Episode 72

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I'm not doing the fight scene for them it makes no sense you know how it goes. Or the condition they have
Usopp: He blocked the blow with his Helmet. Oh he was off by an inch he would have died instantly.
They are all watching the fight.
What a fight... Each of their attacks is a mortal blow aimed at the opponent's vital point.
Nami:  Those two have continued this duel for 100 years? But this is a good... We can use this opportunity to get out of here. She starts to walk away while Usopp stays there.
Usopp: Incredible...
Broggy: A reason. I don't remember.
Usopp: Even without a reason, they're fighting so seriously...
Nami: This fight sure is a bother.
Usopp:You idiot! This I what people mean by a real battle between real men!
Nami: what's that about?
Usopp: To us, an analogy is those who fly a warrior's flag in their heart. This fight is even more important than their life. In no way do they want to be destroyed by others. That's why they've continued to take on each other for 100 long years! Don't you get it? This is unmistakably a "Proud duel" between "warriors"!
Nami: Whatever... Stuffy like that doesn't interest me. Now, hurry up!
Usopp: I'm going to watch this a little longer. This is exactly what my goal is. To be a "brave warrior of the sea"! I wanna be a proud man like them!
Nami sat down. I see... So you want to be a giant!
Usopp runs to her. No! Are you even listening to me?
Nmai: There! Don't you have to watch them over there?
Usopp: If there's a village with warriors like them in it. I wanna go there someday.
Miss V: I've got a great view from here.
Mr 5: They'll find you Miss V. Come down already!
Miss V: Don't worry, Mr 5. After all, they're absorbed in the fight. They won't notice.
Mr 5: Just home down.
Miss V: Okay
Mr 5: Hey, do you really get it? This is a big job for 200 million Berries.
Miss V: Of course. Although I feel reluctant to do as Mr. 3 tells us...
Mr 5: I know. Let's go.
Miss v: Okay. Tye both walked off.
Both Giants fall. They both laugh
Broggy offers Dorry some Drinks.
That he got from Nami& Usopp
Zoro: What was that? First a long, strange earthquake, and know this? What is it this time? Are there weird creatures other than dinosaurs in his jungle? Well, that damn cook is probably the only one. Who'd be happy to capture things like that?
Sanji: Were those cries? Even so, these were vulgar, unappetizing cries. Although we're competing for a big prey, we're still looking for food. Not only does it have to be big. It also has to be tasty. That guy doesn't get it at all.
Dorry: I see. His guests are your friends, huh? I saw a man with a long Nose and a woman.
Stella: That's Nami and Usopp! Hah! They said they wouldn't get off the ship, but they really do like adventures after all!
Dorry: Then you could also say that I got this Achohol from you.
Vi: By the way, Dory-san, does it truly take a year for the Log to be stored?
Dorry: Didn't you notice the human skull lying around? Those who come to this island do so before the Log is Stored in most cases. Some become dinosaur food some suffer from the heat and the syarvation.  Some are killed because they attack us. They all die. It seems that one year on this island is too long for humans.
Vi: What are we gonna do? Even if we could strive for One year, if that much time passes, I don't know what will happen to my country by then.
Luffy: Yeah. I'd start to get bored too if we stayed here for a year. Is there a good way, old guy?
Dorry: We do have an Entral pose but it's to our hometown, Elbaf. In other words, we fighting for the Entral Pose. Do you want to try taking it by force?
Luffy: That's no good. That's not where we wanna go. We just want to go to the island after this one. Right?
Both: Yes.
Vi: If we lose the route to Alabsta there is no point in moving forward
Luffy: see.
Dorry: Then why don't you move toward randomly? If you get lucky you'll get there. 
Luffy laughs. Maybe we'll do that! Laughs. We may actually get there huh, laughs.
Dorry laughs. Come to think of it, someone who left before the Loge was stored.
Luffy: What happened to him?
Dorry: How should I know
Luffy: He must have gotten to the next Island.
Dorry: That must be it
Karoo looks at Vi
Vi: Mind What's so funny? I can't understand what they're thinking!
Broggy was fixing his weapon
I brave warrior of the sea you say
Usopp: I'm talking about you guys I wanna be like you guys someday!
Broggy: Hm? You want to be a giant?
Nami: Sur
Usopp: That's not it! I hope to live proudly just like the warriors of Elbaf
Broggy: I see! Especially since our life soam is longer than you humans we think about how we die. Your assets, life... Everything will eventually cease to exist. But if we could die as a warrior of Elbaf without destroying our pride, that would be dying with honor. That pride is an everlasting treasure that is passed on to the land of Elbaf. 
Usopp: So price is your tesure. That's so cool... I've just decided...that I'll call you Master from now on!
Dorry was drinking when an explosion happened in his Stoumch.
The Three were shocked
Luffy: Giant old guy! What's going on?
Why did the alcohol explore? That was the same alcohol from our ship, right? Luffy was on Dorry.
Vi, It exploded in his stomach! His opponent must be laid the explosion.
Stella: What the hell were you watching? They've been fighting for 100 years! No way they'd do something like that!
Vib Then who on earth...
Dorry eyes went red.
Dorry: You bastard did... It wants Broggy. We're proud warriors in Elbaf. Who else besides you should I be suspicious of?
Karoo ran off.
Vi: Let's get out of here for now it's probably no use staying anything to him!
Luffy: It's probably no use even if we run. Hold this and stay back.
Stella: we fought against a lot of people but a Giant.
Luffy: I feel bad to do this to the old guys. But'll quiet him down. Stella had a Luffy hat on
Vi: Both of you stop! Please! Dorrg-san, please listen! We don't know anything about it! Anything about the alcohol that explosion so please don't fight! You have to stay calm! You inside are in bad shape right now!
Dorry: How dare you...do something so insolent? We went to use his sword On Luffy. But Luffy dodged it. Luffy went on the sword. Gum-gum! He went to punch him but Dorry used the shield to block his hit. Luffy then stretched his arm. Dorry went for the attack but Luffy was on a tree. Gum-Gum! Dorry was coughing up blood. I'm sorry. Rocket! Then went had first on Dorrt Stoumch. As they were falling Dorry stepped on Luffy.
Both: Luffy-san!
Dorry: So he has...the power of a Devil fruit... I underestimated him. Dorry falls to the ground. Luffy gets up breathing heavy
Vi: Luffy-san! Are you all right?
Stella: Brother.
Luffy: How's the old Guy?
Vi: He's probably okay. This is actually good otherwise he wouldn't have claimed down.
Stella puts Luffy's hat back on.
Luffy: I'm hungry
Vi: What?
Luffy: As the old guys said, this alcohol explosion isn't the act of another giant, and my friends would never do stupid like this!
Vi: Then who on earth
Stella: There's someone else on this island.
Mr 3: Games are heavily influenced by process state of mind. They are confused right now...by the cryptic bomb service from an invisible enemy. First, about our target Dorry the blue Orge... I know it was important to finish him, but the damage he received in his stomach must've been quite large. Now we can drink some tea and wait for the next duel to start.
Mr 3: So we'll let the other giant take care of the injured giant huh? That's quite a roundabout way of doing things.
Mr 5: The warrior species are like Same as wild boars, after all. We don't have to fight seriously when they're only good at going head-on. Since even if we can't win with power-wise. We have a brain that can make up for it.
Miss G looks at something.
Mr 3: Geez... Get it yourself, Miss Goldne week. He gives her some tea
Mr 5: By the way. What are we going to do with the straw Hat and Bandana Scarf Gang? 
Mr 3: Straw Hat and Banada Scarf? Oh yeah, the small fried that found out the boss's secrets. He shows them the there drawings and a Photo of Vivi, Nami, Stella, and Luffy. Well, we can just lure them out one by one starting with whoever's convenient. To my "Service set"... My motto is Big Vrikes via cheap Tricks. There are many ways to defeat enemies without actually fighting.
Miss G: Mr. 3, refill, please.
Mr 5: Hey me too.
Mr 3: You guys! Take time to savor it.
The Volcano erupted.
Vi: That mountain if I'm not mistaken...
Zoro: This isn't good. I'm running out of time... He steps on a baby Dinosaur.
Ah... Sorry. The baby dinosaur birds his leg.
Ahh! Let it go! I said I was sorry! Hey
I don't have time to mess around let it go!
Sanji: The time-out signal has rung. Having no prey isn't even funny... Damn.
Broggy: There's the signal. It's quite active today.
Usopp: You're going! Your words from the last battle still haven't
Broogy stopped him with his axe. It's nothing! We're both in the same condition! Laughs. Making excuses during a merciless fight to the death would soil my name! Laughs.
Luffy: Hey! Wait, old guy!
Vi: Dorry-san. You can't go, don't Dorry-san you need to keep still! You'll die if you push yourself too hard!
Dorry: I, warrior Dorry, am here... At the very least. Coughs up blood. I will fight to uphold the name of Elbaf!
Everyone is waiting for the Next Duel.

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