Episode 66

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Mr 8: Quickly, Vivi-sama! Please escape!
Vi: Igaram.
Mr 5 threw something at him making an explosion. 
Igaram feel.
Miss V: It's no use. She was floating in the air. She then breaks Vivi's hair now. Viv went to use her weapon but missed.
You monster!:
Mr 9: Yore a Princess, Miss W?
Vi: Quite being dumb, Mr. 9!
Stella: Thei is one Screwed-up night! You guys can do whatever you want! She drags Luffy away.
Igaram: Viv-sama...
Vi: Igram! Are you all right?
Ingram: Vivi-sama! Never mind me! Just please speak from here! For motherland... Without you, our Kingdom of Alabasta will be... Please! Hurry!
Mr 5: you think you can escape from us? He picks his nose.
Vivi takes out her second weapon
A/n She really thinks Two little spinning weapons will help her in this fight. How dumb is she?
Don't mess with me!
Mr 9 protects her. I'm having a hard time swallowing what's going on here, but we've paired for a long time. I'll buy you some time! Get going, Miss W! Pretty manly, would you say? Bye-bye, baby hot-blooded Bat.
Vivi: Mr. 9! He does some flips to them
Mr 5: All we need is the will to accomplish our missions. A pathetic sense of camaraderie will only be about death. Time to learn that the hard way! Nose Fancy...
Of guts!
Vivi: Mr. 9!
Stella: Whoa, now! That's some dangerous snot he's got! Mr 8 grabbed onto Stella's legs.
What the hell?
Mr 8: Miss Bandana. Upon seeing your skill, I have a request, unreasonable as it may be!
Stella: Yeah right the day I've been through. Screw that! Let me go!
Mr 8:  As both is these people possess Devil fruit powers, I can't stop them!
Might I ask you to protect the Princess in my place? Please.
Stella: Oh you mean the same Princess they Threatened to kill my brother. That's a Big No for me.
Viv: Karoo! Run!.
Miss V: There she goes.
Mr 5: She can't get away from us. Let's get her, Miss V!
Miss V: Right, Mr. 5
Mr 8: If you can safely deliver the princess to the great kingdom of Alabasta far east of here... I promise that you will be rewarded immensely!
I humbly beg of you! Places to keep the princess safe!
Stella: Screw that! You were trying to kill us until just a minute ago! I would have let that slide but you brought up my brother.  Don't make me cut you some more!
Nmai: Is the immense reward real? I'll take up that offer! How does one billion Berries sound?
Stall: Nami!
Mr 8: One billion?
Stella: where are the others? Why aren't you sleeping?
Nami: Are you kidding me? Who in their right mind would sleep carelessly in an overly suspicious then that welcomes pirates? It was all an act!  I could keep going if I wanted!
Stella: You are right. Seeing how I could drink more too. It was an Act to
Nami: So, will you promise ys the One Billion, square Captain?  If you didn't ask for our help your princess probably will die...
Mr 8: A mere soldier like me can't promise such large sums of money...
Namk: You're not suggesting a princess is with less than that, are you? Pay it.
Stella: Now she's threatening him!
Mr 8: in that case, if you're willing to safely deliver the princess there, it would be best if you negotiate the terms with her directly!
Namj: Meaning I gotta start by saving her, hun?
Mr 8:Even as we speak her life is in danger!
Nami: Alright, then. I'll save your princess for now. Okay, Captain go get her!
Stella: There is No way that I'm helping the woman who almost stabbed Luffy. Why don't have to go along with your money-making schemes? I can't believe you
Nami: My money is mine, but my contract belongs to all of Zoro!
Stella: what kind of logic is that?
Nami: What's the nig deal? All you gotta do I cut these guys down!
Stella: Why not ask Zoro or Sanji to do this job?
Luffy wakes up
Nami: Are you afraid you can't beat them?
Stella: Of course not I will be the strongest I can easily take them down
Luffy: Bathroom.
Nami: Have you forgotten that Zoro owes me money?
Stella: He doesn't owe you anything.
Nmai: I lent home 100,000 berries for some swords in Loguetown.
Stella: But he gave it back to you. Someone gave him these swords so he didn't use the money!
Nami: But he did stress to pay me back 300%-- 300, 00 Berris total. He hasn't paid back the 200, 000 Berries yet.
Stella: He gave you 100,000 Beries back the same day give him a break! Plus this is his problem this has nothing to do with me.
Nami: So I can tell Luffy All about the Makeout you and Zoro had.
Stella stood froze
Nmaj: Do what I say, and Maybe I'll call Zoro even and never tell a soul what you two did.
Stella: Damnit. You drive a hard bargain.
Nami: Yeah I do.
Stella: I get you back Nami. She runs after them
Nami: Thanks a bunch!
Mr. 8: I'm ashamed. If only I'd been stronger I could have protected the princess!
Nmai: Don't worry about it! She's my captain she's insanely strong!
Mr 8: If anything happens to the princess-- to viv-sama...the kingdom. Of Alabasta would be Fishsed...she must live!
Vi was ridding Karoo as they were going into a ship behind the focus
Luffy just finished peeing
Much better! Now for more sleep! He saw something. What I the world. He saw all the people Stella fought.
When Vivi was running away Miss Mondy sacrificed herself het here.
Mr. 5 has the Devil Fruit called the Bomb-Bomb fruit power which he can make any parts of his body into an explosion. While Miss V has the Kilo-Kilo fruit. She can change her body weight at will...
Mr 5: Take this! Nose Fancy...cannon! He used it on her.
Stella was able to come in time to slice the booger In half
Vi: Mrs. Bandana!
Mr 5: Who is she?
Stella: Oh No Zoro will kill me for letting a booger touch his swords.
Vi: Damn you! You never give up! Now, of all times, she went to attack
Stella cut her weapon and had the sword to her neck
Don't get hasty. I'm here to rescue you.
Mr 8: told Nmai about the Baroque Works.
Miss V: You're the swordsman who cut down all the lowly employees in this town.
Mr 5: Why would you want to protect the Princess of Alabasta?
Stell: First off I'm not a swordsman these are not mine. Second, it's not that I want to help her at all. I got some circumstances of my own, you see...
Mr 5: Well, no matter. You're our enemy one way or another. You're in our way.
Miss V: Yeah she is.
Mr 5 picked his Nose
Luffy: There you are! Stella!
Miss V: Now what?
Stella: Luffy! Thanks but I don't need any help! Or does Nmai have you in debt, too?
Luffy looked mad.
Luffy: I'm gonna make you pay for what you did! Let fight!
Stella: What! What nonsense are you spewing this time?
Luffy: Shut up! I'm gonna kick your ass for being such an integer!
Stella: integrate!
Luffy: that's right!
Luffy: Hey! What happened?! Who did this to you?
Man: your bandana-wearing swordsman friend...
Luffy: What?! Everyone in this town welcomed us and gave us lots of Yummy food! But you cut every everyone last one of them!
Stella: well, yeah but... They attacked us. They wanted to kill us.
Luffy: I don't believe you. You will pay
Stella stood there.
Stella: you don't believe me. But I'm your sister.
Luffy: Yeah who fought them? For no doos reason
Stella let down one tear.
Vi: What a dull-heade person!
Mr 5: Internal strife, huh! Talk about lame
Miss V: Let's just get rid of everyone who interferes with our mission!
Stella: Luffy please believe me.
Luffy: Don't make excuses! He jumped to her. And went off the punch. She dodged it
A/n Oh Sis vs Bro fight who would win
Stella: Are you trying to kill me?
Luffy: Yeah! Due!
Stella: No wonder I'm older. Dammit it listen to me! Luffy then went in for a kick. An broke the rocks
Stella: This idiot. Why doesn't he believe me? I'm his sister I would never tell him a lie. All because they gave him damn food.  Liffy kept attacking her but she blocked each attack
Miss V: Mr 5. It doesn't seem like they're here to stop us.
Mr 5: It would seem not. Then lest accomplish our mission quickly. Our mission is to eliminate Princess Viv of the kingdom of Alabasta.
Luffy: why, you! Quite running away
Stella: I don't want to fight you. Please listen to me. They into another Building
Mr 5: Let's do it, Miss V!
Mis V: Yes Mr 5. They ran after her
Stella: Quite scrweing around, damnit! She kicks him into to the two.
That Dumbass!
Mr 5: Now you guys've really gotten in our way!
Miss V: ugh! What the hell is going on
Mr 5: if you two wanna kill each other that badly, then we'll kill you both ourselves while we're at it!
Luffy: Kay'
There was an explosion.
Miss V: Now I'm annoyed! Time to die at the hands of Kilo-Kilo Fruit power! Laughs. Get ready! As I ride tgeus Explosive blast I weigh only 1 kilogram!
Vi: Miss Banadana! You have to dodge! She's...!
Stella: shut up. This isn't the time for that right now!
Luffy had Mr 5 in his hand. He lost all that weight.
That was a good workout! Finally managed to digest that food!
Vi: Mr 5? No way! He took out a Baroque won't officer agent!
Luffy: Now I can fight for real
Stella: Luffy listen to me.
Luffy: Here I come!
Stella: Calm down and listen to me. Everyone in town was a bounty hunter
Miss V: From 5,000 kilograms to 10,000 kilograms!
Stella: Our enemy, in yet words
Miss V: Hey don't ignore me!
Luffy: liar! Enemies wouldn't give us food to eat!
Miss V: Take this! 10,000-kilogram press! She does down
Stella moves out of the way
Luffy look I'm trying to talk sense into you is pointless. You Dumn. Dimwit!
In that case, I'm gonna fight to kill, too! Don't restart it when you die!
Luffy: Sounds great to me!
Viv: Hold on! That going on. Aren't they Brothers and Sisters?
Stella put Zoro Sword in her mouth
Luffy: Gum-Gum...
Stella: Oni..
There were face-to-face
They made clash
Stella: This is the perfect chance to see which is stronger, Sis vs Bro!
Luffy: Yeah! Let's find out once and for all!
Stella: Tatsu-Maki! She makes him fly
He punched her.
They both landed on the wall.
Vi: what now? I want to escape, but will we be all right if we pass through here?  She walked away
The siblings looked at each other.
Stella was able to cut him
Luffy was able to get a punch on her.
Mr 5: Damn it. The title of Baroque Works Office Agent will be shamed if we let these guys make fools of us!
Miss V: Mr. 5 lest show them how truly terrifying we can be!
Mr 5: Let's do it, Miss V!
Miss V: Yes, Mr.5!
Mr 5: Don't mock us! We're Baroque words office Agents!
The siblings looked at the.
Both: Quite being so damn annoying! You're interfering... They punched the Two with our fight.

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