Episode 98

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Luffy: So hot... Water...
Chopper: Thanks Stella. This heat is too much for me.
Stella: any time for you.
Sanji: Stella-sama why are you carrying Chopper
Stella: He the lightest and he a reindeer his fur maker him. Hadder to walk in the heat.
Sanni: Nami-san how far did you go that side of you is wonderful too!
Usopp: Huh! What's the matter Luffy?
He saw Luffy stop.
Nami: This is much easier thanks to you, Lashes. The camel has Heart eye
Sanji 2.0
Vi: But will the other be all right?
Nami: They'll just have to follow the footprints! She looked to wee there was none. They heard something.
Luffy: Tsunami!
A tsunami's coming!
Sanji: What's going on, Luffy?
Usopp: Maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all?
Chopper; What was t a good idea?
Usopp: I told him not to, but he said he was thirsty he could not stand it, so he chomped down on some cactus grow in back there
Stella: Cactus.
Usopp: Yeah. Over there. These are round things.
Chopper: Eh? Those are bad.
Stella: Those are mezcal cacti! They're used to make hallucination drugs!
Usopp: What!
A/n If you're wondering why Stella knows That Ava taught her a few things when she was younger. Don't worry you'll get a back story on Stella. And who Ava is and who that baby boy Ace has a picture of.
Luffy: Oh no. We're going drown! Alright! Bring it on, if you dare! He picked up the carrier that was for Chopper when Zoro had to carry him and went to attack them.
I'll beat all of you up!
Chopper hid behind Zoro
A/n if you catch him you can still see Chopper Hiding wrong
Zoro: This is bad!
Luffy: Gum-Gum..?
He feels down.
Chopper: Tranquilizer!
Stella: Way to go, chopper! She rewarded him by nuzzling his nose with her. (if you know you know ) Chopper's face was red.
I didn't do much.
Sanji: Stell-sama why can you do that to me
Stella: Well you didn't help Luffy and Chopper deserves to be praised
Ace: Well? Do you see Nami's group? He looked up. Luffy? Stella? He saw he was by himself. What?
Zoro was dragging Luffy as He slept
Usopp: Damn. We're completely seated. From now.
Zoro: And their footprint are disappearing.
Stella: Come to think of it, I haven't seen Ace for a while either. When did he disappear?
Luffy: I bet he got separated from us.
They all look at him
Sheesh! What a troublesome big brother!
Cooper was in reindeer form
The boys kicked Luffy
Stella stayed back
Sanji: Were the ones who got separated!
Usopp:  All because of you!
Zoro: Quite acting so carefree!
They stopped.
Sanji: What is it, Usopp?
Usopp: Do you hear something? He ran up ahead. They all go up to see a ship
All: A pirate ship?
Usopp: Ahh! And Nami and Vivi've been caught! Oh, and the camel.
Luffy ran ahead of them.
Usopp: Hey Luffy! Don't be so rash!
Stella: Damn! Let go, too!
All: Yeah! They all ran down
Luffy: Gum-Gum... He wrapped his hand around the sails Pole.
I'm out of strength... He made the said come down
Ace: Did I just hear something? He saw a crab with a stinger.
I wouldn't if I were you.
Luffy: Oh my bad I'm just so thirsty. I misjudged... By the way, do you have any water?
Nami: You mean you didn't come here to save us?
Luffy: I only came to get water
VI: Help, Luffy-san! Lashes are about to be eaten!
Luffy: That thing is edible?
A large man with a small umbrella
Man: We, the Barbar San pirates, have a saying.
Luffy: Sayinfg
Man: Aside from friends, nothing alive in the desert can't be eaten!
Luffy: I'll even eat stuff on the ground.
Man: That'll make you sick
Luffy: Then I'll careful
Man: Laughs. What a funny pipsqueak.
Luffy: You're funny too! Well, let's eat! He points at the camel.
Nmai stepped on him why?
Man: I'm Barbarossa, captain of the Barbarsand Pirates;
Barb: Luffy was it? In sorry for our rough treatment of your friends. It's just we're all so hungry...
Luffy: No, I don't mind!?
Nami punched his head. That's not for you to say!
Man: But, captain! We don't have any wood at all to repair our main mast! Without a main mast, we won't have enough thrust!
All: Yeah! Yeah! What do we go on to do?
Man 2: If we don't do something, we're going die like dogs in the middle of the desert!
All: We're gonna die like dogs.
The Barbar sand pirates are going to die!
Bath: We sand pirates are born in Sand pirate's ships, and we'll die in sand pirates' ships. Abandoning our ship is unthinkable!
All: Yeah! That's right! We'll die in our ship! We'll die like dogs on our ship!
Barb: Tyats was dates this was fate! We sand pirates will never do anything to deft the flow of sand!
Ace burned the Crab alive. And continue to walk. Can't say I didn't warn you. He looked up to see a lizard in his way. He walked to the right. It copies him. He walks back it copies him.
Barb: But there is timber at the Meriyasu Oasis.
Luffy: Where is it? I'll rush there real quick!
Barb: But the sands changed lastly. It is dangerous for outsiders.
Luffy: I'm responsible for it! I'll do it!
Barb: Yeah? You will?
He left down a small boat. Bring back wood with this Sand-sled
Name: I'd say this is more of a canoe than a sled.
Brab: Zeba and Rasa will show you to the Meritasu Oasis
Luffy: Rasa?
Barb: Rasa is our ship's finest san-sledder. A Sand-sled can carry three people what'll you do?
Luffy: I'll be fine on my own.
Stella: Come on, now! Quite saying baseless things like that!
Sanji:It'll probably be demanding work. Want to to go with you.
Stella: I'll be fine with Luffy and vi
A weapon was thrown past Vi's face just missing her.
They all look up to see a woman. She jumps down.
Barb: Oh! That was cool, Rasa!
Rasa: The others seem to be outsiders but you're from here.
Luffy: Wow! How could she tell?
Rasa: You must have some experience with sand-sled. You'll come along.
Sanji: Vivi-chan can't do anything that dangerous!
Nmai: Yeah! That's crazy
Stella: why not?
Vi: All right. I'll come with you.
Luffy: Oh? So that goes on top of the San? How does it work?
Vi: I'll have to pilot the sled. I did this once long ago. 
Luffy: It is not too different from a ship that goes like this, right?  He pulled up the sail. A strong wind came. And had Luffy flying.
Luffy came back.
I'm back! He was out of breath.
All: Don't waste your strength sound stupid things!
Stella: This is why you need help as a captain.
Vi: You can read there, Luffy-san.
Now, let's see. I believe this goes like this and... She held the sled as it went off.
Rasa: Ugh. Let go, Zeba!
Zeba: Yeah, Rasa!
Luffy: Yahoo! This feels great! If we borrow this can we reach Yuba right away?
Vi: It's hard to control Sand-sleds. It's not something easily mastered.
Stella: Plus there are 9 of us we would be using 3 sand-sled which we would have to care for. And we have a job to do.
Luffy: Then how come you can control it?
Vi: I used to practice with sand-sled I received the I was little.
They were ahead.
Chopper:  But what should we do while we wait?
Barb: Want to eat the camel?
All: Yay! Yay!
Snji and Usopp: All for it!
Barb: Just joking
Nami: Doesn't sound like a joke to me...
Rasa and Zeba went next to them and had hands on them. And pushes their boat down the sand pit.
Luffy: Hye, you! What is the big deal?
Zeba: Hey, Rasa! That's--!
They were falling down.
Luffy: Hey, vivid! We're going. Pulled in more and more!
Vi: It's quicksand! If we get swallowed into the sand, we'll never come back out!
Zeba: Rasa. Want that going too far?
Rasa: Of luck on her side, she'll make it through alive.
Zeba: Huh? You know that girl.
Rasa; Yeah. As if I'd ever forget!
A/n In the anime. She is about to kill Luffy because she doesn't like Vivi that's selfishness on another level.
Luffy: You alright, Vivi?
Vi: We're in trouble if we don't do something!
We're done for!
Luffy: Vivi! Stella! Duck!
They did so.
Nami: Despite how they seem, you can always count on Luffy and steal in a pinch!
Barb: Yeah. But what concerns me more is the desert's fickleness.
Nami: The desert's fickleness?
Barb: Yeah. The dessert is honest. A slight change in weather or people's hearts will change it greatly.
Nmai: A change in people heat's
Man: What's that? There were people on Camel's coins at them.
Boss! Is them! They're coming! Turn to starboard! Hurry! Battle stations!
Ace was still with the lizard.
You wanna get in my way too?
The lizard saw the Crab burn up.
It was crying.
Usopp: There are so many of them!
Nami: Who are they?
Barb: Desert bandits! Pests who're always desperately fighting us! Conflict seems imminent these days! That has them on edge, too!
Man: Looks like you can't move! You're finally ours today!
Barb: Men! Don't let a single one of them leave alive!
All: Yeah.
Our pleasure! They had their guns out.
Usopp: What is this, a pub?
Brab: The desert has put us together! Will the desert choose us, the Barbar Pirates, or you? Let the desert decide our fate in battle!
Man: Fool! Fool! The deserted never choose you!
There was a dung beetle.
Nmai: What is that?
Barb: Grand Dung Beetle! There's a Grand Dung Beetle!
Sanji: Say what now?
Brab: Desert bugs that haul giant balls of dung! No less than 100 people a year are squished by their rolling dung!
Man: Boss! or headed rights for our ship!
Barb: Leave it to me! He jumped off and went to stop the dung. It ended up rolling over him.
Zoro jumped in action took the man's swords and cut the dung into pieces.
Barb: Thaks, guests...
Mano We'll let you off esey this time! Your lives are spared for now! His people left
Zeba: Rasa! Don't you think you went a little too far? They're not following!
Rasa: That's fine!
If she won't come however much we wait, that's just the level of a person she is! A hand came from under the sand. It was fluffy she used his hand to over them.
Vivi and Stella smiled at them.
Stella: Seem like we caught up!
They were ahead of then
The two were surprised
A/n She went from wandering to killing them to 😶.
Luffy: This oasis is completely buried in the sand.
Vi: It was once a flourishing city, but...
Luffy: you've been here before?
Vi: The people of this city gave me a small sand-sled as a memento. That was a very long time ago, though. I stopped by here once with my father when he was traveling around the country.
Rasa: I've been waiting all this time. Back then, the king told us,
King: If anything happens to the oasis, I will come rushing to help. The kingdom won't ignore any voice no matter how small.
Vi: Sonyoy we're that girl!
Rasa: Eventually, this oasis was buried in the sand and abandoned. Every last person in town left. Even so, I stayed behind and waited for you. I believe in you... But the kind never came. Not you, of course.
Vi: That's because similar incidents were napping all over the country and the king was busy every day trying to combat it!
Rasa: I don't want to hear your excuses! I waited all along in the middle of this vast desert! Eventually, I couldn't differentiate between dawn and dusk. By the time Barbarossa took me in, I couldn't feel anything, not even the midday scorchind heat if the freezing cold after sunset. The fact that I was alive baffled me. But, inside my head the king's words continue to ring.
Viv felt sadness.
Luffy and Stella just looked at her.
Even now, I don't understand it. Things were difficult, so what exactly was I waiting for? Just what kept me going? Hate? Anger? Or inexistent hope? What was it? She said to cry. Someone tell me.
Stella: There's no on to blame but yourself.
Rasa looked at her with crying eye.
Tell me how am I blmed for feeling nothing
Stella: Because you did nothing but wait for someone to help your county you truly believe that one man could be everywhere helping everyone. He did his best that's what Vivi said it wasn't an excuse it was the truth
Rasa: He made a promise
Stella: And Promisee don't always go through. If you wanted results you should have done something yourself
Rasa: I was a little girl.
Stella: And I was a little girl when my only family was taken away from me.
Everyone was surprised
Vi didn't know that Ace was take away from her she just knew they were just looking for each other
For the past 18 years I've been waiting to see him again but you know what Rasa I did something about it instead of waiting for someone or something to help me and you know what I found him. And I'm glad I did. Rasa you can't blame people for what happens to you. If you didn't do anything to help yourself you are the one to blame. Not Vivi or the King. And almost killing us was not going to solve anything that happens year's ago.
Rasa was shook by what she said.
A/n Brutal honesty. That's what Stella is. Luffy And Stella are Careless from time to time and Brutal honesty. Damn she would be a great mom in the future. I wonder with who. Wait and see.
Barb: They sure ran off in a hurry! Thought it's to bad we didn't get to swipe any of their food or water. Everything living in the desert is the same. Long ago, I used to feel this desert belonged to everyone. But when I think about it now, I feel that a bit conceited. Lately, I've come to think that it might not belong to anyone. That's why we're able to live freely because it belongs to no one.
Nmai: Do you think the sea is the same way?
Barb: Good question. That's some tune you'll have to find out yourselves.
Luffy: There it is! We made it!
Ace was on the lizard.
Luffy! Stella! Where are you?

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