Episode 7

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Buggy takes his hands back.
How dare you just come waltzing back here, to Captain Buggy!
Nami: Listen! All I want is the map and the treasure!
Zoro: Yeah, I know.
Stella: Mind Always demanding stuff instead of working for it.
Mayor: Young'uns... Why are you here? Stay out of this. You're outsiders! This is my fight! I will protect my town! He grabs a stick. I don't need your meddling
Stella got tired of his talk and Bashed his head into the wall.
Nami: What the hell? Why'd you attack the mayor?
Stella: That hit was for someone else
Plus he's old and he's in our way he doesn't need to be fighting. And he's the Mayor he news to live
Zoro: Good thinking. No doubt this old man plans to die otherwise. This is for the best.
Nami: Don't be crazy! There were plenty of other ways you could've done it!
Stella: And if I would have done it any other way he would have kept coming back.
Luffy walks to Buggy. Alright here goes... He breathes in and Yells Big Nose!
Nmai: That's one thing you shouldn't say!
Buggy: Damn you, you flashy idiot! How dare you... Flashily fire the buggy ball!
Nami: Why'd you say that? You idiot!
She runs away.
Zoro: Hey, Luffy! Stella! Run!
Luffy: That...
Buggy: Time to blow up!
Luffy: Won't work on me! The cannon lits. Gum-Gum...Balloon
All but Stella is surprised.
Buggy: Don't tell me the Buggy Ball...
Luffy bounced the ball back. He bounced it back!
Zoro: Say something beforehand, geez!
Luffy: Alright! Now there's fewer enemies.
Nami: What the heck are you?!
Stella: Why the hell do you keep asking that?
Zoro: You really know how to freak people out...
Nami: I knew something was weird from the time you fought that lion. No human can do that! Explain yourself!
What was that balloon-inflated thing you just did?
Luffy: The Gum-Gum Balloon!
Nami: I'm asking what that is! What are you, a monster
Stella:Stop yelling at him. What kind of question is that if he was a monster he would have let the Ball destroy the ground?
Buggy came out with two people in front of him.
Buggy; How dare you flashily try to do me in...
Nami: He used his henchmen as shields
Stella: You can't trust people nowadays.
Mohji: What happened here? He looks around you! The straw Hat guy! Captain Buggy! Be careful! He has the Devil Fruit power too! He's a rubber person!
Buggy: What?
Nmai: Rubber person?
Buggy: A Devil Fruit... That explains how he bounced a Bufgy Ball back. A man picked up Richie
Man: This is the greatest insult we've had since we hoisted our flag...Captain.
Buggy: Oh, Cabaji! I'm so angry I can't even fart...
Monji: Cabaji! What the hell did you do to Richie?
Cabaji: This cat? I used him as a shield, to keep my clothes from getting dirty.
Monji: Damn you, you bastard!
He went to attack only to get kicked by him into Luffy. Ou lt of the way!.
Luffy: Ni, you move! He kicks him to the wall.
Cabaji: Please leave this to me.
Buggy: Alright! Show them your acrobat show!
Cabaji then uses a unicycle. I, Acrobat Cabaji, chief of staff, take on Captain Buggy's anger! He hands a sword in his hand. He went to stab Stella
Zoro blocked him with his sword
Zoro: I'll clash swords with you.
Cabaji: It's an hour, Roronoa Zoro... To think I would get to slay you as a swordsman myself. He noticed the injury he had.
Stella: Thanks for saving me but you should rest! We'll handle this!
Zoro: No it's fine.
Cabaji: Mind That's the stab wound the captain gave him. The fool... Acrobar Technique: Old Man Arsonist!  He then blew fire on Zoro's face and then kicked him.
Zoro falls down
What's wrong? I'm sure I didn't kick it that hard...
Nami: He fights dirty, going! After his injury like that
Cabaji: Acrobat Technique: Murder at the Steam Bath! He then swings his swords to make dust apparel
Zoro: Acrobat technique, my ass! That's just an ordinary cloud of dust! Cabaji did the same
Cabaji: What's wrong? A grown man moaning is disgraceful. Well? Now do you see how foolish it was...to make an enemy of the Buggy pirates?
Nami: He's crazy to fight whole so seriously injured! He's hurt so bad it's almost mystifying that he's still alive!
She looks at the two. Why're you just standing there watching?! He gonna get killed!
Stella: You are also standing here why do you help since you mentioned it
Cabaji: Roronoa Zoro...is defeated!
Zoro: Annoying bastard! Is poking my wound... that much fun?
Cabaji then Stabes him just barely touching his injury.
Name: Why didn't you dodge that?
Zoro: Is that enough of a handicap for you? Now I'll show you the difference in level between you and me!
Luffy: So cool!
Cabaji: Is that so. You think you can mock me...
Zoro:My swords aims to be the world's greatest I can't lose even once to anyone who calls himself a swordsman!
Cabaji: I see. A strong resolve keeps you going. But never fear. Wounds as bad as you will be more than enough of an excuse...for losing to me!
Zoro: The hell with that... If I lose to someone like you with such light injuries, I won't have much of a bright future ahead of me! He then puts his white sword in his mouth.
Stella: You can do it Zoro!
Nami: I can't go along with this. You pirate can injure yourselves for all I care! It doesn't matter to me whether you guys win or lose! I'm gonna use this chance to swipe their treasure and get out here! Let's team up again if we ever get the chance! See ya! Good luck with the fight! She leaves.
Luffy: Yeah! Thanks!
Stella then hits him
Luffy: Ow. Why did you do that?
Stella: Can't you see she using us?
Cabaji: Tase my ultimate acrobatic move. Acrobat Technique: the Dance of 100 Kamikaze Tops!
Nami: Those aren't normal guys that Luffy, Stella, and Zoro! Nothing good comes from being involved with them!
Zoro then cuts them all up.
Cabaji: Acrobat Technique; A Hike in the Mountains! Ge the rides up a house. Acrobat Technique: Fireworks in the Cool Summer Breeze!
Luffy: Who's, he's high up!
Cabaji: Sting of the Unicycle!
Buggy: Ground-hugging Chop-Chop cannon! He used his hand to attack Zoro at the same time.
Canaji! I'll hold Zoro down! Finish him off!
Zoro: Damn you guys!
Stella steps on his hand
Pro was able to dodge Canaji attack.
Zoro: Stella!
Buggy: D-Damn you!
Stella: Stay out of Zoro's fight!
Cabaji: I can refer you easily enough, even without my captain's help!
Zoro: enough... I'm tired.
Cabaji: Finally given up, have you!? Though I must say, I'm impressed you could fight with such injuries
Zoro: I meant I'm tired...of your crappy-ass acrobatics!
Cabaji: Then I'll finish you off..with my real sword skill! Die! He went to attack
Zoro: Oni...Girl!
Zoro was able to get a hit on him.
Cabaji: We, the buggy pirates, beaten by mere sneak thieves... He falls out.
Zoro: We ain't seal thieves... He fell too. We're pirates!
Luffy! Stella I'm going to sleep now!
Luffy: Right! I'll handle the rest! Stella will take care of you.
Stella: Okay. She walks over to Zoro and lays him on her. He will be fine.
Buggy: You guys are pirate
Luffy: Yeah! We're going to the Grand Line!
Buggy: That's no simple voyage nameless bums like you can handle, dimwit! What're you gonna do I'm the Grand Line, away! Go on a sightseeing trip or something?
Luffy: Become King of the Pirates.
Buggy: Get real, you flashy idiot! You king of the pirates? Would that make my God then? I'm gonna be king of the pirates and obtain the world's greatest treasure! Quit your dreaming!
Luffy:You're annoying. Just bring it on already!
Buggy has 8 knives. Seeing that straw hat of yours brings back memories of him...and irritates me! Memories of that damn cheeky red-haired man!
Luffy:Red-haired? Rad-haired... Does that mean you know Shanks?!
Buggy: Huh? Yeah, but why?
Luffy: Where is he now?!
Buggy: Dunno! Maybe! I know where he is, or maybe I don't!
Luffy: What're you talking about? Are you stupid or something?
Buggy: Not as much as you! I ain't mice enough of a guy to just tell you want to wanna know!
Luffy: Then I'll make you tell me!
Buggy: I'll kill you before that ever happens! He has a knife in his shoe. I doubt rubber van bounce-back blades...
Luffy: Nope, it can't!
Buggy: Chop-Chop Rice cracker! He then let his foot with the blade attack
Luffy jumped
Can't move in midair, can you?! He throws the rest of his knives at him
Luffy: Can too! He moves out of the way.
Buggy: Oh, quite interesting?
Luffy: you too. Gum-Gum pistol! He went I punched him only to miss
Buggy: Those are interesting abilities, but they leave you wide open! I'm gonna crave you up! Luffy wanted to attack but Buggy cut his head off.
Luffy ended up crashing.
Not good enough, Gum-Gum!
Luffy: Damn, you keep breaking into pieces!
Nami was watching from the sidelines
Buggy: Chop-Chop Cannon, Luffy catches a knife. Separate!
Well? Now you see, runt? The knife cut Luffy's hat
Luffy: You bastard!
Buggy: oh? Was I not supposed to watch your face or something?
Luffy: How dare you... How dare you damage this hat! This is my treasure! Whoever damages this hat absolutely must pay!
A/n Luffy Treasure Is His Hat And Stella.
Buggy: It would seem that that has a history to it. Is it that important of a hat? Buggy used a sneak attack and had the knives go through the hat more.
Luffy remembers his past
Shanks: I'll leave this hat with you. It's dear to me. Take good care of it! And Stella for me. Come bring it back to me someday! Once you become a great pirate along with your girlfriend. That's our promise, Luffy!
Luffy was crying
Stella held his hand and they both watched Shanks leave.
Buggy: How is this old, tattered hat a treasure? Treasure refers to sparkly gold, silver, and jewels...that display their owner's grander. You call this filthy hat a treasure? Cut the crap!
Luffy: That's the hat Shanks and I swore over!
Buggy: What! Meaning this is Shank hat? No wonder it seemed familiar! He always wore this by my side! He then drops it.
Luffy: You and Shanks sailed on the same ship?
Buggy: Yeah, back when we were pirate-in-training. We were comrades. That damn detestable red-haired bastard! He steps on the hat.
Luffy runs up to him
Sghabks is a great man! You, his comrade? Don't compare yourself to him
Buggy: Chop-Chop Quick Escape!
Luffy then kicks in Stoumch
Luffy: Never say you and Shanks are comrades ever again!
Buggy: I can say whatever I want about Shanks!
Luffy: Tell me; What happens between you and Shanks? Damn it! How dare you tear up my treasure!
Buggy: Do you wanna know that badly? He is the one person I absolutely can't forgive! I'll cure him for the rest of my life! Badly ever forgive him!

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