Epiosde 105

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Vivi: Everyone. Luffy-sa. Is exactly right. I've made up my mind now. Let's go to where Crocidile is
Both: Yeah.
Nami: That does seem to be the quickest shortcut.
Zoro: Meaning no more of this a young roundabout traveling.
Sanji: so where is this Damn Crocodile.
Vivi: Let's see here... The takes out a map. This is the capital city of Alubarna, where my father rules form. And the rebel army is currently here, preparing to invade Alubarbna.
Sanji: we need to take care of crocodile before that can happen.
Vi: Corodile is here. Rainbase.
Usopp: Rainbase
Vi: It's about a day's journey north of here.
Luffy and Usopp we're moaning
Nami: C'mon, I told you to quit moaning, you two!
Usopp: who're you to say anything when you're riding the camel?
Luffy: Yeah! Let us rid, too!
Usopp: You Camel-woman
Zoro: Chopper! You haven't collapsed today!
Chopper: Yeah. I'm gonna try extra hard. Vivi. Does Rainbase have water?
Vi: Yes, there is no problem there. With a gambling town, almost completely detached from the rebellion.
Nami & Stella: Ooh! Gambling?
Zoro: Hey, now! What are you two thinking?
Sanji: I guess even here in Alabasta there are carefree cities.
Luffy: Gum-Gun No way!
Usopp was trying to get the water.
Usopp: Gimme some!
Lefty: Gum-Gum No way!
Usopp: C'mon! Just one sip that's why we have it!
Luffy: That dry old guy spent all night digging the water up!  We can't just drink it like it's nothing! You dumbhead!
Nami: Wow! Sometimes you can restrain yourself!
Luffy: Of course I can! How rude! You're rude!
Usopp: Can't we take a sip of water...
Luffy: How long to rainbase?
Vi: Luffy-san! Thanks. I never would have been able to make this decision on my own.
Luffy: Then gimme food.
Stella: is that all you can think of? After I kick Crodile's ass we can have so much food that we might die together.
Boy: Please, Koza! Let me join the rebel army!
Koza: No.
Boy: Why not? I have the right to join the rebellion too, don't I I despise the king! Let me fight with you?
Koza: Show him Faracla.
He showed him that he was missing part of his shoulder from blast attacks and a hand.
A/n Oh please Shanks's Whole arm is missing. That's nothing.
He git thisbtryod to protect me in the middle of a battle. Would you like to see medical wards and the grabes too?
Boy: That doesn't scare me! Towns dried up, and may have died cause the king stole the rain! It made lots of my friends sick, too! It's all ye king's fault! I wanna fight, too! I'm bit afraid of getting hurt or even dying!
Koza: Then leave. Our opinions are too different. We're all fired none of us want to fight.
Boy: Then why do you fight?
Koza: It's not that we wanted to. We had to. That's what the county wished for. Whether you understand or not it has nothing to do with you. Leave. I said leave, damnit! This is no place for children!
Koza walked into his tent
Man: What was that about, koza? It's not like you to rant and rave at children.
Koza: It was like looking at my old self it made me mad. I haven't changed one bit... Have we gathered enough weapons?
Man: No, it's proving difficult...
Koza:Contact all the other towns. As soon as we had weapons we laughed an all-out alubarna!
Man: Sire! It's only a matter of time until the rebel army attack Alubarna! We must take action first before it's too late!
King' Silence! I told you no! This is not a children's quarrel! Is religion what you want?
Man 2: But, sure! This court's existence hangs in the balance!
King: So what?
Man 2Ever since the Dance Powder incident, it has been clear that someone is trying to destroy our country!
King: Are you suggesting we destroy our countrymen before learning who's really pulling the strings? That would be the dienfukk of our county! Listen! A county is its people! However, this wire-puller has not a hoe himself whatsoever!
Man 2: Taking action on this I know shadow devours our country would be too late, sire!
Man: Please understand. The King won't allow us to take the offensive.
We can barely even appease the soldiers at this point.
Man 3: If only Igaram-san were here at a time like This...
King: Igaram says he leaves the country for a while?
Man 2: As we speak, he and Vivi-sama are probably still hard at work, trying to figure out who's behind this. I wonder where they are.
Solider: Chaka-sama! Pell-sama!
Pell: What is it?
Solider: Kario has returned!
Both: Karii have a?
The King was reading the note from Vivi
The two went to see.
Chaka: Sire! Who is that letter from?
The King gave it to Pell to read.
It's Vivi's handwriting, with it a doubt...
Chaka: Sire! Does that mean--
Pell: Kario came to deliver a letter from Vivi-sama.
Vi: Father. Everything written here is true. It's if fact. The person trying to bring suffering and ruin to this kingdom is none other than Crocodile! Igaram is at her who has called at the hands of Crocodile.
King: Crocodile! I stupidly beloved he works for the government! I never would've imagined he was trying to usurp this kingdom!
Pell: Igaram-san!... He gave his life for Vivi-sama and this land...
Vivi And now some people have given me unfathomable power. If I continue with them, we may make a difference in this kingdom. The light of hope is here Alabasta will be saved! Please have faith, Father! Vivi..
Chaka: it says you fought valiant, too, Mario. You've done well.
Karoo quack. You're hurt? Let me see.
Karoo fings his arms away.
Luffy: At any rate, no matter what happens, this thing in our left arm is a sign of our friendship
Karoo protected it.
King: Chaka. We know the enemy's identity! Prepare the soldiers for the expedition! I will not let Vivi resolve and Igaram's death be for naught! We're taking immediate action. We're heading to Rainbase we're Crordile is!
Pell: sier wait, side! Rain base is too far away to be " immediate"!Crocodile jas the citizens on this side! Even more so than you, with all sure respect... If we attack Rainbase, the rebel army will use that as a chance to storm the palace!
And if that happens--! So what if the rebel army destroys the palace? I've told you before! A county is its people! Even if our royal army falls as long as Crocodile is defeated, the country will be reborn by the people! But, consider if we clash with the rebel army instead! crocodile is the only one who will have the last laugh!
Pell: Sire...
Chaka: You're that dedicated to--?
King: Even if by some chance the rebel army format stops, we need only to take out Crocodile. We're up against one of the seven warlords of the sea. Crocodile is not weak in heart. This battle will not be without sacrifices before it ends. Chaka! I'm holding war meets Assemble the officers! Pell! Go ahead and conduct enemy reconnaissance!
Chaka: Mind  It seems we've been severely underestimating His Manesty.  What a powerful sport!
King: We git to battle tomorrow morning!
Both: Yes, sire!.
I'm sending all soldiers to Rainbase!
The crew was walking
Vi: I see it...
Chopper: Is that it?
Name: Rainbase?.
Luffy: Oh! Are we here?
Vi: Mind Crocodile!
Luffy: Yells Alright. It's time for Stella to beat up Crocodile! So this is Rainbase!
Zoro: By the way, does Barque Works know we're in this country now?
Nami; Most likely. We did run into Mr 2, so we should assume they know are here.
Luffy: So what
Usopp: They know what we look like!
We can't do much of anything while we're in Rainbase!
Luffy: Why not?
Usoop: If we get spotted first, Crocodiles can probably deal with us in all kinds of ways.
Zoro: Assassination if this area specify.
Luffy: Yells. Come out, Crocodile!
Usopp hits him but does not affect him
Were you even listening?
A/n Everyone can just Hit Luffy and it affects him but Usopp and Chopper don't.
Sanji: In any case, no matter who we run into I'll be protected
Nami-san, vivi-chan, and Stella-Sama!  You three girls can call me " Prince"
Zoro: Prince.
Sanji: Don't make me luck your ass.
Stella: I don't need to protect myself. You have Nami and Vi to protest
Usopp: Prince... Water. Water.
Zoro: Shut up, you guys!
Usopp: Water! Need water!
Luffy: Me too! Water.
The two turn off.
Nmai; Wait take money with you.
Stella: I got them covered. She ran after them. Sand Cafe.
Tishigi: Captain smoker. Why do you think the straw Hats will show up here, in Rainbase?
Smoker: Dunno. Call it a hunch.
Luffy: Alright! We can get water where Usopp
Usopp: Water
Stella: Of you, two don't quiet down I'll drag you guys back and you'll get nothing.
Smoker: Plus, something stinks about this county. I get a strong sense that something big is lurking in the shadows.
Luffy: Old lady! Water!
Usopp: A barrel of water! No, five! Five barrels of water!
Stella: you two are a mess.
Tahsigi: Then you think their realm is a connection between the Baroque Works urinals organization along with Straw Hat and Bandana Scarf?
Woman: Here!
The two drink the barrel.
Smoker: All I know is that Bandana scarf is out to get Crocodile... One of the Seven Warlords. He looks to the left of them to see Usopp, Luffy, and Stella this water is great, you jerk!
Usopp: It's great you bastard.
Stella: Before you drink it all let's take some back.
The three see. Smoker and Tashsigi.
The two spot the water at the two.
Chopper: I'm going to going to use the little boy's room.
Sanji: Can we really count on them?
Nmaj: They can do little errands just fine. Don't worry. Plus Steall is there are you doubting her?
Sanji: I could never doubt Stella-sama
Zoro: I dunno. I know they'll come back with a much of trouble again. And have Stella to save their lives asses.
I'd do warm-up exercises if I were you.
Luffy: Run!
Usopp: yeah!
Luffy: Got that Berral
Usopp: Yeah
Smoker: Damn it. We're going after them Tashigi!
Tashigi: Yes, sir
Tashigi: How much do I owe you?
Woman: if you know those kids you netted pay for the water they took, too!
Stella paid first.
Stella: You know how boys are.
Tahsigi: Mind. A pirate paying.
Stella: Tashigi! Is it? I may be a pirate but I'm not heartless. I know your just doing your job and all but getting in our way is the worst thing you can do.
Seeing how you after Zoro Wado Iachimonji but that's not going to have
Tashigi: He doesn't deserve to have them
Stella: Oh is that some. Stealing is just as bad as being a pirate. If you want Zoro swords you going to have to go through me. And I am telling you this. No one messes with My brother or my crew. You'll have to pay with your life before you can get your hands on any of them. I'll watch your back Tashigi. She left to get with the others.
Tashigi: How much did she pay ma'am
Woman: 400 berries
A/n Where did Stella get all this money? She didn't steal any. It was hers she kept a lot of berries when she was younger.
The three were running together.
Luffy: Why is the navy here again?
Ussop: How should I know? Just run!
Sanji: The navy chasing them again!
Nami: No way! Why are they running running away?
Vi: Say! Tony-kun hasn't come back yet!
Zoro: leave him! He'll manage!
Luffy: Hey, guys? The Navy's here!
Zoro: Yiure tyevike bring them here!
Man Catch them for sure this time!
Smoker: They're quick to run away, I'll give them that!
Usopp: This isn't a good idea! Baroque Works is gonna spot us. If we run through the city!
Zoro some people looking at the pictures of them.
I think it's too late for that.
Stella: The it's deciding! Let go!
Vi: Eh
Stella: To where Crocodile is! Right, Vivi?
Vi: Yes! Do you see that alligator-roof building up ahead? That's the casino crocodile runs... Raindinners.
Stella: So That's where crocodile is?
Sanji: It'd be best if we split up
Zoro: It looks that way!
See all: Alirghr! We'll see you later.
Nami Usopp and Sanji went to the right
Zoro and Vic went to the left
And Luffy and Stella went up a building.
Stella: Let's meet at the Alligator Casino!
Man: They split up?
Man 2: Don't let them escape!
Luffy: Come and get us, Smokey!
Smoker: You got teal guts! Don't think you two can keep running forever! White Vine!
He caught the
Luffy: Gum-Gum... Ballon! He expanded his self they were able to get out of Smoker trap
That was close.
Stella: you think. Next time don't ask him to come.
Smoker: Damn
Chooper: Ahh! Much better! Where did everyone go?
That's Stella's smell! He ran. That's Zoro smell! Samji goes that way! What's going on?
Man: Out of the way. They run over chopper.
Vi: Mr. Bushido! This direction, too!
There were men after them.
The Baroque works Millions!
Zoro' Stucj between the devil and the deep sea, huh? Go on without me! She pushed herm hurry!
Vi: Right she ran ahead
Sanji: Usopp! Look after Nami-sa.
Usopp: What!
Sanji: I'll find them off!
Usooo: Alright! You can cut in me!
Nami: Sanji-kun..
Sanji: Go
Usopp: We are! They ran ahead.
Sanji: Without smoker feark around they're just small fries. My deepest condolences. He kicks the men and they are falling.
Vi: I hope Mr. Bushifo will be all right!
Zoro: Is that all you git? Try again some other time.
Tashigi: Roronoa Zoro! We meet again!
Zoro: That voice...
Tashogi: I've been looking for you for a long time. What do you think you're doing cutting down regular citizens?
Zoro: Look I got my own circumstances, too! Besides. I have no desire to fight you!  We settled our match in Loguetown! He put his swords away.
Tashigi: We did not! I haven't laid a singer blow yet!
Zoro: Mind. She looks like her! Way too much like her! And quit it with that face, will ya?
Tashigi: Come again! Arenyiybtyind to ridicule me yet again? You will pay for this!
Zoro: Damn! She is the one person I can't deal with! He runs away.
She ran after him.
Man: Bastards! Get back here!
Both: No! They were able to stop them with barrels.
Usopp: We did it;
Nami: Way to go, Usopp! Look! Up ahead! The entrance to Raindrinners! It's in the middle of a lake. Is no one in here yet?
Me: Alright! Let's blast them.
Stay with those two!
Both: The enemy?
Zoro kicks them.
Nami: Wasn't Vivi with you?
Zoro: Yeah! Is he motbjere yet?
Usopp: She might be gone inside
Nami: Luts hurry, then!
Luffy and Stella we're ruing from Smoker.
Nami: Luffy! Stella.
Smoker: Get back here!
Usopp: Plum-Plume is with them
Luffy: Hey! Let's go! Run inside, guys!
They all ran in front of smoker.
Luff: He's in there... Isn't he?
Crorcdile: Oh? Vivi and the pirates are here in town.
Sunday: Yes. We just received word from the millions.
Crocodile picks up Stella's Picture
Go welcome the foolish rats.
Sunday: Yea, sir.
Luffy: Listnen, Crocodile! Stella is going to luck your ass! She coming for you!

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