Epispde 86

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Luffy was locked up.
Hey, what're you doing?
Chopper: it's because you're pestering me!
Luffy: like I said, just join us.
Chopper: This is exactly what I mean by pestering me!
Luffy: It's fun to be a pirate!
Chopper: I've had enough! Just rest in there for a while! Luffy looked at the key. Your injuries actually aren't that light, either. He went to walk away. Geez... What's his problem? He saw that he didn't have the key.
Luffy came out laughing.
Chopped ran away. Why? Luffy went after him.
Chopper: Mimd. What is this guy? When did he steal the key? 
Luffy: Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait. Chopper stopped running Luffy continued and ended up crashing.
Chopper looked up as he smelt something. That smell
Luffy: Huh?
Chopper: Wapol.
Kureha: When he found out that Hirluk had only 10 days to live, chopper got quite upset. Well, that was only natural. But he took action in his own way. Chopper was running remembering everything that Hirluk had said about his Flag. He remembers the journey they went on trying to find something without getting caught. Chopper went into the house to look for a certain book. When we were able to find what he was looking for he closed the book packed his bag and went on a journey to find what he was looking for.
Past Hirluk: I will never shoot you!
Hirluk shot at Chopper. Don't ever come back here!
Chopper still went on to get what he needed to save his life.
Hirluk came to see his house was a mess. That didn't stop him from. Continuing his life work to make Cherry blossoms. He tried it the first time it didn't work and exploded I'm face. Chopped meet a thinking bear and bowed. He jumped over a cliff and he was met with more reindeer
Hirluk tried it again only to end up outside on the snowy ground.
Damnit I don't have much time left.
Chopper changed into his reindeer form to get passed them. He was so small compared to the others. The biggest one messed with Chopper and knocked him down. The remainder went to attack Chopper again but this time chopper was able to attack back.
Nothing is impossible for the man who raised a flag with a skull! That's what I told you right? The reindeer's head was Bleeding and went to attack chopper making him go into the air
I will fight. Just like pirates do! The reindeer went to ram into chopper again and chopper did the same. Chopper looked through some binoculars
Chopper: I found it! The Amiudake mushroom... That's the one. He looked to see it had crossed the cliff.
A lot future than the last one he jumped and on the bottom was water. But how don't get across? He looked back to the reindeer looking at him ready to attack some more.
Hirluk was on the ground looking at the broken beaker when he heard a noise. The door opened and he had his gun out to shoot.
Chopper: Doctor. I'm sorry... I lost one of your precious books... Hirluk put his gun down slowly as he looked at Chopper's form. He was bleeding his foot was twisted the other way and he was messing an antler (coughs.) Elliot. If you know you. Chopper: Medicine he held the mushroom
Hirluk: That's an Amiudake mushroom. You...got that for me.
Chopper: Please live... Please live doctor. I wanna be a doctor. Please teach me how to be a doctor. I'll fight too... just like pirates do. Do you think a reindeer can become own, too?
Hirluk huge him. Crying You can! You can! You can be a great doctor. because you have such a kind heart.
Wapol was taken to Thing 1 and Thing 2 about the two doctors that were left for the people and how they had to find those two and get his office seeing how he's the only one who got to have a doctor.
Chopper made the mushroom soup for Hirluk. But Hirluk didn't like it and told Chopper it was not something used to just as a soup and humans were used to it but thanked him for the soup and said he was feeling better that's when he saw it. He saw his Orb turn Purple. He told chopper that he did it he was able to find the right ingredients to make Cherry blossoms blooms for everyone. He went out and showed off what he did whole. He had Chopper sat at home.
Chopper was happy that the doctor was happy and thankful he cured a human disease!
Hirluk: You'll be able to become a good doctor I'll guarantee it. He left again.
He won't to Kureha to show him his work. He explained how the town had gotten out of control seeing how even the last 20 MDs had fallen ill and there was no one to take care of them but the two so he asked her to take care of Chopper seeing how he still didn't have time left to live. But Kureha refused his request telling how it wasn't her job to take care of his pet because he wasted half of his life on it. And kicked him out of her house. She was there thinking about what he said. He wouldn't. She was thinking that he was going to try and save the 20 MD.
People were injured and asking the king questions on how the MD became ill seeing how they were only the 20 best doctors in the town.
Kureha came to Hirluk to see if he was there only to see a scared Chopper
She asked him where Hirluk was.
Chopper: Doctort got better and went to the town.
Kureha: Got better. He doesn't get better. He can't be cured with the current medical science.
Chopper: That's not true! Look at this. He showed her the mushroom that he had given to Hriluk. He's fine because he ate this!
Kureha: That's an Amiudake mushroom!
Chopper: This is an all-purpose medicine! So he's fine now! The doctor said fhafs he felt full of energy, too. I will learn to be a doctor from Doctor.
Kureha then punched chopper.
Chopper: What was that for?
Kureha picked him up and threw him into the door. You Stupid reindeer! That mushroom is... That mushroom is... She started to cry. Extremely poisonous! Once you eat it you'll be dead within half a day! She fell to her knees. That's why that idiot...
Chopper: That can't be true. I looked it up in a book... Though I lost the book... It is a mushroom that can defeat diseases
Hriluk: Tagts why I raised this skull towards all the diseases!
Chopper: That's right! There was a skull right next to the Amiudake Mushroom picture. The doctor said he got better! There's no way he'll die. You're a lair!
Hirluk was on his way up to the king.
Kureha: He was happy about your thoughts the skull in the book indicated poison.
Chopper: That's a lie.
Kureha: That's not a kid remember it? That's no medicine that can work for all diseases in this world. That is why doctors exist. Listen you can't save people just by being kind! If you want to save people, then learn medical knowledge and skills. Without skill, you can't save anyone.
Chopper is crying.
You idiot. She put her glasses on
Thing 1 told him that Hirkul came to them for the MD Wapol laughed thinking he was a fool for doing so Dalton wondered why
Kureha: He'll no longer come back to his house. Looks le he decided the castle is his graveyard...
When Hriluk made it there to save the 20 MDs he saw they there were all okay. Wapol laughed saying it was all a trick to get you come here. It seems like you came here to die.
Hirluk looked surprised but he knew he didn't have much longer to live.
Chopper was in his reindeer form and trying to get to the doctor as fast as he could.
Hirluk last down and he explained to them that how someone was coming to see him and asked them not to shoot. The guards were ready to kill him but Hirluk just took out his last drink. He was crying saying to himself That a poison mushroom could never kill him and hope the chopper knew that and that he'd become a great doctor one day.
Dalton was crying.
Hirluk and Kureha both took their drinks at the same time. And that's when an explosion happened
Chopper was there when he saw it. And Hriluk hat flew off him as that happened.
Chopper got mad and went to attack them but Dalton used his Devil Fruit to stop him and told him to walk away because he had no chance of winning if he couldn't win against him. And that he was sorry for the way people laughed at Hriluk's death
Chopper was sad but he calmed down and went back.
Dalton was telling the king off of what he did and called them all fools for laughing and acting like that.
Chopper: Please...please. Teach me to be a doctor. Please teach me to be a doctor! I'll become the all-purpose medicine! He was on the ground waving the Hriuk flag. I become a doctor who can cure anything! I'll cure even a country! Because no disease in the world can't be cured! Cries
Kureha: Call me... Doctrine.
Dalton was locked in jail for what he said
Nami- So for 6 years since then.. Tony-ku. Has been studying under you...
Kureha: Yeah... I taught him everything I knew.
Chopper: Doctrine. Doctrine. He ran to them.
Luffy: That's bastard. That annoying mouth
Wapol: Now, we're restoring the drum kingdom!
Chopper: There's a problem! Wapol is back.
Kureha: Is that so?

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