Epiosde 106

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Man: Get back here. You! Shot 'em!
Stella: I'm not the biggest fan of guns.
Zoro: Damn, they're annoying! He said swords on them. That's quieted things a bit.
A/n Yes did happen to steal when she was younger. Before she met Shanks.
Luffy: Yells Crocodile! Come out.
The people looked at him. And contained on with their day.
I can all the way to watch Stella kick your ass! Crocod--!
Usopp, Nmai, and Stella Hit his head.
Name: That not gonna make him come out here!
Usopp: We're dealing with the country's hero! Are you trying to make these patrons you're enemies too?
Stella: Ever heard of a surprise attack
Luffy: Alright! What do we do, then?
Usopp: Hold on! Without Vivi, we wouldn't who who Crocodile is!
Nami: speaking of which, here
Is vivi?
All: Vivi! Crocodile! Where are you?
Stella: Kids.
Man: Assistant Manager! Some strange people have come Inside!
AM: Have security take care of them. Don't make such a fuss!
Leffy: Hey! Vivi and Crocodile aren't coming!
Stella: I mean no matter how loud you yell they won't be able to hear you. Have you seen how big this building is?
Smoker: I've got you now Bandana Scarf. You think you can just scurry all over the place!
Luffy: It's smokey
Usopp: Run! Damn! What is that smoke freak doing here in Rainbase?
Zoro: I'd say he has taken quite a liking to Luffy! And Stella!
Smoker: This building is surrounded by a lake! There's nowhere to run!
Man: Please stop, sir. Government officials aren't allowed inside!
Smoker: Move
Stella: He's so stubborn. Reminds me of a certain someone.
Smoker: Get back here.
Luffy: I can't deal with that guy!
Stella: Same here. Well, not with all these people here.
Man: Just a minute, sir, Ma'am. I must ask that you leave--
Luffy pushed them out of the way.
Luffy: Huh? Did I just run into something?
Stella: I sometimes wonder what you would do without me.?
Sunday came
AM: Manager! This is terrible! A strange group of people has...
Sunday: send them to the VIP room. Owner Crocodile's orders.
The people were waiting for them at the VIP Door
Usopp: Hey! Look there!
Woman: Thank you for coming!
Man: Right This way.
Man 2: This is the VIP Room!
Nami: Could it mean,
Zoro: Bring it on"? This guy is right to the point!
Luffy: Alright! Let's go!
Smoker VIP?! What sort of connection do they have with Crocodile? Depending on that, all of them could get sent to the gallows!
Luffy: What's VIP?
Usopp: Hey! That path splits!
VIP go to the left!
Nami And it says pirates go this way!
Luffy: which way do we go?
Zoro: Hurry and decide!.
Stella: VIP, obviously,
Luffy: But we're pirates! Pirates go this way!
Usopp: Yeah! You go a pint there!
Stella: He does not
They all went to the pirate side only to see there was a wall
The floor under them opens
Smoker: What in the world is going on?
Zoro: I can't believe we fell for this trick.
Usopp: My" I wind up swimming when Falling in the Darkness" disease!
Luffy: Trapdoor!
Stella: I wonder what it is like to be an only child.
Chopper: Where did everyone go?
Tashigi: Captain Smoker!
Chopper turns small and tries to hide but fails.
Where could Captain Smoker have gone? He should be chasing Straw Hat and Banda Scarf, but...
Chopper: She's working for the Navy...
Tashigi went to walk. But Chopper went to stop her making her fall and lose her glasses onto Chopper
A/n Velma 2.0
Oh no! My glasses! My glasses! Now what! I can't do anything without my glasses! Chopper felt seeing how powerful it was to her
Are you all right? Umm, have you fainted? Sanji saw this
Please say something!
Man: Sergeant Major Tahigi!
Samji had to hide his face from him
Oh, here you are
Tasigi: Yes! I'll be with you there!
Chopper: Are these...
Tashigi: Ih, you found them for me! You're such a nice person! Thank you! Goodbye!
Man: This way!
Tashigi: Right!
Sanji: She a world-class dimwit, that for sure
A/n Did Sanji just disrespect a woman
Chopper: She said I'm a nice person! Being praised finest make me happy, you moron!
Sanji: Not to mention him.
The others were in jail.
Luffy: A clever trap.
Usopp: Yeah. It wasn't our fault...
There on the cell
Stella: We could have avoided it! You did exactly what the enemy wanted! I can't believe how stupid you both are!
Luffy: Anyways, I'm suddenly out of strength....
Usopp: How come? Are you hungry or something?
Smoker went to use his weapons
Zoro: Luffy!
Smoker knocked him down.
He had the weapon on him
Usopp: I'll fight if you want, smoke freak! I once helped take down a bomb man! Hiyaa!
Luffy: Huh! I have no strength... Just like when I fall in water...
Nami: What have you done to Luffy?
Smoker: At the tip of this jutte is a material known as sea prism stone.
Stella: A strange type of stone that supposedly only exists in one certain sea. Not much is known about it, but it basically gives off the same energy as the ocean. You can think of his jutte as a would of the sea.
Smoker: And how do you know
Stella: I am a pirate but I'm not dumb. You can. Say I learned it from a friend long ago
Zoro: So it makes Lufty weak??
Smoker: All Navy HQ prison cells are made of it. To prevent criminals with Devil fruit powers from escaping.
Nmai: Then this prison is the same?
Smoker: If it weren't I'd be long gone by now after making it so none of you take to the seas again!
Zoro was ready to fight
Usopp: Wait! Wait! What good will fighting in this situation do?
Nmai: Besides, he is made of smoke swords won't work on him!
Crocodile: That's correct. Give it up. They all look to the voice.
Yoire goitnti dies together... So why not get along first?
Smoker: Crocodile!
Stella:What. He turns around to show his face.
Zoro: So he's one of the Seven Warlords?
Smoker: Look as desirable as I thought.
Crocodile: Oh, yeah really are the wild dog I've heard about, Smoker-kun. It seems you never once believed I was on your side. But, yes. You're correct. Smoker. I think I'll have you die and " accidental death. I'll inform the government that you fought well against the Lowly 'Bandana Scarf "pirate. I don't know why you're coke to this country, but I assume you're on your own. The government would never have sent you here. Because everyone trusts a warlord of the sea.
Stella: So you're crocodile? I honestly thought of way worse than this.
Usopp: Stella don't get him angry at you.
Crocodile: Bandana Scarf Stella you've done well to come this far. I promise to get rid of you so wait a little more. Our guest of honor is yet a arrive!
Nami: Guest of honor?
Crocodile: I just sent my partner to pick her up.
A/n skipping all of that. Miss All Sunday went to get Vivi. Pell went to save her with his Tori Tori devil fruit that made him turn into a falcon giving him the power of flight.
He did fail only because Miss All Sunday used her devil fruit which was the Flower-Flower fruit that allows her to sprout duplicates of any of her body parts from any surface within range. And used that to take down Pell and have Vivi come with her.
Luffy: Isode a prison cell in Raindinners. Look at me, I'm Sanji. He copied him Smoking. You the one who was the meat?
Usopp was laughing.
Here's Zoro! " Oni!"
Usopp: Act like..
Name: serious prisoners! How can you act like that is such a serious situation at this?
Luffy: We can't get out, so what else is there to do?
Nami: The face we can't get out is what makes it serious!
Zoro was sleeping.
We might end up dead if we don't do something! And why are you sleeping?
She hits him.
Zoro: Oh, is it morning?
Nmai: It's noon!
Crocodile: You are a high-spirited girl.
Nami: Whatever! Go ahead and act confident while you still can! Once these guys get out of here, they'll kick your but and send you flying above the clouds! Instant that's right Stella
Stella: Yeah. That's why we came
Crocodile: You seem to be quite the trustworthy captain, Bandana Sacraf Stella. Trust... The most unseen in this world.
Nmai: Who does he think he is insulting people?
Usopp: Like I told Stella. You'll make him mad too!
Vi: Crocodile.
All: Vivi!
Crocodile: Welcome, Vivi, princes of Alabasta! No, Miss Wednesday! I'm impressed you managed to evade our assassins to come so far!
Vi: I would go as far as it takes because I want you to die, Mr 0! If only you have come to this country...
She went to attack him
Luffy: Wait! Vivi! Let us out, n
Vi: Alabasta would have remained peaceful! Peacock strong slasher! He went for his head. Only for it to turn sand.
Smoker: It's no use.
Crocodile: Satisife? As a citizen of this country, you surely know that I have tube powers of the Sand-Sand Fruit. He grabbed her what to become a mummy?
Usopp: A sand person!
Stella: Mind Good information to know a lot harder to fight him.
Crocodile: Sit. Perfect timing. The party is just starting. Correct, Miss All-Sunday?
Sunday: Yes.
All: Party?
Sunday: It just turned noon. Operation Utopis is beginning.
Nami: Operation Utopia?
Luffy: What's an Operation Utopia?
Crocodile Laughs.
It will be their pathetic little kingdom that dies, Miss Wednesday. I'm going to wipe Alabasta off the face of the earth! All people, big and small will be sucked into eternal darkness as they writhe in pain. Let's operation Utopia...commence!

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