Epsiode 214/15/16

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Luffy: All right, I'm up. Usopp! I'm coming.
Usopp: Oh, Luffy
Luffy: Like this, right? He was off. It's so fast! Awesome! I won't let you win! He was ahead of Chiqi.
Tom: Incredible! Moments ago, Straw Hat Luffy couldn't even stand in his skates, much less skates in them! Now he's neck and neck with Chiqi who has powered up with His Double-Speed Full Dash!
Luffy: Eh. He was about to hit the corner.
Zoor: Or crap! I taught him how to stand and sit, but not how to turn!
Luffy crashes. He was holding on until Chiqi stepped on the wall making him fall
Tom: Straw Hat Luffy has once again left the course! He is now disqualified from Round 3!
Usopp: I knew it. He's hopeless.
Chiqi was on his fourth lap
Robin: Long Nose! Take my hand, Hurry! He does and She pushes him up
Tom: Whoa! Historian Nick Robin uses a Long whip to keep her team in the race! Will it be enough to make up for lost time?
Chiqi used his tail when he was out of the rig to get him back in.
Sanji: Hey! Aren't you paying attention? He left the course, damnit!
Ref: The air is safe!
Robin: I have to do something before it's too late.
Jube: Mucha Caramente! He holds onto Robin with his extra arms.
On, no!
I'd try not to struggle, girl. Got it? The more you wiggle around the more tangled you become!
Robin went to bend his neck back.ha ha ha! Fool! I'm an invertebrate! That does nothing to me!
Foxy used his Slow-Slow beam. On Robin.
Nice work, Jube. Aw, it was nothing
Sanji: Oh, no! That freak took out Robon!
Zoro: Hey, coach Lame Brain. If we don't do something about Chiqi guy and quickly we're gonna lose this race.
Sanji: You don't need to remind me! Wait Chiqi. Cheetah." That just might work! Hey, You! The old man with the horse! Are you here?
Tonjit: Huh? Uh, do you mean me?
Sanji: Yeah! Listen, the long Kiwi you gave Luffy. Where did you get that thing from?
Zoro: What are you talking about?
Sanji: Shut it! Come on, old man! Hurry!
Tonjit: There! They grow on the branches of those trees!
Sanji: All right, shrub head! Bring back a branch of that tree! Move it!
Zoro: Hey! Is that any way to ask for a favor?
Sanji: Look! It might be our only chance to stop that guy! Now get going
Zoro: With a tree branch?
Sanji: Yeah, you heard me! Now hurry!
Tonjit: Here! You can ride Shelly!
Zoro: Thanks, old man!
Sanji: Mind. I don't know if that'll work or not, but it's better than doing nothing.
Tom: Things are not looking good for the Straw Hats.
Sanji: Damnit! Where is he?
Tom: Four minutes and fifty seconds. Ten more seconds and Foxy Devils will clinch a shut-out victory
Zoro jumps up to slice the tree
Tom: Only 5 seconds remain
The tree fell and Chiqi was the one who went off the track to go after the fruit on the tree and was disqualified.
Usopp: Hurry.
Man: What happened
Sanji: Kwiw fruits have special properties. In some cases, those properties have been known to mesmerize cats.
Stella: Meaning the smell of the plant itself is just like catnip. Cheetahs are cats, too.
Sanji: I figured it was worth a shot.
Nami: I get it! So that's why he was sniffing all over Luffy before the race!
Sanji: Probably so
Robin: Impressive knowledge, Mr. Cook! Miss Captain
Sanji: Oh, it was nothing, really!
Zoro: We won that one by the skin of our teeth.
Tom: Round 4 will start soon. The Point Getter will be the historian, Nico Robin, against the Fishman, Jube! We're in for a great race!
Nami: We know that he's going to use that stupid beam again.
Usopp: Yeah. That Do-Do Beam. Is going to be a problem.
Nami: Usopp! I've got an idea!
Usopp: Huh? What is it?
She tells him
You are so naughty!
Nami: Go.
Tom: Oh! Do I detect the brewing of an evil plan from the Heartless and cruel Nmai? Her devious face a showing--
Nmai: Whose face is devious?
Usopp: Yours.
Tom: Round 4 is about to begin!
Jube: Long tine, no see!
Tom: Ready Go.
Robin was in the lead.
Jube: Oh, no, you don't! I may not be as fast as Chiqi, but I'm no slouch either!
Tom: That's 20 seconds! Defense, go!
Luffy was the one to go.
Usopp: Is he gonna be able to do this
Luffy used his arms to stretch as she went over the railing
Nami: Yes! Way to go, Luffy!
Jube: I'll be happy to give you another taste of my Mucah Caramente!
Luffy: Oh, no you won't he stretches his arms and punches him
Luffy: Robin! Keep going! I'll handle this guy!
Robin: Right! Thanks!
Gri went to use his sword hands on her only for Robin to duck
And used her hands to go over Mass.
Porche: Hey! My Baton's gone!
Stella: Sorry! She had it
Porche: What! Gimme that back! That's cheating
Stella: it's not called cheating it's called being a pirate.
Ju e woke up.
Luffy: Don't even try. I'd just sit this one out if I were you.
Jube: Okay
Foxy: We'll see about that. Ham prepare for a full dash! He got on his back.
Nami: Usopp! It's time!
Usopp: Yeah! Now, operation Laugh and Fall," Are you ready for this?
Nami: You know it.
They went back and forth insulting him and giving him Compliments.
Distracting him from using his powers on Robin.
Tom: And there you have it. The Straw Hat Dangers win Round 4 by a landslide! There will now be a 5-minute break before the final round begins!
Foxy: I can't believe I fell for that! Nor did I expect this to drag out another around! Listen we have to win the next one! We'll use you-know-what plan to seal our victory!
All: You got it
Tom: Now. It's time for the final round of the event! Both teams are at the starting line ready to go! But, it seems that Gidarin alone is representing the Foxy Devils! The rest of the teams if off the track! Could this mean they're planning to use their most devious trick of all?
Sanji: Devious Trick. Come on! You know It's just gonna be
Zoro: that stupid slow-slow Beam again.
Porche: Oh! Wow, you figured it out! Yes. We're going to be using the Slow-Slow Bram to stop your Captain. That's our little plan in its entirety.
Jube: Not that you're gonna be able to do anything about it!
Usopp: As if! Weren't you paying attention to what happened in the last round? Operation Laugh and Fqll will stop him cold! Just skate like Crazy Stella.
Stella: Sure.
Usopp: Wait, Zoro did you teach Stella how to skate
Zoro: No why
Usopp: were done for.
Tom: Ready? Go!
And the two were off.
Usopp: Oh. Stella, I never doubted you. Oh no! He's starting already?
They did the same thing
Foxy: Slow-Slow Beam!
Stella dodged the beams.
Usopp: What's going on? Why isn't "Operation Laugh and Fall" working?
Foxy: Huh? Were you two saying something?
Tom: Ear Plugs! The Straw Hat Dangera has been outsmarted! That's our boss for you!
Nami: We are screwed!
Stella kept dodging his beams.
Jube deflected the beam.
Sanji: Huh? What the! Did he just deflect the Slow-Slow Beam?
Porche: Oh you noticed. Yes, the Slow-Slow Beam doesn't work on Girarin.
Sanji: What really? No way? How is that possible?
Porche: Sorry but. It's a secret!
Sanji: A secrt! Oh! That makes perfect sense!
Zoro: ah I get it. That's why the rest of your team wasn't on the course.
Porche: Yep! This way, you can't hide from the beam behind any of the Foxy Devils. You the whole team are gonna be turned into slowpokes but we won't!
Usopp: This is bad! Now what are we gonna do?
Tom: Twenty seconds are up! Defenders, go!
Foxy: Time for you two to slow down!
Both: No. They went to jump up only to be hit in the sky.
Sanji: Nami.
He went back to attack Stella with the beam.
Robin: Stella! Behind you!
Stella was able to fast enough and was hit by the beam that was deflected by Jubem
Tom: Bandana Scarf Stella has been stopped in her tracks! Victory is now a near-certainty for the Foxy Devils!
Foxy: Now it's your turn!
Robin: mind There's no way I can dodge his attacks! If I let that team hit me, we're done for! Only one thing to do. She steps out
Chopper was crying
Mind. The effects of the slow-slow Beam last for 30 seconds if Stella can Doge the next attack, she'll still have a chance to win. Failure is not an option
I have to wait for just the right moment.
Sanji: Robin? What are you doing?
Robin: if I'm over here with you two, I can avoid being hit by that beam, right?
Tom: Forty seconds remain. And Girarin has an easy, three-lqp lead!
Usopp and Nmai were back
Foxy: Think I'll give you two another dose, just to the safe side. He does it again.
All right Bandana Scarf. It's been a lot of fun, but now it's time to end this! Laughs.
Tom Only 30 seconds remain! If Nadan Sarf is hit with another beam, victory for the Foxy Devild is guaranteed!
Stella was free and fell back
Foxy: This ends now!
Robin used her hands to hold Foxy's hands back
Zoro: Stella! Move it! Get going!
Stella: Right! She gets up and goes back to racing.
She speed past Gira
Jube Mucha caram....
Zoro's sword stopped his hands.
So how should I prepare you? Grilled or deep fried?
Tom: Ten more seconds. Bandana Scarf Stella is moving at an incredible speed! The two are neck and neck now and it'll be a mad dash for the finish!
Robin made Foxy slow himself
Gira went to use his sword oh Stella
Stella: Oh please like those bull blades will work on me. She used her whip to grab the rail and get ahead of him
Stella passed the Finish line first
Chopper: Yeah

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