Episode 87

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Thing 1: just a moment. Wapol-sama! On top of the castle.
Wapol: What's that strange flag? What happened to the Drum Kingdom flag?
Kureha and Chopper we're outside
Kureha: I burned that thing.
Wapol: So you show yourself, Dr. Kureha! The last survivor of the doctor hunt!
Kureha: Yheos castle is no longer yours! This isn't a place for rotten brats like you! Leave this country! The drum kingdom has larder died out!
Wapol: What'd you say? Luffy was running
Luffy: Wait. I'm going beat the crap outta him! Gum-Gum
Thing 1: Wapol-sama it's straw-Hat.
Luffy: Pistol. He punched him making him roll like a bowling ball.
(I had to say it if you watch their episode you know what you saw too)
Kureha and Chopper we're surprised to see that kind of strength. Stella was just smiling.
Thing 1 and Thing 2 were able to help before Wapol could fall off the cliff.
Luffy: How dare you bastards... Over and over again... How many times do you have to be in our way?
Sanji: Hmm! Why are they here?
Stella: Because they don't know when to back off.
Luffy remembers what he did to their ship. He remembered what He and Stella had to go through to save Sanji and Nami's lives and how they were in the way. Since we had someone injured with them, I ran as there was no other choice. But this time I don't have to hold back anymore! Chuckles.
Stella: If you don't take this fight seriously I'll take it for you.
Thing 1: Hey you bastard. How dear tho suddenly attack Wapol-sama, the king of Drum kingdom!
Thing 2: That's right he's the king? His dare you do such a thing to his Excellency. The most excellent ruler of all the citizens of this island!
Luffy: Who cares you guys ticked me off! He sticks his tongue out.
Kureha: Hey young man. You know them?
Luffy: Yeah I do. He's the annoying mouth! The annoying mouth Porter. He keeps eating at my ship! He ate part of the ship and attacked my friends! I won't let him get away with it anymore.
Stella: Before that aren't you cold in that getup? He talking about his Vest and shorts.
Luffy: Huh! Did they say he was the king? He isn't a pirate!
Samji: That's what you just realized?
Thing 2: Humph! What an idiot it seems he's finally realized via rudeness. Wapol-sama is the king of the Drum Kingdom. When he met you before, he was temporarily a pirate for his own reasons that's all.
Thing 1: He's done being a pirate and is going back to being king of his cable and country.
Luffy: Hey, this place is cold.
Stella: That's what I've been saying.
Chopper: It's 50 below, you know.
Thing 1: They're making light of us
Wapol: I'm mad now. Straw hat! I'll bite you off.
Stella: Could you hold on a minute? Luffy when to get some clothes.
Chopper: Let me ask you a question. He stretched earlier. His arm.
Stella: Yeah, he stretches... It's because he's a rubber man. 
Chopper: What's that?
Stella: It's what you see him as.
Wapol: You sum up the rebel old hag and of the straw are on this castle. Once we eliminate all of them, there won't be anyone else important to defy me!
Thing 1: This will become the bright day of the Drum Kingdom restoration. I'll start with you, Dr. Kureha! You got quite the never setting in the castle during our absence and even lying a strange flag!
Kureha: I made this castle Hriluk grave. I wasn't interested in such a run-down. Castle, just this reindeer insisted on flying Hirluk's flag up there.
Chopper: Mind. Doctors fought to save this country... By reading about the flag... So this place is...this place is Doctor's grave!
Wapol: Given? That's a stupid doctor's laugh. How dare you violate my sacred castle with that scum doctor's flag! Brun down that flag already?
Chopper: I won't let you make it inside the castle... He began to grow. Never!
Thing 1: Wapol-sama... he is.
Thing 2: That's right from that time.
Chopper: That Flag..is doctor's faith. So I won't let you take it down! Never
Wapol:  Show them no mercy! We're going into the castle! Take down every single one of them!
Sanji: Are you gonna fight too, old lady?
Stella: Idoit you never learn
Sanji was hit on the back of the head.
Kureha: If they're more than you guys can handle, I'll give toy a hand.
Stella: We appreciate that...
Thing 2: Wapol-sama! Please leave them to us! We'll clean up the small fries right away!  He went to throw one of his Hair Gloves
A/n I don't know what the hell it was.
Chopper: Doctrine
Sanji was able to use his leg to block it from hitting her.
Sanji: Hey, hey, hey, you with the afro.  What kind of bother are you throwing an afro at a lady?
Kureha: Hey, you're getting it now.
Thing 2: You fell for it.
Sanji: Ah! What! I can't shake it off. What is this afro? Static electricity! Ahh! Damnit! Come in! Damnit.
Stella: That is hopeless.
Luffy was able to get Nmai's coat.
What's with this auto? It doesn't come off! It doesn't off.
Thing 2: There a lot more coming!  Marmo. Stacitmx cling! He threw more at Sanji
Sanji: What the hell are these things? They're damn gross! Hey, reindeer! Don't you watch Help Me!
Chopper: Okay!
Sanji: Take these off quickly! They are really gross! I top of that, they're plan! Too palin'
Chopper: Ahh! They're now stuck on me I'm giving them back to you! They went back in forth giving them to each other.
Kureha: What are you guys doing?
Thing 2: Humph! They know nothing about teamwork.
Thing 1: I'll tell you one thing. Despite their plan look does static margins Burn Flashily.
A/n Bro you not Buggy.
Sanji: Hmmm? Oh no! He's going to be born these afros.
Chopper left Sanji with the afros
Sanji: What are you doing
Chopped: Decoy plan.
Thing 1 shot an arrow at him letting the afro on fire. Sanji tried to use the snow on the fire.
Chopper went to attack Thing 1 only for Wapol to open his mouth and try and eat him.
All: Chopper.
Luffy cane out.
Sanji: Luffy we got a problem. Grab my leg from there.
Luffy: Your leg sure. He stretched his arm
Sanji: Okay then! Don't let your arms go! Amess de lair Assault... Gun shoot
Luffy was able to punch Wapol once more
Thing 1 &2 were surprised to see that happen again. This time weapon knocked his Pet into the sky.
Sanji: It was okay I guess.
Chopper was about to fall when Stella caught him.
Stella: It's okay I got you. She kept him close until she got to the others
Chopper didn't want to admit but he liked the comfort from her.
Chopper: Thank you. You guys are amazing.
Sanji: Ah! Her Luffy you jerk! Isn't that Nami-san jacket?
Luffy: Yeah... Look! He's still alive though his hippo flew away.
Sanji: Take it off you jerk?
Wapol: I can no longer let them live! Those bastards. I'll show them the true power of the munch Munch devil fruit. I'll show them the Munch Munch Factory!
Luffy: Oh he stood up Would a normal person stand up after taking an attack?
Wapol: Thing 1! Call out what I ate today!
Thing 1 told him what he ate.
Luffy: What kind of stuff do you eat?
Sanji: When it comes to omnivores this guy teaks the cake.
Stella: And I thought Luffy and I were a lot.
Wapol: Wait and see.... Food soon becomes my blood and flesh...
Chopper: He's gonna do something!
Stella has a hand in front of the chopper.
A/n Stella is the best sister. She cares for him. So cute.
He transforms into a house.
It's too soon to be surprised. Now this is the king technique! He then began to eat Things 1&2
The boys were shocked.
Sanji: He's eating his men
Luffy: He's eating his people.
As Wapol finishes, he moves side to side
Stella: He stopped moving.
Wapol: Feast your eye on this! Come on, miraculous union!
The door opens on Wapol and it reveals Thing 1&2 a fusion
A/n I've lost react for them so I don't care what their names are of it's Thing 3.
Sanji: Well isn't that just one riding on the other shoulder?
Luffy: Sweet.
Sanji: What's sweet about it?
Kureha: Don't let your guard down. If they were really weak, a stupid act like exiting doctors... would've been stopped by the citizens.
Wapol: The Drum Kingdom constitution Article 1! Those who don't do as the king says should die. That sums up the country! It's because this country is my country and this castle is my castle.  Of all the flags, don't fly that's quack's flag! I will ruin the castle. He shoots fire at the flag.
They turn to see the flag go down slowly.
Luffy: A pirate flag... Hey, reindeer. That flag...
The three looked at Chopper.
Stella and Luffy got mad.
Chopper ran to them
You bastard..you attacked Doctor's flag. Thing 3 went to stop him but Chopper went under them and turned big when he attacked Wapol. Doctor...tried to save even you! He went to punch him but he remembered what Hriluk said about not holding a grudge against humans.
Why doctor a guy low him isn't worth saving! He remembered Hriluk smiling. I-- I won't hit you...so leave this country!
Kurha: What're you saying chopper? Do you think he'll just listen to you?
Chopper: But after all... He turned around. What's when Wapol used the fire on him
Both: Chopper.
Luffy used the sleeves on Nmai's jacket to place the flag back on top.
Luffy: Hey, annoying mouth!
Wapol: straw Hat
Luffy: you were a fake pirate, right? You don't know what this pirate flag means because you were fake pirates who didn't even risk your lives
Chopper: That guy.
Wapol: what does that flag mean, straw Hat? Laughs. Stupid pirate flags have no meaning?
Luffy: That's why you're hopeless!
Wapol: What'd you say?
Luffy: A pirate flag can't be something that you can raise as a joke!
Wapol: What an idiot if it waned for a like there's no way I king would raise it. Don't put that stupid flag back up when I take it down. He went to fire at him
Chopper: dodge it! Watch out
Luffy: You can't break this flag!
The fire went to him
Sanji: Luffy!
Kureha: it's a direct hit!
Stella: He's fine.
Wapol: he must've been blown away! Such an idiot! Laughs.
Luffy held The flag. See? It didn't break...
Wapol: He can't be! He stupid...
Lefty: I don't know who the heck this pirate flag belongs to...but since this flag is a prone pledge to risk his life...
It's not raised as a joke! This flag is something you can just break whole laughing foolishly!
Chopper: Incredible.. So this is a pirate!
Luffy: It won't break ever. The skull is a mark of faith!

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