Epsiode 78

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Luffy: Don't look back! We're going straight ahead!
Usopp: They cut...the very sea itself. This is the strength of Elbarf's warrior! Incredible. They were off now.
Broggy and Dorry remembered why they were fighting. The reason why was because of the same Hunting competition the same as Zoro and Sanji.
Usopp: Guys! Someday, I will go to Elbaf! To the village of warriors!
Luffy: Yeah! Okay! Giants
Nami feels a little back on the wall.
Nami: They are sure full of energy... I'm suddenly exhausted after everything that happened. Vivi could toy watch the compass for me?
Vivi: Sure.
Stella: Mind you could have asked me but it's okay.
A/n: Stella does know her way around I won't say who she grew up with. Maybe you guys can guess that too. But all I can say is that she grew up with a woman and a boy who watched over her. You guys still have time to guess who her brother is.
Nmai: Now you can finally return to Alabasta Vivi. We'll ensure we can make it there safely, of course.
Vi: Yes. I must return! After all, I am
Igrasum: The only way to save the kingdom, princess. The king-- your father-- no longer has sway with the people now. Our only hope of stopping this uprising now of for you to tell the people the truth directly! So, no matter what, you must not die! You must live on, even if it means losing those near to you or having to betray others. It will be painful: Princess Vivi! Are you prepared not to die?
Vi: I will return to Alabasta alive...
Sanji: There's no need to push yourself so hard, Vivi-chan. You have me! He hands her a plate full of dessert today's relaxing sweets. How about some petit fours? For drinks, you have your choice of coffee or tea... Usopp, Luffy, and Karoo we're all watering at the mouth
Yours is in the kitchen
Vivi: Sanji-san.
Nami's vision starts to get blurry
Zoro was lifting weights.
Zoro: 2,603! 2,604! 2,605! 2,606. If only I could have cut that wax... I wouldn't have left anyone hanging... I'm weak...if I'm going to get stronger like Stella... I need to be able to cut up stiff like that for any surface!
A/n How cute. Zoro thinks Stella is strong. She is a lot stronger than him or I may say I mean Mussles who has a density of 8 times as a man. That's crazy. I'm being honest in a no-weapon fight Zoro would lose to Stella by a mile. Sorry Zoro fans.
Man: Mr 2! Bon clay-sama! The swanda is ready to set sail.
Bon: Okay. Okay! You're so loud sheesh! Honestly, now! Why do I have to do this? Mr 3 is nothing but bulky garbage! You guys go toss him out!
Man: We can't. We wouldn't stand a chance even if we ganged up on him.
Man 2: Please! It's the boss's orders!
Bon: Un, deux, trois... "What's four" called? Zero-chand is so high. Maintenance...
Nami: Vi... Sorry. I think I'm gonna...go lie down...
Vi: No problem, Nami-san! I'll keep an eye on our course. You should get some rest. Nami gets up to go but falls. Vi went to check her head.
Are you alright? Everyone, come here! This is bad!
Luffy: Huh? What is Vi?
Vi: Nami-san has a terrible! Fever!
Sanji moves the boys out of the way.
Eh? Nami-san does!
The boys went to check it out.
They were all in Stella and Nami's room.
Sanji was crying. Is Nami-san gonna die? Is she,vivi-chan?
Vi: It's most not likely the climate. One of the obstacles all sailors who enter the Grand Line run into is illness caused by abnormal weather. There are countless stories of tough, notorious pirates suddenly dying from this. Carelessness makes even the slightest case deadly. Is there anyone on this ship with any medical knowledge at all
Usspp And Luffy point to her.
Luffy: But eating meat makes sickness go away! Right, Sanji!
Sanji: I can make some basic food meant for sick people. But that's entirely in nursing Territory. There's no guarantee it makes her feel better. Besides, I normally put 100 times more care into Nami-san Vivi-chand and Stella-sama's meals than I do with yours. I am sure their fresh meat and vegetables for balanced nutrition. And I give all the rotten stuff to you guys.
Usopp: Hey now.
Luffy: It's still good though
Stella: That's not something to admit out loud
Sanji: in any case, as I'm the ship's cook, there'll be no problems whatsoever in terms of getting a balanced diet. But there are different kinds of meals for sick people. What are her symptoms? What does she need? I can't make that call...
Luffy: Then she can just eat it all!
Sanji: She's sick because she doesn't have the energy for that
Vi: 40" C! Her fever's gone up again
Usopp: There'll be a doctor when we get to Alabasta right? How much longer will it take?
Vi: I don't know but one week is out of the question...
Luffy: Is being sick that bad?
Usopp: Dunno. Never been sick...
Stella: Who in the world are you? Guys of course it's bad. 40°c fevers don't happen every day! This may be a life-threatening illness...
All the boys scream
Luffy: Nami's gonna die.
Sanji: Don't die. Nami-san
Both: Stop that. Be quiet!
Luffy: Let's find a doctor to help Nmai
Vi: Okay! Just calm down. You're going to make her illness even worse!
Nami: No. Everyone looked at her. Nami She gets up
Stella: Nami
Luffy: Oh! She's all better!
Usopp hits him! Get real!
Nami: In my desk drawer... There's a newspaper...
Zoro: No change in course... He was still working out.
Vi:No. That can't be!
Luffy: Hey. What is it
Sanji: is it about Alabasta Vivi-chan?
Vi: 300, 00 royal soldiers defeated tongue Ressistance. It was originally a cold war, with 600,000 royal soldiers and 400,000 Resistance soldiers... But now that suddenly changed!
Stella: The uprising in Alabsta is finally going to get serious now... The paper is from three days ago... Were sorry. We can't change our speed, so I told Nmai not to tell you so you don't worry by showing you that... Understand Luffy
Luffy: Things Seem bad!
Stella: Okay you got more than I thought
Usopp: But you need to see a doctor
Nami: I'm fine... That thermometer must be broken. Nobody gets a temperature of 49°C it's probably Sunsroke or something. Sh get up. We don't need a doctor. I'll get better on my own... She starts to walk away For now, let's head straight for Alabasta as planned! Thanks for worrying about me! She goes upstairs
Luffy: Oh! She's never now?
Usopp: You idiot. She just acting tough.
Vi: At this rate, so much blood will be shed throughout the kingdom. It's an all-out war if I don't get to stop that, the Alabsata kingdom will be done for! Crocodile will take over. I can't just return safely. I need to return as quickly as possible! If I don't make it in time, a million citizens will kill themselves pointlessly!
Luffy: There's a million people
Sanji: What an immense burn your caring, Vivi-chan...
Stella went to walk away.
Usopp: Where are you going?
Stella: I need to fresh my mind. I wouldn't want to hurt someone because of what I'm thinking of. She leaves to be with Nami and Zoro on top.
A/n Is thinking Vi is being unreasonable her crew Members come first.
Zoro was working out and Stella joined him While Nami looked at the Log
Nami: Urgh! What were you watching all this time?
Zoro: What are you talking about? The ship's been going straight.
Nami: Yeah! Straight at a bright angle look at the compass!
Zoro: I don't need to I was watching the clouds there.
Nami: Clouds can change shape! Oh geez, my head is killing me.
Zoro: So just leave this or me and go to bed!
Name: I'm here because I can't leave this to you! The air's changed...
Zoro: The air? It has been nice weather the whole Time.
Nami: Never mind! Just get the others!
Zoro: Yells. Hey, get out here, you guys! Got work to do.
Both: What
Sanji: Huh? Hard to feel motivated when you are giving orders.
Zoro: Just shut up a move! Take the seat and catch the portside wind
Sanji: What going on, Nami-san? The waves are quiet and the weather's nice...
Nami: Wind. An immense wind is coming directly this way...
Luffy went to put his hand on Nmai's head.
Luffy: Hot! You're hot! Yeah! You stay inside the ship! Let's find a doctor!
Nami: Mind your own business. This is a normal temperature! Now quit being stupid and pull the ropes
Stella: Nami. We know you saying that for Vi, but if you push yourself too hard...
Nami: I told you I'm fine. She has her hand on the railing
Usopp: Hey, Nami. I think you should really--
Nami: Just hurry and move the ship!
Everyone went to do some work while still staying behind
Stella: I wonder what could it be!
Nmai: It seems a little different than a storm--
They were able to make the ship face the right direction.
Vi: I need to get back to Alabsta...
Vi: I have a favor to ask everyone. I know it's not my place to ask this as a passenger on your ship, but my homeland is in a terrible state now, so if like to hurry ahead! We can't waste a single minute. So I want this ship to head to Alabasta at its fastest speed!
Nmai: Of course, that's what we promised!
Everyone seemed to be at with that besides Stella.
Vi: So, let's find a stand with a doctor on it right away! Let's cure Nmai-san as quickly as possible and then go to Alabasta! That this ship's fastest speed, right?
Luffy: Yeah! We can't go any faster than that!
Usopp: Are you sure? As their princess, you should be worried about those million citizens.
Vi: Tyats right! So we need to hurry and cure Nmai-san's illness!
Sanji: Well said, Vivi-chan! I've fallen for you all over again!
Zoro: You go guts.
Stella: to herself No, she has Brains. Finally.
Nami: Thank you
Vi: Don't overwork yourself, Nami-san
Nami: Sorry, Vi... I think I am kind of... In trouble. She fell on her.
Vi: Nami-san! Hang in there!
Luffy: What's that? He points to a cyclone
Stella: It's a Cyclone
Vi: wait! That's the direction--
Sanji: That's the direction our ship just headed in!
Usopp: It would have been a direct hit if we kept going straight!
Luffy: Yike, we neatly made it though!
Vi- Mind Incredible. Gran Line Cyclones are said to be impossible to predict! Yet she. She didn't predict we weather based on standard theory... It's almost as if she detected the water with her body! I've never seen such a navigator before!
Luffy: Alright! Let's hurry, then. Let's go find a doctor!
All: Yeah! It started to snow.
Sanji: What do we do? Vivi-chan? Nmai-san fever won't go down!
Vi: Sanji-san, Karoo! I asked you to stop freaking out! She was helping. Nami.
Luffy: You see any doctors?
Usopp: Do you expect him to? You idiot?
Zoro: Hey guys. Do you think people can stand on the ocean?
Luffy:Can people stand on the ocean?
Usopp: Come on Zoro! What kind of question is that?
Zoro: Then... What's that?
The two looked behind them. Only to see a man standing on the ocean
Luffy: Huh?

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