Episode 184

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Nami: You guys did it. Enel is down. But wait the ship is taking off! Oh no he's getting back up.
Enel: You fools! Is that the best you can do? Make no mistake Boy girl. Once you two are gone and once and make this world again and this world will fear me. Worship me, I am all-powerful! In this world, faith like you must learn the only truth. By my hand, nothing is ever impossible! For I am the all-mighty God.
The sky people were escaping on the boat and also went to warn the Shandoirans
Robin: A boat. It's him Enel
Enel: Looks hard Rubber Boy and Girl. On a falling island's despair. Skypiea will be destroyed the angels' lives extinguished.  No one can stop me not even you two.
Luffy: Wanna bet.
Both: Luffy wait.
Enel: Paddling! He melted the gold into a ball
Nami: It's like melted it butter.
Stella: LUFFY!
Luffy's hand was stuck into itm
Yowtch! It burns!
it won't come off!
Enel: What's the matter rubber boy? Don't you like the way I've even the odds? I've simply taken the fight out of you
You see. I'm honestly not sure I could take another hit from you. Stella, I won't mind that much.
Stella and Nami were disgusted by that comment. Therefore I think it best if we sever ties.  But in honor of the spirited effort you've put forth,  take this gold bauble as a parting gift!
He kicks the Gold ball over the ship.
Luffy's arm stretched over the boat as it fell.
Both: LUFFY!
Stella: What the hell did you do to him?
Enel: Once I'm finally rid of you this world will be mine again! Just as it was before and not a soul in the world can defeat me!
Luffy: No a soul in the world. You're an idiot! Even if I can't defeat you or even Stella Strong people from the Blue Sea to put you in your place. someone like you could never--
Enel: You talk too much boy. Now fall! Fall along with the sky island!
Warning to some people who don't like small sexual contact.
Luffy: You won't win. Enel pushed him off.
Stella: Luffy!
She looks over the railing
Enel was behind her. And bent over her.
Enel: Seems like your brother couldn't defeat me. What makes you think you can? He grabbed her hand and went to her ears.
Come on join me and rule over this new world together.
Stella: Never. She kicked him away from and jumped down.
A/n I want a sibling like Stella.
Enel: Fisty. I like it
Nami: went over. Luffy, Stella. Aisa Pierre
Enel: So that Sly little voice I've been hearing has a name.
Luffy: Fight me, you coward.
Aisa: Luffy! We're coming to save you!
Enel: I tire of this. Time to die!
El Thor.
Nami: Luffy, Stella, Aisa Pierre!
For all my strength, they hurt me.  The rubber runt was a bit challenging
Yet, here I stand, the victor.
Sanji: I just had the most amazing dream. Yeah, it was all about you.
Nmai, my sweetness. You and I wandered paradises together tasting forbinding fruit. Don't wake me. Let us stay trapped in this passionate utopia for all eternity.
He truns onver to grabe Uospp hand
Usopp: You smell nice.
Sanji screams why is this happening to me? One minute I'm dreaming the next I'm in a nightmare! Wait Hold on speaking of where is she? And Stella.
He goes out Nmai! Stella.
He looks up
Mellorine, Mellorine, Mellorine. He sees her. She is in trouble.
Usopp wake up
This is no time to be in bed, you idiot!
Usopp: What is it? What's wrong?
Sanji: Nami's in trouble we have to go.
Usopp: Huh? Go where?
Sanji: Where do you think? To reassure Nami.
Usopp: Huh. Oh yeah, it's all coming back to me!
Oh no God came. He crawls around.
Sanji: would you calm down? He's long by now.
She was the one who got kidnaped
This is all our fault! She's too cute for this. And Luffy better be protecting Stella.
Usopp: We know she was taken but where.
Sanji showed him the ship
Sanji:and know it was Nami and while I may not know what dangerous lie ahead, at least she not wearing a T-shirt and Stella jacket Looks good on her. Wouldn't that mean that Stella is just short and top? Oh, I can't wait to save her.
Usopp: Again with the T-shirt? Focus! I feel like we're missing something.
Where are Conis, weird Knight, and the others?
Sanji: I don't know. But we have to hurry.
They were running on the island.
Usopp: Wait Sanji are we going?
Sanji: To the ship.
Usopp: Say what? 
Sanji: Rub faster or we'll lose'em! My loves need us!
Usopp: what does that mean? And us.
Sanji: Of course, I need your help to get on board! You still have that thing around your stomach
Usopp: My"Usopp Ahh-ahh-ahh? Oh sure!
Sanji: just hurry you cowred.
Ussop: No wait you don't need me
The air up there is too thin.
Sanji: I'm coming for you, Nami, my beautiful swan!
Enel was talking about his plans were coming to play.
Nami was talking about friendship and how it was more important to her than gold itself.
Eenel: Not even your life.
Suu told conis about Sanji and Usopp leaving to Enel ship
Usopp: you sure about this? The wind really strong maybe we should wait!  I'm- Afraid-of-Height-eosis? Incrurable!  Take the rope you don't really need men
Sanji: Stop rambling and focus!
Sanji: Go now and launch it now
Usopp launches his hook. And Sanji kicks it into the boat
They were now climbing the rope.
Sanji: Will you stop moving?
Uospp: Yes sir.
[Yelps, shouts]
He swings for fun after a while
You idiot
Sanj: God of the white Sea or not, If he lays a finger on Nami, Nami, swan! He goes higher
Nami: I will survive this. I have to. I will to sail the seas with my friends once again!
Luffy, Chopper, Zoro, Sanji, Robin, Usopp, Stella.
Luffy! Stella. I need to borrow some of your courage! She had her weapon behind her back.

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