Epiosde 169

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Gan: when I first met you, I said one reason I became a soldier-for-hire was that Blue Sea people cannot handle sky combat.
Usopp: Sky combat? What's that?
Gan: Okay, place that barrel there.
Sanji: Barrel?
There was a barrel in the middle of the boat.
Gan: Watch.
Nami:What are we doing this for now?
Gan: You will see. Try crushing that shepp with all your might.
Usopp: Gently now, sanji! If you smash a hole in the deck, you're going to pay!
Gan: Hit it with all your might.
Usopp: Quite saying whatever you want when it's not your ship!
Sanji: All alright, if that's what you want... he lifted the hammer to smash the barrel
Usopp: Wait! You don't need to swing it that hard!
Sanji did it only for the barrel to vibrate.
Hey, what're you doing? I know I told you to hold back, but you didn't even crack the barrel.
Sanji: No. I hit it as hard as I could. Ai was ready to put a hole in the deck.
Sanji: Yet, it's almost like this shell absorbed the shock.
Gan: Now, point the dial's holes at the empty barrel and press the back tip of the shell. Sanji picked it up and flipped it over. You know how to press it right? Sanji placed it on the side and pressed it. Only for the barrel to explode in his face
Gan: That is an impact dial. It can absorb and freely release shocks given to it. Normally, you can use them affixed to your palms using gloves or bandages. They are powerful enough that a direct hit can kill your average person.
Sanji: Usopp...This is...
He remembered when Luffy and Stella fought Satori.
Usopp: Yeah...This is what that dumpling priest used! It is different a hit! Impact! Sanji then hits Gan's head.
But why couldn't you have said so sooner? That freaked me out, you geezer! 
Gan: I heard there were even more powerful dials in ancient sky islands, now extinct reject dials that could release ten times the energy of these impact dials. But they were a double-edged sword, as the excessive shock from using them put the user's own life at risk. Though, naturally, it seems they were hardly ever used...
Usopp: There are shells that dangerous? Those's practically weapons!
Nami: I thought dials were more common, everyday objects.
Gan: Yes, they are. But what seems useful can always be used for evil as well, depending on who uses it. Dials are extremely useful, but that makes them all the more powerful in battle. For example, even a heat dial used to warm food can turn a spear into a comfortable, high-temperature "Heat Javelin." A flame-storing flame dial, placed inside a bird's mouth, can create the truly rare "fire-breathing bird"...
Usopp: Yeah, Chopper did mention stuff like that!
Nami: And that's "sky combat"?
Gan: Yes. Blue sea people unfamiliar with dials cannot ascertain our techniques. The same is true for our many types of artificial clouds. The warriors of the sky are trained to master them. Those with no knowledge of them do not stand a chance.
Sanji: Then is there some reason behind the"Mantra" thing that lets them read our movements ahead of time?
Gan: Mantra, huh...? I'm unable to use it myself, so I can't explain it very well, but it is said that "mantra" is a listening ability. Supposedly, just by living, people give off voices from their bodies.
Sanji: Voices?
Gan: yes. By listening to them one can allegedly tell what a person will do next. With future mastery, you can hear voices our an even wider area. The priest can hear all through Upper Yard, and Enel's powers extend across this entire land. And those powers are all too serious. Because of them, the people of this land have no time to feel at ease.
Enel: Have they reached the bottom yet?
Man: Yes. They are already waiting eagerly. There are three priest'ordeals, on top of commander Yama's fifty Divine Soldiers... God. You're waging all-out warm is such severity really necessary?
Enel: We are only dealing with a few Shandians and Blue Sea people. Laughs. Festivals are more fun the livelier they are. Plus, you're making light of the underlying power of sky combat.
Man 2: Underlying power?
Enel: Yes, that's right. They'll show you soon enough. Banana. Now, then. We have fifty Divine Soldiers and three priests. Including me, that makes 54 people. Currently, twenty
Shandorians are heading for the island, five Blue Sea people are in the forest, and four attempting to escape. No, makes that three. I doubt the old man can fight now. Eighty-one people altogether! This will be a battle for survival. Laughs. Shall I guess how many will have fallen three hours from now?
Man: Honestly... You're so quick to make things into games.
Enel: Oh, come now! Hey, you guess
Woman: me? No, I have no understnding of such things, so...
Enel: What's with you? Don't be such a party-pooper. Just follow your gut.
Okay then. You guess!
Man: yes... Well, the three priests are powerful enough, but the fifty Divine Soldiers are quite strong as well... So I doubt many of them will be defeated at all, but the enemy is also strong enough to compete with the priests... Given three hours, I suspect 30 people will fall.  Therefore, about 50 will survive.
Enel: Laughs. I see! Fifty, huh? But don't you think that's a little too optimistic? You're underestimating this battle, you know...
Man 3: Then, what do you predict, God?
Enel: Alright, allow me to answer straight out. In three hours, of the 81 people on this island, all that will be left are... Five.
The Shandorians made it only to get trapped by Shura and his birds' strings.
I'm sorry I have other fights to be doing these small things so it will be skipped all he did was explain what Enel said and what they could do.
Only to get defeated by a reject Imact Dial By Whiper who was the only one not trapped
Enel: The Upper Yard survival game... one has dropped out. Eighty remain. The first battle ends in a great upset Shura has been defeated.
Man 2: My word! Shura has,
Enel: He underestimated Sky Combat, too. The fool.
Man 3: But is this not cause for distress? Two priests undefeated for six years suddenly fall in two days!
Enel: No. It can't be helped that they were defeated. They must not have had God's divine protection. Laughs.
Yama: Alright! We're up against 20 Shandians and eight Blue Sea People! This will be easy. There is no need to trouble the priest with them. Go, and wreak havoc to your heart's content!
THE 50 DIVINE SOLDIERS OF SKYPIEA. they were Goat men.
Wiper: Those who can step over comrades and keep moving, come with me! Today, Enel's head will be mine!
Kama: Once we defeat Enel, we won't need to revere a single bag of vearth.
Laki was putting the dirt in the bag for Aisa...
A single bag of vearth...
Kama: Wiper! Are you trying to die, if you use the Reject dial one more time, your body will be blown apart!
He walks to get his gun.
Wiper: So what about my body? Isn't that called "resolve"? These guys can't beaten without such sacrifices!  He blew up the strings. They were free.
Wiper was gone.
Kama: That Bastard! 
Braham: what are you standing around for?
Kama: Barhama!
Barham; We're behind enemy lines now. Let's split up. There are still two priests out there. Seems they've changed the locations of the ordeals. We don't want to all get caught in the same ordeal again. There's no reason to be that stupid. I'm going on ahead.
Kama: Fine! Do what you want! At least pray for everyone's good luck!
Genbo: Guys! Watch yourselves out there! Let's meet at God's shrine! They all split up. Only for some of them to be killed by the Goat Man.
Luffy and Stella were walking around. Luffy was singing
Luffy: 🎵The islands in the south are warm🎵pinapple, head all warm, what a dummy...🎵
They heard a voice and stopped walking.
A goat? Was that a goat? Where is it?
Stella: a goat in a forest? They loomed for it. The Goat Man was behind them ready to attack. Only to get punched by Luffy.
And knocked into some tree.
Aww, man! Jerk got my hopes up! And I was excited to see a goat!
Stella picked up Luffy's hat and placed it on his head.
They continued to walk and as Luffy sing
Second verse!🎵
The islands in the north are cold🎵all chilly-like, head all shivery what a dummy... Steall stopped him. When she looked up to see Whiper in front of them
Luffy: Oh, it's you!
Wiper: What are you doing here? I warned you to leave this island!
Luffy: Shut up! I can do what I want.
Stella: You did warn us. That never stopped us before and we decided not to listen.
Oh, Stella.
Wiper: No, You can't. This island belongs to us Shandians!
That's where he is wrong.
Luffy: It does? I thought it was God's... Really? Well, pardon our intrusion. He held Stalla's hand and continued to walk.
Awwww. Luffy is such a great brother.
Third Verse! The Eastern-
Wiper: wait!
Stella: What do you want from us?
Wiper: No, I have nothing to say. Nor do I want to hear any of your garbage. I simply want to eliminate you!
Luffy: I see. He threw his stick away.
Stella: That's nice and easy to understand then!

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