Episode 210

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Luffy: Whoa! They're like Chopper's antlers!
Stella: Oh I hope Chopper and Zoro are okay.
Robin: Why is the coral in the reef so long?
Sanji: And why is it sticking out like that?
Nami:Whatever let's just get through it.
Nami: Look! That weird reef is causing some unusual currents to form. Going in blind is not a good idea 
Porche: I can't believe this stupid race has lasted this long.
Cap: We're counting on you. Monda!
Tom: and don't forget there's someone on land looking for every opportunity to sabotage this race. Our boss, Silver Fox Foxy! Just what does he have in store for us?
Foxy: laughs.
His crew was rooting for him.
Wait what's this? The Straw Hats are slowing down!
Usopp: Come on, Nami! Keep rowing!
Nami: Not yet.
Usopp: Not yet? They're getting further ahead of us!
Nami: I know, okay? We're not going in yet! Sanji, you wait here too!
Sanji: Anything you say, Nami!
Also forgot to mention I will not write everything that Tom is saying unless it's important.
Porche and Cap went in only to get pushed back
Usopp: They came back.
Porche: I don't understand.
Nami: See? I knew there was something weird about those currents. Now! Let's get moving, Usopp!
Usopp: Right.
Nami: You too, Sanji! Pick up the pace and follow me!
Sanji: Aye-aye!
Porche: Let's try this again, Monda.
Nmai: Come on! This way!
All three were about to go into the coral reef.
An arrow was thrown at one of the corals.
Usopp: Hey, what's that?
Foxy was the one who threw the arrow
Tom: And there you have it! The devilish interference we've all been waiting for!
Stella: It's some kind of smokescreen!
They were coughing.
Sanji: You gotta be kidding, what's that idiot up to?
Luffy: Hey, I can't see where we're going.
Tom: Now the reef will be far too dangerous for the Straw Hat teams to process any further!
Foxy: And there you have it! Operation Whiteout: Succesful! Let's see how you navigate through this reef when you can't even see through it!
The Straw Hat made it through.
What the hell?
Tom: They made it through with no trouble at all! Incredible! The Straw Hats sails through the Long Coral Reef with ease! But what about the Cutie Wagon? Oh, no! It seems they've been pushed back again!
Usopp: Hey the boat is moving on its own. What's going on here, Nmai?
Nami: This place is a maze of currents.
Usopp: Curentsm
Nami: Right! The giant Whirlpool ahead of us is causing small whirlpools to form within the reef resulting in those strange currents. Doesn't matter if we can see, their currents won't change. As long as we take the right entrance, these currents will guide the boat along all by themselves.
Usopp: Incredible! You're a miracle! That's what you can do when you have the best navigator on the Grand Line in your crew!  Take that!
Sanji: Nami-swan! You're amazing
Stella: Great job Nami.
Tom: But they won't be celebrating for long. Once they're out of the reef, they head straight into the long Ring!
Usopp:Long coral Reef, Long ring. It's just one long thing after another.
Nami: Usopp! Stop freaking out and use it!
Usopp: Use What?.
Stella: the impact Dial!
Usopp: But I don't have it with me though!
Stella: Oh yeah then what is this?
Usopp: What the? When did... How did you...
Nami: Come on hurry up if you don't use it we'll be sucked down into the giant Whirlpool! She smiles
Usopp: why are you smiling? You know what it's like to use that thing!  If I do it again, I'll break my shoulders
Nami: That's a risk I'm totally willing to take.
Usopp: That's because it's my shoulders
Sanji, Luffy: Impact Dial
Usopp: Hey
Nami: Come on! We're running out of time here!
Usopp: So that's why you've been acting so clan, huh?  You two had this plan from the very beginning, didn't you?
Stella holds Usopp
I know you scared Usopp. But it's not just about losing a crewmate it's also about losing our lives in something we have a chance of escaping from. If you're that scared I can do the Impact Dial for you.
Usopp looked into her eyes. She was willing to be in pain for him.
No, I got this.
Stella smile. So brave
Uaopp couldn't bear to see Stella Cry as he did already.
Robin: Treinta Fleurs she holds Sanji and Luffy's boat. Now. Do it long Nose.
Usopp: Do it my butt. Fine then! He uses the dial
As they were flying Luffy's and Sanji's Boat broke.
Sanji: This isn't good!
Robin: Whoops. It broke.
The two landed on land...
Sanji: I'm so sorry, Nami, my dear! Don't worry about us, just continue the race
Nami: Okay we will.
And they had the lead
Cap: We were way too easy on them! Okay, Porche! Hang on tight!
Porche: I'm counting on you!
Cap: Combine! Two fish! Fish! Engine
He becomes one with the shark and they were fast and went straight through the Coral Reef
Nami: Usopp! Wake up!
Usopp: huh? Where am I?
Get up and start paddling
Stella: Your arm seems to be bending the wrong way.
Usopp screams
Stella" Clam down Chopper will fix you right up.
Robin: What is that?
Namu: Looks like a course marker
There was a sign
Robin: "Turn right"
Stella and Nami looked at each other
Stella: Ah! Guess we'll turn right then!
Nami and Stella puch the sign
Nami: Like hell, we will!
Tom: What's this? They broke it our Boss ploy#18 Operation Lie to Them has failed!
Tom: These two formidable women!  Do they not believe anything in this world?
Nami: Can it. Jackass!
Tom: she's Foul-mouthed, too,! The race continues with the Barrel Tiger maintaining its strong lead! Water was blasting up.
Nami: What are these columns of water?
Tom: They are now clearing the Long waves that reach high into the sky!
Was that supposed to be natural?
Ham and Foxy were trying to trick them again about a Grandma and her Granddaughter
Tom: The Boss unleashes his nasty trick!
The straw Hats go past them
Foxy: Hey, you! A dying granny over here. Won't you stop and help me?
Tom: Unbelievable! They completely ignored a child and his sick helpless Grandmother!  The only thing they care about is getting what they want. How cold-Hearted! The Ice Queen Navigator Nami! And Captain Stella!
Stella: she told you to can it. We'd never fall for a ridiculous trick like that!
Tom: Did I mention that Stella was also foul-mouthed?
They were still paddling.
There was a fake Goal sign
Usopp: Hey, look! It's the finish line!
Tom: This race will soon be decided! 
Porche: Not so fact it's not going to be so easy
Tom: The cutie wagon is closing in quickly!  There are the final moments of Round 1's Donut Race!
Who. Will. Win?
Nami: we told you. These lame tricks won't work! She punches the Fake Goal
Tom: She even sees through "operation Fake Goal" Formidable! Truly formidable! And now I have a question for her! What is it like to through life so jaded,
Stella: You say one more thing to us I'll knock you off that bird myself
Tom: It's too late for them! Their heart is cold! They have no soul. But the real goal is nearby we're getting close.
Usopp: I'm not using that Dial again
Nami: Yeah, yeah I know
Stella: you used it enough.
Porcehe and Cap were tricked by the fake Goal
Nami: Those guys are complete idiots. I'd die of embarrassment if we lost to them.
Stella: I don't like being rude but It was clear to see it's fake.
Usopp: They'd take one of our crew, too! That's worse!
Tom: The Barrel Tiger is finally approaching Long Bamboo Cape! The Goal is just beyond it!  They're in the home stretch!
Nami: Hey, he's right! I can see the finish line!
Porche: Wait up!
Usopp: But they're catching up to us!
Robin: There's no way we'll beat them at this speed!
Nami: I've got an idea! Usopp can you shoot down that bamboo?
Usopp: All right like that
Nami: Yes! More! More!
Porche: Monda! Capote! Move it Full speed ahead! We'll ram them and sink that stupid boat to the bottom of the ocean.
Usopp shot more of the bamboo down. Traping Porche and Cap.
Nmai: Whoa! Bingo!
Cap was down
Porche: I've had it. Cuite Baton!
Usopp: What's this? Some kind of magic flowe trick?
Porche: Flower...Shirikens!
Stella: I don't like the sound of that.
The flowers trun out to have spikes on the other sidem
Usopp: Oh! Flower Shurikens. Hey! Look out!
Some landed on the boat.
Robin: Oh, no! Looks like we've sprung a leak!
Nami: Don't worry we can make it! We're almost to the Gloal! Keep paddling!
Foxy: we're going to lose off if we don't do something. Bring us up alongside them!
Ham: Rigjt Boss!
Chopper: I can't see! I wonder who's winning?
Sanji: made it just in time!
Luffy: Alright! Nami's team is winning!
Sanji: Robin, baby! Robin, my darling! Stella my sweetness. You look so hot when you're going fast!
Foxy crew p: Man you guys almost won
Luffy: What do you mean? We're totally gonna win!
Foxy Crew K: Not so fast. Take a look over there. Our Boss is coming.
Luffy: Yeah? So what! What can he do
Foxy Crew P: Our Boss is just like you. He has Devil Fruit powers
Luffy eye opened
Foxy" Slow-Slow Beam!
The four of them eyes were wedded
Tom: And the winner is the Cuite Wagon! The hero is the first round of the Davy Back Right! Is our very ien Idol, Porche!
The four of them were out of breath.
Foxy laughs. Now it's time for you guys to pay up! We're taking one of your crew!
Luffy: Are you guys hurt! Is everyone okay? Robin
Robin: Yes. We're all right.
Luffy: What the heck happened ed out there?
Nami: I'd like to know the same thing,
Stell: We'd all like to know what happened!
Usopp: Did we really lose somewhere?
Luffy: It looked like you were gonna win but then you suddenly slowed down and they passed you! 
Foxy: Laughs. There's nothing strange about that. It was caused by Slow-mo photons.
Sanji: Hey! What did you do to Nami's team, you smug bastard?
Luffy: What's a slow-mo photo?
Foxy: They are particles unlike any other known to modern science. Whatever the light touches, be it an animal, a liquid, a solid, or even a gas, will lose a fixed amount of its velocity, while simultaneously retaining all other energy.
Luffy: You're dumb. That makes no sense at all.
Foxy: He just mocked me!
Porche: Boss! Are you okay?
Namj: No way. Something that ridiculous is just.
Foxy:Impossible? Is that what you're thinking? Surely you know such a navïve,  childish claim has no merit out here on these waters! Everything they touch slows down. That's the power of Slow-photons!
Luffy: Now that makes sense. Why didn't you say so before
Foxy: After I ate the Slow-slow Fruit, I became a slow-motion man capable of producing these particles from my body observe!
Ham shot cannons at him only for them to slow down.
Usopp: A floating Cannonball!
Foxy: The Slow-Slow Beam! Laughs. The effects last for 30 seconds after which, the object will regain its aorginal speed as if nothing had happend. Can't believe your eyes, I take it? This...
The cannons blows in his face
Stella laughs
Usopp: I get it! So that's why we didn't win the race!
Sanji" It also explains why they're so overly confident about those games. What a joke if a Devil Fruit power.
Porche: It doesn't matter you guys lost you know all the rules and you agreed to all the terms!
Foxy: The Donut Race is over and we are the winners!
Porche:Awe! Too bad for you guys?
Foxy was on Stage going to pick who he wanted. My first selection is none other than...You! The Doctor! Tony Tony Chopper!
Two man grabed him
No! No, I don't want to go! No!
Nami: Oh,no! Chopper!
Foxy: Such a rare creature! You're even softer than I imagined you'd be!
Porche: Boss! May! I hold him, Too?
Foxy: He'e just so damn Cute! And he's ours!
Stella and zoro were dranking
Chopper: No! No! Nooooo!.
Luffy: Chopper!
Sanji: Soz that creep had his eye set on, Chopper,huh? Well I suppose that he is among the rarest of rare animals
Nami:Or maybe he collects cute things.
Robin:you know. I wouldn't rule out a fur fetish.
Usopp: Why does it even matter? Focuse. People. That freak over there just took our friend!
Chopper: You guys.
Foxy: All right!, Doctor Chopper Enough of all that. You're one of my crew now you need to pledge your loyalty to me!  And you can start by putting on this mask.
Chopper: You guys
He was going to cry.
Usopp: I'm so sorry that we lost,chopper! We did our best! Fare well
Bro yall picked 3 games it's not over
Foxy: He is truly a rarity
Porche: Our very own talking Reindeer! He so amazing!
Chopper: You guys. Listen! I only went out to sea beacuse of you! I won't! No! I refuse! Luffy! You invited me! I set sail to be one of the Straw Hats! I won't go with them! Please! No! I am the ship's doctor of the Straw Hat pirates, Tony Tony Chopper! I won't go!
I'm switching Zoro for Stella because you'll see
Stella slams her bottle down.
Quit your bellyaching, Chopper! It's disgraceful.
Usopp: Stella.
Stella: You made the choice to set sail as a pirate. Only you. And now you have to live with the consequences of that decision. We agreed to the terms of this game. You, Zoro Usopp ,and everyone else did the best they could. She gets up.
Not one pitate worth his salt if going to sympathize with those tears. A brave pirate would suck it up and quietly watch the rest of the game. As your Captain you have to trust in us to get you back Chopper.
Nami: what is wrong with you. Don't you know how he must be feeling? I expected this from Zoro. Not you
Chopper wiped his tears
Boil me or cook me alive! Gimme your worth you bastards!
Nami" Chopper
Stella" Atta boy. She almost had a tear coming out.
Foxy crew K: Whoa! The captain is totally awesome!
Usopp: All right! You teach them a lesson Stella
Luffy: Yeah! Get Chopper back!
Foxy Crew F: Hey boss! Let's take her next!
Stella: Let's get the second event started.
Sanji: Yeah. We still have two rounds left of this. There's no way we're letting these jerks take our emergency food supply.
Tom: The exchange is complete and excitment explodes as the Davy Back Fight Enters Round #2!
Usopp: Hey. Wasn't Chopper supposed to be in the second round? How can he compete if they took him?
Robin: Good point.
Foxy Crew A: That's one of the most trilling parts of the game! Remember the rules: you cannot chnage your tream's roster. No replacements allowed! In other words, only the remaing two contestants can participate in Round #2 game: The Groggy Ring! This is gives the Foxy Team an early advantage!
Usopp: What's that's not fair
Zoro: Actually, you could sit this one out, too.
Sanji: Nah, but feel free to do the same thing. You loser.
Nami: It's hard to believe that they're gonna work togther as a team.
Sanji: What was that
Zoro: what was that
Nami: Knock it off
Yall know the rules.
Sanji was the Ball for the game.
And the Champions were three large people and the biggest was the Ball that's it
Sanji: Disappointed
Zoro: Not at all.

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