Escape Navarone saga Epsiode 196

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Marines were singing.
Three men were on a bridge
Mar: B I heard that our fortress isn't very popular among those fellas on the open waters
Mar c: Yeah. They think we're a bunch of dim-witted softies because we haven't seen any action in so long. But think about it when was the last time you got to really test your skills in a good battle? With some pirate scum?
Mar a: What're you trying to say?
Mar c: Wait, I'm not trying to say anything. It's a rummer, all right? I'm just repeating what I heard. They kept walking
Mar a: What's their problem? There haven't been any battles because there's finally some peace around here!
His name is Jonathan but that's too much for me. So his name is Jon
Jon: Another beautiful night. He was fishing.
Man: Oh, man, this ship is messed up
Man 2: I bet it'll take us at least a week to finish.
Man: Well we only got three days.
Man 2: There's no way.
Man 4: She looks rough. Maybe she's been climbing mountains. Laughs.
Man 2: Hey Mechao.
Man: Ha, ha. You sure have a way with words words, old man. Yeah, she looks like she's been climbing mountains all right. Mountains that are lined with Gunpowder!
Man 2: With damage this extensive, it looks like it fell clear outta the sky.
Man 3: come now fellas, she probably got caught on the side coming through port.
Man 2: Yeah, that's a difficult area to sail through, even for an experienced navigator.
Man 2: Enough with the lollygagging ww for a job too so let's get to work already! They left.
Mec: Jeez. Back in my day, sailors loved their ships and they treated them with respect!
Man: Hey, what's the matter what happened?
Mec: up there! Look up, there in the sky!
That when the Straw hat ship saw down
A/n Seeing how Both Stella and Luffy are captains I decided that they changed the flag in Skypiea when it was broken off to one side of it being Straw hat and the other being Stella Bandana. It's only fair
Worker a talking out the snail
We have a problem. Something's fallen from the sky! We are being invaded, over!
Mar a: Attacked from the sky?
[Sirens blaring]
The Marines were running.
And were getting others ready and closed the gates
Man: a pirate ship. The flag has a skull with a straw hat! And A bandana.
It's the straw Hat pirates!
Mar H: Ready! All cannos, atrger the Straw Hat's ship!
Mec: The Straw Hat pirates?
A man walked in
Everyone got up.
Sergent: Lt. Commander Drake! Sir, the Straw hat pirates have invaded our base!
Drake: The Straw hat pirates? Show me to Commander Johnathan.
Serg: Well, sir, I wonder but no knows when he is.
Drake: Of course, no one knows where his!
Jon: Well, I'll be someone invaded through the sky. Hm?
He found Usopp's goggles when he saw the ship.
[Cooks chatterng]
Shin: It's been pretty noisy outside, huh?
Man: Yeah. You think there's a battle going on?
Jessica: Hmm... he threw something at him
There will be no chitchatting in this kitchen! Look here! we must prepare a warm and delicious meal for 1,000 hungry sailors! And we gotta get all of this done before the night shift starts in just under two hours! Does it sound like we have time to be fooling around?
Shin: No, ma'am.
Man: Aww! Don't worry about a thing lads! The day this hulking mass of cannons and concrete falls is the day pigs fly! Now getting on Jessica's bad side, that something to be scared of,
She had a frying pan in hand.
Vice-Head chef: Right. No chitchatting.
Joh: What is it?
Drake: Commander, finally. Where have you been? Huh?
He gave the fishing rod
Jon: I didn't catch anything today
Drake: What? Again?
Jon: Well, I had a quite large catch yesterday
Drake: That's not what I'm talking about commander if you're constantly absent, then
Jon: Don't lecture me. Night fishing necessarily a waste you know.
Ser: Commander! I have a report! According to the watchmen, as well as the maintenance men on the dock who saw the enemy ship up close...
According to them...
Jon: Go on.
Drake: Spit it out already!
Ser: Well the report that they saw a ghost, sir.
Man: Like I said suddenly fell from the sky okay?
Man: It was really big and scary and it had a pink hat. Then it jumped up and disappeared.
Man 3: Hands. Hands!
Sgr: What about hands?
Man 4: a million hands start growing all over my entire body! Next thing I knew everything when black.
Mec: all those hands. The unmistakable touch of a beautiful woman.
Man 5: Glowing white eyes and voices
All: This is clearly... a ghost ship!
Drake: Enough
Srg: Yes, sir!
Drake: That ship out there belongs to the straw hat pirates! Sergent, I want reconnaissance,not a ghost stories! And how dare you report to me with this nonsense about some magic ship
Jon: Fell out of the sky! The part about it falling from the sky is true at least.
Drake: Huh
His coat was lifted up by the fishing rod
Jon: I told you it was not a waste. Right lieutenant
They were and other Marines were on the boat.
Jon: I see. A ghost ship, huh? He was poring coffee
Smells delicious.
Mar c: Commander look at what I found in one of the rooms!
They saw all the gold
Jon: Ingots and a crown in this treasure are quite odd. Huh. The pirates must've stolen them. From some ancient ruins
I know the sky people were trying to be nice but how would they have carried that large piece of gold with them if it was bigger than the ship and needed all of them to carry it? It made sense for them to leave with the smaller pieces.
Drake: Take this to the lab.
He gave them the coffee pot.
Mar: Yes sir!
Jon: Well then, let's take a look inside, shall we?
Drake: What the
Jon: Easy there. It's just an ordinary south bird.
Drake: South bird
Jon: Yes. Thet always point south which made them a prized possession for the sailors of old despite their silly appearance.
Southbird sqwaucks he pecks at Jon.
Hey! Oww! Stop it!
Officer: Are you okay?
Jon: They certainly are violent little creatures.
Hmm. The Kitchen is well maintained.
Man: Medical and history books sir, New ones
Jon: Interesting, seems this ghost studies a lot.
They walkout
Excellent work. Stay brave a remember to keep and watchful eye during your investigation of this ghost ship. Hmph back to work
Group: Yes sir
Jon: It would appear that the ship in question. Stooped by Jaya quite recently that coffee was delicious was it not?
Drake: yes
Jon: Judging from the color and smell of the coffee left on deck, one can assume that the beans are from Jaya but you must already know this, having courageously sampled the beverage yourself. And that soth bird. That species of bird only inhabits the jungle of Jaya. Incidentally, there is legend of a city ig gold that exists there.
Man 1: Commander are you telling me that vessel isn't really a---
Jon: I don't know where the ship's crew is, or what they're up to but that's no ghost ship. It's just a pirate boat otta Jaya.
Drake: And not just any pirate it's the Strae Hat pirates. I should know, I've seen their boat twice now!
Man 2: I don't understand Commander weren't you just calling it a ghost ship earlier?
Jon: Frankly, our men are a little too green to deal with a situation like this. If we tell everyone that the notorious Straw Hats have infiltrated our ranks it'll cause panic and confusion that will undoubtedly aid the pirates in their mission. So for now we continue calling it a ghost ship. Understood
Drake: With all due respect, I think we should assemble a special investigation unit and begin searching for the pirates immediately and I'd be happy know I at least
Jon: Don't be so hasty.
Drake: But
Jon: Our defense are our number one priority. You, go reinforce security at the cost! As we as around the same gate.
Man 1: Sir
Jon: I also want the ammunition store, the brig, and all major passageways secure. You'll have extended authority to manage related personnel.
Man 2: Right away sir
Drake grunts
Jon: Ia there a problem?
Drake: No.
Jon: The night is still youg. And the darkness will restrict their movmwnt. The again it will also restrict ours. At dawn, we assemble. Then throughout investigations any places where people gather.
Drak: Places where people gather? But why
Jon: Here's why Because it's difficult to find green insects living in green grass. If the Strae Hats were to acquire some of our uniforms... you must understand, it's not that I don't have faith in my men. But we must keep watch. That we are searching for a most clever enemy.
Pirates are like stray dogs. They're always hungry. Why don't you start checking the dining hall at first light?
Both: Sir
Chopper: Where did everyone go? He was in the forest
A light went by him
He was running
What the heck is this place?
Zoro was in the water
Nami: Good thing we still had this waver. She was in the tall grass.
Security is tight. I'd better find everybody and get out of here right away. Oh no is this..?
Sanji and Stella were in the trees.
Sanji: well, look at that. We've landed another fine mess, haven't we? I hope Robin and Nami were able to get out of the ship okay.
Stella: Also Usopp, Luffy, Zoro, and Chipper. Sanji.
Sanji: Of course my love.
There was a shot at them
Man: What was it
Man 2: Well, thought I saw a light in the tree.
Man: I don't see anything.
They walked off.
Sanji and Stella were on the ground.
Sanji: I can't even smoke in peace.
Stella: Why was that a good idea again let's find the others.
Luffy: Beef, pork. Chicken fish.
I know there's some food in there. One way or another I'm gonna find it.
His nose got bigger to smell it all
Okay, that didn't work! Chopper would be really handy right about now. He couls smell really good and so could Stella.
Usopp: Found them. His goggles
Oh man, we can't get anywhere near the Goning Meryy. They've got our ship under a friggin microscope!
Robin: Orejia fleurs.
She was listing on the marines conversation
I see. Apparently, the Marines think that the Going Merry is a ghost ship.
Usopp: Ghost ship. How rude! Why those... you
Robin put hands over his mouth
I believe is this could work in our favor if they go on believing their little ghost story. Don't you think we can use it to our advantage? I could buy us some time.
John: Straw Hat Luffy Bandana Scarf Stellan and Pirate Hunter Zoro. We could also assume that the woman with countless hands and that hairy best are also part of the group.
All in all, there's eight pirates. Among them are... a vey skilled gourmet cook, a knowledgeable ship's doctor, and possibly a historain as well.
Chooper: They're gonna get me. I'm lost and I don't know where I'm going! He was insiden
Now I'm trapped! Cornered! What the heck am I gonna do? I gotta think of something?
He saw some trash and threw it out the window
The marines went dowm there
That was close.
Zoro: All rigjt. Where to next?
He was at the bottom of rocks
Nami just climb some
This is bad. It's enclosed by land in all directions.
There somome there. Did we land in a lake with no possible way to get out?
Robin: At this rate obtaining the information necessary for our escape is iur firat task. Let's do this, Lon,nose.
What do you say.
Usopp: I don't wanna.
Luffy was behind a marine
Sanji: That idiot. Can't he take something seriously for once?
Jon: What I don't why are the straw hat Pirates Here? What could they possibly be looking for at Navarone? Guess we'll have to wait and see
um forth wall broken.

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