Episode 175

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Chopper was climbing the bean stack. Just a little more... Everyone will be so surprised if Ai finds the Gold first! He reached the top.
Look at those ruins. He walks to the ground. What's with this place? The ground's all crooked. Guess I'll go around that way. Gold! Gold! Clous come out
Man:Wait. Wair, Holly. Holy! Wait!
There was a giant dog.
Screams. He runs back. I got too carried away! I should've gone back, I got carried away! I should've gone back, I'm going to die! 
Ohm: You're the third one to make it here today
Chopper: Who are you?
Ohm: That spider-head is so careless!
You killed Gedatsu, didn't you?
Chopper: I guess he means that guys from Earlier!
Ohm: No, it's alright. The world is better off with one less imbecile wouldn't you agree?
Chopper moves back he steps over a body.
I tripped over. Screams.
Ohm: Don't be so afraid. That's my pet dog, Holy. He won't bite. 
Chopper: But this guy looks like he's been chewed up and spit out!
Ohm: Holy is well-trained, so he won't bite anyone recklessly. I cut that man up.
Chopper: Are you crazy? Who are you? Why would you do that?
Ohm: I'm skybreeder Ohm.
Chopper: what are you?
Ohm: Just be silent! Mind He's too scary! I don't like him!
Ohm: Do you think I'm not saddened by this? Why do people fight and rot if they know how fragile their lives are?
Chopper: I'm not really sure
Ohm: They're born to be happy, and they desire happiness in life, yet they die in battle! Along with the Joy, they struggled so hard to find. Such is the dilemma of man's nature it's so sad. There is only one path to salvation: For all men to die.
Chopper: sir, you don't really mean that do you? This is bad!
Ohm: what have you come here for?
Chopper: I'm just looking for the city of gold.
Ohm: Greed begets strife. Allow me to save you.
Chopper: You'll save me?
Ohm: Once dead, you will do and desire nothing.
Chopper: He doesn't plan to save me at all!
Laki went to fight with the others only to see them all burnt up and saw Kamakirir on the ground. Kamakirir warned her about Enel and how he wasn't at his shrine and That no one. Not even Wiper and there was no chance they could. Laki left with the information and left Aisa's bag with him for safekeeping and still wanted to fight Enel saying that his spirit was broken and that only a fight and Destroy Enel. She was off.
Zoro ended up back to where they were in the very beginning when they were supposed to be sacrificial places.  And then Zoro got mad at the bird and was picked up and flown off
Luffy: This is a crazy place we wound up in! Where is the exit? The exit! There it is!
Luffy's singing is beautiful
They ended up in front of a wall.
Stella: You can't be serious, we walked all this way!
Luffy: wait! Could it be a trick door? I might be able to go forward if I bust through it!
Stella: Don't hurt yourself.
Luffy: Gum-Gum Bazooka! It had no effect. It didn't even budge
It started to shake. They were lifted backward
Not again!
Chopper was back to running on all fours. He was out of breath and hiding. He isn't following me. I'm okay. Is he a priest too? There are lots of places to hide here I just need to escape and meet up with Stall and the others! He walks backward.  He seemed like a swordsman, so if I stay hidden and get further away, I can escape!
Ohm: He's run quite a long way. How foolish, running from salvation... That itself is an attachment to life and an earthly desire... However. He took out his sword and sliced far away and was able to make combat with Chopper. There are no means to survive on the sad path to attaining peace... This is the Iron Ordeal with a survival rate of 0%!
Asia felt Chopper lose.
Another voice disappeared!
Nami: Aisa?
Asia: I can't just sit here I'm going to find Laki!
Nami: Hold it! Stop! Don't
Asia went to swim
Nami took off her shirt and went after her. I said stop!
Asia: What's your problem? Let go! Let go of me! Let go! This is none of your business!
Nami: maybe not, but I can't just let you leave a kid like you to die!
Aisa:  I'm a warrior!
Nami: Yes, okay. Kid warrior.  Your glasses don't scare me.
Water went into the so-called cave Stella and Luffy were in.
Pagyama: Are you alright?
Nami: Just fine!  Here! There's no use for struggling! Get on!
Aisa: No! Let go! I'm going to save everyone! Let go!
Nami: Knock it off or I'll slug you! And no crying. Even two of our crew have already been done in. I can't leave you alone! Now hurry and get on. And eel comes up. It looks at the four of them.
Nami: No way!
Luffy and Stella walk out of the water
Luffy: That scared me! What's with this cave? First, there's an earthquake then a flood of sea clouds... We almost drowned
Stella: You did. I can swim
A/N About Stella swinging will be explained in the Future with Ava .
Luffy: Stpud thing! Open up! He kicks it
It was the eel.
The girls scream.
Nami: Why is it so huge?
Luffy: Darn you! Where's the exit?  Gum-Gun Gatling! Nami drove off.
Pagyama: Nami, no! That leads into the forest!
Coins: Nami! What do we do? They went into the forest. As Nami did so she met two people fighting and for the Giant Eel to follow them.
Name: We're inside the forest.
The bird Drop Zoro for the same Ell that Stella and Stell are stuck in
Wiper: God's shrine is at the top of the tip Giant Jack! And if Enel us there, I'll bring an end to the past four hundred years of terrible history!
Ohm: Now. He went to attack Wiper. Only to miss.
Wiper, if you climb that vine any further you'll reach God's shrine. What makes you think you have permission to pass?
Wiper: Damn you.
Gan: There is no longer any point in heading for God- shrine.
Ohm: Gan Fall!
Wiper: What are you doing here? Still can't let go of the position of God.
Gan: No, but I have responsibilities I still have to fulfill. I thought you might like to know I've just come from God Shrine. It's tragic... it was utterly destroyed. Naturally, Enel was nowhere to be found. Perhaps means He no longer has any need for it... Looks like their six years of hard labor are over.
Enel:This island is no longer useful to me I simply came to bid you farewell. Laughs
Just what is it that you people seek, ohm?
Wiper: Enel isn't in God's shrine you say?
Zoro fell in the middle of them.
Wiper: one of the strange Hat's friends?
Zoro: That took its toll. That bird's gonna pay!
Gan: It's you!
Zoro: Looks up. What is this place? More ruins? He looks around
Looks like we have some ferocious ones here. Hey, hand over the gold!
Ohm: Look what we have here if it isn't another greedy infidel seeking his salvation...
Wiper: If you're going to get in my way, I'll eliminate you all!
Gan: The time has come, Ohm. Tell me where Enel and the Duvine Squad are!
Luffy,v What's going on with his cave? Just let us out! He punched it.
Ohm: Well, I'm sure you gentlemen have all sorts of things to say. If you want to make yourselves heard. You'll need to survive or find salvation.
Zoro, Gan, Ohm, Wiper, Stella, and Luffy were all in one place waiting to fight well Luffy and Stella In the eel.

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