Episode 185

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A/n Okay but you can't tell me that Usopp didn't look adorable without his bandana.
Enel: If you do not wish to be abroad on this ship, there is but one path left for you. Death... So long
Nami: There's no way I can possibly beat this guy! I have no regrets!
Enel: Yes. I know what you're thinking. And by now I'm sure you realize you won't be leaving this ark safely. This is... unless you're pinning your hopes on those two rats, who snuck on the boat.
Usopp: Lemme off this craziest thing! Sanji listen if we go any higger, we won't be able to get down! Not to mention the fact that God is on board!  Or have you forgotten?
Sanji: We're already here, stupid! So deal with it.
Usopp: But what are we gonna do, Sanji? Look at the size of this thing! I've seen smaller mountains! There could be hundreds of guys on board! We can't fight them all! Besides. If God or those priests are here...
Sanji: Oh, just get over it already! You're the ones who're always prepared for this kinda stuff! You got all the cool equipment!
He had suction shoes on
Usopp: Well, this? Not what I had in mind when I made them!
Sanji: Ugh. Well, the bad guys got that Mantra ability. They can predict our moves. No point in trying to be sneaky! In fact, I bet my favorite carving knife that they knew was here
Usopp: They know we're here? So what are we supposed to do?
Sanji: Stop freaking out for starters once we're safely inside, we'll split up and head for the main deck.  Nami got to be up heren
Usopp: Hold on! Did you say split up? Are you out of your mind? Why would we do that? We have no idea how many bad guys are on board! Just getting up here was dangerous enough!
Sanji: You dumbass. If we don't split up could both die.
Usopp: Both die. I don't suppose you'd care to elaborate. Wait a minute you're gonna--- You mean to save Nami
Sanji: Usopp listen to me. If it'll save Nmai, I'll gladly sacrifice your life. 
Usopp: You jerk.
Sanji: All right then! I'm coming Nmai! Hold on Nami Swan
He ran off
Usopp: wait. I'm not done yelling at you!  Wait. Sanji! Hold on! Please! Buddy! Pal
A/N Aww. Usopp is so cute.
Enel: It seems they're quite serious about your rescue. Fools to the bitter end
Nami: Who can it be? No one besides Luffy and Stella can still move. And Stella wouldn't leave Luffy like that.  Besides how could they even get on board the ark? 
Enel shoots electricity at Nami only for her to dodge it
Laugh. Though hell may have arrived,  it doesn't mean you've been saved yet...
Nor am I obligated to wait for them
Nami: [Mind] All I can do is jump overboard and hope for the best. If I stay here, I'm dead for sure.  I'm up against lightning. What else can I do? Sanji
Kicks down the door.
And was inside the ship's engine room.
What all this he walks around
It looks like this whole ship is automated. Huh. Guess that means he doesn't need henchmen or underlining
Creepy bastard.
Usopp was running
There's no one here! But this ship is huge!  Does it run without anyone operating it? And how does it fly? Anyway?  I've never heard of flying ship before! Just the thought of being up in the air like this makes my knees all wobbly! I feel sick!  I wonder what the power source for this thing is?  Oh, what do I care as long as it doesn't decide to fall? Wait I just realized even if Nmai is on the upper deck,  we're way too high up now to jump off!  What the hell are we gonna do?
Robin: The sky. It keeps getting darker. He's going to be the Great Destruction soon. And then, he'll steal the Golden Bell. And take it up with him.
The Sky people were on the boats and the Shandorans were also getting ready to leave.
Conis was to go to the place where Nami told them about.
Stella: Aisa!
Luffy: Aisa!
Aisa: Luffy! Stella! Are you two alive? Where are you?
Luffy: Over here! This way! Aisa!
Hey! Help me out! Here!
Aisa: How did you land like that?
Stella: Oh believe me he's stuck in weirder position nothing new for us.
Luffy and Stella stand up and hold the Giant Golden ball
Luffy: Alritgh Damnit. I can't get this Golden ball off!
Aisa: Hey watch your mouth.
Stella:Let's just get back to the Beanstalk! Where Robin was. We won't Enel get away with this!
Aisa: Okat
Luffy: Nice try, jerk. But it takes a lot more to stop me!  Your ark's toast! And I know where to find you!
Enel went to shock her when Nami used her weapon to deflect
Enel: Congratulations, young lady, that was rather amusing!:
Nami: I did it.
Enel: Such clever toys you have down the Blue Sea.
Thunder Ball!
Nami deflected it.
Creating a path for the lightning to follow.  A clever tactic. You're obviously well-acquainted with weather phenomena.
Nami: Gasps. But, it's not enough!
Enel: You realize, of course, it's futile. All. All I need to do is raise the voltage and your tricks won't work. Will it? Now. I'm a very busy man. Begone!
He made the volatge higer
Nami: Can't dodge this one!
Usopp: Why don't you begone? Exploding star!
Enel stopped it with his hand
Oops. I'm sorry.
Nami: Usopp? 
Enel: I know you from the ship.
Usopp: Hey! Where's Sanji?
Nami: Sanji? He's here too?
Usopp: You mean he's not up here yet?
Uospp: Gulps. I see... Later? He closes the door
Nami: Pansy!
Usopp: Be a man, Usopp. What are you running for? Bring it on, God! There was electricity coming at him he was just able to dodge it.
And get by Nami.
Usopp: Nmai.
Usopp: Yeah, what? Tell me what to do. I'm on it!
Usopp: please save me
Nmai: Like Hell! I thought you came here to save me, you spinless chicken!
She grabs his shirt.
Usopp: Yeah, um. I'm not really sure what's going on anymore.
Namj: Then what are you doing here? Usopp:Well.
Nami:Well, what? Get your rear in gear and save me, right now!
They were scared yep smiling
Usopp: How do I do that exactly? We are fighting God.
Nami: Oh yeah.
[Both chuckles] [Both screams] They jumped from an attack.
Usopp: By the way, Nami. About that hat and coat.
Nami: Yeah, it's Luffy's and Stella's.  He was here a while ago but Enel threw him overboard and as siblings, Stella went after to help. But they're not dead, I'm sure of it.
Usopp: The ark's gaining altitude! We can't count on Luffy or Stella to save us!
Nami: Right.
Usopp: We gotta do this ourselves, 'cause I'm not a fan of dying!
Nami: I'm with you there
They dodged an attack
Usopp: Nami here. Come hide behind this tube thing!  I'm betting it's pretty important. So he might not use his big attacks!
Nami: Usopp over here
Usopp: Huh? Ah! A waver
Nami: We'll have to jump off on that!
Usopp: Jumo from this height? Are you nuts?
Nami: No look. There's a patch of island in the middle of the forest!  If we can reach that we just might make it!
Usopp: Of course. An attack awaited above Usopp.
Damnit he jumped away. He flips perfectly only to hit his head
He gets up
I'll go try to create a diversion! Get it ready!
Nami: Right!
Usopp: Take this God!
He gets on the ball. Behold! Usopp Spell! A splimter emebeds itsled deep under your fungernail!
Nami: Ugh! That hurts just thinking about it!
Usopp: Cover your ears, you idiot, this stuff can kill you! A piece of paper... cuts across the skin of your knuckles!
Five canker sores inflaming your gums!
Enel floats up and knocks Usopp on the head with his spear
Nami: Gotta get this thing running. We're only gonna get one chance to escape!
Hang on! She rides for a while
Looks good the island Cloud is directly below that beanstalk! I'm ready, let's get--
Usopp was then again shocked.
Enel: Though you may desperately want to run away...facing me it will not be that simple. But please, do try it again. I always enjoy a deadly game of tag. Laughs
Nami rides off
Usopp, grab my hand! Come on!
He went to only for Enel to put his hand down.
For you, there is no hope of salvation.
Nami: Usopp
A person came runing and kicked Usopp to Nami
Sanji: get going
Enel: El..
Nami: Sanji run!
Usopp: Gun it Nami
Enel Thor
Nami: Usopp wait! Let off the Gas!  What about Sanji
Usopp: Don't stop! We gotta escape! Now stop making my plan sound bad! And keep going! They were off the boat.
Enel: laughs. So they jumped. Do they still not understand the range of my powers? They haven't escaped me in the slightest. Hm. He looks over and sees Sanji standing up.
Sanji: Hey God. There's something I wanted to tell you. Oh...but first... I should thank you. He smokes
I was looking for a light. Appreciate it.
Enel: Right. Do you have a point?
Sanji: Yeah, get ready to cry, bastard. He then falls down
Enel walks away.
Then the ship starts to shake.
The thunderclouds stop coming out.
What is this? The ark!
Sanji: Get ready to cry, bastard.
You fool, you didn't... Damn you!  You did something below deck! What have you done to my ark? Gaps.

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