Episode 4

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The orange hair girl stole a boat from a couple of men
Luffy: I'm starving...
Zoro: When the hell are we gonna reach land?
Luffy: Who knows? We're just going with the wind and waves after all... I wonder if we'll reach land. Nah,  I'm sure we will, sometime.
Zoro: Isn't it kind of weird that someone trying to be king of the pirates...doesn't even have any navigational skills?!
Luffy: It's not weird. I just drifted around. But aren't you a bounty hunter who wandered the high sess?
Zoro: I have no memory of ever even calling myself a bounty hunter. I set into the was in search of a certain man...but then couldn't get back to my village. I had no choice, so I just went after pirates' ships to earn a living.
Stella: Oh so you're just lost.
Zoro banged his hand on the boat making it swing. Don't put it like that
Luffy's hat went up.
Luffy: Shanks.
Shank: This straw hat is dear to me--it's been with me through many fights. Luffy I can't give this even to you.
Zoro was able to catch it.
All the men were celebrating
Young Luffy was sitting next to Shanks
Luffy: then take me on your next voyage, shanks! I wanna be a pirate too!
Shanks laughs. As if you can ever be a pirate!
Luffy: Why not?
Yassop: Luffy. Just being a good swimmer doesn't mean you'd make a good pirate.
Lucy: I'm good at fighting too! My punches are like pistols!
Shanks: Yeah so.
Luffy: What does that mean?
Lucy: He means you're too much of a kid, Luffy!
Yassop: Seriously, you're as old as my own kid!
Luffy: I'm not a kid! I'm grown up!
Shanks: Now, now. Don't get so mad. Here! Have some juice!
Shanks: Wow! Thanks! He drinks the juice
Shanks: See you are a kid! Ha!
Luffy: That wasn't fair, Shanks! Don't laugh! Stupid cheapskate Shanks! I've saved a life don't you remember?
Shanks: Oh yes That. You did. A girl not that much older than you. I remember how you just brought her here and asked us to take her in.
Luffy: You see.
Shanks: Stella.
Stella looked over at Shanks. She just had finished beating 10 men in Arm wrestling.
A/n demon Slayer reference
Stella walks over to the men
Stella: Did you need anything?
Shanks: I want you to go against Luffy in Arm wrestling.
Stella: Are you sure?
Shanks: Yeah it's just a test. He wants to be. Pirate I want to see what he has.
Luffy: I'm ready. He has his hands ready.
Stella: Okay. She has her hands out.
Shanks: 3, 2, 1
Not even 1 second luffy hands were down on the table.
Shanks: See you're not ready.
Stella: I think Luffy will make a great pirate one day. And he will be king and I will be his queen right along with him.
Shanks: Aww. I guess you have one person believing in you. You're girlfriend.
The crew started to laugh
Luffy: She's not my Girlfriend
Stella: I'm not his Girlfriend.
The door was broken by someone.
Man: Pardon us.
Shanks was still eating
Of... So there are "pirates." look pretty damn dumb.
Woman: Welcome..
Stella's sister's instinct kicked in and protected Luffy
Man: We're mountain bandits. But we aunt here to tear up the place. sell us some booze. Ten barrels oughta do.
Woman: I'm sorry. I just ran out of alcohol.
Man: That's odd. These pirates seem to be drinking something... What is it, water?
Woman: No, what they're drinking is the last of it.
Thanks: My apologies. Look like we drank the whole place dry. Sorry!
You can have this if you'd like. It hasn't been opened yet.
The man breaks the drink
Man: There's an eight million Berry bounty in my head, you know. One bottle ain't even enough for a bedtime drink! Don't insult me!
Shanks: Now the floor's all wet. Sorry about that, Makini-san. Do you have a rag?
Maki: oh, I'll do that! The man takes out his sword and splits the table in two. Seems you like to clean. Then maybe you'll find this more fulfilling. Not won't our time is they're out of booze. It's go! Later wimps. They leave.
Maki: Are you alright, captain?
Are you hurt?!
Thanks: Oh, I'm fine. No problem at all.
They all starts to laugh.
Yassop: He got you good, boss! Talk about lame!
Luffy: Why are you laughing?! That was uncool! Why didn't you fight them?! No matter how many there are or how strong they seem, you're not men-- or pirates-- if you laugh after something like that!
Shanks: I can understand how you feel, but he only spilled some booze on me. It's nothing work getting mad over.
Luffy: Whatever. He sees a fruit
Stella: First it's just these harmless things and then it's something worse next time. I agree with Luffy.
Shanks: Eating out frustration, Luffy?
Luffy: Shut up!
Shanks: wait what are you eating?
He goes up to him.
That Box! Did you eat what was in that Box?!
Luffy: Yeah. Shanks then grabs him and holds him upside down.
Spit it out right now! Every last bite!
Luffy: What are you doing shanks?
Luffy's legs then stretched.
Luffy: What...was that?
Shanks: What you the was the Gun-Gum Fruit! The Gum-Gum fruit is known as the Devil fruit! Eating it turns your body to rubber, man's
You lose the ability to swim for the rest of your life!
Luffy: Eh?! No way!
Shanks: You dumbass!
A woman was running
Stella was thrown into a bucket.
Man: People were drinking and having a nice time. What's the idea, girl?
Stella: Damnit! Apologize or I'll do something you will regret. How dare you make fun of Shanks and his crew!
He steps on the girl.
Luffy: Stop
Man: Did I say something to offend you?
Stella: You did! Now apologize I don't want to do what I'm thinking about doing to you.
Woman: Mayor!
Two were running.
Man 2: you see the looks on these pirates's faces?? He got covered in booze but didn't say a word! Talk about pathetic!
Man: Pirates are just a bunch of wimps. They're nothing but talk.
Stella: Stop making fun of Shanks and the others!
Luffy: They are not wimps!
Makino: Stop, Luffy, Stella! She was holding them back
Stella:Stop making fun of Shanks and the others! You stupid bandits!
Man: You oughta watch your mouth, girl. No one who's ever made me mad has lived to tell the tale.
Mayor: Wait let the Boy & Girl go! Please! I don't know what Stella/Luffy has done, nor do I intend to fight with you; if you're not offended, I'll even pay you! Just please! Spare the Boy & Girl's life!
Lucy: Mayor!
Man: Leave it to the senior citizens to know how the world works. But no, it's too late for them now. After all, they made me angry... He takes out his swords
Luffy: You're the bad guys! You're the mountain apes
Man: You're a lost cause, kids. You retreat all this in the next life!
Stella: No one talks to Luffy like that.
She then moved from under his shoe and turned into a tiger and broke the sword with her mouth.
Crew: What the.
Town: 😶
Luffy: Stella.
She was about to use her teeth on her when one of the crew used their sword to slice her side.
Which made her turn back and fall and Luffy caught her.
Shank: I was wondering why the bar was empty...looks like it's these mountain bandits from before.
Makino: Captain!
Thanks saw a broken swords
Shanks: What happened to the sword?
Makino whispered to him on what happened
Shanks looks at her.
Man: So you pirates are still here, huh? Have you been scrubbing the village clane the whole time?
Shanks: I thought your punches were as strong as pistols why didn't you help Stella?
Luffy: Shut up!
Man: I don't know why you're here, but you'd best leave before you get hurt.
Any closer and he'll shoot. Your head off, wimp.
A gun was pointed at Shank's head.
Man 2: He said no closer! Don't make me blow your head off!
Luffy was holding on to Stella trying to stop the bleeding.
Shanks: Put your life on the line. Now that you've drawn your pistol, put your life on the line.
Man 2: What the hell are you talking about?
Shanks: I'm saying these aren't for creating people. To points at the gun.
A gun was shot to the head instead.
Man 3: Now you've done it! These bastards fight dirty!
Yassop: Dirty: cut the crap.
Man: What do you think you're dealing with saints or something?
Shanks: You're looking at pirates!
Man 2: Shut up! You have nothing to do with this in the first place!
Shanks: Listen, bandits. Whether I'm splattered with alcohol or food or even spit on, most of the time I'd just laugh and forget about it. But! No matter the reason, anyone who hurt my friends has to pay!
Luffy: Shanks..
Man: Has to pay, huh?! Lousy pirates! Kill them, men!
A few men went to attack
Man: I'll handle this should be easy enough. He uses his gun to bang against their head.
Don't get cocky, bandit. If you wanna fight, then drag a warship here or something.
Stella: So strong!
Man: Hold on. The Girl attacked me!
Shanks: You are a wanted man.
The man throws a smoke Boom.
Shanks: Luffy! Stella! Crap I let my guard down! They gone! What do we do, guys?
Lucky: Quit Freaking the hell out boss! It won't take us long to find him!m
Man: I can't believe this guy...
The man had Luffy & Stella by their shirt over the ocean.
He then throws them overboard.
Stella turns into an Alligator and has Luffy sitting on top of her head.
Luffy: Stella-sama you're amazing
Man: What the. I thought she could only change into one thing.
Luffy: You idiot. Stella can change into any animal she wants and please.
A sea monster then comes behind the man and eats him.
The sea monster comes after them.
Only for Shanks to come to save them
Stella changes back.
Luffy:Shanks. The monster looks at them.
Shanks: Get lost!
The monster leaves. I'm in you guys' Debt. Makino-sama told me everything. You fought for us.
The two kids were crying
Hey, don't cry!
Stella: But...Shanks. you. Arm!
Shanks and lost his right arm!
Shanks: It's only an arm. It's no big deal. I'm just glad you're alright and that you took care of Luffy.
The crew was packing up to leave.
Luffy: You're leaving, then?
Shanks: Yeah, it was a long stay but now we part ways. Bet you'll miss me, huh?
Luffy: Well, yeah, but I won't ask you to take us anymore. We've decided to become a pirate together.
Shanks sticks his tongue out. I wasn't going to take you guys anyway! You'll never be a pirate!
Luffy: I will too!
Stella:Someday, we'll gather a crew better than yours and we're going to find the greatest treasure in the world, and we're gonna be Queen/King of the pirates! We'll show you!
Shanks: you're gonna surpass me, huh? In that case... He gave Luffy his hat I'll this hat with you.
And gives Stella and Pendent. These are dear to me. Take good care of them. Also, make sure you're Girlfriend doesn't get into any trouble.
Luffy: She's not my girlfriend
Stella: I'm not his Girlfriend
Come bring it back to me someday! Once you two become a great pirate! That is our Promise, Luffy/ Stella!
End of Flashback.
Luffy was looking at his hat.
Zoro: Hey You're gonna drop it again if you space out. Isn't it important?
Luffy: Yeah, Thank you, Zoro!
Zoro: Man, I'm hungry...
Stella: You guys are unbelievable.
Luffy looks up to see a bird.
Luffy: Let's eat It!
Zoro: Huh? how? Leave it to us!
Stella: Wait what?
Luffy grabs Stella. Gum-Gum... Rocket!
They get thrown into the air.
The bird ends up catching Luffy's head with his beak.
And Stella hanging from his side.
Both: Help!
Zoro: Moron! What the hell're you doing?! He was following the bird
The men from before were still in the water and the boat cake by
Man: Ha! Stop! You there Stop!
Zoro: Shipwerak people, at a time like this? I can't stop! Jump in on your own!
They do.
I'm impressed you got on!
All: Are you trying to run us over?!
Man: Hey, Stop the boat! He took out his sword. We're members of Buggy the Clown-San Crew! This boat is ours now!
Zoro looks at them. Huh
The men ended up getting hurt and Rowing the boat
Man: We had no idea you were the Famous Pirate Hunter Zoro-san!
All: Forgive our rudeness
Zoro: Thanks to you guys I don't sight of my friends. just keep padding straight ahead
All: Yes sir.
Zoro: Knowing them, they'll manage something once he spots land. Who's this buggy guy?
Man: You've never heard of Buggy the Clown?
Zoro: Nope.
Man: He's head of our pirate ship! He's eaten one of the Devil Fruit and is just an all-around terrifying person
The woman was running. Yes! I finally got it!
A bunch of men were after her.
Man: Get back here, you! You wench! Give the map back! We just stole that chart of the Grand Line! Damnit if we don't get it back we're Dead meat, too I don't want to be killed by one of the Captain CannonBalls!
Man: Captain Buggy! I see something in the sky above the port!
Buggy: Shot it down!
The man does
Luffy &: Stella end up crashing down.
Man: Two people fell from the sky!
Luffy: Damnit! What are cannonballs flying at us for?
The smoke clears up
That was a pretty neat experience I had
Stella: The Hell are you talking like that was normal?
The people looked at them.

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