any luck getting in with everything that happened here, they're only allowing authoriezd personnel to go through.
Stella: I see. Thank you!
Franky: Look at all those people! What's all the commotion about? Well. The bigger the audience the better, I always say.
🎵rhythmic drumbeating🎵
Man: No! Don't tell me!
Frany: Hey guys. Question: Did you say my name?
Man 2: No, we didn't just go away!
Franky: Ow! Ow! Come on, everybody, no need to be shy! Say my name!
Man 3: We don't wanna! Get lost!
Franky: What a bunch of noisy flies! I'm Water 7's number 1 su-per-guy! The face of underworld, and you know why! I'm the man with the plan, the power, and fame. And people everywhere call out my nane! Franky!
He was in Speedos and posed.
People ran away from him.
Come out and show yourself Hat! Bandana Scarf
The three of them looked up.

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