Episode 182/183

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Conis and Nami's part is skipped all because Too long. Conis makes it after a while and can convince Th after the Help with the Mickleny and finds out they worked for Enel and wants to hope that Enel never came from them and gave up on his plan. And Enel just Talked about what Conis is doing to Nami I'm not wasting a whole episode about that. So to the part where Luffy and Steall were following Aisa.
But before that.
Stella: Zoro. She held him and Chopper as she looked at them.
Luffy was talking to Robin
Stella: What kind of Captain am I to let this happen?
She held them close to her. She had a serious face with tears.
I'm going to get you two better.
She looked at Chopper's body and it reminded her of some she knows. She gives him a small kiss on the forehead. And then looks at Zoro. She then kisses him on the mouth.
Keep fighting for me you two.
Stella and Luffy were running.
While Aisa rides Pierre.
Robin: I won't be able to move them all at once. We've at least got to reach the upper level. Somehow we must escape
Luffy: Aisa are you sure it's this way?
Aisa: Yes! We're almost there! I'm sure this is the right way!
Luffy: Good!
Aisa: That's it Luffy! Stella the hole is to your left over! That's it!
Stella: Then that's where we're going.
The two of them were running so fast that they turned left and ran to the side of the building
Enel: As I thought. They weren't among the five survivors. Now where in the world could they have been hiding?
Nami: Could it be?
Enel jumps on the boat.
How aggravating! There's nothing I hate more than when my predictions turn out wrong!
Luffy: [Inhales] Yell... Hey! Are you the one they call Enel?
Nami ran to the Rail
Stella! Luffy!
Stella: If you mess with friends of ours, then you mess with us.
Enel: Hmph... Those Fools were your friends?
Stella: You stay right the hell there. We're coming to kick your ass!
Enel: Watch your tongue Mortals. You're speaking to God!
Luffy: What makes you God anyway?
Aisa: They are deliberately picking a fight with Enel! Be careful Stella! Luffy!
Nami: Wait! Stella! Luffy! Watch out.
Enel looks at him
Nami quickly covers her mouth.
Laughing. I can hear it now, the angle's party! The citizens must have learned of Skypiea's fate! I wonder how far they can run before the ground gives out beneath them!
Stella: Answer my brother when he's talking to you. He said what makes you, God, anyway?
Enel: You'll find out.
Luffy and Stella run on the paddle
Luffy stretches his hand. While Stella used her whip.
I see. You are no ordinary human, but you're a mere paramecia type. But your Sister seems Normal. Either way. Neither of you can beat me. Nothing that lives can stand against me! That's why I'm God!
Stella and Luffy jumped
To him
Enel: El...Thor!
Nami: No!
Aisa: Screams
Nami: Luffy... Stella...No.
She fell to her knees.
Aisa gaps
They all saw that the Lighting went past them into a building
Enel: I'm impressed that you managed to dodge it, especially you. Stella.
Sixty Million Volts! 
Nami: They dodged it?
Enel: Julugul! A dragon of lighting when into their body
[Both gaps]
One hundred million volt. Vari!
He put both hands on the two siblings' chests.
Oh Luffy is not having
Nami: If I'd thought about it I would have realized it sooner! Lightning can't hurt Luffy, he's made of Rubber!
But Stella isn't. Oh no. Stella.
Luffy: Get off my sister! He pushed him off of them
Everyone was shocked.
Enel had a scared look on his face
Enel: Mind stay clam
Stella and Luffy ran to them
Physical attacks still can't affect my body! They're just helpless monkeys from the Blue Sea World.
Luffy kicks his lower half while Stella Kicks his upper half.
Nami: Luffy's electrical powers are completely useless! But Stella she can still fight. How. Enel must never have imagined there was someone in the world! Who was immune to lightning it's incredible, but it's true.
Luffy and Stella may be the only person in the world who can battle Enel. They're natural enemies! But Stella isn't how is she doing this? Stella, what aren't you telling us?
Rubber doesn't condense electricity and so that means, Enel can't hurt a rubber person! But Stella isn't made from Rubber. How can she survive?
It doesn't matter. Luffy! Stella gets him.
Enel looks up to see the two.
He then goes back
You! You're no mere mortal! What are you
Luffy: Me? I'm Luffy. A pirate and a rubber man. This is my sister her name is Stella and you won't lay a finger on her.
A/n Baby Brother Luffy to the rescue
Enel: What! Rubber!
Nami: I see. Rubber doesn't exist in Skypiea. He doesn't know what it means.
Stella: That lightning of you're won't work on us.
They ran to attack.
Enel: Mantra
Luffy went to punch only to go past him
Gum-Gum...Whip! Stella held his feet to have a harder impact on his kick.
Only for it to go through. Enel was behind them.
Luffy: Spear. He used his feet to attack. Only to make it through him again. Almost hitting Nami
He brought his feet back
Nami: I don't believe he can protect Luffy and Stella movies.
Enel went to attack them. Only for Stella to move just in time and Luffy to get hit. Enel pushed Luffy into the wall of the boat with his staff
Don't push your luck.
Lightning can cause far more than light just electric shocks. But I don't have to tell you that, rubber man. You found out the hard way.
Stella: You're going to have to do better than that.
Enel looks back to see Stella hold his staff and go to kick him only to go through
Luffy: I see. You have the power to protect our moves damnit.
Enel: Lighting won't work. Blows won't work. Just what is this"Rubber"?
He's a paramecia Even they have weaknesses. Gloam...padding!
Luffy: Huh.
Enel: I'm on a bit of a schedule, so I don't have time to play.
Nami: He! He's changing his staff into a blade!
Enel: Think of it as lightning in solid form! He attacks slashing Both of them stomachs.
They jumped up on the top of the boat.
As I thought, slashing attacks are your weakness!
Luffy: Yeah.
Stella hits him
Both: Don't tell him that!
Luffy: Gun-Gum Gatling! Enel disappeared.
Where did he go?
Aisa: Luffy! Stella! Behind you!
Enel was in the boat
Nami: He can move through the boat.
Enel went to attack them only for them to catch it
Then there were drops of gold.
Enel: You may be immune to lighting, but not to electric heat it seems!
Luffy: Gum-Gum....! Battle Axe! He was able to land a hit on him
Enel: You blabbermouth brat.
Stella: All right! Gum-Gum...Gatling!
Liffy did multiple punches.
Enel was able to grab their hands and throw them down
It's not as though you grew more arms, idiot!
Sightseeing on Sky Island. Hmph. You blue Sea People certainly picked a bad time to visit. I am this land's God. I can do anything my wild desires. I've long dreamed of creating an ideal world! This dream will become a reality, and I won't let anything get in my way. Least of all some whelp from the Blue Sea world!  Now, where are we? Ah, yes. How could I forget?  We were going to watch this land die.
Nami: No you can't.
Enel: Max. Two hundrend million volt vari!
Aisa: Horesy-Brid! What are gonna do? It's moving. Luffy! nami! Stella!
Enel: The ark that will take me to Endles vearth!  To the sacred land without and that I desire! Rise maximum! Rise! The boat was flying
Nami: This is bad. Luffy! Stella! Hurry up and stop Enel! But, wait a minute! This ark's powered by Enel, so if he's defeated it'll crash with us on it!  But if he's not, the sky island going to be destroyed! We'll be taken to some land far away from Enel!  No matter what happens we still lose! What are we going to do? Luffy! Stella! I'm scared! Stella walks to Nami and smiles.
Luffy throws his hat on her head.
Stella wrapped her coat around Nami and gave her Two necklaces around her neck
Stella: Don't be. Just stay calm down.
Nami: Calm down. How.
Stella: You sail with a crew of the future king and queen of the pirates. So wipe that frown off all right?
Enel: King and queen of the pirates? And what domain does he lord over?
Stella: They are king and Queen of the seas! The greatest kings of all!
Enel: Hmm so you say. But we'll soon learn if that is true. Won't we?
They made it out of the cave
Aisa went to go after them.
Enel: The circuit to this ark's ultimate function has been initiated and is now running at full capacity!
Nami: Ultimate Function?
Enel: It has a name it's called Deathpiea.
Deathpiea Activate.
As he said that he made dark thunderclouds appear in the sky everyone was surprised
Enel: That's right. Using my energy, Deathpiea forces extremely turbulent air currents together which, produces those lovely thunderclouds you see blowing out there.
Nami: Thunder clouds.
Enel: Soon they will envelop all of Skupiea in darkness. Inside them, energy will continue to build until it reaches an absolute peak. And then, on my signal, they will unleash thunderbolts of such magnitude that every trace of this land destroys it. Allow me to demonstrate. He uses lightning on Angle Island. Conis went to go back to Sanji and Usopp.
Name: you just.
Enel: I just teased the angles a little but after all that is my right.
Stella: So being a god makes it okay to destroy everything?
Enel: That right anything and everything is mine for the taking. Their land. Their lives. Speaking of which. I'll continue celebrating by taking yours! Unless you care to join me, Stella?
A/n Is he hitting on Stella in front of Luffy?
Luffy: Never
Enel went to attack only for Stella and Luffy to dodge. Luffy went to kick while Stella went to use her whip.
Only for Enel to use his staff and Luffy's foot to land on it burning it
Stella: Don't touch the spear. She moved Luffy away
Enel: This spear has been highly charged! He kept attacking them and Luffy grabbed it again
And he burned his hand.
Enel went to attack only to miss when Stell brought Luffy down
Luffy: How can we defeat a guy who can predict my moves?
He got an ideal from what stella did earlier.
Gum-Gum daze.
Nami: What are you doing?
Luffy looked brained and damaged.
Stella you come up with the craszit ideas.
She made her eyes complted white.
As she and Luffy dodged each attack
Nami: What are they doing it's almost like they are blade of grass that sways
They not thinking so that enel can predict their moves.
They jumped back
Luffy: But if we switch our brain off... Then we can't attack him!
Stella: And white eyes are cool but I can't see that well.
More info soon on that
Stella: we gottw get our hands on him somehow. Come on! Think! There's gotta be a way.
Luffy: I got it. He blew his head big
Gum-Gum... octopus!
Nami: Enough with the stupid ideas.
Luffy head went back to regular
Enel: Your not a fan of my mantra, are you. That is to be expected snice is the basis of my power!
Stella: Luffy look
Luffy: that should work. Will you
Stella: Only to defeat him
They jump back
Enel: It doesn mater what you do youre nothing but an annoying powerless mortal
Luffy: Oocpuss
Nami: why are you attacking the ark
Stella: Fireworks!
They both punched the ark
Enel: You're ignoring me and attacking the ship instead? You're even more foolish than you appear! As he he ran closer to them the more he got hit.
Nami: of course! The punches are ricocheting. They not consciously controlling them!
Luffy: we're not letting you get away with this. Gum-Gum
Enel: No. Wait.
Stella: Bakuoka
They both did it leaving a harsher impact.
He was on the ground
Luffy and Stella went to attack
Enel: I have to escape.
Both: Gum-Gum
Enel: No
Both: Riffle.

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