episode 155

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Luffy: There's actually a God? And we live in a place where we're never to set foot in?
Conis: Yes.
Chopper: "The" God? You mean the same God from all the old stories?
God lives on this island next to yours?
Conis: Yes. I'm sure you all noticed the big sign that said "Godland Skypiea". It means that this land is ruled by the Almighty God, Enel.
Sanji: The Almighty God?
Conis: God Enel knows everything in this world.
Sanji: Everything?
Conis: He's also watching us all the time.
Usopp: All the time?
Luffy: Right now.
Conis: Of course.
Chopper: What? He's watching us now?
Zoro: God.
Chopper: You don't believe in God?
Zoro: I don't know. Whether or not God exists doesn't matter to me. I couldn't care less. If you want to believe, go ahead. It's not up to me to deny anyone's beliefs.
Stella: I would have to agree. It's not that I don't believe but I was told stories about how God was supposed to be great. If he really is all that great why do terrible things happen in this world? Plus I would need proof. Still wouldn't matter what I think
Sanji: So, conis, if this guts live next door, then you must have set eye on him before.
Conis: Absolutely not, it's forbidden to go there. The upper Yard is a sacred ground and a place only for our God to rest. The sacred ground, the upper Yard, is forbidden.
Luffy: I see. A place we're not allowed to go to no matter what. Usopp shakes him
Usopp: I know that look in your eyes. It always gets us into trouble! When the lady says we can't go there because it's sacred ground or whatever, it means we can't go there. You're not dragging me down this time!
Luffy: I understand we're not supposed to go there. He smiles.
Do you really think I'm the kind of guy who would do that? He eats bread.
Usopp: Yes, absolutely.
They go back to eating
Luffy: But he's God, shouldn't he forgive you no matter what you do? Walking around some forbidden island doesn't sound like such a big deal to me.
Conis: But breaking any laws set forth by our Almighty is sacrilege.
Luffy: I see. I guess it doesn't matter either way
Chopper: That's because he intends to go even if he won't be forgiven!
Robin: Do you know what happens if someone goes into that forbidden upper Yard?
Conis: Yeah, I do.
Zoro: What is it?
Conis: We believe that if you go there you will not come back alive.
Usopp: Everyone who foes thre dies?
Pagaya: I must admit I'm just as worried about Nmai as you are. I hope she isn't near the upper Yard.
Luffy: Nami! Stay where you are. In any case, let's go and find Nami!
Usopp: Don't go anywhere! Do you really want to go to find Nami?
Sanji: Nami-Swan!
A/n I'm sorry Nami part will be skipped ya'll All know what happened she heard a voice it turned out to be a recording but she saw a man and he asked for help but she only had enough space for him so he was then killed by a person. There were four of them arguing about something and Nami saw a bright light and went to get back to the others to tell them what she saw trying not to die herself
Sanji: Hey, Luffy! Let's go!
Luffy: Hold on a second. We'll go after I finish these.
Sanji: What are you gonna do if something happens to Nami while you're sitting around like it's nothing? Just leave them there, since we're coming right back!
Luffy: Hold on! This one, too.
Sanji: Conis, it'll be a night if I wait for him! Take me to that Upper Yard Place!
Conis: What? But... we don't know if she was really headed there. And... if we incur God Enel's wrath, we'll really be in big trouble.
Chopper: God Enel seems to be pretty scary.
Zoro: God Enel.... A god?
Luffy: Time to set sail to the place we're not allowed to go to anyway!
Payaga: I'm sorry! There's no headwind blowing. If you were to set sail now, it'd take an extraordinary amount of time to get there.
Usopp: What
Luffy: How extraordinary?
Pagaya: Exponentially longer than if your ship was powered using our dial energies. I'm sorry
Sanji: That's really nice, but we need a number.
Pagaya: I don't know. Only the wind knows.
Usopp: Of course, the wind...
Luffy: There must be a faster way to get there. Sure, let's ask the wind. Something other than waiting for the wind to pick up.
Usopp: No matter what we do, you always find a way to put us in danger. I can't like this!
Luffy: What's your problem?
Usopp: I'm nervous.
Luffy: There's finally a dangerous place we can go! I can't wait around and wait till the wind changes!
Usopp: Hey Luffy! Could that be...
He was running with the old waver.
The old broken waver?
Luffy: Here I come! He goes into the sea.
He ends up sinking
Zoro: That idiot
Usopp: This was obviously going to happen!
Luffy: Help me.
Chopper: What are we gonna do? He sank again.
Sanji Zoro, Usopp: Jusy leave him!
They were all hit on the head
Luffy was on the ground.
Zoro: You're such a pain! He steps on his stomach to get the cloud out of him.
Usopp: So, this is your old waver.
Pagaya: This is really old.
Usopp: We found it in the sea in the world below.
Pagaya: Would you like to take a look if it can be fixed, I'll fix it for you.
Luffy: You can fix it, old guy?
Yagaya: I'm a dial ship engneer
Luffy: Really? Then, please fix it! Please... do it quickly!
The man before was there
Enel. He then went to the island and blew it up.
Angel Island Lovely Street.
Man: Form up, salute!
There was an army of men wearing purple shirts and cloud pants.
Captain Mickinley White Berets, Skypiea Police.
Heso everyone!
Man: That's the white Berets!
Woman: I wonder if something happened.
Mick: Everyone, please be careful! Illegal travelers have infiltrated Skipiea through Angel Beach today! It was reported that there were eight infiltrators! We, the white Berets, are conducting a full-scale search for these criminals! Please watch out and report any suspicious activity!
They do a bunny signal.
All: Please watch out!
A/n Nah excuse my language but Fuck that old lady. All this could have been avoided if she just told them to leave like she did all that for no reason. Now when they end up helping you all I want to see how stupid all their faces look when they have strange people help them.
Chopper: Beat this one, usopp! Look
He made a small Cloudman
Usopp: I don't think that'll be a problem! He made all of the crew.
My cloud sculpture is so good it should be in a museum!
Chopper: That's amazing!
Sanji: That's the worst-looking art I've ever seen! He kicks Usopp.
This is what I think of your uninspired work! He kicks them down
Usopp was hanging on his leg
Nami could be in danger.
Usopp: Stop! Don't do it!
Sanji: Take this! And this!
Usopp: Stop it! How dare you? Don't take it out on my art!
Luffy: Can you fix it?
Pagaya: I've never seen parts like this before.
Luffy: Please fix it.
Pagaya: I'm sorry, I don't know if I can fix it until I investigate it more.
Luffy: Anyhow, please try.
Pagaya: I'll try disassembling it.
Stella: We really do need to save our friend.
The army was coming downstairs.
Luffy: Looks like we have company, old guy.
Mick: You, suspicious ship over there, hold it!
Luffy: Does he mean us?
Stella: It's not like we're going anywhere.
The army started to crawl on the ground.
Sanji: Why the heck are they crawling?
Usopp: I don't know. They've obviously got issues.
Chopper: They're crawling around like crabs.
Mick: White Berets,halt!
Zoro and Robin go to the others
Conis: Heso
Pagaya: Heso, gentlmen!
Luffy: Speak our language! We can't understand you.
Zoro" Who are they? Soldiers?
Chopper: Usopp said they have issues.
Stella: If they are soldiers we are in big trouble
Mick: Look what we have here. You must be the eight illegal travelers who came from the Blue Sea.
All: What.
Mick: Prepare to have the weight Heaven's judgment brought down on you!

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