Episode 74

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Mr 3 was using the Wax to wrap Broggy.
Broggy: Curse you! What are you doing?
Mr 3: What am I doing? This is why I can't stand upsophosicatef dolts. I'm creating a work of art.
Miss V held on to Vi
Just be a good little girl. Did you honestly think you could escape from Barque works?
Everyone was down.
Especially when someone with a 30 and 35 million bounty berry winds up like that!
Mr 5: I'm happy I could take them for what happens at whisky peak. You wannabe Pirates never have stuck your noses into such delicate issues as this. We've already captured your swordsman and the other girl.
Stella: You guys caught Zoro. Then you guys are going to get cut up!
Mr 5: Oh yeah. You still talk big even after one of my lucky Bombs to to the face?
Stella: Not the first getting a bomb to the face.
Luffy:We'll kick you asses! He spits o. Mr 5 shoes.
Miss V: Unbelievable. He kicks the siblings making explosions.
Vi: Luffy-San, Stella-san
Mr 5: Fools
Vi: Luffy-san. Stella-san.
Mr 5: Let's go Miss V. They dragged her away
Vi: Lufy, Stella, Uospp. Karoo!
Mr 3: Give it up! Give it up! Once solidification My candle jacket is as hard as iron! You giants may have brutish strength, but it becomes all but useless once you've been caught. Using your brain is the key. There is no need to uselessly replace you head-on. You lower your guard as you reveal in victory. Red Oger Broggy.
Don't glare at me like that. You're terrifying me so! You should be happy! Your long-lasting battle has come to an end! You forgot for a while century for your so-called pried right. Shouldn't the taste victory me especially sweet then? Even if is the first of other assistance... Am I wrong?
Broggy: Damn you! Don't mean to say...
Mr 3 laughs. But the final victory belongs to me. Are you aware that large bounties on your hands from long ago come to 200 million berries in total? Even today this holds! I feel as if I've discovered a long-lost treasure!
Vi: So what are you after, huh? Mr 3!
Miss W: We brought her.
Mr 3: Our company little traitor. What took so long? I was getting sick of waiting.
Miss W: Your methods are too underhanded Mr. 3! I mean explosion in a Alcohol
Broggy: What? Alcohol? The alcohol I gave him? That's what you meant Dorry!
Mr 5: Wreted the little girl giving out tricks away.
Mr 3: Well, no matter. There's nothing you can do now anyway. Candle... Lock! He used its powers on Vi
Mr 5: Bring the swordsman and the girl! We're about to begin! Extra Big Candles Set!
Vi: This is Mr. 3 ability?
Broggy: What's going on?
Mr 5: Here they are. He throws Nami and Zoro on the ground. Being ridiculed by people of their caliber is so embarrassing this I'm pissed at myself.
Mr 3:You can't help that you're weak.
Mr 5: What was that
Mr 3: Nothing! Just set the candles up quickly!
Nmai: what is that
Vi: Nami-San. Mr. Bushido.
Nami: Vi! What happened? Weren't you with Luffy and Stella?
Vi: I was but.
Mr 5: If you're wondering about the Straw Hat and Bandana Scarf, I took care of them myself! It was an easy Job, Too.
Zoro: You did.
The candles started to Spin.
Nami, Zoro, and Vi were under the wax.
Mr 3: Welcome friend to my service set!
Zoro: Is this what it feels to be a candle stuck in a cake?
Nami; What's that spinning thing there? And I can't move my legs...
Zoro: Of course they're not gonna let us move. They're enemy. He used his swords but nothing. Damn. It's hard. Plus I can't put my strength into it from their stance.
Vi: Something is raining down!
Mr 3: May you enjoy my candle service! The wax haze falling from above you will eventually change you into wax figures! You'll become perfect human models that not even I could achieve with my skills! Your wax figures have literally captured your spirits! Now did, in the name of art.
Nami: Scew that! Why do we have to turn into your works of art? Broggy-san quite sitting there and going on a rampage! You're going get turned into a wax figure too, you know!
Zoro: Man, talk about a huge person...
Mr 3: Anything you say this him is pointless! He just now realized he foolishly shredded proud, joyful tears of victory after the killing of his friend Dorry, with whom been going on for 100 years, but without even noticing that he had suffered injuries beforehand! Or did you perhaps cry for your friend instead? Laughs. Whatever the case there is no undoing what you did now fool! Laughs.
Broggy: I knew. I knew about it. For the moment we first exchange blows... I'm sorry was hiding something.
Mr 3: You know you lie! If so, then why didn't you cease your fighting? I didn't see a shred of kitty in the way you hearty cut him down!
Broggy: A pipsqueak who doesn't even show the first things about Dules. Would never understand the meaning is these tears! Why would you know? Are you saying I should shame a warrior? Who hides the fact that he has been weak and tried to fight away? A warrior who'll go that far to keep fighting doesn't deserve pity. And now... I know the reason behind it. Now that I know, I'm going to flash things with my own two hands! He breaks the Wax chains. That's the very least I can do for my dear friend Dorry!
Mr 5 made an explosion.  Making Broggy fall.
What an annoying, talkative monster.
Luffy: Usopp. Usopp. Can you let them get away with this?
Usopp: No... I can't...
Karoo and Stella were digging in the Dirt.
Luffy: Alright! Let all four of us go brats them senseless!
Mr 3: I underestimated how brutishly strong this giant can be! It would seem you need to be seized completely! Wax-wax Arts! Handcuffs. I'm just getting started. And now for the finishing tough! Take this. He makes Wax Spike too old his down. Laughs. Can't move now, can you?
Vi: How can he be so horrific!
Mr3: Now them! Accelerate, Candle service. Turn these people into wax figures!
Name: My chest is starting to hurt... The wax haze is getting into our lungs
Vi: At this rate, we're going to turn into Wax figures inside out!
Mr 3: Yes! Yes! Make it look like you're as much pin as you can! Expression of pain and agony are the very things I seek in art! My you solidify whole with terror!
Nami: You call this art, you creepy topknot freak? How dare you do that to Broggy-san? You guys are going to regret this! You got that?
Mr 3: Laughs. Scream end holier all you want! Broggy was crying What a look. Yes! That's sorrow! That grief! That struggle! What a marvelous work of art! Laughs
Nami: Oh no! My hands won't move! I don't wanna die this way. Can't we do something?
Vi: Your body's already turning stiff. What do we do?
Nami: Zoro! Do something!
Zoro: Hey, old man. You can still move can't, you? So can I. He takes his swords out. What do you say we crush these guys together?
Nami; Hold on, Zoro! What are you doing? You're not seriously gonna-
Zoro: Yah.
Nami: You're gonna cut your legs? Quite joking around!
Zoro: It's no joke. It's the other way out here. What're you two gonna do?
Vi: What are you talking about? It's pointless!
Nami: Even if you do get down from here that way, they'll catch you again
Zoro: There's no way to know that unless we try! We don't kick the bucket if we stay here anyway. So let's put up some ugly struggling. There's no reason to die heroically for these pieces of scum! Right
Mr 5: What the hell? Is he crazy
Mr 3: He's bluffing! There's no way he could do that. He's merely acting tough.
Broggy: What a check runt. I'm pathetic it seems I had even lost the will to fight. I'll fight alongside you and your lighting spirit!
Nami: You can't be serious, right? How will you be able to fight afterward?
Zoro: Who knows? But... I plan to win
Mr 3: Mind. Who are these guys? They're off their rockets!
Vi: What kind of man is he? But I've seen this look somewhat before...
Mr 8: Princess Vivi. Are you prepared to die?
Vi: What! I'll fight with you
Zoro: Alright then
Broggy: Let's do it, runt.
Mr 4: Don't be stupid. What can you possibly do?
Zoro was about to cut his leg off
Luffy, Stella, Usopp, and Karoo were running but they ran too fast. And went past them
Luffy: Hey. We're going to kick your asses guys so you know!
They made a loud crash.
They all got up.
Luffy: Let's go it, Stella! Usopp;
Usopp: Yeah
Stella: Right.
Nami: Luffy! Stella! Usopp!
Vi: Karoo
Usopp: Master Broggy we're taken in your frustration!
Nami: Beat these hugs up so much they loved their original forms and send them fly off somewhere!
Stella: Wouldn't do it any other way.
Luffy: These guys spoiled the old giant guy's duel.
Mr 3: So you two are the ones with the highest bounty in the East Blue? My how baby Headquarters standards have fallen! 
Luffy: Whoa! What a weird head!
Mr 3:Quite you!
Luffy: It's a number 3 and it's on fire.
Mr 3: Shut up
Luffy: Break this killer Fisrt, Luffy, and Stella! We're about to be turned into wax Figures!
Luffy: Oh? You're in trouble?
Zoro: No, there was no problem at all.
Name: Hey! Your leg
Zoro: Yeah! I was about halfway through, I'd say. It started to bleed
Nmaiv How is that no problem at all?
Zoro: For now, could you bust this pillar for us Luffy? Stella! I leave the rest to you
Luffy; Alright, no problem!
Mr 3: I wouldn't be sure.
Light: Donno what it is, but keys break that thing!
Stella: Of course.
Usopp: I'm a bit of a different person today!
Nami: Hurry it up! We're gonna be solidify!

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