Episode 84

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Nmai: Isn't that backward? The small reindeer fixed it
You're too slow...and you're not completely hidden either... Just who are you? I'm-
Chopper: Shut up, human! And How's your fever?
Nmai: It talked. Chopper goes backward and falls down making things fall as well.
Kureha: Quite down Chopper. Your fever seems to have come down a little girl. Are you happy? She points at are her head while drinking.
Nami: Who are you?
Kureha: 38.2 degrees... Hmmm. You're doing more or less all right. I'm a doctor. Dr.Kureha. Call me doctrine.
Nami: Doctor. Then I'm in the...
Kureha: My secret to staying Young?
Nami; No, I don't ask that.
Kureha: You're right. You're in the cattle on top of the mountain.
Nami: Then there are others besides me, right?
Kureha: Yeah! They're sleeping in the Next room. Very deeply. What thoughts Guys and Women? She sits on the bed. And lift her shirt. This is what the cause.
Nmai: What is it?
Kureha: you were bitten by a bug called Kestia. It's a poisonous tick that lives in jungles with high temperatures and humidity. Once you are bitten by it, bacteria come in and keep you in pain laying dormant inside your body for 5 days. It causes high fever of above 40 degrees, coinfection, Myocarditis, arteries, celebrities! Given That the infections progressed from the bitten area. I'd say you've been infected for three days. The suffering must've been unusually harsh, but it would have passed up in 2 more days even without treatment.
Nami: In 2 more days
Kureha: Yeah, because you would've side in 2 days. It's called a 5-day disease. I heard the Kestia side out 100 years ago.  But it was useful that I kept that antibiotic just in case. Where did you guys come from? We're you were walking around with your belly exposed in a jungle on an ancient island or something? Chucklesm well, that's just silly.
Nmai remembers being on the Island with Dorry and Broggy where She Luffy and Stella's clothes were burned off by fire.
Kureha: That ring a bell? What a crazy girl... She then pushed down Nami in bed. Stay in bed. Your treatment hasn't completely finished yet.
Nami: Thank you so much. So long as my fever comes down, I'll be fine. My body will take care of itself after that right?
Kureha: You are too optimistic. This disease normally takes at least 10 days to fully treat. Of course, if you want to suffer some more move and die... Even with my medicine, you'll have to read for at least 3 days.
Nami: What? I can't stay here for 3 days! We have to take Vivi to Alabasta soon. She gets up
Kureha uses a small knife and pins Nami down. And has it to her throat. When a patient of mine leaves me. She is either cured or deaf. I won't let you get away.
Chopper walks around the boy's room collecting badges.
Stella woke up to see him a little.
Chopper thought about what happened.
Kureha. They Climbed this mountain with their bebahands! This 5000m high Drum Rock? Their entire body is nearly frostbitten what was he thinking dressing like that? And her coat wasn't enough for her.
Kureha: Heat water immediately and throw it into it
Chopper checked sSanji This guy's bleeding badly 6 broken ribs and a spinal fissure. Plus some marks represent spikes Can I operate on him
Kureha: Apparently most critical one is the girl. She's dying. Chopper! Have phenicol cardiotonic and ticarcillin ready.
Chopper: Does she have an infection
Kureha: Yeah. The pathogen isn't from this island.
Stella's hand went I grabbed her
Don't worry I'll make those Bleeding boys and this girl all better. So rest assured.
Stella: Chilly. Those are my friends. And my brother. Take care of them first and then me.
Kureha: I see. Chopper! Let's begin treatment!
Those are my friends. And my brother.
He turned around to see Stella looking at him. He looked around to hide but there was no place.
Stella: So you're the one who took care of us.
Chopper: it wasn't just me.
Stella: Oh you speak. How nice.
Chopper went on her bed and lifted her shit up.
You're crazy you know.
Stella: I've been told.
Chopper: You Have 10 broken ribs. Some burn marks and there were some Spike marks on you like the boy over there. He points to Sanji.
Stella: I had to use what I had to have my friends life even if it meant I got injured too.
Chopper: With my special cream your burn marks will get better soon and the spike mark will be no more.
Stella: Thank you.
Luffy: Meat. He looked at chopper.
Stella: You might want to run
Sanji and Luffy went to attack Chopper. They were in the same room as Nami and Kureha
Luffy went to bite him
Sanji: Wait, Luffy I'll cook this guy. They ran out.
Stella: Don't know that stop
Nami: Stella.
Stella: Nmai She ran and hugged Nmai.
Nami huge her back
Chopper ran back into the room
Luffy saw them
Luffu: Nami! Stella!
Sanji: Nami-san! Stella-sama
Luffy: You go better.
Nami: Yeah Thanks.
Sanji: Okay, then I'll make a nutritious venison did for Nmai-san and Stella-sama. They back to see Chopper trying to get away from them.
Both: Wait!
Kurnha: I'm surprised! They can already move around?
Nami: What's that's talking stuffed deer with a blue nose?
Kureha: You asking me what he is?
Stella: I would also like to know he sema interesting
The two were still after Chopper.
Kureha: His name is Chopper. He's just a reindeer with a blue nose.
Nami: Reindeer's don't speak.
Kureha: if he's different from ordinary Reindeer in some way.
Stella: If he's different.
Chopper grew in size.
I'm not food! He then hit both of the boys into the ground.
Kurnha: It's just because he at Human-Human fruit that's all.
Stella: Human-Human fruit one of the devil fruits.
Kureha: Yeah! He's a reindeer who gained the human abilities.
Chopper was outside
And I taught him everything I know about medicine.
Wapol and his Mem we're going up to his cattle. The people in the village were able to find Dalton but he was full of arrows.
Buffy slammed the table
Become one of my crew! Please, old lady! We need a doctor on our ship!
Kureha: Luffy... You said was your name, right
Luffy: Yeah
Kureha: Did you just say "Old lady"?
Luffy: Yeah I said O-
He kicked him
Kureha: Watch... What you say! I'm still I'm the youthful 130s.
Sanji: Whoa... What an incredible old hag...
She then kicks Him as well into the wall.
Are you related to one of them
Stella: believe it or not the first one you kicked yeah. She drinks her tea
Kureha: Are you asking me to be a pirate? Don't be ridiculous! It'll be a waste of my glorious time. I'm not interested in the sea.
Luffy: who are you? Let go on an adventure, old hag!
Kurnha: Hey, hey. I just told you to watch what you day, didn't I?
Chopper: So they're pirates...
They say chopper tried to hide again but failed.
Lefty: Meat.
They ran after him again
Kureha: Hold it brats! She went after them.
Chopper came back and went through the other door.
Luffy: Wait
Sanji stopped in place. Hold on, Nami-san! And Stella-sama! I'll cook a notorious reindeer dish!
Kureha: Before that, I'll eat you guys!
Both: Old Hag
Sanji: Where the heck did she come from?
Buffy: She's coming! She's coming.
Nami: I don't care about food I just want peace.
Stella: You're not getting that anytime soon with them.
They saw snow.
Nmai: Snow...? Even though this is inside the castle..? Cold. She went to close it.
Chopper: Stay in bed! They looked to see chopper
You still have a fever!
Nami: I don't it seems like it's pretty much gone.
Chopper: Looks like I lot them. Even no. Since Doctorine's medicine works well the fever goes away quickly. But kestia bacteria still remain in your body. He closed the door. Have the antibiotic shot and stay in bed, or you'll...
Nami: Thank you. You've been attending us, right?
He looks at them
They smiled.
Chopper: Shut up. I don't want to be thanked by humans! He turns happy Don't mock me! You jerk! He was happy again. Don't be willy, you dummy! Seriously, don't be so...
Nami talked to Stella. He's the type that can't hide their emotions...
Stella: I know it's so adorable...
While Snaji and Luffy were looking for Chopper Kureha was chasing them with weapons.
Chopper went to touch Nami
Are you guys pirates
Nami: Yeah
Chopper: Real ones? Do you have a flag with a skull?
Stella: It's attached to our ship. Are you interested in pirates?
Chopper backs away. No! You idiot No
A book fell on him. You idiot
Nami: Okay, okay. We're sorry! But... Then... Wanna come, too?
Chopper: What? To the sea!
Stella: Why don't you come with us...? If you do, that'll help us a lot. If we have a doctor on our ship, we won't have to stay for 3 days, right? On top of that, on our ship, we...
Chopper: Don't be ridiculous! I'm a reindeer! There's no way I can stay with humans! To start with, don't you get scared when you see me? I'm a reindeer, but I can stand on two legs and I even speak....
Nami: What? Are you trying to scare us?
Chopper: My nose is blue, too...
Luffy: There you are Reindeer. They went back to chasing him.
Kureha: Those brats sure are quick. She sits down. I don't like it...girls...
Nami: What
Kureha: Are you tempting the reindeer without my permission while I'm not here?
Stella: Oh? Do we need permission to make a move on a man?
Kureha chuckles. No, you don't. If you wanna take him, go right ahead. But it won't be easy. He has a scar in his heart... It's a big scar that even I can't cure... The moment he was born into this world. His group and even his parents abandoned him.
Both: What
She told them half of what happened to Choppet when he was younger. And how he was always different. And the Human-Human fruit made it worse and people just saw him as a Monster. Can you guys heal the scar his heart?
Stella: Well maybe not but I know how it feels to be left out.
Kureha: Oh yeah. How come?
Stella: I lost my brother a long time ago and I don't know if it was me that spit us apart or something different. But I don't want anyone to go through that and I do hope we can heal Chopper's heart so doesn't have to go through it anymore. Like I'm going to through right now.
Kureha Smiled.
Nami: Mind. I didn't know Stella was found through that.
Sanji and Luffy went after him and lost him. But they thought it was cold and went to close a door until Chopper spoke and told them to stop.
The two looked up to see a bird nest.
They looked at Chopper as he spoke but He walked away.
Sanji & Luffy scream he was a freak
Chopper walked inside sad.
But he didn't hear that part.

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