Epiosed 99

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The five of them made it back
An anchor was dropped.
Barb: Ahead is a village called Ido. You should be able to get water there.
Luffy: Huh? You're not coming?
Barb: We sand pirates can't go any further ahead. This land being to the people who've lived and died here for generations, you seem
Luffy: Is that how it is?
Barb: Yeah. The desert is the land of the free. But not everyone can strive in the harsh desert. The village ahead is a place where such people eke out a living.
Luffy: So, what're you gonna do?
Barb: Nothing much! We've freely lived as we passed on the ocean of sand, and that is what we'll keep doing.
Luffy: That's just like, then!
Barb: yeah? That's great! Laughs
All: So long! Take care
The Straw Hat crew was off
Luffy: See ya, old umbrella guy!
Name: Mind They were great guys!
Sanji: By the way, where'd you guys' brother go?
Viv saw that Rasa was waving at her.
Ace: Dunno. But he's Ace. Nothing to worry about. He'll suddenly show up again out of nowhere!
Name: Why do you keep making such groundless claims?
Luffy: Anyways, let's hurry to this udo village!
Vivi waves back.
Stella: You mean ido?
Luffy: Ido?
Stella: Yeah.
Man: That's a desert pirate flag! Crap I good tell Big Bro! He ran off the roof
Man: Yes, you utterly are rebel army soldiers! There since you and your companion arrived, camu-sama, the attack on the village has utterly stopped!
Man 2: Yup! You'd have to be pretty crazy to talk to us on! Rest and leave it to us, Mayor!
There were three men eating
Man: Yes! You're utterly correct! But words are the rebel army and the royal will be clashing soon. Won't staying in a place like this interfere with that?
Man 3: No, we can't just leave a place that lets us eat all we--
The man kicked him.
Man 2: Nah, this is this, that is that! We may be rebels, but we haven't completely given up on the king!
Man: Yes, we have utter faith in the king as well, so we were hoping this could be handled carefully.
Man 2: Say no more,! After careful consideration, we've decided to keep you guys safe, too! All we ask I return is booze and food!
Man: Yes! Of course! Well, I must be going now...
Man: Big Bro Camu. Would giving up on the king make us real rebel soldiers?
Camu: C'mon, get real. We can't leave this village until we've sucked its sweet nectar!
The man from outside came running to them
Man 2: Big Bro! Terrible news, Big bro!
Camu: What do you want? Pipe down, it's trying to eat!
Man 2: Sand pirates! Sand pirates are attacking
Man: For real? What do we do?
Man: What do you mean? There's nothing we can do against them! But we can't stick our tails between our legs and run, either! Tell us, Big Bro! What should we do?
Camu was already packing.
Alright! Let's stick our tails between our legs and run!
All: We're running away?!
Man 2: But what happens after we run away? Live on the edge of starvation again!
Camu: You moron! Staying alive is all that matters! There are plenty of other villages like this! Now let's scream;
Man: That's for sure...
They saw a lizard in their way.
Man: What're you?
Ace: You cowards got real guts to call yourselves rebel soldiers. He was eating their food. If you ask me, it's a pretty despicable thing for four grown men to do.
Man: Who the hell're you? Mind your own business! When did you get in here, anyway?
Man 2: Food thief! All but Camu was in a wall.
Camu: Yes, yes, I'm sorry, sir!
Ace: This place has good food.
Camu: Yes, thank you! I'm sorry! I now realize you're no ordinary person! As you can see, we stand no chance at all against sand pirates! Please lend us your help!
Ace: Hmm. I'm not against the idea... But on one condition.
Camu: Yes! Anything you want!
Ace had a cart full of food.
They all saw Ace.
Both: Ace. The siblings ran to him
Nami: That's where he was?
Luffy: What is that thing?
Ace: Oh! So you're the sand pirates
Stella: Huh? What do you mean we just left the sand pirates?
Ace: Oh? Really? Well, whatever. Always, great news, Stella! Luffy! I brought plenty of good and water!
Sanji: Oh! Much appreciated! This should be more than enough to avoid while!
Usopp: Ace is incredible...
Nami: That's for sure! He is more like a certain little brother we know. But more like a strong reliable older sister we do know!
Usopp: You can say that again.
A/n I'm sorry y'all would all not be there if it weren't for Luffy. Like for real they all be dead if it were for Luffy. Besides Nmai she would just have been with Arlong still. Usopp killed by Kuro. Zoro executed, Sanji killed by Don, and Chopper was killed By a weapon or just suffering from his rules. They need way more respect for Luffy than they give him credit for.
Chopper: I was so thirsty.
Stella: Oh! Drink up!
Luffy: Me too.
Vi: Umm, Ace-san? I assure you you don't have money for that. Don't tell me you stole it from that village...
Ace: Nothing of the sort! The rebel army gave it to me!
Vi: The rebel army?
Ace: Well, I should say" Clearly fake rebel soldiers" to be more precise.
Vi: Fake? What do you mean?
Ace: Basically, they call themselves rebel soldiers and we're hired to protect the village. The villagers are do grateful that they've been completely fooled. They're really just some hoodlums.
Nami: And they're bodyguards? Wouldn't they get found out right away?
Ace: Apparently, the mere mention of the rebel army will send most army running. It's real convenient. Makes money and prestige like rolling your way on its own.
Vi: Revel soldiers aren't hoodlums, nor does the to tie serve as the decoration.
Sanji: Vivi-chan. Should we teach them a season?
Ace: I dunno. Duping the villagers isn't so different from what bandits do. At the very least, the villages I've in peace with them around. Should we get'em just the same?
Sanji: But, big brother. Consider it from Vivi-chan's perspective. Surely you want to pulverize people like them.
Ace: Yeah, she should do what she wants. I'm only giving my own thoughts.
Sanji: There's no reason to cover for these bastards
Ace: I'm not. I just know you guys are in a hurry here... 
Vi: Now that the kingdom can't keep watch over every little place, there is nothing wrong with villagers upholding public safety on their own whenever possible.
Nami: Then
Vi: No, I want to test them first.
Nami: Test?
Vi: Yes. If these impostor rebel soldiers truly wish to protect the villagers, I don't think it matters what they call themselves.
Ace: So you want to teat what's in their hearts, huh?
Vi: Yea. So, I hate to ask, but there is something I'd like you all to do.
Sanji: No sweat, Vivi-chan!
Luffy: Alright! Things are getting interesting now!
Chopper: Eh! It's good to be interesting.
Stella: Hold on, Luffy! This is going to be a game! Understand?
Luffy: Yeah, I get it! We're basically gonna beat these fake rebel guys up, right?
Sanji: he doesn't understand a thing! Simone do something about him!
Man: Hea been gone a long time
Man 2: It's been an hour since he said "Leave it to me! And left.
Camu: Yiu saw his strength. I bet he's beating the sand pirates as we speak.
Man: No, think about who he's fighting!
Man: They might've beaten him before he even got a chance!
Man 2: In which case, were next, huh?
Camu: No, I can't do this I hate to lose such good room and board...but staying alive is all that matters!
Man: That's for sure.
They all got out of the pots. They all went to run.
The town was out there
Good Luck!
We're counting on you!
Man: Camu-sama! We're relying on you! I was utterly about to coke calling for you, but I should've known you already knew sea pirates were here!
All: sea pirates?
Man 3: Not sand pirates?
Man: That's correct. Sea pirates. They're farm more ferocious than sand pirates. Plus two are special-edition pirates with 30 and 35 million-Berry bounty! He shows the two posters. Once we heard you were going to go, Hiyah' and get rid of them, we were utterly moved and grateful! We know you can do it!
Boy: Good luck, mister!.
Girl: Don't lose to some stupid sea pirates!
Boy: In gonna get strong just like you!
Can't: Let's go
Everyone was cheering
Man: Hey, Big Bro. Are you serious about this?
Man 2: Don't be stupid he isn't serious.
Camu: Shut up, you guys! Once we've left town, we run in the opposite direction of the pirates! We run to our last gasp! What other way is there
Man: That's for sure. Ace was there listening in.
Camu: Damnit, they're following us. What a bunch of jerks. They made it to the gate. Alright. We got one shot at this. I've been out, immediately figure out which direction is pirate-free and run for your lives! Got it?
All: Gotcha, loud and clear!
Camu: Here goes! One! Two! Three! They ran out and saw Luffy in front of them. They went to go to the right.
Sanji and Usopp we're there. They went to go to the left Zoro, Chopper and Stella were there.
Man: Get'em rebel army!
Camu: Mind Give that rest, will ya?
Luffy: What's that? You're rebel soldiers? He opened one eye.
Camu: No, nothing of the sort! We're just travelers passing through!
The mayor got on top of the bridge
Say your prayers, sea pirates! These rebel soldiers are gonna make mincemeat out of you!
Camu: Be quiet, you!
Man: Right! His utterly rude to me! Good luck, Camu-sama!
Name and Viv were hiding behind rocks.
Nami: He seems especially spineless to me. Doesn't seem reliable at all.
Vi: Yes...
Nami: Are you sure about this? It might be best for the village of er take care if then now.
Vi: A little more. Let's just watch this just a little more...
Everyone was cheering them on.
Luffy: Hey! You really are rebel soldiers after all.
Camu: No, it isn't, uhh...
Man: What now, Big Bro?
Man 2: We don't have our chance to escape...
Ace: Hey you guys!  They were looking for his voice.
Camu: Ace-sama?
Man: Please help...
Ace: This is your fight. Try to get through it on your own.
Camu: We can't do that! We're fakes!
Ace: If you're a man, act like it! How long are you gonna keep up this petty crap of yours?
Man: What do we do, Big Bro?
Camu: What do you mean, what do we do? he looked at Luffy. We have no choice but to lie our way out of this, impostor-style!
Man: Impostor-style?
Camu: Listen you! Don't be shocked by what I have to say! We're not the inky rebel soldiers here!
In the village there are... 100 million more soldiers like us!
Usooo: Oh, geez. That's worse than a kid's lie.
Sanji: You are the on to talk.
Luffy: 100 million
Both: Hold on, you! That's not even believable!
Usopp: He's obviously bluffing!
Luffy: What? It's a lie?
Usopp: Obviously!
Chopper! Oh, it was a lie?
Stella: Awww.
Luffy: You! How dare you trick me?
Camy: Damn! They realized I was lying!
Man: Did you rally thus that would fool them?
Luffy: Gum-Gum pistol he punches Camu.
Man: What was that? 
Man 2: He has Devil Fruit powers!
Man: One hit knocked him out!
Man: Not even rebel soldiers stand a chance something like that!
Nami: Luffy, you idiot! It's all over if you knock him out! Then what would we do?
Luffy began to walk.
Boy: Big Brother Camu!
Boy 2: you can do it!
Girl: The sea pirates are coming
All: You can do it! Big brother! Stand-up thoughts about how he looked up to the Alabasta Warriors when we were a kid. Luffy was about to grab on when Camu grabbed him.
Yes, we're fake rebel soldiers. Even if all we want is to be as strong as the heroes we saw as kids, we're just a bunch of scoundrels now. But, even if its dreams never came true, I can't take this kid's dreams away! Even if in not a match for you, I'm going to fight so that someday those kids can beat you all! If my over other choice is to remain a punch in these kids' memories, then I'd rather die as a hero here! Luffy went to punch him.
Camu punched him.
Man: Bi bro!?
Sanji: Bastard.
One man stood in front of Sanji and Usopo
Sanji: What's your deal?
Man 3: I'll fight, too! Your dream is my dream, Big Bro! We've done all sorts of petty things since we were kids, but you were always there to protect t the weak, Big Bro! He went to attack them. He was crying. I'll always be there with you, Big Bro! I'm going to be a hero with you!
Man 2: He's 
Man: That's for sure! What do we have to lose?
Man 2: Yeah! There no running away now, anyway!
They faced Chopper, Stella, and Zoro.
Nami: They're looking different now... Thought part of it seems because their backs are to the wall...
Vi: Yea. But I don't think they could change like that. unless they're holding something dear to their hearts
Nami: Then... They're okay
Vi: Yes. Let go. We'll entrust this place to them for now.
Nami gave them the signal
Usopp: Hey! Retreat!
Camu: Sea pirates or not, bring it on! Over my dead body will I let you take one step into this village!
Stella: Yeah, now that's more like it. She walks to them. Now I can best up Crocodile without worrying! But you did kind of Punch my bother and I can't that go by. And since you're all together I guess you're all going down together as well. She took out her whip and used it on all of them.
Camu: How are you this strong?
Man: Big Bro.
Sanji: Oh I love when Stella shows this side of her.
Usopp: We don't stop her.
Stella used the who and lifted them into the air letting go as they dropped to the ground
Stella: Just so you know. I grew up surrounded by men. And have three brothers you learn a thing or two. As she was about to say something else. Zoro picked her up and ran
Stella: What are you doing
Zoro: You did enough.
Stella: Faked or not I can't lose a fight.
Zoro: You thank me later.
They all ran
Ace: Hey: Luffy.
Luffy: Ace
Ace: How long are we gonna run? That act is over by now, right
Zoro: The way they abandoned their lives was scary!?
Luffy laughs.
Ace: I see.
Voice: protect to her to the death, San-sand Clan? Bye, Vivi! Grow up to be a great princess?

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