Episode 73

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Dorry puts up the Larage Rock.
Vi: Don't tell me he's.
Luffy: Awesome! He picked up that Giant Rock.
Both: Luffy-san they backed away
Dorry placed the Rock of Luffy
Luffy: What're you doing, old guy? Move this rock! Hey!
Dorry: It can't be stopped. It was over a hundred years ago...when we started the battle. But running from a battle you've stated. Is the same as running from the title warrior. I am no longer a warrior. I will no longer be me. I'm sorry I suspected you. This is the judgment given by... Elbaf, the God of war.  I didn't have his divine protection. That's all.
Luffy: Gods and divine protection and all that have nothing to do with this! If a God told you to die, would you? The duel has been interfered with! A duel that has been interfered with isn't a duel anymore! Isn't that right
Dorry: Be quiet! You line only a mere 10 or 20 years- you wouldn't understand the grand words of Elbaf
The light was punching the rock. Who gives a crap about that? Hey! Move this thing! Hey old guy! Hey old Guy! Hey! Damnit! I can't move this!
Usopp: okay, master Broggy! Go get him!
Usopp and Broggu laugh the same
Broggy: You bet Usopp! I'm going to wipe the floor with him for sure this time!
Usopp: Go get him, warrior of Elbaf!  You can do it! You're strong.
Nami: How can he keep doing this pointless fighting?
Usopp: Don't call it pointless fighting you idiot. Broggy's a brave warrior of the sea and like the kind I'm aiming to be.
Nami: Anyways, let texture to the ship. Waiting a year for the Log store up is out of the question! We need to wait on the ship for everyone to come up with a plan.
Usopp: Hold it not so fast. I am absolutely useless in a fight against dinosaurs! As such we cannot possibly traverse the juggle to each out shop!
Nami: What was all that brave warrior of the sea stuffy just now then?
Usopp: I meant that in the mental sense. I want to be a man who's proud of the way he lives! No choice. Lugfy group is at the other gain house. Guess we'll head there... Listen Nami. Even if we end up kissing everything someday and great death all alone on a deserted island, I'll proudly say that about my life as I die: I am up, brave warrior of the sea. He falls back
Nmai grabbed his bag. And walks off
Then will uu hurry up and be a dependable warrior
A/n You know what happens. Dorry wasn't fighting as well as he should have because of the explosion and Broggy wins the duel but crys in the end.
Luffy: Move, you stupid thing! Come on! Just when it seemed like I met an awesome warrior!
Vi: Luffy. Mind why would he go this far for a giant he just met?  He hardly seems like a criminal with a bounty. His head...
Luffy: who is it? Who's putting a damper on the Giant's fight?
Vi: Come to think of it. Karoo is gone!
Stella: You're just now noticing that. You always have to pay attention to your surroundings.
Karoo was running. He stops to drink.
Miss V: Oh? Isn't it the ugly bird the one the princess always has with her?
Karoo spits out his drink
Mr 5: Yeah. Karoo turns his head around to see the two.  He went to back away slowly.
Mr 5: Don't run away! We were lucky enough to meet you here, after all. There's something we'd like for you to do.
Zoro was carrying the mother's dinosaur is the baby.
Damn. I'm lost. I do recognize this tree but... It was, 'Go left from the tree wrapped in vines right? Oh, it's you Nmai! Perfect timing! I just lost my way, you see so I wasn't sure what to do. What're doing here, anyway me? He moved closer he saw that all she had was a smile on her face
Hey, what's the big idea? Name we eys in the bushes
Nami and Usopp were running
Nami: Dinosaur!
Usopp: Dinosaur!
Usopp ram faster.
Nami: Hey, you! You're too fast!  She stops
Ugh, that guy. She turns around. And see Luffy.
Luffy! What a relief. What are you doing here? She was not up to him only to see him Smiling and his Hand in the air.
Mr 3 was there. And there was some wax. Nmai turned around only to be covered in wax.
Usopp stopped running. Nmai? His body started to shake. Nami! Nami! Nami! This is not good... Luffy! Stella! he ran all around the jungle. Streaming his captain names.
(I didn't even mean it like that so no)
Stella! Luffy! He jumped up only to fall to hit his head on a bolder. He got up as he saw his Captains and Vivi
Luffy! Stella! Terrible news! A dinosaur ate Nmai!
Luffy: Seriously!
Usopp: We were running through the jungle to get away from it, and the I turned around suddenly she was gone! Oh! What do I do now? I left my friend to get killed!
Luffy and Usopp were freaking out.
Stella: Hold on! Calm down you two! If she suddenly displayed does that mean you don't know for sure?
Usopp: Are you crazy? I was too terrified to check and make sure! If it wasn't a dinosaur, it was a wild beast. What else could it have been
Stella: I don't know. But if people for the Barcque Works had followed us onto the island, then it'd make sense that only Nami-san was a target and not you.
Usopp: Eh? Baroque Works is on this Island? But why wouldn't they go after me?
Vi: Because you're most likely on no Barquce works assassination list.
Usopp: I see!
Vi: Plus, that Alcohol might've been meant for us, too!
Usopp: Alcohol? What about alcohol?
Vi: Broggy brought your alcohol to Dorry.  And when Dorry drank it, it exploded inside of his stomach.
Usopp: What? Alcohol explodes inside his stomach? You're saying he wants to the battlefield all listed up like that?
Vi: I tried to stop him, but I would like them instead.
Usopp: You can't be serious! Those two fought evenly for 100 years with all their might! It's probably the most pride-filled battle in the entire world! They can't settle the fight like this now!
As they were fighting Mr 3 and Miss W we were eating
Miss W: He's still fighting.
Mr 3: Yes. Dorry the Blue Orge, is quite stubborn indeed. Perhaps I should assist one of them. His hair went on fire.
Dorry went to walk backward but slipped on Wax that was created by Mr 3. And Broggy was able to get a hit on him.
The four of them saw blood.
Sorry fell his eyes went white. He dropped his sword.
Dorry: This is the Judgment given by Elbaf, the god of war. I didn't have his divine protection. That's all.
Luffy remembers his word. He then started to bang his reason on the ground.
Usopp: Luffy.
Vi: Luffy- San?
Stella: Brother.
Luffy: Yells Who was it? Show yourself!
Miss W: Mr 3. I think I heard something.
Mr 3: Laughs. How funny! An underdog loser yelping out her for in the jungle!
Mr 3: Joyful! Tears of victory, huh? Simple-minded people have it so easy.
Though, perhaps I'll congratulate you for now.
Broggy: Joyful tears? What would you know just who are you?!
Mr 3: Mr. 3 please excuse the Codenam I'm a mere covermental artist. And this is my painter assistant Miss Golden Week. What's more. I've come here to capture you.
Brggy was trapped in wax. He tried to get out of it.
Luffy was trying to leave the Rock too.
Usopp: Alright Luffy! I dunno who was re dealing with but I'll go take care of them myself!
Vi: I'm coming, too!
Vi: Yes! Please come with me! That be reassuring!
Mr 5: There's no me for that.
They all looked up.
Luffy: You guys.
Vi gasped
Mr 5 dropped Karoo. You can have him back we don't need him
Vi: Karoo!
Usopp: Hey, who are they?
Stella: The guy from the last town!
Vi: What are you guys doing here? Karoo has nothing to do with this!
Mr 5: That's right. This bird has absolutely nothing to do with this.
The only ones we considered dangerous were the Straw Hat Man And Bandana Scarf Woman. We were playing to lure you down by having this bird squeak, but he was just too fascinated.
Alright! Call for your owner!
Karro shook his head.
Miss V: Squack especially loud and we'll let you go!
Karoo said no.
Mr 3: Fine! Want us to make you squawk?
Miss V: Call for your princess!
Karoo said No
Mr 5: Call for help this instant! They beat him up.
Open your mouth, you damn bird!.
But then we saw Straw Hat Alrday took himself out of the picture. So we have no use for that thing anymore.
Miss V: laughs. What a stupid bird!
Usopp: Are you the ones who put a bomb in the alcohol?
Mr 5: Yes,  that was us. Who are you? Is he on the list?
Miss V: No, but neither was the other one. And they are friends. So we'll make him disappear too!
Usopp: so you interfere with the ggiant'sduel!
Luffy: It was them? I'll kick their asses!
Vi: You're the I'd who are going to disappear. She took out her small weapons
A/n Once again That's not helping her in a long run.
Mr 5: Oh? You're going to try struggling Miss Wednesday?
Mis V: Donyoy stand a chance against us Officer Agents?
Vi: Peacock Slasher!
Usopp: Take this! Special Attack: Exploding Star! He shots. Yes.
Miss V flies. What a nice explosive blast.
Mr 5: Nose Flick Cannon! He shoots at Usopp. Usopp goes back a little
Miss V: what a pity
Stella: Usopp!
Miss V: 10,000-kilogram press.
Vi went to stack Mr 5 but was tripped by him. And grabbed by the neck. There's no need to be so upset we're not going to kill you just yet. We came to abduct you On Mr. 3's Orders.
Vi: Mr 3. The Wax-Wax fruit man? He's on this island?
Mr 5: That's right. He's a "candle man" who controls the wax the secret MS from his body.
Luffy and Stella were surprised.
Mr 3: A Candle man!
A/n Once again you guys still have a chance to guess who Stella's brother is.

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