Eeoiode 48

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Luffy: Wow, what a huge town! The place used to be full of pirates on their way to the Grand Line. It has everything you could ever need!
Usopp: Alright I'm gonna get equipment. For our adventure!
Sanji: Looks like I can. Get some good food ingredients here. God woman too..
Zoro: We got something we wanna buy, too.
Nami: How are you going to do that? You're flat broke, as I recall! The only one who's got money is Stella I'm sure she's not going to waste it on you.
Luffy: Alright! I'm gonna check out the exception platform! I'm gonna see where the kind of pirate was executed he runs ahead
Stella:  Hey wait! We still have decided where to meet up. Man, that guy. Luffy: Mind the King of the Pirates was born here and died here! He might even walk this very street!
A/n All parts experts for Zoro, Stella, and Zoro are getting skipped. You guys know how it is for them I'll do a short summary on them.
A man was getting a report
The man into the room.
Captain Smoker! Terrible news! There was smoke all I'm the room
A message from the Headquarters. They've received word That Monkey D. Luffy and Stella and their pirate crew are here and are headed to Loguetwon. He just earned a 30 million Berry bounty While Stella earned 35 million berry bounty in the East Blue!
Smoker: 30 and 35 million... That's worthy of congratulation.
Man: They are an incredibly evil villain
Who even seated Don Krieg and Arlong the Fishman?
Smoker: Quite! your Damn, shouting. You made it fall apart.
Man: I'm sorry
Smoker: It's not good to be tense. I got my own pace I do things at. Is that right?
Man: Yes sir!
Smoker opens the window
So what now?
Man: Right! A pirate group! Word has it they may show up in town today, yes!
Smoker: What're you so flushed for? How many pirates who've set foot into the two ever escaped since I took charge here?
Man: No Sir...
Smoker: Rhen calm the hell down. You're gonna screw up my pace.
Man 2: Reporting, sir! We have words that pirates have appeared at the port! Please do there at once
Man: It must be Luffy and Stella's group! They've set for town!
Smoker: 30 and 35 million huh! I pray they put up a least a bit of a fight. Just
Man sir
Smoker:takin to myself forget it he left.
Man: Held the posters you don't even want a look. at
Man 2: captain! Please give each unit their orders
Smoker: No need
Man: But you need to consider how powerful they are.
Smoker: You're annoying the. Don't tell me what to do!
Man 2: My apologize sir
Smoker: Never mind that. Where's Tashigi?
Man 2: Yes, She mentioned she would be gone this morning. But that's why she'd show up for training
Smoker: That dumb girl. Where the hell did she go?
Girl: Yay! A triple-scoop ice cream
Father: Hold on, now.! You'll drop them if you run
The girl runs into smoker's legs
Father: Captain Smoker
Girl: My ice cream.
Father: I'm very sorry for my daughter. I'm sorry
Smoker puts his can't on her head
Sorry about that. My pants ate your ice cream. Here, buy yourself five scoops. He gives her berries.
Let's go.
Man 2: Yes sir
Father: Thank you
Girl: Thanks!
Smoke waves to them as he walking
Man: Loot everything there is don't leave a single Potato behind! I. Gally the crescent-Sama. Will use thaws vital food supplies. Oh, my way to be come King of the pirates. Grand all over the Thankfully!
Smoker: Who's in charge here?
Man: What do you want
Smoker: So your Moeky D. Luffy? Where is Stella? I'll test you and see if you are worthy of setting foot in my town a I'll deal with Stella after.
Man: Don't give me your crap! Get him
Smoker creates a wind around him.
Nami was learning about Smoker from a woman while buying clothing.
Man 2: Incredible, captain! You captured Luffy and Stella's crew in no time flat.
Smoker: Are your eyes just for decoration Thia guy Obviously can't Luffy.
Man 2: Huh
Smoker: The world's be ending if the Shabby fly were worth 30 million plus there were no girls here that could be Stella.
Man2: The where is Luffy and Stella
Smoker: They'll show up soon enough the fun Is just getting started.
Luffy was looking for the Platform
Luffy: How the hell did I wind up at the port? Hey!
Smoker: is he one of the guys?
Man 2: I don't know I don't think so
Luffy walks up I him
Perfect timing! Do you know how to get to the Execution Platform?
Smoker: The Execution Platform
Luffy: I got lost on my way.
Smoker: I've never seen you around before
Luffy: yeah! I just landed on the Islands. Their town sure is huge! I'd say this is different from Fusha village!
Smoker: Why are you looking for the execution Platform?
Luffy; I can't see the place where the King of the Pirates died! You don't know where? Aww...
Smoker: Wait. Follow the smoke.
Luffy: Oh that way? Thanks!
Zoro: Mind Damn these see expensive!Too expensive.
Nami: Lend you money? Sure But including interest, you'll hafta pay 300% of what you borrow! I can't afford to borrow any more money from that girl... But I can't go into the Grand Lime stuck with just one sword
What do I do? I don't want Stella wasting her money on me. She won't make me past interest I feel bad she also wants a weapon.
Woman: Monster! How rude!
Man:Aww, shut up! Our boss is behind bars all thanks to you!
Man 2: Have, you still not learned from your lesson?
Man: Now, we ain't happy with things as they are!
Man 2: were don't bring your corpse to him to see!
Woman: Very well. I will fight you.
Zoro and Stella watched from the back
Zoro went to use his sword when Stella stopped him
Stella: She doesn't need help.
The two men went to attack
The girl used the sword that she holding.
Stella: Told you.
The woman went to walk away when she tripped and her glasses fell in front of Zoro
Zoro picked them up
He saw her and saw his passed-away friend.
Woman; sorry to bother you.
He ends up breaking them in his hand by accident
Woman: Thank you.
They all looked
Woman: My glasses
Zoro: I didn't mean to!
Woman: Theae wer. Expensive! How could you do something so horrible
Stella: He said he was sorry.
Woman: pay me back for them!
A/n Not her yelling at Zoro. Stella was about to smack some sense into her but there was a crowd.
Luffy: Oh man. I was trying to get to the execution Platform, but now I'm somewhere else complete. Oh well. I'll get there sooner or later. He found a Bar that said, Gold Roger
Gold Roger?
He went down the stairs to the went inside and saw an old man.
Do you work here, old guy? It said Gold Roger on the sign outside. Is that this place's name?
Old man: Scream. This ain't no place for a runt like you. Besides we're closed for good as of today
Luffy: It went under
Old M: It didn't go under I'm shutting it down now get lost! 
Luffy: I was just curious about the name, that's all. I'm lost. I was eating to go to the execution Platform... Can you tell me how to get there? What's that on your table? Oh! A skill? It's huge!
Old M: This is what became of the hit onc know was Killer Giant. A village that sent hundreds of pirates to the afterlife. But Roger sent him to his grave with just one blow.
Luffy: Gold Roger did?
Old M: With truly lighting speed! This guy was famous for the absurdly huge blade he used, but their fight ended in a blink of an eye!  And this is the wound he received! But he was an infamous sounder himself! With his undying breath, he matters. Roger... My Hat's off to you... May you have the honor of the Eternal Pirate.
Luffy: So awesome! So cool
Old M: Eric down, the man known as King...Sliver Sliver, the world's greatest gunman... The Giant Gowns Brothers... They were all tough men who were feared as demons. But for Gold Rogers, they were as were as infants...
Luffy was so excited his body started to shake
Would you like to hear more?
Luffy: Yeah!
Old M: Very few people these days believe this story. You know.
Liffy: That's okay, just tell me!
Old M: Hold your horse. Gold Rogers... In those days no, even still, I guess... He was the one and only man who didn't fear the Grand Line. 
He tells Luffy the story
A/n sorry lazy
When I heard he had conquered the Grand Like a bit later, I was happier them I was surprised-- I was more excited than I should have been at my age and then 22 years ago today Rogers died on the execution Platform. Ever since that day, everyone proud of their great strength had tossed their hat into the pirate ring. It marked the beginning of the great pirate Era! But now look! The town is full of nothing but scums now!  Men crazy enough to challenge that sea of evil are all but gone now! That's why this bar is closing for good today.
Luffy; I'm going to the Grand Line, too. Gold Rogera's so cool... He is how a pirate should be! That's why I sent out to sea I'm going on a go to the Grand Line to get the One Piece, A be King of the Pirates with my sister.
The old Mna saw Gold Roger in him.
There are some mighty big words in this bar of all places.
Luffy: I only said what I meant.
Old M:Kiddo! If there are still patrons like you out there, they maybe ill hold off closing this place!
Luffy: How should I know if there are?
Old M: You're right! Of course, you wouldn't know! I haven't been in such a good mood since then! I'll start you on a drink
Luffy: I don't drink alcohol.
Old M:Right! Then have this. He had two glasses of milk. Let's have a toast! The Eternal King of the Pirates!
Luffy: To the central King of the Pirates!
Smoker cane after Lufdy left. And they talked
Luffy: This is Main Street! Did Gold Roger all though here, too?
Smoker rmembers how he watched Gold Roger Get Executed and before he died he Was smiling and told the people who watched him where The One Piece was at.
Man: A new wanted Poster!
Old M: Put it somewhere noticeable
Man: Captain Smoker. Sorry for my rudeness, sir he drops the powers
Smoker picks it up.
That Straw Hat. It was Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy was able to make it to The Execution Platform.
There it is so this is where the King of Pirates of The Pirates was executed. The place where the greatest pirates I'm history, died... The place where it all began

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