Epsiode 125

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Man: Baroque Works? We don't know. Where the proof that's such a company exists? We're ordinary citizens of Alabasta, Mr. Marine.
A/n The bad acting is Crazy.
Man 2: In this confusing rebellion are marines trying to harm good citizens? Chuckles.
There were slices. By Tashigi.
Man: Sergeant Major Tashuigi!
Tashigi: What're you heating for? If you wait until you have proof you can't prevent anything! Dicern the enemy with your own eyes!
Man: Yes Ma'am! Our apologies!
Tashigi: Mind At 4:30... We're running out of time... She looked up to see the Clock was open.
Miss F: Ribbit! Rabbit. Hey, listen Mr 7. I think this is an important mission.
Mr 7: That right, Miss Father's Day.
Miss F: I think perhaps we may be given an incredible status. Run it.
A/n You are not Froppy from Mt MHA. Ps you should so watch it Great Anime.
Mr 7: I hope that's the plan. I hope so Miss F day. After all, our plan is to shoot a Cannonball into the crowd uaimf such a big cannon! So I hope so!
Miss F: Ribbit! It's almost time, Mr 7!
Mr 7 lit a match. Preparation to fire complete!
Cobra and Robin's eyes were closed.
Corodile: What is that? You said I don't understand?
Stella went to punch him. Only hitting the wall. She slid on the ground and went to punch him again only breaking the ground. Gum-Gum...  Gatling! She went for multiple punches.
Corodile: Don't you get it? You'll die soon, due to the poison that's entered that wound. She felt pain so she stumbled. Your body is probably numbing by now. Whether you win or lose, you'll be buried under this sacred temple anyway.
Misa F: 15 seconds until the attack! The target is the center of the square. Ribbiy, rabbit, ignite!
Usopp: Hay, Nami! What ye hell are you trying to do? We really don't have tike if we fail, we'll die! Hey!
Nmai: I know that's! Just stand there quietly I'm calculating right now!
Vivi was on chopper and Chopper was on up.
Usopp: Quietly? I don't understand the point of this setup! What the hell are you gonna do?
Nami: You'll know once I do it! Ready!?
Miss F: This is a rare occasion! I want to do a countdown!
Mr 7: Is that your plan? That's good! Sounds increasing!
Nami: The weather forecast is "typhoon"
Both: 13 seconds until the attack!
Namj: Cyclone... Tempo! She threw one of the Bo at Usopp.
Usopp: Hey! Cyclone Tempo is just a boomerang game for after-parties.
Nami: Make for the clock tower!
The Bo Hit Usopp area. And a storm pushes them up
Sanji: What the heck..? They're coming up!
Nmai: Chopper! Jump to where Sanji-kun is!
Vi: Don't tell me. Is she saying....the plane is to jump all the way up like this?
Nami: Sanji-kun! You know the rest, right? We don't have time!
Sanji: I think I get the gist of it, but... Oh, heck! I just have to do it!
Vi: Soybds like we don't have time to think! I'm counting on Tony-kun!
Chopper: Okay! Hang in tight, Vivi!
Zoro: I see... That's what's were doing.
Sanji: Chopper! Get in my right leg! He is out the window. Chopper gets on his leg. And Bost them up to Zoor. There! They're coming, Zoro!
Zoro: So all I have to do is throw them at the top of that tower, right?  Okay! Leave it to me!
Chopper: Swords?
Zoro: You dummy! Don't be scared I'm using the back of the blade! Chopper got on. Get a good Foothold! Be careful Vivi! There are weirdoes up there.
Vi: Yes. They're familiar faces. The Two looked down and saw her
Miss Wednesday! I know that she's a traitor to our company!
Nmai: They've noticed!
Zoro: Wait a second! We're in the air! Of the shoot at us!
Corodile: I'm certain what you're after isn't in this country. Is that right? It achieves combines else goal. What is the point I dying over that? If you ditch a friend or two you can stay out of trouble. You guys are total idiots.
Stella L: That's why I sis you don't understand. Vivi... She tells others not to die, but she's the first to lay down her own life to save others. If we don't help her, she'll die. You guys will kill her.
Corodile: You're so dense. That's why I'm telling you that you can just ditch that burden...!
Stella L: We don't want her to die! That's how friends are! That's why we won't quit fighting as long as she doesn't give up on her country! 
Corodile: Even if you guys end up dying!
Stella: If we die, we die. I'll die knowing I helped a friend.
Miss F: Adjust! Ribbit-Ribbit Gun! This is an unexpected catch!
Mr 7: Adjust! Yellow gun!  This is good! They're perfect prey!
Sanji: Yiy bastard! His are you points guys at Vivi-chan?
Vi: This is bad! They're a sniper pair!
Zoro: Chopper! I'll shoot you guys up anyway! I'll change the direction so you do something after that!
Chopper: What? Me!
Nmai: Seven seconds left!
Zoro:  Ready? I'm gonna shoot you up! Chopper! Vivi.
Miss F: Reday...!
Mr 7: Smash! They shot their guns.
Zoro kicks them away from it.
Misa F: Hey, listen. Our bullets are...
Mr, 7: Plannded to crash and explode.
Nmai: Zoro! The bullet went through him.
Sanji: That idiot! He took a direct hit.
Chopper: Ready, Vivi.
Vi: With all your might, please,
Chopper was big Tony-kun! Chopper throws her.
Miss F: It's no use...
Mr 7: Dodging
Both Smash! they shot at Choppet he turned small again.
Chopper fell but Luffy was able to catch him.
Misa F: Where's Miss Wednesday?
Vi: Peacock... Strong...!
Mr 7: She's up there!
Both: Go!
Corodile: Even if you talk big, your body doesn't respond, huh?
You look so pathetic, Bandana Scarf.
Vi: Slasher.
Miss F: Sorry.
Me 6: You missed.
Vi: Run: Back! She pushes them back
All: Vivi
Usopp: Was it stopped
Vi was able to stop the Bomb.
Zoro fell.
Sanji: Oh... You're alive...
Zoro: What happens to the attack?
Luffy ran with Chopper. To the others.
Luffy: What's the matter
Zoro: They say something wrong up there.
Nami: Vivi isn't showing her face.
Vivi: There's a problem. The cannonball has a timing device if we don't do something, it'll explode.
Cobra: How despicable
Crocodile: I'd like you to at least say I was thoroughly prepared. Mr Cobra. Operations should be carried out considering unforeseen circumstances. Even if something happened to the cannoneer, the cannonball would explode on its own. Well, the time is just a few dozen seconds. I wanted it to be shot into the center of the square...but it should still do more than enough damage from there... Laughs.
Sanji: Damnit! What the hell....! The attack was stood but the cannonball...
Chopper: Has a timing device?
Zoro: If it has power to destroy a 5 Km diameter, the square and the town won't survive after all!
Usopp: What's gonna happen? Does that mean that it was impossible from the start to stop the explosion in the square?
Vi: He made us come this far to look for it...! He even announced the attack...! Just how far...does he have to go to make fools of us? Just just how much does he have to mock us? Crocodile!!
Pell is flying.
Vi looks back
Pell: This place brings back memories... The sand Clan's secret base...
Vi: Pell listen... The cannonball has a timing device and
Pell: Your unprecedented actions
Vi: Is ready to explode at any moment!
Pell: Really gave us lots of trouble all the time.
He remembers the times they had together.
I feel proud from the bottom of my heart that I was able to serve you, the Nefertari Family. He turns into a bird and takes the bomb out. And flew up.
I am Alabasta's guardian deity... Falcon. The bomb exploded. The ones who destroy the royal family's enemies!

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